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    28 October 2014, Issue 5
    Integrated Management and Administration
    The Realization Dilemma and Solutions for the Saturation Value of the Mortgage of the Collective Forest Rights
    LI Fei, ZHOU Bohuang, ZHAO Fa
    2014,(5):  7-11.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.05.002
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    The realization for the saturation value of the mortgage of the collective forest rights is to promote forestry production and maximize the comprehensive benefits of forest resources,and is the purpose of the collective forest right system reform.Some obstacles hinder the realization such as the limitation of the mortgage object scope,the inaccuracy of the forest resource assets appraisal,the high transaction costs of the forest right mortgage and the restriction of the realization for the mortgage and so on.Based on the analysis of the causes for the obstacles,we put forward such measures as improving the legal system of the forest rights mortgage,making the related system of forest rights mortgage sound,building perfect credit systems for the rural areas and so on.
    Three-dimensional Analysis of Risk and Response of Forestry Property Mortgage Loan
    GAO Ping, ZENG Huafeng
    2014,(5):  12-17.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.05.003
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    Although the forestry property mortgage loan benefits the farmers and supports the development of forestry,the existence of risk limits its progression during the implementation process.This article analyzes the forestry property mortgage loan risk from the perspective of the subject matter,the mortgagor and the mortgagee and puts forward the related countermeasures.
    Study on the Promotion Role of REDD+ Mechanism to Sustainable Forestry Development in China—Based on the Case Analysis of Forestry Carbon Development in Beijing
    HE Guimei, ZHANG Feng, YU Haiqun, CHEN Junqi, ZHOU Caixian
    2014,(5):  18-22.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.05.004
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    REDD + mechanism is an effective tool to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions for global forestry,recently REDD+ projects have been extensively planned and implemented in Brazil and other tropical regions.The successful promotion of REDD+ mechanism is able to exert great impacts on the forestry development strategy,policy,technology,management and interest allocation worldwide.The development of forestry carbon in Beijing is used as a typical case in this article to analyze and summarize the main actions of REDD+ mechanism development in China,in order to make feasible policy suggestions to promote the development of REDD+ in China.
    Study on Countermeasure for the Development of Forestry Industry Based on Low Carbon Economy—Take Heilongjiang Province as an Example
    LI Ping, ZHANG Jimei, WANG Zuotie
    2014,(5):  23-27.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.05.005
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    In order to cope with global climatechanges,low carbon economy gains more and more attention.Development of forest industry is to meet the requirements of low carbon economy.Forest industry structure is modified and key industries are set up in Heilongjiang province.While,there exist some problems such as small industry scale,slow increasing speed and limitation of resources.In order to satisfy low carbon economy mode,it is suggested to develop industry structure,promote green forest based non-timber industry,set up forest carbon sink industry,extend export-oriented economy,and offer stronger policy support,to make forest industry be featured by abundant resources,prosperous economy and good ecology in Heilongjiang.
    Study on the Effects of Climate Changes and CO2 Concentration Increase on Forest Ecosystem
    MA Li
    2014,(5):  28-34.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.05.006
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    With the increased concentration of CO2 and other greenhouse gases,dramatic changes have taken place in the global climate,which affects the structure and functions of forest ecosystem.On the basis of summarizing the existing research results at home and abroad,the effects of climate changes and elevated CO2 concentration on forest ecological system,forest vegetation distribution and structure,forest productivity and the carbon and nitrogen cycle and extreme disaster events,including plant diseases and insect pests and forest fires,were discussed in this paper.At the same time,through the analysis on the mutual relationship between forest ecosystem and climate changes,the key directions and corresponding support technologies which need to be strengthened in the future were raised and prospected.This paper provides some reference and help for climate change science research and the forest ecosystem management.
    Discussion of Related Issues about Special Reasons for Harvesting and Management of the First-class National Public Welfare Forest
    XU Gaofu
    2014,(5):  35-38.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.05.007
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    Before the approval of harvesting and management of the first-class national public welfare forest for some special reasons,the plan should be reviewed by some experts.In order to make the for practice,we creatively use the approach through background and technology analysis and feasibility demonstration,to give some keys about the writing of basic plan,the guidance of expert evaluation,and how to write the reports of evaluation for implementation of harvesting and management in the first-class national public welfare forest.This study will provide the reference for actual operations of the managers and the specific elevaluation work of the professional experts.
