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    28 October 2012, Issue 5
    Management and Administration
    On the Responsibility of the Government in Forest Fire
    ZHANG Zhiping
    2012,(5):  1-6. 
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    Forest fires damage the ecological environment and cause tremendous property damage and human casualties.Therefore,to manage forest fire is an important duty of the governments at all levels.The paper,according to the characteristics of forest fires,points out the situation and problems of the responsibility of the government agencies in charge of forest fire control.Based on the different reasons of forest fires and other natural disasters,it puts forward the principle of liability of the government and exemption causes.
    Discussion on Forest Resources Archive Management in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
    Alimjan Yasan, GAO Xianlian, HOU Ruiping, SHI Geli
    2012,(5):  7-11. 
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    First,the domestic research situation of forest resources archives management was introduced and the basic conditions of forest resources archives management in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region were reviewed.And then the problems existing in the forest resources archives management were pointed out.Lastly,based on the analysis of the problems,the countermeasures and suggestions on the future work of forest resources archives management were put forward.
    The Comparative Analysis on Forest Resources Inventories of China and Other Countries
    DENG Cheng, LIANG Zhibin
    2012,(5):  12-17. 
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    This paper introduced and compared the present situations of forest resources inventories of China and other countries in terms of the system of inventory and management,sampling technology and layout of sample plots,equipment and other technologies,pointed out the current main problems in China's NFI.At the same time,it proposed some countermeasures and suggestions for China's forest resources inventory development.
    Current Situation,Problems and Countermeasures of Industrial Development of Sapindus mukurossi in Jianning County,Fujian Province
    ZHOU Guisheng, XIE Jianping, JIANG Jingkui, GAO Hongming, ZHOU Lihua
    2012,(5):  18-21. 
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    The industrial plantation of Sapindus mukurossi in Jianning County,Fujian Province is in conformity with national strategy for the diversification of energy supply,the demand for economic development in the county and Western Taiwan Strait Zone,natural environment protection and the construction of environmentally friendly society.The difficulties faced by the industrial development of Sapindus mukurossi in the county include the inadequate supply of qualified seedlings,the shortage of high-yield cultivation technology,low level of comprehensive utilization and inadequate financial support.The suggestions for the development of Sapindus mukurossi in Jianning County include strengthening the research and extension of new varieties and high-yield technology as well as the products with high added value,increasing financial support,innovating management style and cooperating with national key companies such as Sinopec.
    Forestry Science and Technology Efficiency on Collective Forest Tenure Reform
    ZHANG Yuan, ZHANG Jinbo, DU Jianghua, WANG Lu
    2012,(5):  22-26. 
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    Through introducing the situation of the forestry science and technology sevice system promotion in the key forest provinces,the paper analyzed the influence of the development of forestry technology on forest tenure reform.Furthermore,it proposed policy recommendations to further improve sevice system promotion of the forestry science and technology.
    Research and Discussion on Carbon Sequestration Afforestation Technology—taking Laoding Mountain vegetation restoration project in Changzhi City as an example
    YAN Jian, TANG Fukai, CUI Ming, NIU Jinyu, ZHANG Yanhong
    2012,(5):  27-30. 
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    Carbon sequestration forestry is proposed under the background of global warming and climate change,which serves the purpose of tackling climate change.Forest carbon sequestration has got extensive support and development in countries around the world because of the forestry's strong ability on CO2 fixation.In this paper,we take Laoding mountain vegetation restoration and carbon sink forest construction project as an example.Through afforestation land selection,soil preparation,species selection,planting techniques,and tending management,we have put forward a set of technical measures and evaluated effectiveness of the project.Finally,we have analyzed and discussed the questions that we should pay attention to during the development of carbon sequestration forestry so as to provide a reference for related research.
    Science and Technology
    Optimized Stand Structure Regulation for Watershed Forests in Liupan Mountains
    LI Jinliang, ZHENG Xiaoxian, LU Yuanchang
    2012,(5):  31-38. 
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    In order to meet the need of the watershed forest management practice in Liupan Mountains,supported by sample-plot survey method and system-analysis method,based on the field investigation data of sample plots,the structure characteristics and the relationship between the structure and functions of main types of the watershed forests in this area are analyzed in this paper.Objective structure patterns of watershed forest stands are put forward,such as the present natural broad-leaved mixed forests,and the coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forests,of which the natural coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest of Pinus armandi is an optimal objective structure pattern.And considering their various characteristics,the stand types in this area are regulated and optimized,and some feasible management measures and countermeasures are put forward in the study.
