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    28 April 2007, Issue 2
    Achievements of the Nature Reserve Construction in the Past Fifty Years in China
    ZONG Cheng, MA Jiazhang, HE Long
    2007,(2):  1-6. 
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    We reviewed the development history and constructionachievements of the nature reserves in the past fifty years in China in this paper. The main problems during the construction and management were discussed,and some effective management strategies were proposed.
    Discussion on Cultivation and Development of Bioenergy Forests inChina
    BAI Weiguo, ZHANG Ling, ZHAI Mingpu
    2007,(2):  7-10. 
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    The crisis of fossil energy supply and the conditionof ecosystem deterioration have made the developed nations change their energy supply strategy from fossil to bioenergy. Development and utilization of bioenergy also afford a new way to solve problems of energy supply crisis and the environment pollution in our country. The cultivation of bioenergy forest is a system engineering, for all facets of it have to be considered as a whole, i.e. the cultivation of bioenergy forests,the development of biomass industries,the condition of bioenergy supply in China, research plan on bioenergy sci-technology, and policies encouraging bioenergy forest cultivation. Meanwhile, great afforts shall be made in dealing well with the relationship among biomass utilization and ecosystem conservation, multi-use of forests, sci-technology andbioenergy industry. And the relationship among the government, enterprises andforest managers in bioenergy shall be dealt with well to promote the healthy and fast dewelopment of bioenergy industries in P.R China.
    The Management Patterns for Plantation of the Fine and Valuable Hardwood Tree Species in South-subtropical Region of China
    CAI Daoxiong, GUO Wenfu, JIA Hongyan, LU Lihua
    2007,(2):  11-14. 
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    The definition for the fine and valuable hardwood treespecies is put forward and the ecological and reproductive characteristics of those tree species are essentialized at first in this paper. Based on the current technology and experience of plantation management, six management patterns which are suitable to the management of the fine and valuable hardwood tree speciesin South-subtropical region in China are made, which would afford new management technology for those forest farms in which there are large areas of plantations of Pinus massoniana and Cunninghamia lanceolata.
    Preliminary Research on Sustainable Development of Taibai Mountain National Nature Reserve
    LIU Jianghua, ZHANG Hai, ZHAO Aiqing
    2007,(2):  15-19. 
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    Taking Haoping Protection Station (one of 4 stationsof this reserve)as an example, after describing present situation of animal andplant resources and the facts that they were damaged, this paper analyzed the main factors threatening animal and plant diversity of Taibai Mountain National Nature Reserve, such as overexploitation of resources by local communitydue to poverty, unsound management, permeation of commercial operation and overdevelopment of tourism programs with no suitable management. Additionally, considering concrete situations, this paper also presented some strategies for achieving sustainable development of this nature reserve, which were improving community residents’ living level, improving management and developing cautiously tourism programs in form of ecotourism. Strategies for sustainable development of nature reserve presented in this paper might shed some light on operationin other nature reserves in Qinling Mountains.
    Circulating Economy and the Factors of Developing Circulating Economy in Forest Regions
    LI Erbin, JIANG Minyuan
    2007,(2):  20-24. 
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    Based on the study on circulating economy and circulating economy of forest regions, the papar made an in-depth analysis on the 3R priciples:reduce,reuse and recycle. Besides, this paper has introduced and analysed the 5R ideas:rethinking,reducing,reusing,recycling and repairing. This paper has explained the important significance of the priciples and the ideasin building the circulating economy in forest regions. It points out that the factors of science and technology, legal system construction, resource appraisal and eco-industrial park construction are the main factors of building the circulating economy in forest regions.
    Research on the Basic Issues of Forestland Circulation and Transfer in the Construction of Ecological Public Welfare Forests in Zhejiang Province
    ZHENG Siwei, HAN Guokang, REN Linghua, TANG Zhi
    2007,(2):  25-28. 
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    Firstly, this article introduced the forms and typesof forestland circulation and transfer of ecological public welfare forests in Zhejiang Province. Then, the acreage and scale of forestland circulationand transfer of ecological public welfare forests in Zhejiang Province were described. Finally, the factors of impetus and obstacle in forestland circulation and transfer of ecological public welfare forests in Zhejiang Province were analyzed.
    On Compensation of Forest Ecological Benefits in China ——Based on the Compensation in Haixi Prefecture of Qinghai Province
    YANG Xiaoyang, ZHANG Fengchen, CHAI Yongyu, YANG Xingzhong
    2007,(2):  29-33. 
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    Based on the connotation of forest ecological benefits,and the present situation of the ecological benefit compensationat Haixi Prefecture and considering some corresponding theory and law in thisfield,this thesis points out some suggestions and countermeasures for formulating a system of compensation in China. This thesis analyses some current issues and points out some suggestions and countermeasures for formulating a system of compensation in China.
