
Table of Content

    28 February 2014, Issue 1
    Integrated Management and Administration
    The Challenge and Strategy of Standardization of Forestry Engineering Construction in China
    TANG Xiaoping, WANG Hongwei, Zhang Zhidong
    2014,(1):  3-7.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.01.002
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    In this paper,the development of forestry engineering construction standardization in China is divided into four stages,and at present it is in the transition period of development.Current situation of engineering construction standardization is difficult to meet the requirements of the national investment system reform,forestry construction engineering development,globalization,and the multi-management situation.On the basis of the above analysis,this paper puts forward some ideas,priorities and suggestions to strengthen the standardization of forestry engineering construction.
    Change of Staff and Reform Directions of Forest Enterprises in Regions of the Natural Forest Protection Programme
    YE Ronghua, LIU Yonghong, LIU Zhidong, Hao Jinwen, NI Yi
    2014,(1):  8-15.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.01.003
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    This paper analyzes the change of staff,its current structure and the trend of the future change in regions of the Natural Forest Protection Programme(NFPP)since its launch.Judges and suggestions are given for the reform directions of forest enterprises.
    Considerations on Strengthening Legal System Construction of the Conservation of Wildlife Habitats in China
    Ruan Xiangdong
    2014,(1):  16-21.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.01.004
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    This paper outlined the status quo of wildlife habitat protection and analyzed the legal system of wildlife habitat protection and the existing weak points in China.Contrast on the basis of comparative analysis of the legal protection systems of endangered species and their habitats in the United States,Japan,Great Britain,it made suggestions for perfecting legal system of the conservation of endangered wildlife habitats,improving the legal status of the conservation of endangered wildlife habitats,introducing critical habitat system in Wildlife Conservation Law of China,perfecting sanctuary system,improving land acquisition and compensation system of the critical habitats of endangered species,and establishing stakeholder consultation system.
    Thinking and Suggestions on Improving the Mountainous Areas by Afforestation for China's Forestry
    SHENG Li
    2014,(1):  22-26.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.01.005
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    The forestry development has to face the issues of ecological management for difficult sites in these areas of barren mountains,geologic hazards,stony desertification and environmental deterioration of mining areas.For the double- increase goal of forestry,we should study and discuss about the improvement of the mountainous areas by afforestation.The improvement of the mountainous areas by afforestation should be included into the main functions of the forestry management and the support systems of policy,fund and technology should be set up.The bio-measures should be taken with the engineering measures in the improvement of mountainous areas by afforestation.
    Problems and Countermeasures for Inventory and Management of Unplanned Woodlands in East China
    LOU Yi, NIE Xiangyong
    2014,(1):  27-29.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.01.006
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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the current status and existing problems for investigation and management of the unplanned woodland in East China.On this basis,the paper puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions on improving the unplanned woodlands investigation and management.To promote the growth of regional forest resources,it has the reference significance.
    Thinking about the Expropriation of Forest Land Occupied for Engineering Construction ——Taking Yunnan Province as an example
    LI Hua
    2014,(1):  30-35.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.01.007
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    According to the laws and regulations of forestry and the woodland management on examination and approval of expropriation and requisition of woodland for engineering construction projects,this paper combined with the requirements of the state and Yunnan province for using forest land and the current situation of forestland supply and demand in Yunnan province,summarized existing problems,deliberated and put forward suggestions for strengthening ecological construction,protecting forest resources,implementing strictly forest land quota management,strengthening the woodland use control and improving the administrative efficiency,etc.
    Study on Social Responsibilities of Forestry Enterprises in State-owned Forest Regions ——A case study in Heilongjiang Province
    ZHAO Yan, ZHANG Jimei
    2014,(1):  36-40.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.01.008
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    The state-owned forestry enterprises,as the economic entities of forest resouces,face the issues of social responsibilities which receive more and more widespread concern.Starting from the social responsibilities of the state-owned forestry enterprises and taking the state-owned forestry enterprises in Heilongjiang province as an example,this paper analyzes the state-owned forestry enterprise social responsibilities at different levels and puts forward the ways for the state-owned enterprises to perform their social responsibities.
