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    28 August 2015, Issue 4
    Integrated Management and Administration
    The Present Situation and Outlook of Field Ecological Study of Non-human Primates in China
    YIN Feng, MENG Meng , LIU Dingzhen, ZHOU Qihai , HUANG Chengming
    2015,(4):  1-6.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.04.001
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    Non-human primates are the closest relatives of human beings.We have 25 species of primates in China,which belong to 8 genes of 4 families.All primate species are listed into national key protection animals.Ecological study of wild primate species in China focuses on Macaca thibetana and M.mulatta of Macaca genes,4 species of Rhinopithecus spp.,Traychypithecus luecocephalus and T.francoisis of Traychypithecus genes,Nomascus nasutus and N.concolor of Nomascus genes.The paper summarizes the ecological studies of non-human primates in China and hopes to provide relevant objective information.
    Value Assessment on Service Function of Forest Soil in Qinghai Province
    HUANG Guilin, LIU Jing, HOU Meng, CUI Xueqing, XU Shengwang
    2015,(4):  7-12.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.04.002
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    Based on the continuous forest inventory data,climate data,flux tower data and remote sensing data,the carbon cycling,water cycling and nutrient cycling of forest ecosystem were simulated by using Biome-BGC model in Qinghai province.Furthermore,the model validation was conducted by using the data including above-and belowground biomass,soil organic matter density,soil water content measured at forest plots in 2012 and 2013.So the substance quantity of the carbon sink functions,water resource and evapotranspiration in forest ecosystem from 1998 to 2012 were acquired.Meanwhile,the total substance quantity and total value of three ecological service functions involved from soil carbon storage,soil water conservation and soil nutrient supply in 2000,2005,2010 and 2012 were evaluated.The results showed that the mean value of forest soil services in Qinghai province was 8442287.22 × 104 yuan/a,and the mean value was increasing at 0.25% speed each year.The service value of soil carbon storage accounted for 98.37% of the total value,whereas the ratio of value of both the soil water conservation and soil nutrient supply to the total value was less than 2%.The reason of increasing of soil carbon storage was mainly caused by the increase of carbon sforage of the forest litter,so we should pay attention to the conservation of forest litter.
    Investigation and Analysis of Forestry Cooperation and Investment between Chinese Enterprises and Africa
    JU Yanfeng, ZHANG Jian
    2015,(4):  13-17.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.04.003
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    This paper describes the basic situation of forestry cooperation and investment between Chinese enterprises and Africa through seminars and questionnaire.According to the characteristics of forest resources in Africa,it discusses the related results of the investigation and statistical analysis target to the investment and management of Chinese companies in Africa.And it puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions for promoting Sino-African cooperation and investment in forestry.
    Research on Management and Planning of Watershed Wetland in China —Take the Xiaoqing River watershed wetland of Jinan city as an exemple
    YANG Yongfeng, YUAN Jun, ZHANG Xiaoyun
    2015,(4):  18-23.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.04.004
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    In recent years,a lot of work has been implemented about wetland restoration in many Chinese cities in order to improve the ecological environment.However,local governance is limited to remediation effect and subsequent maintenance in a certain extent.In the paper,taking the Xiaoqing River watershed of Jinan city as an example,wetlands management is changed from individual governance to overall watershed optimization.Combined with water pulse,green pulse and culture pulse construction,a four-dimensional measures including transverse,longitudinal,vertical and timing are proposed,in order to realize the ecological functions,such as protection and restoration of water source conservation,flood storage and detention,water purification,maintenance of biological diversity,and so on.
    The Forestry Ecological Conservation Countermeasures for the Qiandao Lake and the Upstream Basin of the Xin'an River
    ZHAO Jianghong
    2015,(4):  24-27.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.04.005
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    The Qiandao Lake and the Xin'an River upstream basin are one of the water ecological areas which need to be protected at prsesnt in China.This paper analyzes the existing situation and problems of the basin ecological forestry,and puts forward suggestions on ecological protection and restoration.