    Discussion on the Final-period Management of Ecological Forest in Sandy and Wasteland Areas—Take Yanqing County of Beijing Municipality as an example
    XI Ruilan
    2014,(5):  39-42.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.05.008
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    The unreclaimed lands and desolated beaches in Yanqing County are the main source of sandstorms in Beijing.The ecological management in that area directly affects the environment quality in downtown Beijing.With the wasteland afforestation project,the environment in Yanqing district has improved greatly.In order to meet the requirements of ecological conservation in the capital as soon as possible,we are supposed to attach importance to the subsequent management of this project.In view of existentissues of the subsequent management of wasteland ecological forest in Yanqing county,the author presents some countermeasures and suggestions to raise the comprehensive benefits in ecology,society,economy and landscape.
    Scientific Research
    Study on Technical System of Forest Disaster Investigation Aided by High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Technology
    WU Honggan, CHANG Yuanfei, SHI Muyao
    2014,(5):  43-50.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.05.009
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    The characteristics of suddenness and periodicity of forest disaster have caused great difficulties for monitoring and investigation,and with the rapid social and economic development,comprehensive artificial ground survey methods face serious challenges.In the next decade,earth observation capabilities will increase rapidly,which provides a basic guarantee for near real-time monitoring of forest resources.This paper mainly discusses the key technology of application of domestic high spatial resolution remote sensing data,and describes its guiding role in the improvement of existing systems of ground investigation.A prototype system has been designed and developed for provincial and county-level applications,so that the potential of domestic high spatial resolution remote sensing in forest disaster monitoring can be demonstrated.
    Developing Compatible Tree Volume Equations for Populus in Beijing
    DU PengZhi, XUE Kang, ZENG WeiSheng, FENG ZhongKe, CAO Zhong
    2014,(5):  51-57.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.05.010
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    Taking the most important coniferous species of Beijing,Populus,as the studying object,and using the mensuration volume data of 1678 sample trees,the authors developed the compatible two-and one-variable (diameter at breast height-dbh,and diameter at root collar-drc)tree volume equations,height-dbh regression models,and drc-dbh regression models for three species,i.e.,P.tomentosa,P.× euramericana and P.× canadensis,through employing dummy variable model and error-in-variable simultaneous equations approach,and analyzed the differences between the models of three species.The results showed that the mean prediction errors (MPE’s)of two-variable tree volume equations were all less than 2%,and the MPE’s of one-variable equations based on dbh and drc were almost less than 3%,which could meet the need of precision for developing tree volume tables.The tree volume equations constructed in this paper could be applied for volume estimation of poplar forests in Beijing.
    Study on the Relationship between the Stand Volume and Site Factors in Chinese Fir Forest of Middle Age in Guizhou Province
    LI Mingjun, DU Mingfeng, YU Lifei
    2014,(5):  58-63.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.05.011
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    Based on the forest inventory data of 2010 in Guizhou province,this study aimed to estimate the stand volume of Chinese fir forest of middle age in the central region and ordinary regions with the method of single entry volume table,and analyzed the changing rules of the stand volume under different site factors.There were some differences in per unit area of stock volume between the central region and ordinary regions under different site conditions,and landform and slope positions had significant influence on the stand volume of Chinese fir forest,while the slope direction or slope angle hadn’t.The study showed that the central region and ordinary regions were in different climate types which maybe was the important reason leading to differences of growth in Chinese fir forest.
    Study on Birch Root Biomass and Productivity
    DU Xin, YUE Yongjie, LI Gangtie, LI Kuan
    2014,(5):  64-68.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.05.012
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    The root system of birch in the Genhe area of the Greater Hinggan Mountains region of Inner Mongolia was taken as the research object.The analytical method of wood and all mining method were used to measure different old birch root biomass to study the distribution features of white birch root biomass.The results show that ratio of root and stem of birch changes between 0.1449 ±0.0439 and 0.0930±0.0090,and has a tendency to decrease with increasing age.For each age group of birch root system small roots account for small proporation,about 2% to 5%,medium roots occupied 12% to 26%,large roots and coarse roots were main contribution part of the biomass,making up 60% to 80%.With the increase of tree age,the big root biomass proportion decreases continuously,and coarse root biomass proportion enhances unceasingly,this might be the result of roots system periclinal growth.Based on the data of 20 parse trees,birch root biomass regression model,birch root biomass accumulated growth model,birch root biomass current annual growth model was established,each model has a high precision,which can be used in the Greater Hinggan Mountains Region of Inner Mongolia.
