Herbaceous Community Characteristics and Species Diversity of Young Artificial Forest of Degraded Granite Hilly Areas in Central-south of Shandong Province
SHAO Shuixian, DONG Zhi, LI Hongli, XU Tingting, ZHANG Qinjing, ZHU Chao
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Different afforestation modes could produce significant influences on the survival rate,afforestation quality and even the development of plantation,especially in the area where the site conditions are poor.Such as in the central-south of Shandong province,as one of the ecological fragile regions of Shandong,the vegetations scarcity,soil and water loss,land degradation and biodiversity decline are severe ecological problems and afforestation is difficult.In order to assess the restoration effect of different afforestation modes on herbaceous vegetation in degraded granite mountain in central-south of Shandong province,we took 4 young forests which were afforested in different modes as the study objects in this area,combined the sampling investigation and laboratory analysis as our research method and studied the undergrowth herbaceous plant community quantity characteristics and changes of diversity in 2011 and 2013.Results showed that(1)Afforestation was helpful to the restoration,growth and development of undergrowth herb plants,the undergrowth herb kinds,community average coverage,height and density of young plantations afforested in different modes were all higher than the control.Moreover,all the indexes of mixed forests were higher than that of pure forests.Apart from the herb 收稿日期2014-10-13;修回日期2014-10-29 基金项目世界银行贷款山东生态造林项目“山东生态造林项目生态效益监测与评估”(SEAP-JC-2) 作者简介邵水仙(1989-),女,山东德州人,在读硕士,主要研究方向林业生态工程。EmailShao_shuixian@163.com 通讯作者李红丽(1972-),女,副教授,博士,主要研究方向荒漠化防治与植被恢复。Emaillhl@sdau.edu.cnkinds’ changes,all other indexes showed a trend that in 2013 were higher than that of 2011.(2)Afforestation could change the important value and dominant position of undergrowth herb plants.The main dominant species of undergrowth herb plants in different afforestation modes were almost the same,in the second year and fourth year after afforestation.The dynamic changes of species were obvious,the important value and dominant position of community species alternated,and 4 years after afforestation,the advantage position of community main dominant species was much more obvious.(3)The diversity indexes of different afforestation modes were higher than the control and among different modes broad broad-leaved mixed forest had the highest diversity indexes while that of the pure forest mode was lowest and needle broad-leaved mixed forest in the middle.As the time after afforestation was longer,all the diversity indexes showed a decline trend.The results of this research would reveal the impact of artificial afforestation on undergrowth herbaceous plant community quantity characteristics and provide a theoretical basis to the midterm evaluation and later appraise of afforestation projects.