    Scientific Research
    Analysis on Stratified Cluster Sampling of Overseas Forest Resources Surveys
    ZHI Changgui, WANG Liuru, CHEN Xinyun, WANG Wei, LI Liwei, ZHANG Qiao
    2015,(4):  28-32.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.04.006
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    Based on the theory of stratified cluster sampling,and the actual overseas cases ,this paper describes a specific process of stratified cluster sampling,and analyzes overall accuracy.The results show that stratified cluster sampling accuracy is improved by 7% compared with cluster sampling accuracy in the same sample.
    Discussion on the Analysis Method of Uniform Angle Index Based on Voronoi Diagram —Take Fushou Forest Farm as an example
    LI Jiping, FENG Yao, ZHAO Chunyan, ZHANG Caicai, CAO Xiaoyu
    2015,(4):  33-38.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.04.007
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    The uniform angle index was a new parameter for describing the distribution pattern of tree positions.It described the degree of spatial regularity of the neighboring trees around a given reference tree.This parameter,accepted by more and more researchers,can be used to analyze complicated forest spatial structures.In order to put forward standards for uniform angle index,based on Voronoi diagram,in this paper,1000 randomly distributed plots with 1hm2 (100m×100m)each one,were simulated and analyzed.And the standard angle of the uniform angle index based on Voronoi diagram was formulated by 360°/(n+1).The critical value for the identification of tree random distribution pattern was discussed within the interval μ±3σ.The mean value of the uniform angle index for the random case was defined by the bounds[0.327,0.357].It can be inferred by the definition of the uniform angle index that a 公式 value of less than 0.327 was most likely from a regular distribution,values exceeding 0.357 were most likely from a clumped distribution.Finally,the tree spatial distribution pattern of six plots in Cunninghamia lanceolata non-commercial forest were analyzed by two different methods,i.e.aggregation index and uniform angle index,and they were same.This new judgment criterion to analyze the type of tree spatial distribution represented an important improvement of the uniform angle index theory.
    Spatial Differentiation Characteristics of Pinus kesiya var. Based on Forest Resource Inventory Data for Management
    XU Tingting, SHU Qingtai, OU Guanglong, XU Hui
    2015,(4):  39-44.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.04.008
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    The forest resource inventory data for management in Jinggu county in 2006 were used as the information source.The biomass and related factors of standard simao pine were used to build a model and the biomass of simao pine stand in Jinggu county was analyzed.The results show that the power function model has the highest precision,R2=0.9528,p=85.4%,RMSE=14.81(kg),this model can be used to estimate the simao natural forest biomass.Simao pine trees in the study area of natural forest biomass concentrated at the altitude of 1000~2000m,and the biomass density is the highest at the altitude of 1500~2000m with 73.33t/hm2;Simao pine trees natural forest biomass mainly concentrated on steep slopes,gentle slopes and slopes,in acute slope biomass density reaches a maximum of 76.17 t/hm2.Distribution of biomass in each upward slope is relatively uniform,biomass density on the shady slopes is the highest with 74.13 t/hm2,on sunny slope it’s the lowest with 70.42 t/hm2.
    Satellite Remote Sensing Estimation of Biomass in Ruoergai Alpine Marshes
    MA Qiongfang, CUI Lijuan, HAO Yunqing, GAO Changjun, WANG Yifei, LI Wei
    2015,(4):  45-51.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.04.009
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    In this paper,the TM5 image of July and August 2011—2012 and 32 sites of aboveground biomass(AGB)and underground biomass(BGB)data of the Rouergai marshes in the same period were used as the data source to establish the estimation models.We examined the relationship between AGB,BGB,total biomass(TB)and spectral information from remote sensing images,topographic factors and texture features.The best estimation models were established.The main results are as followsBoth topographic factors and texture features has no correlation to the herbaceous biomass.There were allometric relationship(p<0.05)between biomass and remote sensing image,vegetation index.The average aboveground biomass(AGB),underguound biomass(BGB)and total biomass(TB)for the Rouergai alpine marshes were 367.05,3680.36 and 4048.01/gm2,respectively.With the reduction of surface water,the biomass increased first and then decreased.