    The Intensity of Soil Nitrification-Denitrification and Its Influence Factors in Diaoluoshan Vatica mangachapoi Forest
    GAO Wendong, ZHONG Shengyun, LIU Weifeng, JIN Zhehao, WANG Yilin, HAO Qingyu
    2014,(5):  69-73.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.05.013
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    5 point sampling method was adopted to take soil sample in the Vatica mangachapoi single-species-dominated forest of Diaoluoshan Nature Reserve,Hainan Island.The effects of altitude,soil layer depth,season and soil physical & chemical properties on the soil intensity of nitrification-denitrification were analyzed.The results showed that the altitude and soil layer depth had no significant effect on the soil nitrification-denitrification(p> 0.05).The season had a significant effect on them(p< 0.05),of which the soil intensity of the nitrification-denitrification in a rainy season was dozens to a hundred times higher than that in a dry season.The soil physical & chemical properties had no effects on soil nitrification intensity(p> 0.05),but the total phosphorus,total potassium,available phosphorus,available potassium and moisture content were significantly negative related to the soil intensity of denitrification(p< 0.05). This suggests that the season is an important influence factor,and part of soil physical & chemical properties are one of the important factors affecting soil denitrification intensity in the process of soil nitrogen transformation in the research area.
    Study on Litter Decomposition and Soil Improvement in Artificial Shrub Forest in Maowusu Sandy Land
    GUO Xin, LU Lina, HE Xiaohui, LI Weixiang, GE Jing
    2014,(5):  74-78.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.05.014
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    The litter biomass,decomposition rate,soil nutrients and soil physical properties were measured to investigate the improvement process of soil physical properties of artificial shrubs in Maowusu sandy Land.The results showed that there was a big difference in litter biomass among three shrubs,Salix psammophila C was biggest,Hedysarum leave Maxim was second,Caragana korshinskii Kom was least.The litter decomposition rate was affected by both species and environmental factors,the rate of weight loss was under-ground > leach above ground> inleach above ground,the rate of weight loss of Caragana korshinskii Kom was significantly higher than Hedysarum leave Maxim,and Hedysarum leave Maxim was significantly higher than Salix psammophila C under the same treatment.All the three shrubs significantly increased soil organic matter,total nitrogen,total phosphorus content,and increased the role mainly in the 0~25 cm soil.Shrubbery significantly reduced soil bulk density than mobile sand,and increased soil porosity.Artificial sand-fixing shrub forest increased soil organic matter,total nitrogen,total phosphorus nutrient content,reduced soil bulk density,increased soil porosity,improved soil physical and chemical properties through litter decomposition in Maowusu sandy land.
    Effects of Freezing Rain and Snow Disaster on the Plant Diversity in the Subtropical Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest
    LIU Zugen, YUAN Xiaolan, ZHONG Liang, LI Mingshu
    2014,(5):  79-85.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.05.015
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    After freezing rain and snow disaster in 2008,four fixed sample plots (P1、P2、P3 and P4)were selected to measure the effects on the plant diversity of the subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest in Chongyi County from 2008 to 2012.The result showed that Pinus massoniana,Alniphyllum fortunei and Alnus cremastogyne disappeared,and Elaeocarpus decipiens appeared.The important value of tree species which ranked the first before freezing rain and snow disaster was reduced.These tree species included Oachestnut,castanopsis fargesii,and Schima superba.The important value of Choerospondias axillaris increased within five years after the freezing rain and snow disaster.P1and P2 increased,P4 reduced,P3 changed little for the Margalef index of the arbor layer.P1 increased,P2 and P3 changed little,P4 reduced for the Shannon-wiener index of the arbor layer.P1 increased,P2 and P3 basically unchanged,P4 reduced for the Pielou index of the arbor layer.The species kinds and the species number increased or reduced under forest,and species increasing inluded Adinandra millettii,vine plants and Mallotusapelta Muell,and disappearing species included Buxus sinica,Dendranthema lavandulifolium,and Pleioblastus amarus.The quantity of Dicranopteris linearis and Cymbopogon citratus increased much.From the beginning of 2011,the canopy density of forest recovered to the level before freezing rain and snow disaster.
