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    28 October 2007, Issue 5
    Wetland Conservation and Management in Shanxi Province
    TAN Guangming, XU Hui, LI Yanhua, JIA Yongyi, LIAN Wenhai, ZHU Zhiwen
    2007,(5):  1-4. 
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    Wetlands are one of the three main land ecosystems. Shanxi Province lies in the central landlocked area of China, where wetland resources are scarce. It is important for protection and management of wetland resources to promote local ecological development and improve ecological conditions. The article reviews the current situation of wetland resources, main existingdifficulties and problems in Shanxi Province, and strategic measures are put forward to strengthen protection and management of wetland resources.
    Coastal Wetland Resources Conservation in China
    WANG Jianchun, LI Chunyu
    2007,(5):  5-8. 
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    There are rich wetland resources in coastal areas andthe total area is up to 6.2 276mln hm2, with the function of defense of tsunami & storm tide, protection of coastal line, prevention of the invasion of salt water,and beautification of environment.At present, the wetlands in coastal area aresubject to some serious threats such as reclamation, pollution and over-exploitation of natural resources.All the threats have resulted in the continuous degradation, even loss of wetlands, and the situation can't meet the requirement of ecological security of coastal areas. Facing the problems mentioned above,the conservation strategy of coastal wetlands and the coastal wetland conservation and restoration program should be implemented, and the improvement of legislation on wetlands and capacity building of relevant institutions should be enhanced as soon as possible.
    Study on the Performance Appraisal System for Effective Management of Nature Reserves in China
    LI Yun
    2007,(5):  9-13. 
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    Based on the analysis on the necessity and feasibilityof developing a performance appraisal system for effective management of naturereserves, a basic framework of the system has been described and detailed waysof using the system has been discussed aiming to accelerate nature reserve development and establish an incentive system so as to improve management level.
    Analysis on the Status Quo of Giant Panda Conservation
    ZHOU Jiemin
    2007,(5):  14-18. 
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    Analysis has been made on the status quo of giant panda's distribution, protection and management, and the major threats and probsems. The analysis results are expected to be used for the future work on protection of giant panda.
    Problems and Suggestions about Ecotourism Development in China Based on Its Public Welfare Characteristics
    TAN Hongyang, GU Kaiping, CHEN Wenhui
    2007,(5):  19-22. 
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    On the basis of summarizing the conditions of ecotourism development in China, problems of ecotourism development was analyzed using the theory of public welfare characteristics including neglecting environment conservation, thinking much of economic benefits, defaulting environment education function andinconsistent relation between ecotourism area and its circumambient community.Then suggestion was given including creating a system about ecotourism plan, building mechanism of monitoing and prevention of ecotourism resources from being destroyed, intensifying environment education functions, and benefit distribution,etc.
    The Enlightenment from the Study on American Forest Health Theory and its Practical Application in Urban Forestry
    HAN Xuewen, MENG Qingfang, SONG Yushuang, CAI Yushi
    2007,(5):  23-28. 
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    This article introduced the theory of forest health and forest health monitoring. It analyzed the practical application of forest health theory in urban forestry development based on the analysis of the software system, capacity building and fire control. It put forward some suggestions on the healthy development of China's forest resources.
    Study on Integrated Development of Mountainous Areas in China
    JING Tao, GUO Wei, LU Shilei, WU Bin
    2007,(5):  29-32. 
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    It's an important strategic decision of constructing the harmonious society and the new socialist countryside in the new period. Thepaper summarizes the achievements and experiences in mountainous areas where theenvironment and infrastructure have been improved obviously since 1996. It analyzes the existing problems such as the slow and imbalanced economic developmentin different mountainous areas, etc. At last it puts forward some suggestionson how to improve economic development in China's mountainous areas in future.
    Close-to-natural Management of Forest Plantations in China
    HUANG Yumei, ZHANG Jian, YANG Wanqing, LU Changtai
    2007,(5):  33-36. 