    Quantitative Dynamics and Protection Methods of Rhodiola fastigiata,An Endangered Tibetan Medicinal Plant
    TANG Xiaoqin, LU Jie, LI lianqiang, LAN Xiaozhong
    2015,(4):  52-58.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.04.010
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    Rhodiola fastigiata is an endangered Tibetan medicinal plant,which is regarded as a plant of the second-class protection in our country.Based on investigation data of plots and quadrats,the paper analyzed the age structure of R.fastigiata population,compiled the static life table,drew mortality curve,killing power curve,survival curve,and survival function curve.The population quantitative dynamics was predicted by the time sequence prediction model.Results showed that the age structure of R.fastigiata population was presented as the typical pyramid shape.The two dynamic indexes of Vpiand V<sub>piof the population quantity were 33.89% and 1.69 %(both more than zero),respectively,which showed the population was steadily increasing.The survival number of every age class was decreasing with the increasing age class.The mortality rate of age class Ⅱand Ⅴ were relatively high(reached 90.29%),and the average mortality rate accounted for 29.96%.The survival curve of R.fastigiata population approached the B3 subtype of Deevey-Ⅱ.With the changing age class,the mortality rate had a similar change trend to the killing power,and they were both M shape curves.The survival functional curve for R.fastigiata population indicated that the population was characterized by reduction in the early age period(before age class Ⅳ),stableness in middle age period(Ⅳ-Ⅵ age class),and recession in late age period(after age classⅥ)because of physiological exhaustion.The young individuals would be relatively abundant,and the population would show a trend of steady growth in the upcoming Ⅱ,Ⅴ and Ⅷ age classes.We suggested some things to be done were as follows to protect R.fastigiata,protecting and improving primitive habitat conditions,developing proper artificial seeding,building reproduction base and gene bank,implementing ex-situ conservation,strengthening monitoring of diseases and insect pests.
    Study on the Evolution of Forest Fragmentation and Driving Forces in Yunyang County Based on Multi-date Remote Sensing
    SHI Jingjing, XIA Chaozong, YAN Enping, DANG Yongfeng
    2015,(4):  59-68.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.04.011
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    The evaluation of forest fragmentation is interpretation and analysis division in key forest vegetation ecological construction area and hot spots of forest vegetation change.In this paper,the forest distribution data were derived from interpreting the SPOT5 images of 2006 and 2011 based on forest inventory data in 2002 in characterize the status of forest fragmentation and its driving forces since 2002 in Yunyang country,applying the packages of Arcgis10.0 and Fragstats 4.0.Diminishing of fragmentation status at county level is significant.On the contrary,negative trend exists in partial areas due to a number of small stands and narrow gallery forest.Project afforestation and social policies are the key driving forces to accelerate forest landscape fragmentation alleviation.On the contrary,obvious deforestation and land occupation for agricultural use and urban construction are direct deterrent factors of reversed forest landscape fragmentation in the study area.It is urgent to strengthen forestry land protection and management and reduce forest loss aiming at establishment of healthy and stable forest ecosystem in Yunyang country.
