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    28 April 2008, Issue 2
    Thoughts on Rehabilitation and Rebuilding of the Forest areas after the Snow Disaster in South China
    WANG Zhuxiong, YAN Hongwei, MO Mo
    2008,(2):  1-5.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2008.02.021
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    Based on the investigation and study on the outcomes caused by the snow disarster in Guangxi, this paper presents an in-depth analysis on the long-term, social and serious impacts on forestry by the disarter. It suggests that further understanding of the disarster impacts be required, assessment of the losses caused by the disarster organized quickly, survey of damaged tree and bamboo forests conducted scientifically and a rehabilitation and rebuilding plan developed. Five suggestions on “Three Controls” for forest protection are also put forward.
    On Nature Reserve Types and Sustainable Development in China
    CHEN Shiqing
    2008,(2):  6-10.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2008.02.001
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    Since the 1990s,beause of various reasons and pursuit for economic benefits,a protected area is concurrently designated as a nature reserve, a forest park and a sightseeing area. Such a confusing situation has caused negative impacts on the harmonious development of nature protection and public entertainment undertakings. This paper, with the existing laws and regulations of China as the basis, has made a comparative analysis of the three. It also suggests that a national law on heritages and a new national heritage management and supervision system be developed to promote the harmonious, healthy and sustainable development of nature protection and public entertainment undertakings.
    The Measures of Improving Effectiveness of Nature Reserve Management in China
    CHENG Kun, MA Jianzhang
    2008,(2):  11-14.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2008.02.007
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    Effective management of protected areas is an important issue that China and other countries have to deal with,as the number of protected areas has increased quickly.The effective management should be focused on both integrated measures and management of single nature reserve.To establish scientific categorizing standard and reasonable evaluation system and to improve the investment mechanism and law system are the main parts of constructing an exterior supporting system.The resources conservation and monitoring,environmental impact evaluation,scientific research,ecotourism,environmental education should be enhanced to improve the effective management of nature reserves.
    Some Thoughts on Reform of Plantation Cutting Management according to Area Quota in Southern Collective Forest Area
    ZHU Lei, LI Yongyan, MA Guoqing
    2008,(2):  15-17.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2008.02.022
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    According to the characteristics of plantation management in southern collective forest areas, this paper suggests that plantation cutting be controlled and managed according to area quota. It also analyzes the importance of cutting management according to area quota and further elaborates supporting measures.
    Analysis on Sustainable Development of Commercial Forests in Guangxi
    BAN Meiling
    2008,(2):  18-22. 
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    Because of superior weather conditions and rich land resources for development of commercial forests, Guangxi is gradually becoming one of the important provinces in China in recent years where industries of paper pulp,paper making,building board and chemical products are jointly developel. In order to meet the increasing requirements of forest products by sustainable development of both national economy and society in Guangxi it is very urgent that the development of commercial forest shall be scientifically planned. The paper analyses the ecological problems of commercial forests in Guangxi and puts forward corresponding measures for settling the aforementioned problems with an aim to provide a scientific basis for decision making on sustainable development of commercial forests in Guangxi.
    Brief Analysis on Dynamic Changes of Sandified Land Areas in China Since 1960s
    WANG Junhou
    2008,(2):  23-27.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2008.02.002
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    Through the analysis on the sandified land data issued in the last 50 years in China some problems are found out in the application of those data and scientific explanations and application methods have been given. This paper not only presents the analysis on changes of sandified land area in the last 50 years in Chna, but also gives an introduction to some areas with typical changes of sandified land.
    Research on the System of the Forest Resource Management Information System Standards in China
    GAO Xianlian, PENG Songbo
    2008,(2):  28-31.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2008.02.008
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    The forest resource management information system, as part of forestry E-government, is the key of forest information constructions. Under the frame of the State E-government Standards,the paper puts forward asystem of the forest resource management information system standards, which includes 6 categories,18 sub-categories and 57 items.