    Natural Regeneration Characteristics of Vatica mangachapoi at Different Altitudes in Hainan Island
    HAO Qingyu, WANG Gui, LÜ Bing, LIU Qiang
    2012,(5):  39-45. 
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    Based on the analysis about the impacts of different altitudes on species composition,structure and community characteristics of Vatica mangachapoi community,the impacts of different altitudes on Vatica mangachapoi natural regeneration were further analyzed.The results showed that the relationships of species composition,Vatica mangachapoi important value,community diversity and regeneration quantities for second-class samplings(2.5cm≤DBH<5cm)with altitudes followed the same trends as trees(DBH≥5cm);tree height distributions for Vatica mangachapoi fist-class samplings(H≥33cm and DBH<2.5cm)were also an inverted J-curve distribution like diameter class distribution;species with stronger natural regeneration ability and competitiveness could be selected based on if the species important values for both trees(DBH≥5cm)and second-class samplings ranked on the top 10,of which Vatica mangachapoi was the species with the strongest natural regeneration ability and competitiveness.In addition,Syzygium rysopodum,Canarium album,Cinnamomum parthenoxylon,Ilex hainanensis and Garcinia oblongifolia in Mt.Diaoluo higher altitude area,and Croton laevigatus,Syzygium araiocladum,Suregada glomerulata,Gonocaryum maclurei,Phyllochlamys taxoides,Garcinia oblongifolia in Sanya medium altitude area were all the species with stronger natural regeneration ability and competitiveness.
    The Analysis of Mangrove inside Zone Gap Feature in Gaoqiao,Leizhou Peninsula
    HUANG Jianjian, LIU Suqing, HAN Weidong
    2012,(5):  46-50. 
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    Research on mangrove gap feature is the base of research on the restoration and reconstruction of degenerated mangrove ecosystem,and the base for improvement of secondary mangrove and scientific management of mangrove ecosystem.The survey of mangrove inside zone gap feature in Gaoqiao,Leizhou Peninsula was conducted and analysis was done on the size structure,the manners of gap formation and the gap maker feature and so on.This survey discovers the main area of mangrove inside zone gap in Gaoqiao is small,distribute in actual gap size of 1~10 m2 and extended gap size of 1~50 m2;the main gap maker is standing death,secondly is braneh breakage. The number of gap makers is 1~6. The average of gap has 2.3 gap makers;and gap maker species are Rhizophora stylosa,Aegiceras Corniculatum、Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and Kandelia obovata Sheue, which account for is 5.4%,8.9%,60.7%,25.0% respectively;The decay is at a higher level.
    Construction of Forest Biodiversity Monitoring Network Based on Continuous Forest Inventory System:A Case Study in Hunan Province
    LI Mingyang, HUANG Wenqi, LIU Min
    2012,(5):  51-58. 
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    In this paper,Hunan,a major forest province in Southern China,was chosen as a case study area,while spatially balanced sampling method and modified Whittaker plot design were applied to construct forest biodiversity monitoring network at provincial level after enforcing environmental factors impacting biodiversity were determined.Studies have shown that:1)compared with simple random sampling and systematic sampling,spatially balanced sampling has obviously advantages in reducing spatial autocorrelation and improving sampling efficiency and precision;2)modified Whittaker plot design can better analyze the species richness,average coverage,spatial distribution of species diversity;3)relying on continuous forest inventory system,by using spatially balanced sampling for forest biodiversity monitoring and modified Whittaker plot design for biodiversity survey,an economical affordable practical forest biodiversity monitoring network with statistical basis can be established at provincial level.
    Discussion on Application of Medium and High Resolution Remote Sensing Images in Afforestation Effect Monitoring
    YU Xiaoguang, WANG Xiaokun, JIANG Aijun, HU Jiping, YU Shiyong
    2012,(5):  59-63. 
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    With the goal “Double increments in China's forestry”,afforestation effect monitoring becomes the emphasis of integrated verification of national afforestation.Taking Mulan county of Heilongjiang province,Etuoke Banner and Hangjing Banner of Inner Mongolia as the study area,the authors of this paper monitored the effect of artificial afforestation,enclosure of the hillside for regeneration and aerial seeding with medium and high resolution remote sensing images. At last,they put forward the feasibility of remote sensing technology applied in afforestation effect monitoring.This study would provide technology support of integrated afforestation verification being applied effectively in assessing the fulfillment of the goal “Double increments in China's forestry”.