    ALOS Remote Sensing Classification of Vegetation Based on Different Classification Methods
    TENG Quanxiao, XU Tianshu
    2015,(4):  69-72.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.04.012
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    Based on the data of ALOS image of Yiliang County,Yunnan Province,this paper discusses the use of the maximum likelihood method,support vector machine method and object-oriented support vector machine(SVM).The results show that maximum like-lihood classification accuracy is 79.33%,SVM classification accuracy 82.25%,oriented object based support vector machine classification accuracy 86.13%,and oriented-object based support vector machine classification method has better classification results.The results can provide a reference for the study of high-resolution remote sensing image classification。
    Decision Tree Method for Burned Area Identification Based on the Spectral Index of GF-1 WFV Image
    ZU Xiaofeng, QIN Xianlin, YIN Lingyu, CHEN Xiaozhong, ZHONG Xiangqing
    2015,(4):  73-78.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.04.013
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    This paper describes the technique to be needed for rapidly and accurately identifying the burned area by forest fires,following the catastrophic fires by the vegetation index CART decision tree methods using the wide coverage image of GF-1(GF-1 WFV).They were compared between the maximum likelihood classification of supervised and unsupervised classification(ISODATA),within burned area indexes,to improve the accuracy of the burned area,shaded vegetation index,global environment monitoring index,improved shadows and bare commission or omission burned phenomenon.The results showed that the decision tree classification method based on CART algorithms for burned area identification has significantly improved the overall accuracy by 4.38% compared with the maximum likelihood method;Kappa coefficient increased by 0.1024.GF-1 satellite imagery for unsupervised classification(ISODATA)identifies the burned area poorly,the overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient are low,the map making accuracy and user accuracy have not reached 1%.
    Study on Forest Fire Risk Zone Based on Forest Fire Risk Index
    WANG Wei
    2015,(4):  79-83.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.04.014
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    Based on forest management planning and design inventory data,DEM data and topographic map of Zhouzhi National Nature Reserve,the forest fire risk index(FFR)was quantified by the factors including vegetation type,topographic factors(elevation,slope,aspect),traffic location and residential distance.The Zhouzhi National Nature Reserve was regionalized by safe,low,moderate,high and extremely high fire risk zones according to forest fire risk index(FFR).Among them,high fire risk area accounted for 48.9%,extremely high fire risk zones accounted for 30.2%,high and extremely high fire risk accounted for a larger area.The results can provide avaluable reference for forest fire management in Zhouzhi National Nature Reserve to achieve disaster prevention,mitigation and protection of forest resources.
    Evaluation of the Forest Soil Nutrient Based on Element-Matter Model in Qinghai
    ZHAO Chuanchuan, CUI Ting
    2015,(4):  84-91.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.04.015
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    Soil organic matter,total nitrogen,total phosphorus,total potassium,available nitrogen,available phosphorus,available potassium were chosen as the evaluation indexes,and the soil nutrients data obtained by means of field investigation,sampling and laboratory analysis.Based on the data,the forest soil nutrients evaluation for 72 samples in Qinghai province was carried out by building the model combined with partial correlation method and element-matter analysis.The results indicated that the situation of the forest soil nutrients in Qinghai province was in good condition,and the level distribution mainly concentrated above 3rd level.In addition,the available phosphorus content was so poor among the seven indexes,the contents of other indexes were all abundant.The situation of soil nutrients in Xining and Haixi was the best and the worst respectively,and other districts were better.The lower level of organic matter and nitrogen led to worst soil nutrient condition in Haixi,which manifested what the organic matter and nitrogen were the mainly influencing factors for the whole soil nutrients.