    Scientific Research
    Research on Overseas RS Sampling Inventory Approach Based on German NFI Data
    XU Zehong, YANG Xueqing, LI Chao, WU Fayun
    2014,(1):  41-45.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.01.009
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    In this paper RS sample plots and high resolution images are used to interpret them for the types of stands and forest land uses,and then employ the probability estimation approach to extend the scale of results from plot to population.In the end,the Germany NFI(National Forest Inventory)statistical results are utilized to test the predicted results.With the method,the paper sets 334 RS plots with the scale of 1km×1km in Germany,afterwards,it also obtains high resolution images to be interpreted and make a sampling prediction.The results show that for Germany,the relative error of land area is 2.43%;that of forest area 0.59%;that of forest coverage ratio 2.96%.In addition,the detailed information of provincial forest resources is also obtained.In summary of the aforementioned results,it is safe to say that the approach is feasible and practical,the result reliable,and factors sufficient.Besides,it also realizes the active monitoring of overseas forest resources and provides a new approach for it.
    Forest Canopy Density RS Inversion Research Based on LAI
    NIU Zhanyong, FENG Juan, GU Jiancai, LU Guiqiao
    2014,(1):  46-51.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.01.010
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    With Miyun Banchengzi as research area and TM images as data sources,RS technology was used to extract the normalized difference vegetation index.According to the measured real leaf area index and land utilization information the concentration coefficients are determined and effective leaf area index calculated.The NDVI and effective leaf area index are unary regression analysis.Finally John 2007 canopy density estimation model is used for canopy density estimation,and the estimation results are accuracy test.The results show that the NDVI high correlation with effective leaf area index and can be used in the estimation of effective leaf area index.Using effective leaf area index and comprehensively considering leaf inclination angle the estimation precision of canopy density is high.
    Research on Optimal Feasible Sectional Segments of Sectional Measurement about Cunninghamia Lanceolata —A case of Huitong of Hunan province
    MENG Chu, ZHU Guangyu, ZHENG Xiaoxian
    2014,(1):  52-55.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.01.011
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    Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation which growed in Huitong of Hunan province was taken as research object,the relations between the sectional segments n of fallen trees,the volume v and the mean experimental form factors fε were analyzed.Regression method was used to establish an optimal regression model about sectional segments n and the mean experimental form factors fε.The optimal regression model is 公式.Through the scatter diagram of the sectional segments n and the mean experimental form factors fε,the optimal feasible sectional segments ncis six.The results showed that the model′s precision was high and usability was powerful,which provides theoretical basis for finding the optimal feasible sectional segments .
    A Study on Stand Spatial Structure of Broad-leaved Korean Pine Forest in Zhangguangcai Mountains
    LI Liang, XIA Fucai, YANG Xiaoyan, ZHANG Xianlong, SUN Guowen, WU Xiangju, WANG Guichun, LIN Tianxi
    2014,(1):  56-61.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.01.012
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    Broad-leaved korean pine forest is the most important forest type in Eastern region of Northeast China.And how to obtain the appropriate information on forest structure is an important part of forest conservation and sustainable management.In 2011,a permanent plot of 30ha was established in forest region of Jiaohe Forestry Experimentation Administrative Bureau,in which all trees were sized by diameter breast height(DBH)and mapped.Its stand spatial structure was studied by means of three structural diversity indicators:mingling,neighborhood comparison and neighborhood pattern.The mean mingling of this plot is 0.59,the mean neighborhood pattern is 0.569 and neighborhood comparison is between 0.36 and 0.94.The results indicate that the forest is slightly above moderate mingling level horizontally,tree species differentiation is apparent vertically,and the forest is aggregated.The results can provide a reference for the forest sustainable management.
    The Growth Dynamics of Natural Birch Forest in Southern Part of the Daxing'anling Mountains
    SHI Zhongge, LI Cunfang, ZHAO Shuying
    2014,(1):  62-65.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.01.013
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    Based on trunk analysis on the growth dynamics of DBH,height and volume of standard trees growing in white natural birch forests at three different site conditions,we concluded that site conditions are in direct proportion to Betula platyphylla's production.Forest growing under fine site conditions are featured with earlier fast growing time,more distinct speed increase in growth increment,yet shorter in continuous growth;in contrast,forest growing under worse site conditions has later fast growing time,slower in growth increment increase,yet continuous growth period lasts longer.The average production of 70 years old birch single tree volume is still on the rise,which illustrates that tree quantitative maturity age of forest after thinning is much longer than that of the industry standard.