    Study on the Indicator System and Evaluation of Forest Ecosystem Services in China
    FU Xiao, WANG Xuejun, SUN Yujun, ZHANG Jinqiu
    2008,(2):  32-37.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2008.02.009
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    Under the guidance of the scientific, comprehensive, operational and comparative principles and based on fundamentals of forest ecology and system science,this paper puts forward that the composite index system of regional forest ecosystem service quality evaluation is composed of forest ecosystem productivity,forest ecosystem health,distribution of forest and background of eco-environmental quality.The value of forest ecosystem service quality for the provinces in China is analyzed by the method of AHP and the weighed average composite quality index. On the basis of such an analysis,cluster analysis on weighted evaluation indicators of the provinces is made. Then,the provinces are divided into 5 classes for forest ecosystem service quality.The results reveal that the fundamental spatial pattern is characterized by high levels distributed in the southeast provinces probably due to relatively higher precipitation,Then the levels rapidly decrease from the southeast provinces to the northwest provinces.
    Study on Evaluation of Wetland Benefits of the Dongjiang Lake
    LU Yong, ZHANG Xiaolei, YI Xuan, MA Xiaowei, XIE Zhongjun
    2008,(2):  38-41.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2008.02.003
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    The Dongjiang Lake wetland is of artificial and alpine-reservoir type. Some evaluation ways as direct market evaluation,revealed preference approach and replacement market approach and stated preference approach are adopted. The article evaluates some benefits in the water compensating,climate regulating,pollution degradating,erosion resisting,biological diversity,water supplying,flood diversing,function of social culture, water transporting,tourism function and wetland products. The value from the evaluation of those benefits provided by the Dongjiang Lake wetland are estimated at 10.87 billion yuan in 2005.
    Sustainable Management of Plantations —Taking as an example the implementation of ecological management approach in Experimental Centre of Tropical Forestry
    CAI Daoxiong, GUO Wenfu, JIA Hongyan, LU Lihua, LI Jiliang, CHEN Jinxin
    2008,(2):  42-46.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2008.02.010
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    Taking the management of the plantation over the past 30 years in the CAF's Experimental Center of Tropical Forestry as an example,this paper briefly introduces the ecological management measures and the results achieved so that some experience could be provided for sustainabe development and scientific management of the timber plantations in south China.
    Logging Fast-growing and High-yielding Plantation based on Clean Production
    ZHAO kang, ZHAO Chen
    2008,(2):  47-50.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2008.02.011
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    The principles of clean production were introduced in this paper.The countermeasures of logging fast-growing and high-yielding plantation based on clean production were put forward.These countermeasures include protecting forest ecological environment,reducing environment pollution and using forest resources reasonably. The authors of this paper think logging of timber plantations based on clean production is beneficial to forestry sustainable development and increase of economic benefits.
    Study on Tree Mortality Model for Pinus tabulaeformis Plantation
    LIU Ping, MA Luyi, JIA Liming, WANG Yutao
    2008,(2):  51-56.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2008.02.012
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    Tree mortality model is an important part of tree growth and yield model system.This paper widely studies tree mortality model of overseas and domestic documents. Logistic model was used to model tree mortality of Pinus tabulaeformis based on the data from 105 remeasured plots in Beijing.Independent variables are tree size, competition and stand density index.The result shows tree mortality rate is gradually decreasing in 5-15cm and is gradually increasing with competition and stand density increasing. The test data for Pinus tabu Laeformis are used to test the mortality model. The result shows that the observed value of tree mortality rate has not significant difference with predicted value.So,this model can be used in practice.
    Study on Acer truncatum Plantation Structure in Badaling Forest Farm in Beijing
    YANG Yanfeng, ZHENG Xiaoxian, LIANG Yu, LIU Shan
    2008,(2):  57-60.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2008.02.013
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    The Acer truncatum plantation structure in Badaling Forest Farm in Beijing was studied in this paper.First,stand diameter distribution was analysed.Second,we fitted the stand diameter distribution using Weibull distribution,and did Chi-square test.Last,the uniform angle index was used to analyse distribution pattern of the stand.The result showed that the stand diameter distribution shows a bimodal hill-shape curve,and does not accord with Weibull distribution.The distribution pattern of the forest is reunion distribution.