    Study on Distribution of Nutrients in Rubber Plantations of Different Ages
    CAI Kui, JIANG Jusheng, PENG Zongbo, ZAHO Chunmei, WANG Chunyan, MU Binbin, WANG Zhang
    2015,(4):  92-97.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.04.016
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    In the background of large scale rubber planting,in order to probe into the changes of rubber trees across the life course and distribution of soil nutrients,the method of space for time was used for the analysis and research on 8 different segments of the rubber plantation soil nutrients in the farm.The results show that(1)The organic matter content of the surface soil(0~20cm)was significantly higher than that in 20~40cm soil layer.With the age increasing,organic matter content showed a trend that decreased at first and then increased.The organic matter content of the soil at different ages from high to low in order of the secondary forest(CK)>5a>10a> 35a>20a>40a>25a>30a>15a.Statistical analysis showed that the organic matter in the soil layer of 0~20cm and total nitrogen was significantly correlated(R=0.78130),In the 20~40cm soil layer,there was a very significant positive correlation with the total nitrogen(R=0.91811),and significantly with the total phosphorus(R=0.77249).(2)The total nitrogen content of the surface soil(0~20cm)was significantly higher than that of the lower,the content of total nitrogen in surface soil increased slowly with the increase of age,20~40cm soil layer decreased at first and then increased with the increase of age.The total nitrogen content of soil is in the order of the secondary forest(CK)>5a>10a>35a>40a>30a>25a>20a>15a.(3)The total phosphorus content in the soil decreased with soil depth.With the change of tree ages the trend of total phosphorus content in the soil was the same as organic matter content.The total phosphorus contents in soil at different ages showed such a from-high-to-low ordes as 5a>10a>secondary forest>35a(40a)>20a>25a>15a(30a).(4)The content of total potassium had no significant change in the soil profile, but gradually decreases with increase of age. The average content of total potassium in the soil was in the order of 35a>10a>5a>25a>30a>secondary forest (CK)>20a>40a>15a. This is mainly due to the growth characteristics of rubber tree, soil texture and the difference of artificial fertilization management and so on. Through the experiment, expect to be able to understand the demand on nutrient of rubber tree at different ages, and the dynamic changes of nutrient elements in the soil, to provide a theoretical reference for the guidance of scientific production and fertilization management of plastic agricultural.
    Soil Infiltration Characteristics in Abies georgei var.Smithii Forest of Sygara Mountains in Tibet Based on Different Elevations
    SHI Yulong, ZHOU Chenni, WANG Jianfeng, QIU Yingqiang, MA Heping
    2015,(4):  98-103.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.04.017
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    Soil infiltration characteristics in Abies georgei var.smithii forest of Sygara Mountains in Tibet were comprehensively evaluated.Results showed that soil infiltration indicators(initial infiltration rates,steady-state infiltration rates,mean infiltration rates,the total penetration)had the gradually decreasing tendency as the increasing of soil depth in the same altitude.From the different elevations,the four soil infiltration indicators presented the maximum at the altitude of 3 700m,and the minimum at the altitude of 4200m.Through the principal component analysis(PCA),the order of soil infiltration performance was gained,which was 3 900m>3 800>4 200m>4 100m>4 000m>3 700m.The soil infiltration indicators were positively related with soil bulk density,had no relationship with soil moisture content.According to above analysis,the dominant factor equation of soil infiltration was established,which reached extremely significant level.
    Study on Land Use Information Extraction with ZY-3 Based on Object-oriented Information Extraction Technology
    MENG Xue, WEN Xiaorong, LIN Guozhong, SHE Guanghui
    2015,(4):  104-108.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.04.018
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    Object-oriented classification method which is suitable for the high resolution remote sensing images can make full use of the spectral and spatial information of remote sensing images.In this study,the information extraction method of object-oriented was compared to maximum likelihood method based on 2012 ZY-3 satellite high resolution remote sensing image.The results show that the optimal segmentation scale of coniferous and broad-leaves and coniferous and broad-leaves mixed forest is 105,water and building is 65 according to improved local variance method.In object-oriented image analysis,the optimal segmentation scale of different land types was selected by improved local variance method,the ground features of different types were extracted in multi-scale level.The accuracy of high resolution remote sensing image information extraction based on object-oriented image analysis technology was 90.3%,kappa coefficient is 0.82;the accuracy of high resolution remote sensing image information extraction based on maximum likelihood method was 77.6%,kappa coefficient is 0.71;the overall accuracy of the object-oriented image analysis technology is improved by12.7% and Kappa coefficient increases by 11%.It shows obviously that the object-oriented image analysis technology can be applied to domestic high resolution image information extraction.This paper also attempts to extract land use information by remote sensing images in the investigation of forest resources.