    The Hydrological Characteristics and Nutrient Accumulation of Litter-fall Layer of the Planted Young Pinus Massoniana Forest
    HUANG Chengbiao, HUANG Xinming, WANG Hanli, TAO Dayan, MENG Zhihai, QIN Shengfu, ZHANG Yongdong, LIU Chune
    2012,(5):  64-68. 
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    In order to verify the relationship and regularity among the standing stock,pondage and nutrient accumulation of litter-fall layer of the planted Pinus massoniana forest of by different stand ages,the fixed sample sites of three stand ages were set up for planted Pinus massoniana forest located in Leli Forest Farm in Northwest Guangxi. The woodland litter-fall layer was measured. The results are as follows: (1)The standing stock is 3.31~5.64t/hm2 and the maximum net standing stock is 4.48~10.19t/hm2 from that zone litter-fall layer of the 9 to 14 years old planted Pinus massoniana forest,increasing with the increase of stand age .(2)The element nutrient accumulation amount of N、Ca in the forest land litter-fall layer is largest,each accounting for about ten different elements of the total nutrients of 1/3~1/2,respectively.The element content of Mg、K is the second,but Mn,Fe,P,Zn,Cu and B element content is a little.The total nutrient contents of the woodland litter-fall layer is 70.66~98.82kg/hm2,increasing with the increase of stand age .(3)There are great differences among the standing stock,the maximum net standing stock and the element nutrient total accumulation of forest land litter-fall layer,with the different regression equation .So,we can forecast the standing stock,the maximum net standing stock and the element nutrient total accumulation of forest land litter-fall layer by the different stand ages.
    Study on Characteristics of Main Forest Type's Ground Fuels of Xishan National Forest Park of Kunming
    WANG Qiuhua, WU Congqi, TAO Rukun, LI Minghua, RUAN Dezhen, LI Xu, LIU Shiyuan, LI Shiyou
    2012,(5):  69-73. 
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    During sustaining drought from 2009 to 2012,by plots surveying in Xishan national forest park of Kunming and lab experiments and using 2 key factors including moisture content and fuel loading,the characteristics of ground fuels of six main forest types which consist of Pinus armandii Franch,Keteleeria evelyniana Mast,Cyclobalanopsis glaucoides Schottky,Pinus Yunnanensis Var Paamaea,Quercus acutissima Carr and Alnus nepalensis D.Don were studied.The results have shown that the highest moisture contents of ground fuel and coarse woody debris are Keteleeria evelyniana Mast,which are 55.36% and 40.95% respectively;while the lowest is Cyclobalanopsis glaucoides Schottky,which are 10.26% and 10.58% respectively.The highest fuel loading of ground fuel and coarse woody debris is Pinus armandii Franch and Piuus Yunnanensis Var Paamaea,which are 4.53±1.11 kg/m2 and 0.94±0.16 kg/m2,respectively,while the lowest of them are Alnus nepalensis D.Don,which are 2.08±0.19 kg/m2 and 0.07±0.03 kg/m2,respectively.
    The Fractal Features of Soil Particle Size Distribution under Different Land Use Practices in the Lithoidal Hilly Area of Western Henan Province
    CHU Chunjie, LI Yali, ZHOU Jinfeng, LIANG Yahong, YANG Fengling, WEN Zhenzhong
    2012,(5):  74-79. 
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    Taking soil samples in the lithoidal hilly area of Western Henan as test materials,a case study on the soil particle fractal features of natural secondary forest,wild grassland,mingled forest,poplar plantings and farmland was conducted.And the relationships between fractal dimension of soil particle distribution and selected soil properties have been discussed.The results show that:(1)There exists an obvious trend that soil particles become small in study areas,which has certain effects of soil and water conservation.(2)The fractal dimensions of soil particles under these five land use types range from 2.510 to 2.629,the average fractal dimension of soil particle of natural secondary forest is highest,followed by farmland,poplar plantings,mingled forest and wild grassland,that is to say, the soil particle fractal dimension can reveal the level of soil erosion of lithoidal hilly area in some extent.(3)There is some relationship between soil particle content and its fractal dimension,and it positively correlates with the contents of clay,the fractal dimensions of the soils have significantly positive correlations with the contents of soil particles in size of 0.002~0.001 mm,namely the higher the contents of clay,the bigger fractal dimension of soil particles.(4)Soil particle fractal dimensions only show significant positive correlations with the content of available K,but with other physicochemical properties they did not show any.