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    In this paper, how to put the close-to-natural management of forest plantations into practice was discussed based on the analysis of the problems of management of forest plantation at present in China.The suggestions about how to naturalize the forest ecological engineering were also providedin this paper.
    Ecological Engineering and Ecological Project—the Meaning of Artificial Project in the Ecological Construction
    XU Guozhen
    2007,(5):  37-40. 
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    Ecological engineering and ecological project are important contents of ecological construction and environmental protection. This paper places emphasis on the profound meaning of the relative theories and methods to the ecological engineering, especially the research and project of hierarchical structure.It combines property research and complexity research of artificial ecosystem that is to be established in order to create conditions for designing artificial ecosystem—ecological engineering.This paper also introduces the methods of artificial project.
    Analysis on Factors Influencing Forest Carrying Capacity
    BAI Chunzhu, JIANG Zhiqun, DOU Guangmin
    2007,(5):  41-43. 
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    For harmonizing the relationship between forest use and conservation, it is necessary to evaluate the forest carrying capacity in a region timely.In order to establish the theoretical foundation of forest carryingcapacity evaluation, the factors influencing forest carrying capacity, including natural conditions, resource base, technical advancement and society and economy development status, are analyzed deeply in this paper.
    Analysis and Assessment on Status Quo of Forest Resources in Surrounding Areas of Hangzhou Bay
    ZHANG Guohong, YANG Yuejun, DU Qun, ZHANG Dawei
    2007,(5):  44-48. 
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    Based on the results of the 5th reinvestigation of consecutive forest resources investigation in Zhejiang Province, the status quo ofthe forest resources in surrounding areas of Hangzhou Bay are elaborated in thisthesis, from which we can learn about the characteristics of the structure of theforestresources correctly and scientifically.Therefore it is significant for us to arrange the forestry production. Moreover, the forest resources will be operatedregularly and managed scientifically in certain areas.
    Analysis on Current Situation of Forest Resources in Tibet
    GAO Shuchao, WANG Jingsheng
    2007,(5):  49-52. 
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    As one of the key state-owned forest resources,Tibet forest resources play an important role in the ecological development.The current situation of the forest resources in Tibet is analyzed based on the data of Tibet forest management inventory.The results show that the spatial distributionof the forest is relatively centralized,and the forest resourse quantity ishuge;forest and shrubbery are the main forest stands,accounting for more than 95%;protection forest is the main forest type, timber forest and special purpose forest are lesser,and economic forest and fuel forest are exiguous; non- forested land mainly consists of barren hills and wasteland suitable for plantation establishment, which account for about 89.48%, the burned area and desertified land account for 3.57%,6.59%;the forest accounts for 97.8~98.7% in the growing stock.
    Study on Dead Surface Fuel Loading of Pinus tabulaeformis Forest of Badaling Forest Center in Beijing
    GUO Lifeng, NIU Shukui, KAN Zhenguo
    2007,(5):  53-58. 
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    The amount of dead surface fuel loading is the main basic cause that forest fire occurs.42 plots of Pinus tabulaeformis forest were surveyed,including landform factors, stand factors and several types of specific forest fuel. The correlative relations among the loading and the effective factorswere analyzed through correlation analysis method.The result shows mean standheight, slope gradient, and altitude are linear correlative with fuel loading, but mean DBH, shade coverage and stand density are not.The predicting models between fuel loading and several factors are set up by linear regression analysis method. The factors except mean DBH are used in the models.The test effect is remarkable, and the predicting models are convenient to other Pinus tabulaeformisforest fuel loading calculation.
    Study on Scenic-recreational Forest Patch Tending Method
    WU Nansheng, ZHAI Mingpu, DU Tianzhen
    2007,(5):  59-64. 
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    The landscape of scenic-recreational forestsis based on the health and near nature extent of forests. Its tending is different among different cities, habitats, and forest types; Scenic-recreational forest patch tending method(SFPTM) takes target patch as the work unit with strongpertinence and flexible operation, evaluation of the patch's essentiality and the stand' grade as the committed step, with tree sign, selective cut of single tree and bosk, orientation planting for the main measure, and its pertinence andagility is satisfactory.