    Dynamic Monitoring of Vegetation in the Upper Reaches of the Fenhe River in Recent 10 Years Based on MODIS
    DI Fuhong
    2015,(4):  109-114.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.04.019
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    Vegetation is the most important part of the ecosystem.Vegetative coverage is used as an indicator for studying its temporal and spatial features in the study area,which is regarded as a basis for assassing the health of the ecosystem.In this paper,the upper reaches of the Fenhe River in Shanxi Province is taken as the study area.For the study,remote sensing and GIS technologies are used together with MODIS-NUVI data,tendency analysis method and digital elevation model (DEM) for carrying out the research on the temporal and spatial changes of the vegetation coverage in the upper reaches of the Fenhe River.
    Study on Bird Diversity in Mount Wutongshan National Park in Guangdong
    TAO Qing, TANG Yuelin , CHEN Yongfeng, ZHANG Xiongfang, CUI Pingyue, WANG Yingyong, LIN Shishi
    2015,(4):  115-123.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.04.020
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    The investigation of bird resources in Mount Wutongshan National Forest Park of Guangdong recorded 135 species belonging to 13 orders,35 families.If the six species recorded were added,Passeriformes had 24 families,95 species(66.4%);Passeres and forest birds had taken the advantage.Dominant species were Pycnonotus jocosus,Apus affinis,Zosterops japonicus,Pycnonotus sinensis,Sturnus sericeus,Aethopyga christinae,Passer montanus,Dicaeum ignipectus,Orthotomus sutorius,Parus major and Lonchura striata.And residents had 78 species(54.5%),winter visitors had 33 species(23.1%),summer visitors had 18 species(12.6%),passage migrants had 15 species(10.5%).Breeding birds had 96 species(67.1%).And 13 species were listed in the China Key List as second-grade of protected wild animals,12 species were listed in CITES Appendix II,1 species was recorded in IUCN as vulnerable(VU),5 species were recorded in CSRL as near threatened(NT),3 species were recorded in Guangdong provincial protected animals,1 species was endemic to China.Most of birds are distributed in Wutongshan County-Xiaowutong,Dawutong,Bitongdao and Shatoujiao.And Babax lanceolatus and Minla cyanouroptera which may escape or become naturalized species were discussed.
    Study on the Vascular Plants in Meixihe Wetland Nature Reserve in Chongqing Province
    CHEN Junzhi, QI Daihua, QIU Tianqi
    2015,(4):  124-128.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.04.021
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    For the effective protection of vascular plant in Meixihe Wetland Nature Reserve of Fengjie county in Chongqing province,the comprehensive investigation and study was carried out. Based on the field observation data processing,sample analysis,photographic material as well as other researchers' work,this paper calculated and analyzed the features of it which included the vascular plant species compositions,life forms,flora characteristics,rare and protected plants,and economic plants. The analysis results showed that there were 168 families,629 genera and 1 230 species of vascular plants in the nature reserve,including 626 species of widespread,strong resistance herbs. The characteristics of plant flora in the nature reserve possess the complex floristic composition,dominent big families and genus,ancient plant flora,obvious transitivity,abundant endemic genus. According to the existing problems in the protection and management of the wetland nature rreserve,protection countermeasures of plant diversity were put forward.
    Assessing the Landscape Dynamics Based on Vector Theory
    ZAHNG Jinrui, LOU Huipin
    2015,(4):  129-133.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.04.022
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    Landscape dynamics and driving factors are always hot issues in landscape ecology.To demonstrate the landscape dynamics and the effects of anthropogenic activities,we performed supervised classification on 4 remote sensing images(Landsat TM/ETM)to extract two hierarchical landscape characteristics according to the class indices and landscape metrics vector.A multi-dimension coordinating system was constructed using the neutral landscape model based on the vector theory to analyze the changes of class and landscape characteristics via EUD and CAD.We found that the anthropogenic activities may affect the landscape succession by improving anthropogenic landscape or further randomizing the landscape distribution.In the process of landscape succession,the rate and direction of change were inconsistent for different hierarchical landscapes and only the urban change process remained consistent with the general landscape.