    Study on the Crucial Role of DBH Features in Forest Vegetation Forecast
    LUO Yunshen, CHEN Zhibo
    2008,(2):  61-65.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2008.02.004
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    In recent years,the study on forest vegetation growth has made some progress.It is also a basis of the computer model of FVS,which is U.S.forest vegetation simulation software.In this paper FVS is also reference prototype to Chinese forest vegetation system.In the research of finding of suitable growth model to our country's forest,the study shows that the biological activity under the cover of various ecological factors and vegetation growth becomes extremely complex.Which model should the study begin with? How to choose the base factor or base model for forest vegetation? How to work out a set of single-tree-growth prediction system applied to various types of vegetation in our country? These questions become difficulties in the research.In the study there were lots of inventory data of Pinus tabulaeformi and Platycladus orientalis in Beijing area.A lot of various growth models of FVS have been researched,reused and remodified.The calculation results showed that calculation of DBH played a decisive role in the forecast of forest vegetation growth.And it can be asserted that DBH is a key factor and important datum,which can play a breakthrough role in the study of all forest vegetation simulation system.
    Study on the Impact of Weight Function in Weighted Regression on Heteroscedasticity Strength in Model —the tree height-diameter curve equation of Pinus kesiya var.langbianensis with heteroscedasticity
    WU Mingshan, XU Hui
    2008,(2):  66-70.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2008.02.015
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    This paper used different weighting function to regress the tree height-diameter curve equation of Pinus kesiya var.langbianensis with heteroscedasticity,and selected the optimal weighting function form.According to previous research results,the article proposed a set of variable-weighting function theory,and researched on different heteroscedasticity of group data by variable-weighting function.Study results show that the heteroscedasticity strength in model can be expressed by variance linear slope,and the heteroscedasticity strength in equation will affect the choice of weighting function.
    Using Stump Information to Build Mathematical Model of Individual Tree Volume
    FENG Wenhui, ZHU Song, ZHOU Huiling
    2008,(2):  71-74. 
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    Measuring felled tree stumps and wood volume is an important measure in forestry production.Usually the deviation of one-way tree volume table based on the diameter of stumps would easily cause a bias distortion for surveying data and eventually lead to mistakes for decision making.Making full use of stump information and establishment of ternary variable mathematical model help improve the accuracy and reliability of forest resources survey data,which provides a more actual mathematical model for relevant scientific decision-making.
    Prediction and Analysis of Requisitioned and Occupied Forest Land during China’s“11th Five-Year Plan”Period Using Grey System Theory
    ZHI Changgui, XU Jide, ZHONG Huayou
    2008,(2):  75-77. 
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    Based on the area of requisitioned and occupied forest land during China's“10th Five-Year Plan”period,a grey forecasting model of GM(1,1)was used to forecast the trend of requisitioned and occupied woodland during China's“11th Five-Year Plan”period,and the model precision was analyzed.The results showed that GM(1,1)model was effective(C = 0.50 P = 1.00).The predictive value can be used as one of the references for woodland ration during China's“11th Five-Year Plan”period.
    Analysis of Natural Vegetation Types and Characteristics in Shenzhou Peninsula of Wanning,Hainan Province
    GUO Tao, YANG Xiaobo, LI Donghai, WU Qingshu, CAO Shiwei, SUN Bo
    2008,(2):  78-84. 
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    The vegetation in Shenzhou peninsula of Wanning was studied with the method of line and sampling research,and the species composition and vegetation types were analyzed.Based on field investigation,the total natural vegetation in this peninsula could be divided into 16 formations,6 vegetation types,3 vegetation type groups according to the vegetation classification criteria from the book 《Vegetation in China》.And their general characteristics were described in detail.