    Study on the Biomass and Site Factors of Salix oritrepha in the Loess Hilly Region of Qinghai Province
    ZHAO Chuanchuan, MENG Hanlong, SONG Ruize, ZHAO Qiaoyu, AN Ruolan, DONG Xu
    2014,(1):  66-70.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.01.014
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    72 Salix oritrepha sample plots were set in loess hilly region of Qinghai province,samples were collected and the biomass were analyzed.The effects of site factors on the total biomass were analyzed systematically.Results showed that the biomass of Salix oritrepha forest had a large variation from 0.34t/hm2 to 31.19 t/hm2,the average biomass is 6.17t/hm2.The average percentage of biomass above the ground accounted for 59.71%of the total biomass,and underground part had an average of 40.28%,the proportion of stems and roots of Salix oritrepha in meadow soil and grey brown soil were smaller than other kinds of soil,which indicated strong root development.There was good positive relationship between the total biomass and the coverage,while there was no obvious relationship between the total biomass and slope gradient,or slope positions.Salix oritrepha showed obvious growth advantage at 2800 to 3400m elevation,steep slope,medium and shady slope .
    The Construction of Predicting Model of Aboveground Biomass of Four Types of Shrubs in Northern Shanxi Province
    LI Gang, ZHAO Xiang, LIU Birong
    2014,(1):  71-76.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.01.015
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    By using harvesting method,four kinds of shrubs were randomly sampled in northern Shanxi Province.We analyzed aboveground biomass and distribution biomass,and simultaneously constructed predicting model by simple indicators.The conclusions were as follows:Firstly,aboveground biomass differences were larger in various shrubs,and were respectively Vitex negundo var.heterophylla,Rosa xanthina Lindl,Caragana korshinskii Kom.and Ziziphus jujuba var.spinosa(Bunge)Hu in descending order.Rosa xanthina Lindl and Vitex negundo var.heterophylla biomasses from different organization were respectively leaf,older branch and new branch in descending order,while Caragana korshinskii Kom.and Ziziphus jujuba var.spinosa(Bunge)Hu were older brach,leaf and new brach.Secondly,the ratio between branch and leaf was different in different shrubs.Caragana korshinskii Kom.was 2.79 times that of Rosa xanthina Lindl,and the ratio was approximately 1 between Vitex negundo var.heterophylla and Rosa xanthina Lindl.Thirdly,according to different shrubs and different organs from same shrubs to select CH,C and V as independent variable,we constructed aboveground biomass predicting model about 4 types of shrubs,we found the best model was power function.It can be used to calculate the shrub biomass.
    Study on the Broadleaved Forest Biomass Model of RS in the Southern Part of Daxing'anling Mountains
    WANG Qingmei, BAO Liang, WEI Jiangsheng, ZHOU Mei, PENG Jiabin
    2014,(1):  77-81.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.01.016
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    The broadleaved forest Biomass model for the southern parst of Daxinganling Mountains was studied by RS technology in this paper.The SPOT-5 data and Landsat 5 TM in August 2009 were used as source data,with other data like DEM.On the basis of multi-source information composite processing method,normalized difference vegetation index and ratio vegetation index were extracted in ENVI .Slope,aspect and altitude were calculated from DEM.The local plot measured biomass data was taken as standard,through multiple regression analysis,remote sensing model for broadleaved forest Biomass 公式 was established.After accuracy test,all statistics were within the rational range,The average relative error was less than 17.4% showing the predicated values of RS model ere accurate,Less than 17.4%.It can be used for broadleaved forest biomass estimation in Saihanwula National Nature Reserve.Meanwhile,the RS model had a certain practical significance for broadleaved forest biomass estimation in broadleaved forest in the southern Daxinganling Mountains.