    Research on Evaluation of Rocky Desertification Degree of Small Watersheds
    HU Huanxiang, ZHANG Min
    2015,(4):  134-138.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.04.023
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    Based on the data of the annual forestland changes of the subcompartments in 2013 in Dushan County and combined with the field survey,rocky desertification in the small watershed of the Bawang River was evaluated through establishment of the index system and use of entropy method for calculating the index weight and use of the weighted average method for calculating rocky desertification degree.The results showed that there was 372.71 hectares of land suffering rocky desertification in the study area.The percentages of moderate desertification,severe and very severe rocky desertification were 37.68%,19.79% and 42.53%respectively.On the basis of the analysis results,the desertification formation in the study area was studied and some suggestions was put forward in order to provide some reference for rocky desertification control of karst region.
    Diurnal and Seasonal Variation Characteristics of NAIC and Their Relation with Meteorological Elements in Diaoluoshan Tropical Rainforest
    SI Tingting, LUO Yanju, BI Hua, ZHAO Zhizhong, HUANG Yu, ZHANG Zhenlei
    2015,(4):  139-144.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.04.024
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    Negative air ions have the effects of clean air and healthcare when reaching a certain concentration.The abundance of negative air ions in tropical forest has become an important tourism resource.The research on the characteristics of Negative Air Ion Concentration(NAIC) and their relation with meteorological elements in tropical rainforest can provide a scientific basis for its development and exploitation.NAIC and meteorological elements(rainfall,wind velocity,air temperature,relative humidity)are determined in the Diaoluoshan Tropical Rainforest.NAIC diurnal variations in different seasons,NAIC seasonal variations,and their relation with meteorological elements are analyzed.Also,the NAIC healthcare functions of Diaoluoshan rainforest are evaluated.The results show that(1)NAIC is the highest in summer,followed by spring and autumn,and the lowest in winter.(2)Diurnal variation curves of spring,summer and autumn are similar to ‘M’,the two peaks appear at about 900-1000 and 1500-1600,respectively,the trough appear at about 1200.Diurnal variation curve of winter is similar to single peak wave,the peak appear at around 1500,the trough 1200-1300.(3)In summer,NAIC and wind velocity are negatively related,NAIC and relative humidity are positively related;in autumn,there is a positive relationship between NAIC and air temperature,relative humidity;no siginficant relationship is found between NAIC and the determined meteorological elements.
    Spatial Heterogeneity of Specific Leaf Area and Leaf Construction Cost of Quercus liaotungensis Canopy
    Qin Xinhao
    2015,(4):  145-150.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.04.025
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    Plant functional trait has been a hot topic of ecological research in recent years.Specific leaf area and leaf construction cost are important index factors in the research on harvest and expenditure of resources.The vertical and horizontal differences in the energy transmission and micrometeorological characteristics of forest canopy can lead to a considerable heterogeneity of functional traits.With Quercus liaotungensis,we studied the functional traits and their influence factors of different canopy positions.The results showed that CC on the top is higher than that at the bottom,but it is the other way around to SLA.Except the top and eastward parts,SLA in different canopy positions had significant differences;heat of combustion was the main influence factor for CC and SLA.
    Research Bulletin
    Progress of Research on Retrieval of Soil Moisture Based on Remote Sensing
    XU Pei, ZHANG Chao
    2015,(4):  151-156.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.04.026
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    In recent years,with the increase of the people’s attention to the global climate change,the technology of retrieval of soil moisture based on remote sensing in the filed of environmental remote sensing has become one of the research focuses and cutting edges.By using remote sensing to retrieve the condition of soil moisture in the macro region,the study of vegetation growth conditions,crop growth and yield estimates,climate change and environmental response mechanism to provide basic basis,has important theoretical significance.In this paper,based on the understanding and analysis of the domestic and foreign research progress in Remote Sensing Inversion of soil moisture in the three aspects of visible light and near infrared,thermal infrared and microwave remote sensing method,summarized the main methods of remote sensing inversion of soil moisture,analyzed the principle and characteristics of each method,discussed the main technical questions that existed at home and abroad in this field,and look into the future possible prospect of the developing trend of soil moisture monitoring from four aspects.