    Introduction and Domestication of Salix chaenomeloides‘Variegata'
    HOU Yuankai, GAO Wei, LI Yiyan
    2012,(5):  80-84. 
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    The adaptability of Salix chaenomeloides ‘Variegata' was assessed in terms of its growth,over-winter,leaf color on seedlings terminal,phonological characteristics and pests and disease during seedling stage in 11 introduction trial sites.Results indicate that the areas adaptable for Salix chaenomeloides ‘Variegata' growth are Shenyan in Liaoning,Linfen in Shanxi,Zhengzhou in Henan,Yanling in Henan,Xichuan in Henan,Baiyin in Gansu,Kuche in Xinjiang,Wuling in Ningxia;while the areas that are not adaptable for Salix chaenomeloides ‘Variegata'are Shandan in Gansu,Xinzhou in Shanxi,Chaoyang in Liaoning.Buds and leaves started swelling earlier with decrease of latitude and elevation,i.e.with high mean temperature and long frost-free period.Meanwhile,its high growth and defoliation occurred later.There are pests and diseases that occur in some experimental locations.
    Analysis on Biomass Conversion Factors of Five Tree Species in China
    ZENG Weisheng
    2012,(5):  85-88. 
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    Based on the data of five tree species,larch(Larix)in northeast,Chinese fir(Cunninghamia lanceolata),Masson pine(Pinus massoniana)and oak(Quercus)in south,and poplar(Populus davidiana)in northwest,the three methods for calculating biomass conversion factors(BCF)were compared firstly.Secondly,the differences of mean BCFs between larch and Masson pine,and those between two types of Chinese fir in two regions were examined using hypothesis test.The results showed:(i)it is suitable to use arithmetic mean method for calculating the mean BCFs;(ii)the BCFs of broadleaved species are larger than those of coniferous species;(iii)the mean BCFs of larch and Masson pine are not different significantly,while those of two Chinese fir types are different significantly.
    Preliminary Study on Intermediate Cutting Index of Cyclobalanopsis myrsinaefolia Mixed Stand
    LÜ Yong, XIONG Luqiao, ZANG Hao
    2012,(5):  89-93. 
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    The concept of intermediate cutting index which precisely quantifies the probability of a tree being intended to be cut in intermediate cutting has been put forward in this paper. This breaks through the limit that trees are intended to be cut by traditional general qualitative methods.Six indexes(degree of freedom,mingling,neighborhood comparison,health index,spatial density and aim index)are chosen to construct intermediate cutting index,then AHP is used to get weight coefficients of the six indexes combined with types of the objective stands,so the formula can be obtained.one experiment sample plot of Cyclobalanopsis myrsinaefolia mixed stand in Longhushan forest farm in Hunan,Yuanjiang has been taken as an example,a fairly good tending and thinning plan has been obtained by calculating intermediate cutting indexes.
    Study on the Stand Diameter Distribution Model of the Natural Secondary Forests in the Mountainous Areas of Eastern Liaoning
    DING Guoquan, XU Jizhong
    2012,(5):  94-97. 
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    Some characters of the diameters of number of stem distributions of secondary forest in mountains of eastern Liaoning were studied by using indices of skewness,kurtosis and coefficient of variation.The stand diameter of number of stem and basal area distributions in the secondary forest were simulated by four probability density functions:Johnson's SB,Gamma,two- and three-parameter Weibull distribution.The four distribution functions were tested through Kolmogorov-Smirnov(KS)test.The results showed that the Effects of Thinning of the stand diameter of number of stem distribution,and Johnson's SB distribution fit best;Weibull distribution(including the two- and three-parameters)is only suitable for Plot 3 and Plot 2,but not the best .All the distribution models have passed the test of goodness of fit,which are applicable to the model fitting.
    Individual Biomass Recession Model of Ulmus glaucescens of Helan Mountains
    LIANG Yongliang
    2012,(5):  98-104. 
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    Based on the biomass of average tree and the forest inventory data,determination was made on above and under ground biomass of a single tree from Ulmus glaucescens of Helan Mountains,and through the method of recession analysis,a study was conducted on the relation among each organ biomass and tree height(H),diameter at breast height(D),diameter at 1/2 total height(D1/2)and D2H.The result showed that the biomass distribution ratio of each part of Ulmus glaucescens of Helan Mountains was in the order of trunk > root > branch > bark > leaf.Trunk,branch and leaf biomass recession models were well fitted;root and bark biomass recession models were fitted not as well as the other models.Any independent variable number and biomass fitting prediction equation applicability are preferable.