    The Resources and Community Characteristics of Vitica mangachapoi Blanco Forest in Bawangling Nature Reserve of Hainan Island
    LI Xijuan, SONG Qidao, CHEN Qiubo
    2008,(2):  85-89.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2008.02.017
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    The resources and community characteristics of Vitica mangachapoi Blanco forest were examined in 3600m2 plots in Bawangling Nature Reserve of Hainan Island.Based on the sample plot data,the mean timber volume is 149.49m3/hm2 and the maximum timber volume is 330.98m3/hm2. The mean diameter at breast height (DBH)is 10.2cm,the maximum DBH is 44.0cm and the mean height is 9.6m.Because of the high relative density and relative dominancy,the Vitica mangachapoi Blanco's important value is 165.4159.So the quantity of other species is decreasing and the biodiversity is low.
    Analysis on Benefits of Planting Lycium chinese in Saline-alkali Soil in Hetao Irrigation Area of Inner Mongolia
    GUO Yongsheng, TAO Boer
    2008,(2):  90-94. 
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    Lycium Chinese is not only an important economic species used for saline-alkali soil,but also an important ecology species. It has strong functions for improving soil and conserving soil and water. It can yield good social and economic benefits.Through analysis on benefits of planting Lycium chinese in saline-alkali soil,the results showed that after Lycium chinese being planted 3 years,the soil at the depth of 0~40cm from surface downward respectively is desalinated by 77.97%, 69.19% and 44.98%. And CI-、SO42-、Na++K+ obviously declined.Lycium Chinese is one of traditional farming pillar industries of Hetao plain and the net income per hectare is approximately between 35898.7 and 43110.7 Yuan.At the same time,it plays an important role in readjustment of rural business structure and promotion of rural economic development.
    The Design of Info System of Shelterbelt Project Management and Implementation
    YANG Xueqing
    2008,(2):  95-100.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2008.02.018
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    The framework of the Info System of Shelterbelt Project Management is worked out and the system is made up of 5 main functional modules.Based on the data of Forest Resources Inventory,remote sensing images and basic digital map,the system was developed by means of.NET or BV on Arc-Engine and SQL-Server system and the key techniques and characteristics of some modules,such as aided operational design,project check and audit by time series,ec.are mainly discussed.This system has been experimented in 100 counties of 22 provinces of Yunnan,Guizhou,Guangxi,etc.,which has gained an initial effect.
    Research and Development of the Countrywide Wild Animal and Plant Industry Information Management System
    JIANG Xilin, CHEN Zhao, JIN Aixian, SI Ping
    2008,(2):  101-104. 
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    To meet the actual needs of countrywide wild animal and plant industry management of forestry Sectors,it is necessary to develop a countrywide wild animal and plant industry information management system.This paper introduces the system design,running conditions,main functions of the countrywide wild animal and plant industry information management system,and analyses the key technologies.The development of this system makes the work on wild animal and plant industry information management more scientific and efficient.
    Population Investigation of Tibetan Antelopes in the Area of Wuquanbao on the North Slope of Muztag Peak of Mid-Kunlun Mountains
    GAO Erhu, LIU Zengli, WANG Zhichen, GONG Minghao, Abudu REHEMAN, CHE Wengen
    2008,(2):  105-108.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2008.02.019
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    From August 15 to 18 in 2004,we conducted an investigation in the area of Wuquanbao on the north slope of Peak Muztag of Mid-Kunlun Mountains,which is considered an important calving ground of Tibetan antelope.During the investigation,mainly between 8:00~10:00,10:00~12:00 and 14:00~16:00,we encountered 97 individual Tibetan antelopes,mostly within 50 meters of our transect lines.People and vehicles for gold mining are the main threats to maintaining the Tibetan antelope population and preserving their habitats.This paper also explores different means for regulating local gold mining and improving management of the local authorities.