    Dynamic Assessment of the Plant Carbon Storage in Baoxing County of Sichuan Province
    YUAN Zhifen, HUANG Guilin, MO Hongwei, SHEN Ruichang, XU Ming, QIU Shuai, ZHAO Fengxia, LI Renqiang
    2014,(1):  82-88.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.01.017
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    Dynamic assessment of ecosystem carbon storage can help reveal the drive mechanism of global change on ecosystem carbon cycle,and can also provide decision support for the integrated ecosystem management.In the present study,we adopted an Integrated Valuation of Environmental Services and Tradeoffs(InVEST)model,and combined the forest resources inventory data(1992,2007,2012)with the field investigated data to conduct a dynamic assessment of plant carbon storage in Baoxing County,Sichuan Province.Our result shows that the total carbon density increased from 23.19t/hm2 in 1992 to 50.68t/hm2 in 2012.The biological carbon storage in Baoxing ecosystem was 24.57×104t,1327.36×104t and 1582.94×104t in 1992,2007 and 2012,respectively,and annual growth rate was 3.98%.Our study suggests that over past twenty years vegetation in this area played a strong role in carbon sequestration,and the increase of plant carbon storage is mainly due to the increase of carbon sequestration in forestland,which were 457.98×104t,1059.72×104t and 1376.57×104t in these three years,respectively.Spatial distribution area with high carbon density is expanding during the past twenty years,which is still located in medium altitude mountainous areas.
    Research on Forest Ecosystem Carbon Sinks in Jiangsu Province
    LIN Hong, MA Xu, HE ZaiHua, LIU Bin, HUANG Zhong, TIAN XingJun
    2014,(1):  89-97.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.01.018
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    On the basis of the field investigation of sample plots in Jiangsu province in 2011-2012 and the results of forest resource survey in 2010,we calculated the forest ecosystem carbon storage and density of Jiangsu province.Until 2012,total carbon storage of forest ecosystem was 179.16 Tg C,and the carbon storages in arbor layer,shrub-grass layer,litter layer,and soil were 57.95Tg C,6.90Tg C,14.44Tg C,99.87Tg C,accounting for 32.44%,3.85%,8.05%,and 55.66% of the total,respectively.The average carbon density in the forest ecosystems was 143.00T/hm2,with 83.65 T/hm2 in soil,51.43T/hm2 in arbor layer,5.24T/hm2 in litter layer,and 2.66T/hm2 in shrub-grass layer.Different types of the forest ecosystems had different carbon storage and density,and values of carbon storage in deciduous broadleaved forest was highest(102.03Tg C),bamboo forest had the lowest values(3.90Tg C).Values of density in evergreen broadleaved forest was highest(170.97 T/hm2),deciduous broad-leaved forest had the lowst values(109.99 T/hm2).According to age group,forest carbon storage was mainly distributed in the age groups of below 10 years,10 to 20 years,values were respectively 11.36 Tg C,27.92 Tg C,which accounted for 25.07% and 61.63% of the total carbon.Correlation analysis between aboveground biomass and soil characteristics showed that aboveground biomass and characteristics of soil carbon content,nitrogen content are positively correlated,and aboveground biomass appeared strongly related to soil nitrogen content (p=0.03),correlation of aboveground biomass and soil water content was not significant.
    Study on Land Use and Landscape Shifting in Huntai River Basin from 2000 to 2010
    WEI Jinhong, TAN Chunyang, SONG Kaishan, WANG Yongshan
    2014,(1):  98-103.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.01.019
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    Based on RS/GIS technology,landscape ecology theory and the transfer matrix data model,two historic RS images (2000 and 2010) of Huntai River Basin were selected for analyzing spatio-temporal change of landscape elements,landscape/lande-use pattern and conversions law by integrating land-use/cover features,landscape diversity and spatial heterogeneity.The results indicate that driven by fierce pace of economic development and urbanization,ecological land area like forest,farmland and watershed were reduced,on the contrary,construction was increased.Landscape patterns become a trend that landscape patches were smaller,more discrete and fragmented.The results can be used to pursue laws of watershed land use change and provide scientific basic data for proposing comprehensive land-use management.