    Analysis on Forestland Change by Using Spatial Transition Matrix Model
    ZENG Chunyang, LIU Zhibin, ZENG Guangyu, CHENG Lihua, LIAO Yuan, LI Bo
    2012,(5):  105-110. 
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    The thesis is a demonstration research about Cenxi city's forest landscape pattern,forestland transition and its trend.The research is based on the information from forest inventory planning and design of 1999 &2009. The spatial matrix model is built on the basis of adjacency matrix and transition.The results showed that in 1999-2009 the total area of the forestland increased slightly,the increase of forestland especially the woodland led to the improvement of the whole forestland quality.The spatial matrix mode is also useful for revealing the conversion cause,which can provide the scientific knowledge for the protection and utilization of the forestland and the decision-making of the forestry production and management.
    Study on Quantitative Classification for Forestry Development Division of Ceheng County,Guizhou Province
    ZHAO Hua, LIU Yong, LIU Longde, SUN Jihui, GU Yongshun
    2012,(5):  111-118. 
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    In order to define regional forest functions and key forestry construction project,and to form special local spatial pattern of modern forestry development and ecological service system,this paper uses the indexes which reflect regional conditions of nature,social economic conditions,ecological environment and forest and the forestry development divisions of Ceheng County were made by using the method of quantitative classification,which includes Factoral Analysis(FA)and Hierarchical Cluster(HC).Results showed that the quantitative classification methods of forestry development division are based on the normal factoral analysis model by using factoral analysis,a few of factors(load more information) and hierarchical clustering.It overcame the weakness of productivity series methods in qualitative analysis and avoided information overlapping among various factors;By factoral analysis of 30 indexes that affected township forestry development division in Ceheng County,the normal factoral analysis model was built,the front 6 factors reflected 89.95% information of 14 townships' forestry development situations in Ceheng County. Through quantitative classification methods 14 townships in Ceheng County were classified into 5 major functional areas. Quantitative classification methods not only provided a reference for the forestry development division at county level,but also provided an example in forestry division or other related division and planning and enriched the theory of forestry development division as well.
    The Research on Algorithm for Identifying Early Forest Fire of Infrared Thermal Imager
    ZHOU Yufei, LI Xingwei, WANG Zhenshi, LI Xiaochuan, WU Zepeng
    2012,(5):  119-124. 
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    Three kinds of algorithm were compared for identifying forest fire through infrared thermal imager,the testing method of configuring the algorithm parameters was put forward,and an experiment was made to test this method in Zhuhai.The experiment showed that infrared thermal imager always has higher ability to identify the fire sparks at night than in the daytime.The result of comparing three algorithms that threshold decision method has relatively higher sensitivity but lower anti-interference ability,neighborhood threshold decision method has higher ability of anti-interference but shorter monitoring distance and the average comparison decision method has highest ability of anti-interference but shortest monitoring distance.
    New Developments in Other Countries
    Main Points of Forest Resources Monitoring and Remote Sensing Application in Brazil and Guiding Suggestions
    LI Zhongping, HUANG Guosheng, ZENG Weisheng, GAO Xianlian, YANG Xueqing
    2012,(5):  125-128. 
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    General situation of forest resources in Brazil was briefly introduced at first,and main points of forest resources monitoring and remote sensing application in Brazil were reviewed.In addition,some guiding suggestions on improving forest resource monitoring system in China were presented,which include the analysis of alternatives for optimizing forest resource monitoring system,strengthening of the application of remote sensing,and attaching importance to the opening of monitoring results to the public.
    A Guide to Forestry-related Periodicals
    Introduction of the Journals of Forestry Embodied by SCI
    WANG Yan, TIAN Changyan
    2012,(5):  129-134. 
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    In order to provide reference to researchers in field of forestry for searching for literatures and contributing to journals,the paper introduces forestry journals embodied in standard databases SCI(Science Citation Index).The information of 59 international journals on forestry cited by SCI-E is introduced in the tables,including international standard serial number(ISSN),original country/region and new impact factor.Among them,the information 21 journals on forestry cited by SCI are fully elucidated.The information include the cycles of the issues,publishers,the contact addresses,the up-to-date URL and brief introduction of these journals. The descriptions of all relevant information are made to provide reference to the researchers in the discipline.