    Analysis on Forest Landscape Patterns of Ruyang Area in Nanling National Nature Reserve
    LIN Meizhen, FENG Rongguang, LIU Yan, JI Shaoting
    2014,(5):  86-91.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.05.016
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    With the support of 3S technology and Fragstats 4.0 and by using the landscape ecology principle,the authors analyzed the forest landscape patterns of Ruyang area in Nanling National Nature Reserve through a variety of landscape indexes,type level and landscape level.The results showed that evergreen broad-leaved forest was the main type in Ruyang area for the reason that the area of evergreen broad-leaved forest landscape was 19759.53hm2,which accounted for 64.43% of the total area.The results also showed that the scheduling of the area of each patch type was as follows:evergreen broad-leaved forest﹥coniferous forest﹥deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest﹥mixed needle﹥cutting blanks﹥the mountain broad-leaved thicket﹥mountain meadow﹥road﹥construction land﹥waters﹥arable land.The patches of the whole landscape were adjacent to each other,spatial distribution was in equilibrium,spontaneous shape and the fragmentation degree was low.
    Study on Forest Classification Based on Object-oriented Method and SPOT5 Images in Hilly Mountain Area
    YANG Fei, LIU Lifeng, WANG Xuecheng
    2014,(5):  92-99.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.05.017
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    In this study,four kinds of object-oriented methods,including nearest neighbor method,a member function method,support vector machine and decision tree,are used for forest classification with SPOT5 image in Huitong county of Hunan Province.As the actual forest classes in Huitong county,6 forest classes and 6 non-forest classes were extracted in this study,and the classification hierarchy is also constructed.By comparing the forest classification results of the four object-oriented methods,it is found that the nearest neighbor method performed the best for forest classification,especially for those forest classes with similar object features,and it is more suitable for extracting forest classes in hilly area,its classification accuracy can reach 76.12%(12 classes),its kappa coefficient can reach 0.73(12 classes)in the mountainous and hilly areas of southern China,which are obviously higher than those of other methods.
    Type Division and Improvement Technology of Low-benefit Forest in Daxing District in Beijing
    SONG Jiqin
    2014,(5):  100-106.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.05.018
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    The low-benefit forests can be divided into five types,according to the actual situation,forming reason,distribution location and functional requirements in Beijing Daxing district.They are the poplar timber low-benefit forest,the farmland shelterbelt low-benefit forest,the urban surrounding low-benefit,the green landscape low-benefit forest and the urban access road landscape low-benefit forest.For all types of causes,this paper puts forward the technical impovement measures for various types of low-benefit forest and tries to provide references for similar low-benefit forest impovement.
    Feasibility Study on Precious Timber Forest Development and Planning of Tree Species in Mengla County
    HUANG Haiyan, DAI Yiyuan, SUN Yali
    2014,(5):  107-114.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.05.019
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    Based on the overview of the precious timber forest development and analysis of the market demand and industry development trend,this paper discusses the urgency and feasibility of precious timber forest industry development.According to the actual situation of Mengla county,the development of valuable timber tree species and planting techniques are designed and planned.
    Study on Introduction of Tree Species for Afforestation in Ordos
    LU Lina, GAO Chonghua, ZHAO Yuxing, LI Weixiang, HU Lifang, HE Xiaohui, HE Jinjun
    2014,(5):  115-119.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.05.020
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    In order to make sure the best provenance of each tree species for afforestation in Ordos,the DBH(ground stems),tree height,crown size,and new branches of seven species were observed.The result showed that local species were the most adaptable and grew well and the species which were in troduced and domesticated for many years and performed well also.It was suggested that native species and species introduced and domesticated for many years should be promoted and applied in the future greening process.We must insist on introducing species from the corresponding region(sub-district)or adjacent seed region(sub-district),and fromthe region with poorer natural conditions.