    Probe into Sustainable Management of Public Welfare Forests
    ZHANG Qiugen, DU Tianzhen, GUO Xiaomin
    2007,(2):  34-37. 
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    The sustainable management is the only way tomanage the resources of public welfare forests scientifically and rationally. Based on theexplanation of the connotation of public welfare forest sustainable management, the target of public welfare forest sustainable management is analyzed. Thetechnology,countermeasure and way of public welfare forest sustainable management are discussed.
    Study on Strategies of Controlling and Disposing Forest Fire Suppression Risk
    YUE Jinzhu, FENG Zhongke, JIANG Wei
    2007,(2):  38-42. 
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    Forest fire suppression is a task with high risk and high danger. Based on risk management theory and international strategicrequirements on disaster reduction, and against the risk characteristic law offorest firesuppression, the author brought up the strategies and measures of Human-oriented, risk-cognizing, risk-early-warming, risk-avoiding, risk decision, risk-controlling, emergency escaping and so on. With those stratagias and measures,the final goal with a big suppression benefit, a little of risk and a lower loss would be realized, and the forest fire suppression risk would be controlledand disposed scientifically and efficiently. Thus the forest firemen’s personal safety would be guaranteed.
    Discussion on Safari Tourism Development Strategies from the Sustainable Development Perspective
    MA Peng
    2007,(2):  43-46. 
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    Based on the discussion of the relationship between safari tourism and sustainable development, the author addressed currentissues of safari tourism in China in order to present suggestive strategies tomaintain sustainable development of safari tourism.
    A Study on the Minimum Area of Forest Spatial Investigation
    LI Li, HUI Shurong, HUI Gangying, XU Hai, HU Yanbo, LIN Tianxi
    2007,(2):  47-51. 
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    Data from 4 100m×100m natural forest plots,then uniform angle index and pair-correlation function are used to analyze the spatial patterns of trees in forest plots with varying areas. The result shows that thecorresponding tree spatial distribution patterns are related to plot areas. Patterns become stabilized with increasing plot areas, indicating that foreststructures should be analyzed with data from plots which are big enough. According to our study, 2500m2 is appropriate for minimum plot areas.
    A Study on the Development and Biomass of Undergrowth Vegetations in Cupressus funebris Plantations in Yichang Suburbs
    ZHU Yuanen, YAO Dongmei
    2007,(2):  52-56. 
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    This paper studies the development and biomass of undergrowth vegetations of young-age plantations, middle-age plantations and near-mature plantations of Cupressus funebris in Yichang suburb. The results show that,from young plantations and middle-aged plantations to near-mature plantations, number of arbor species,shrub species and herbaceous species increase to a different extent, but evergreen arbor nearly not increased. dominant species of shrub layer changed from strong-masculine to relatively neutral,dominant species of herb layer changed from carex brunnea and ficus tikoua to pteridophyte. Bad regeneration of Cupressus funebris had a distincteffect on the average height and cover of shrub layer and herb layer,which increasedon the whole,but average density descended a little. Biomass of herb layer and canopy floor increased,but as a result of bad regeneration of Cupressus funebris,biomass of shrub layer descended earlier,and increased afterward.
    Analysis on Tilia mandshurica Secondary Forest Stand Structure in Badaling Forest Farm
    LIU Chang, ZHENG Xiaoxian
    2007,(2):  57-59. 
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    Based on forest inventory and ecology inventory, analysis on the stand distribution and biodiversity was conducted. The result shows that the stand of the study is Tiliamandshurica secondary forest. The diameter distribution and height distributioncomply with normal distribution. And the biodiversity indexes are higher than man-made forests with the same site conditions.The result of the study can provide a reliable basis for the analysis of sound management of the secondary forest in Badaling forest farm.
    Study on Regeneration of Pinus tabulaeformis Forest Gaps in Ziwu Mountains
    WANG Bin, WANG Hui, YANG Junlong, SUN Dongyuan
    2007,(2):  60-65. 
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    Based on field survey data, the regeneration characteristics of pinus tabulaeformis forest gaps in comparison with those tree speciesunder canopies was investigated. The result showed that(1)There are obvious difference in the quality and composition of the regeneration trees, species in gaps and under canopies inPinus tabulaeformis forest in Zi Wu Moutains, the important value of the Pinustabulaeformis under forest gaps is superior to that under canopies, which is the majorregeneration tree species in gaps. (2) There is better growth under forestgaps of seedlings and young trees of Pinus tabulaeformis. There are a few Pinustabulaeformis saplings above 7 years old under canopies,the number distribution of saplings above 1.0cm in collar diameter and above 50cm in height in gaps is superior that under canopies too. It shows that the survival rate of pinus tabulaeformis seedlings and saplings in gaps is superior to that under canopies with age increasing.(3)Variance analysis showes that the height variance of pinus tabulaeformis has obvious difference between forest gaps and canopies.(4)Relationship analysis shows there is anobvious and positive relationship between the Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings numbers and illumination intensity, but a negative relationship between this and vegetation coverage.