    Analysis on Point Patterns of Two Main Plant Populations in Subalpine Dark Coniferous Forest of Southeast Tibet
    LI Jiangrong, FANG Jiangping, LU Jie, ZHNEG Weilie
    2014,(1):  104-108.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.01.020
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    Spruce-fir forest was one main type of subalpine dark coniferous forest in Southeast Tibet.After a comprehensive investigation on spruce-fir forest distributed in Gongbu Nature Reserve of Southeast Tibet by transects and quadrats,spatial distribution and spatial associations of Picealikiangensis var.linzhiensis and Abiesgeorgei var.smithiipopulation were analyzed and explored by Ripley function.The results showed that the spatial distribution pattern of two populations were discrepant with different altitude and scale.The pattern of A.georgei var.smithii population in four plots was as follows:aggregated distribution (P1)→random distribution (P2)→aggregated distribution (P3)→random distribution (P4),and there was aggregated distribution in small scale.The pattern of P.likiangensis var.linzhiensispopulation in four plots was aggregated distribution (P1)→random distribution (P2)→random distribution (P3)→aggregated distribution (P4),and the aggregated distribution appeared in low altitude and small scale,or in high altitude and large scale.The interspecific relationship of two populations in four plots was in order of no significant correlation(P1)→significant negative correlation in small scale(P2)→significant positive correlation in large scale(P3)→significant negative correlation in large scale(P4).The research results provided a theoretical basis for management and sustainable utilization of spruce-fir forest,and enriched the assessment content of the national ecological security barrier in Tibet plateau.
    Analysis on the Best Band Combination of TM Images from Different Dates for the Forest Areas in the Northern Daxing'anling Mountains of Inner Mongolia
    WU Yun, AN Huijun, LIU Huaipeng, LING Mei, SHEN Qing, WANG Xiaohon
    2014,(1):  109-113.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.01.021
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    Landsat-5 TM images of growing seasons and non-growing seasons for four forestry bureaux in northern Daxing'anling mountains of Inner Mongolia were used.Preprocessing of images including atmospheric correction,geometric correction,mosaic and cutting was conducted. Such jobs were also done as the statistical analysis of standard deviation,correlation coefficient and OIF index,analysis of the best band combination of two different date images.The results show that the best band combination of the study area TM images for the growing season is 345 and 234,the best band combination of non-growing season is 245,345 and 234.The results can be applied to use of TM images for forest resources information extraction.
    Technical Application
    Evaluation of Land Suitability for Rubber Planting in Lingao County Based on GIS Technology
    QI Fujia, QIU Penghua, WU Xiaotao, LIU Youzhao
    2014,(1):  114-119.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.01.022
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    Taking Lingao County in Hainan Province as a research object,an evaluation index system and a model for suitability of rubber planting are established according to ten selected indexes including irrigation,soil TN,slope,etc.And on the basis of GIS technology,the paper makes land suitability evaluation for rubber planting not only with single factor but also with multiple factors.The results shows that apart from the farmland,construction area and water area,there are 56540.89 hectares of land for plantation of rubber in Lingao County,in which the highest suitability land,the middle suitability land,and the common suitability land cover 2666.15 hectares,29917.38 hectares,23957.36 hectares respectively.Only 9.92% of the land in the comprehensive evaluation area is not suitable for rubber planting,which indicates that Lingao County has a lot of potential land for rubber planting.
    Evaluation on the Betula platyphylla Forest Ecosystem Service Values in Southern Daxing'anling
    ZHOU Mei, ZENG Nan, ZHAO Pengwu, WEI Jiangsheng, LI Pan, ZHAI Mingyao
    2014,(1):  120-126.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.01.023
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    With the Saihanwula Forest Ecosystem Research Station location as the study area and on the basis of the field survey and observation and the “forest ecosystem service function evaluation standards”the evaluation index system was developed. Evaluation on the values of the Betula platyphylla forest ecosystem services of different ages in Saihanwula was carried out.The results show that in 2012,the Betula platyphylla forest water conservation,soil conservation,carbon sequestration and oxygen emancipation,accumulation of nutrients,air environment purification and biodiversity conservation of ecosystem service produce a value at 9.72×108 yuan/a.The highest value is soil conservation function.The space distribution state of southern Daxinganling Betula platyphylla natural forest ecosystem service value was as follows:near mature forest >mid-mature forest> young growth> mature forest> overmature forest.Evaluation of the ecosystem service values of the Betula platyphylla forest of different age groups will benefit the research of forest ecosystem service function of a single tree species in southern Daxinganling.