    Study on the Dynamic Changes of Rocky Desertification in Leye County
    JU Wenzhen, NONG Shengqi, ZHANG Wei, MO Qijing, XU Shidao, MO Jianfeng
    2014,(5):  120-125.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.05.021
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    In order to obtain monitoring data of rocky desertification in Leye county in 2011,this paper used the remote sensing image and the data of rocky desertification collected in 2005 for field survey.We analyzed the dynamic changes of rocky desertification in the Leye county and couducted the zonation of the changes.Through the analysis and contrast,the area of rocky desertification was reduced by 5337.0hm2.The area transformed from rocky desertification to potential rocky desertification was 6909.5hm2,which was a dominant factor in the process of dynamic changes.The rocky desertification has shown a decreasing tendency.
    Technical Application
    The Application of Forest Inventory Data in an Ecosystem Service Evaluation Model:InVEST
    HUANG Conghong, YANG Jun, ZHANG Wenjuan
    2014,(5):  126-131.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.05.022
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    In this study,the magnitude and spatial pattern of main types of ecosystem services in Mentougou District,Beijing were evaluated based on InVEST model using forest inventory data and classified remote sensing data,respectively.The results showed that forest inventory data can be used to evaluate regional ecosystem services combining with the InVEST model.And the results based on the two sources of data were similar.The average carbon storage in Mentougou District was 1525.05×104 tons.The water yield was 2.93×108 stere.The N and P retention were 112.94 tons and 0.39 tons respectively.The N and P exports were 28.89 tons and 0.09 tons,respectively.The soil conservation was 1.65×108 tons,and the soil erosion was 51.39×104 tons.There were obvious spatial patterns in the distribution of ecosystem services.Areas with a high level of vegetation cover also had a high level of carbon storage and soil conservation.The distribution of N and P retention was related to percentages of crop and bare lands.The distribution of water yield was influenced by percentage of land use/land cover and spatial patterns of precipitation.
    Design and Development of the Information Management System for Hainan Common Garden Flowers under Web Mode
    CHEN Linchuan, LIN Baibo, ZHOU Yuping
    2014,(5):  132-136.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.05.023
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    Based on B/S development model,JSP was used as the system dynamic Webpage design technology,MySQL as the system database supported by the back-end,Tomcat as the server to realize the design and development of information system for Hainan common garden flowers.The user can realize browsing and querying to flower information,communicating on line and leaving message,registration and login,and other functions,through the system.The system administrator can realize the management of the flower information,user information and users mail of the back-end database.The reasonable management of the information resources of Hainan common garden flowers was achieved to use the system,and the system provided certain help for the development of landscape design,flower management,Hainan common garden flowers study & professional teaching and the development of flower industry.
    Application of 3D Laser Scanning Technology to Improvement of Forest Tree Production
    HE Guizhen, YANG Jun
    2014,(5):  137-140.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.05.024
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    An efficient technology of 3D laser scanning has a great potential application in forest resources survey,stand structure research,and three-dimensional model of a single wood.The space point cloud data of single standing tree acquired by 3D laser scanner could directly measure information such as standing wood height,diameter,crown area and location by software of automatic modeling and analysis function.The generated forest harvest report could identify the forest harvesting time of different regions to minimize the loss caused due to harvesting time,which would create a new application of the technology in the field of forestry.
    Establishment of a Multi-level,Multi-mode and Multi-service Landscaping Collaborative Management System Based on the“3S”Technology—Taking Beijing Landscaping System Development as an Example
    ZHANG Yiming, CAO Rui
    2014,(5):  141-145.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.05.025
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    To achieve the management synergy of the different departments and levels of Beijing landscape resources,Beijing forestry survey and design institute established a synergic management system of landscape and forestry.Aimed at the problems in present situation of Beijing landscape and forestry management,this paper proposed the system structure for establishing a synergic management system of landscape and forest resources multiple cooperating modes to a chieve the multi-level collaboration.