    Study on the Dynamics of Forest Resources in Sanming City Based on GIS
    ZHAN Guoming
    2007,(2):  66-71. 
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    With the help of the relevant mathematical analysis approach,an investigation of dynamics of the forest resources based on the theoretical foundation of forest management was conducted withGIS used as a platform of system management. Its information sources come from data and digitalmaps of forest resources of Sanming City from 1996 to 2005. The result indicats that:the area of forest land of Sanming City has increased steadily. Althoughforest coverage rose and fell,it generally remained at a level of 76.8%. Thearea of the planted forests has increased,while the area of nature forests decreased year after year. The growing stock of standing timber has had a trend of increase since 1996. This study provids a scientific basis for drawing up policiesof sustainable development of forestry of Sanming City and a technologicalbasis as well and will be of a great value for promoting informationization ofthe management of forest resources.
    Study on the Distribution and Optimal Development of the Non-commercial Forests in Beijing
    XUE Kang
    2007,(2):  72-76. 
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    The division,distribution and main problem of the development of the non-commercial forests in Beijing are analyzed in this article.It proposes relevant ways and means for the optimal development of non-commercial forests.
    Mangrove Resources Conservation and Utilization of Techeng Isle
    HAN Weidong, GAO Xiumei
    2007,(2):  77-81. 
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    The mangrove,especially the old tree population of Aviccenia marina in Techeng Isle,is one of the very precious coastal natural resources in China and highly significant both in their conservation and utilization. It is protected effectively through activities of recovering the old trees,improvement of the growing environments,gardening design and ecotourism,and itbecomes a new ecotourism site of Zhanjiang.The successful lab food products made of the fruits of Aviccenia marina from the Isle,Lan-Qian-Guo and Lan-Qian-Dou, show the potential double wins both in conservation and utilization of the coastal natural resources.
    Study on Management Technology of E.Dunnii Seed Orchard
    LI Tianhui, DENG Bolong, XIE Yaojian, ZHANG Weiyao, SONG Yunchang
    2007,(2):  82-85. 
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    E.Dunnii is a fast growing and cold-tolerant speciesand its wood can be used for pulpwood and sawn timber. It is a species that is difficult for clonal propagation, but has also no blooming and fruit setting in many regions of Chinaand even 13-year old seed trees in orchards in Guangxi and Hunan have not produced seed. By now E.Dunnii seed must be imported with high costs, which haslimitedits development in China. 107 families of 15 provenances have been arranged inrandomly chosen block design. 30 families are selected primitively following the longitudinal growth of 11-months old, 52, 29, 35, 87, 94, 104, 86, 90, 76 and 101 are at the front of the 30 families ranking, and their average tree height is 2.17 meters. There are five elite provenances, namely17915, 17909. 17911, 17914 and 18758, their average tree height is 2.39 meters. The result of this experiment has provided the preliminary basis for the establishment of E.Dunnii seed orchard.
    Inventory of Amphibians and Reptiles in Longfeng Mountains in Shaanxi Province
    ZHANG Fengchen
    2007,(2):  86-90. 
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    An inventory of amphibians and reptiles in Longfeng Mountains, Shaanxi, was conducted using the method of route survey.It has been shown from the inventory that in the region there are 4 species of amphibian animals, belonging to 1 order, 2 families, and 2 genera.There are 12 speciesof reptiles, which falls into 3 orders, 7 families, and 10 genera.Of all these components in the fauna, there are 9 species of Palearctic realm, 6 dispersed species, and 1 species of Oriental realm, which accounts for 56.25%, 37.5%, and 6.25% respectively of total amphibian and reptile animals in the region.It can be seen, therefore, that the Palearctic realm constitutes the main component of amphibians and reptiles in the fauna.
    Evaluation on Economical Value of Wildlife Resources
    HAN Song, LIU Junchang, WANG Hongying, CHEN Wenhui
    2007,(2):  91-95. 
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    Based on the status of wildlife resources using in China, this article simply summarizes the expression forms of economical values and usage of wildlife resources.This essay tentatively raises estimation methodson commercial values and entertainment value of wildlife resources accordingto the differences of wildlife resources using.
    Overview on the Definition and Application of Foot Diameter and Foot Diameter Volume Table
    LU Changtai, HUANG Yumei, MA Jun
    2007,(2):  96-100. 
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    Firstly, the foot diameter and the foot diameter volume table were defined.Secondly, the domestic study on the compilation of footdiameter volume table in recent 20 years was reviewed.At last, the problemsof the foot diameter and foot diameter volume table in application were discussed and some improving advices were proposed in the paper.