    Experimental Study on Seed Germination of Pinus pinaster Introduced from France
    LI Zhenmeng, LI Junqing, LIU Qiang, ZHANG Shengkai, DING Xin
    2007,(5):  65-70. 
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    This paper, through determination of the thousand-grain weight of Pinus pinaster introduced from France, thinks that the seedquality is good and the coefficient of variation is small. The experiments conducted both in the lab and nursery on the germination of the seed can provide basic data for introduction of Pinus pinaster in future.
    Analysis on Relationship between Quantitative Distribution ofWildlife Parks and Social and Economic Development in Different Areas of China
    CHEN Wenhui, JI Jianwei, LIU Junchang
    2007,(5):  71-75. 
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    The thesis selects three indices including average GDP, average consumption and population quantity which are the key indices influencing the development of wildlife parks to analyze the quantity distribution change ofwildlife parks and the relationship between quantity of wildlife park and thesocial andeconomic development in different areas, and the conclusion is that there are positive relativity between quantity distribution of wildlife parks and the threesocial and economic development indices including average GDP, average consumption and population quantity. At last, the thesis puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions on such aspects as controlling quantity and scale of wildlifeparks, creating ecological compensation system for wildlife parks and integration of current general wildlife parks, etc.
    Comparative Study on Protection Gaps of the Terrestrial Vertebrate in the National Nature Reserve in Henan Province
    FANG Baohua
    2007,(5):  76-81. 
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    Based on the analysis of the characteristics of the terrestrial vertebrate resources in Henan Province and by using the resources data of the National Nature Reserve,we have accumulative statistics on classification units such as species,families,orders or classification unit vacancies of terrestrial vertebrates.Study has been conducted on classification unit vacancy situation and the characteristics of different national nature reserves(quantity and area).
    Valuation of Vituous Management of Jiulianshan National Nature Reserve in Jiangxi Province
    LI Hui, LI Yun, XIAO Zhongyou, LUO Xiaomin
    2007,(5):  82-86. 
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    The indicator scores in the“Nature Reserve management evaluation of technical norms,”and the investigation methods of the“Chinese forestry management capacity and management evaluation” project and the factor screening method have been used to determine the evaluatation factors. The quantitative evaluation has been made for the effective management of Jiulianshan National Nature Reserve in Jiangxi Province.
    Evaluation of Forest Ecosystem Service Functions in Caiyanghe Nature Reserve
    JING Yuebo, CHEN Jun
    2007,(5):  87-91. 
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    Using the methods of market value, shade price and opportunity-cost, the ecosystem services including water-holding, soil conservation, carbon fixation and air purification etc.of three main vegetation types namely moon evergreen broadleaved forests, monsoon rain forests and mountainous rainforests of Caiyanghe Nature Reserve were evaluated.The results showed that theannual integrated forest ecosystem service value in Caiyanghe Nature Reserve amounted to 146.23 million yuan (Chinese RMB), of which, 49.1956 million yuan forwater-holding, 95.759 million yuan for soil conservation, 13.6505 million yuan for carbon fixation and reducing green house effect, and 25.0492 million yuanfor air purification.
    Natural Resources of Climber Plants and Their Exploitation and Utilization in Guizhou Province
    AN Mingtai, YANG Rui, YU Lifei
    2007,(5):  92-96. 
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    782 species (including varieties,subspecies and forma)of climber plants, belonging to 177 genera and 59 families, have been recordedin Guizhou. Among them, 554 species are woody plants and are mainly deciduous climbers, accounting for 70.8% of the total species.According to different climbing styles,climber plants can be mainly divided into four kinds, that is, wind,curl,thorn and stickiness. Wild climber plants are distributed all over Guizhou, especiallyin east, southeast, south and southwest mountain areas.The paper mainly introduces resource features and exploitation and utilization of climber plants in Guizhou, including rocky mountain afforestation, water and soil conservation, vertical afforestation and cane furniture, etc.