    Research and Exploration
    Study on Integration of Scientific Data of Forest Management
    PANG Lifeng, JIANG Jun, LU Yuanchang
    2014,(5):  146-151.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.05.026
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    The article reviews the existing problems of forest resource data.According to these problems,the research has been taken in light of the domain,classification and coding,collection and storage about scientific data of forest management:(1)initiating a framework for integrating the forest management scientific data that includes data domain,data property,data acquisition,which aims to deal with the problem by suggesting the use of layer methodology to define the scientific forest management data with different classification standards;(2)identifying data dimensions in the field of forest management,proposing a classification hierarchy of scientific forest management data and specifying the data acquisition card between data property and integration keys;(3)designing a database for integrating forest heterogeneous data and development of meta data collection tools using VBA Technology.The results show that the scientific data integration can improve the data quality effectively,make thedata scattered in various parts easy for management and develop a multi-object,multi-discipline and multi-business application,which provides a basis for forest management data mining in the future.
    Study on Golden Pheasant Based on Infrared Camera Monitoring
    QIU Shengrong, ZHANG Ximing
    2014,(5):  152-155.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.05.027
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    To develop a better regional conservation strategy,a behavior study on Golden Pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus)has been conducted based on the data collected by infrared camera in Changqing Nature Reserve.The study shows the Golden Pheasant’s habitat-selectivity and activity time allocation.Compared with other sympatric distributed pheasants,Golden Pheasants are most widely distributed in the study area.The main factors limiting their habitat selection are altitude and forest origin types.The main activity altitude is between 1200~2000 meters.The trace abundance decreases as the altitude increases,no traces are found above 2700 meters.In terms of forest types,artificial forests and secondary forests are more frequently used than natural forests.Golden Pheasants are typical diurnal animals,they have two peak periods of activity in the daytime,respectively,between 12:00 and 14:00 and 16:00 and 18:00.
    Ecotourism Planning of Nanhua Mountain Nature Reserve of Ningxia
    LIU Bingru, QU Xiangning, HU Weijun, YANG Rui
    2014,(5):  156-161.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.05.028
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    In Nanhuashan National Nature Reserve,scenic areas and scenic spots shall be developed and utilized in a right way.Plans shall be developed for integrated management of ecological resources.On the basis of the tourist resources assessment,analysis should be done on ecotourism advantages,tourism development prospect,tourist sources and market,spatial patterns of tourism (four circles and one belt)should be planned and benefits oftourism analyzed to provide some reference for scientific and sustainable development of ecotourism in the western region of China.
    Influence of Urban Forests on Environmental Factors
    SHI Yuan, LI Shaoning, CHEN Bo, LU Shaowei, YANG Xinbing
    2014,(5):  162-169.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.05.029
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    Urban green space can improve the microclimate and alleviate urban heat island effect.From June 2013 to January 2014,according to“Surface meteorological observation Standard”,two surface meteorological observation stations with same instruments were set up inside and outside the forest in Tianjin Water Park for continuously determining the meteorological factors inside and outside the forest,and the forest’effects on city microclimate regulation was quantitatively researched.The results indicated that:1)Solar radiation peaked in August,outside nearly three times higher than in the forest.2)Precipitation reached maximum in July,in the forest,it only accounted for 67% of the outside.3)Wind speed in winter was higher than in summer,compared with the outside,forest could reduce 27%~73%,and the leading wind direction was south-west and north.4)Compared with outside the forest,in summer,the forest played a role in cooling and moisturizing;in autumn and winter,it played a role in raising temperature and lowering wetness.5)The change of soil temperature was consistent with the air temperature.The results can provide sound basis for forest improving urban microclimate.
    Study on the Adjustment of Xiangxi Forestry Industry Structure Based on Gray Correlation Analysis Model—Taking Xiangxi City,Hunan Province as an Example
    LIU Yunlong, WEN Yali, ZHANG Yi, ZHANG Ling
    2014,(5):  170-174.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.05.030
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    The collective forest tenure reform was basically completed in the City of Xiangxi,but there is lack of field-based data analysis of structural changes in the forestry industry.It is essential to do some research on the adjustment of the forestry industrial structure.And the output value is an important index that could reflect the situation of the industry.For studying the structure of forestry industry of the Xiangxi City,this paper analysed the 2005-2012 output value of the three industries and total industry with the grey correlation analysis model.The result showed that grey correlations between the three forestry industries and the total forestry output value were in the order as primary industry < tertiary industry < secondary industry,which could be explained by the actual situation and progress made since the Xiangxi collective forest tenure reform was accomplished.Some questions related to the structure of forestry and reform were found and a series of advices are made in this paper.