    Investigation and Thinking of Forest Harvesting Management in Pingquan County
    ZHANG Jinzhu
    2015,(4):  157-160.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.04.027
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    In the new period of comprehensively building a well-off society and the construction of ecological civilization,improving of forest harvesting management work under the new situation is scientific implementation of ecological protection,an important part of promoting sustainable forest management,also consolidating the results of forestry reform,full release of forestry productivity and an important measure for promoting the harmonious development of the region.In recent years,Pingquan county has adhered to the strategic development of modern forestry and given full play to the forest farmers’ enthusiasm in afforestation and forest management,simplified approval procedures,improved the management system,and strived to create a good environment for the forest harvesting management.The breakthrough and innovation in policy,technology,forest harvesting management work in Pingquan has played a positive role in improving the ecological environment and the development of forestry industry.
    Some Thoughts on Reform of the Forest Harvesting Management System
    WU Liangdong
    2015,(4):  161-165.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.04.028
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    With the deepening of the reform of collective forest right system,new changes have taken place in the situation of our forestry development.Forest management is related to forest tenure reform in collective forests,which involves millions of households.The former cutting management system and relevant policies for quota allocation didn’t meet the requirements of new situation and the demands of forest owners.Through the deepening of institutional innovation,the reform of forest harvesting management system has been promoted,a new operational mechanism for supervision and coordination of the decision-making power and executing power,has been built.This paper introduces the necessity,content and procedures of artificial commercial forest felling area limit control method and puts forward some countermeasures for cutting area design specifications and supervision.
    Affecting Factor Evaluation of Pinus bungeana Zucc.ex Endl.in Beijing Based on the Grey Correlation Analysis
    SUN Zhongyuan, ZHOU Shan, LIU Qian, LI Weibing
    2015,(4):  166-171.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.04.029
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    In this article,Pinus bungeana Zucc.ex Endl.in Beijing was used as a research object to discover the correlation degree between the influencing factors and its evaluation which was based on the Grey correlation Analysis.The results indicated that when the height of Pinus bungeana was 1.5 m,the sequencing of the correlation coefficient was crown plumpness>crown width> the branches density>production cost> ground diameter>the rate of crown height and clear bole height >clear bole height> lopsided crown.When the height of Pinus bungeana was 5 m,the sequencing of the correlation coefficient was crown plumpness>crown width> the branch density> lopsided crown> the rate of crown height and clear bole height >clear bole height>ground diameter>production cost.With the increase of height(When the height of Pinus bungeana was equal or greater than 3.0 metre),the correlation coefficient between the single price and crown plumpness,branch density and lopsided crown was maximum,while it was always minimum between the single price and clear bole length,ground diameter,and production cost.
    New Development in Other Countries
    Introduction of the Experience of Overseas Forestry Legislation and Its Inspiration to the Forestry Law in China
    PEI Liping, ZHANG Qibin
    2015,(4):  172-178.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.04.030
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    The forestry law in action paid much more attention to the administrative mechanism on the governance of the distribution of forestry resources,which reflects the dilemma of devolution and concentration in forestry legislation in China.On the contrast,the reform of forest tenure concentrated on the dismantling of the administrative restriction on forest tenure.Actually,in the foreign forestry institutions,forestry property has been reigning over the forest which has long been taken as property on one side,while on the other has been reined under the administrative power,which dramatically differs from traditional property rights.In the papers publicized recently-“the suggestion on the acceleration in promotion of the construction of ecological civilization”,the redaction of forestry law and melioration of forestry property and forestry management system have been assigned as priority in consummating the system of ecological civilization.Through comparative study,this research would beneficiate the legislation of forestry institution in china,in which the property rights and administrative power cooperate efficiently.