    Analysis of Ecological Carrying Capacity of National Key Ecological Function Areas in Hunshandake Based on Ecological Footprints
    MENG Qinghua
    2014,(1):  127-130.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.01.024
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    The ecological footprint analysis method was used to calculate the ecological footprint of the key ecological function areas in Hunshandake in 2012 and analyze their changes.The results showed that the ecological footprint was 5.296 hm2 per capita,and its ecological carrying capacity was 2.429 hm2 per capita,ecological deficit was 2.867 hm2 per capita,which reveals that this region has made full use of its various land resources.In terms of land use types:(1)Per capita ecological footprint is the largest in natural energy resources land,followed by farmland and forest land;(2)The largest ecological carrying capacity per capita is in its farmland,followed by grassland and forest land;(3)Per capita ecological deficit is found in grassland,energy resources land and waterland,while the ecological surplus appears in the other ecological land types.Key measures of ecological protection and construction in this area are to protect grassland.
    Study on the Subalpine Marsh Wetland Vegetation in Yulong County of Yunnan Province
    YANG Zhongxing, HUA Chaolang, YU Changyuan, ZHANG Shaohui, ZHENG Jinxuan, YANG Guowei
    2014,(1):  131-139.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.01.025
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    The subalpine marsh wetlands vegetation is an important part of Yunnan wetlands,plays an important role in wetland types,and provides important ecological services.Based on the field research,typical sampling methods are used to survey 130 plots and plot data are collated.The Yulong county subalpine marsh wetlands vegetation is divided into 3 types of marsh vegetation and 13 formations.Based on the comprehensive identification of subalpine wetland vegetation types and distribution region and distribution area in Yulong county,scientific analysis is done to summarize subalpine marsh vegetation distribution characteristics and vegetation structure characteristics.According to the wetlands threat status,this paper puts forward the protection measures.
    Debris Flow Sensititvity Analysis on Land Use of the Upstream Watershed of Miyun Reservoir
    LIU Pengyu, TIAN Liping, LIU Chengcheng, SHU Qingtai, ZHANG Linbo
    2014,(1):  140-145.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.01.026
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    Debris flows in Beijing mountains area are well developed.Debris flow activities are closely related with the area of the special natural conditions and human activities.With Beijing Miyun reservoir upstream watershed as an example,under the support of RS and GIS,the sensitivity of different kinds of land use on debris flows was systematically calculated.On the basis of integrated analysis,the most vulnerable land use types to debris flow disaster are open forest land at the slope of 8 degree to 15 degree,construction land at the slope of less than 8 degree,sparse grass coverage and medium coverage grass land at the slope of 15 degree to 25 degree.Research results could be used to guide the land use type and the layout of soil and water conservation engineering and so on with certain reference significance.
    Larix gmelinii Provenance Trial of the Seed Sowing Quality and Seedling Growth
    LI Yun, SUN Xu, JI Meng, ZHANG Yuxia, WANG Zhibo, FAN Jingfang
    2014,(1):  146-151.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.01.027
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    In order to expose the differences of seeds sowing qualities and seedling growths of Larix gmelinii between different provenances for provenance selection,this paper used anova method to analyze the differences of seed purity,seed soundness,seed viability,thousand seed weight,germination rate,seedling height,basal diameter,crown breadth,root range,> 2cm lateral root number,main root length and fibrous root length between provenances. Meanwhile it used principal component to analyze the indexes of seeds and seedlings and finally ranked the provenances by the provenance score.The results showed that using the seed quality and planting seedlings growth indicators for provenance selection is effective.The indexes except basal diameter and root range were significantly different among provenances.Provenance selection based on seedling height and fibrous root length has great improvement potential.Fibrous root length and seedling height were under high-intensity genetic control,the broad-sense heritability were 0.936 and 0.850 respectively;crown breadth,> 2cm lateral root number,and main root length were under moderate-intensity genetic control;basal diameter and root range were under low-intensity genetic control.On the basis of comprehensive analysis,this paper preliminarily considered that Heilongjiang Amur,Inner Mongolia Gold River,Heilongjiang Huzhong and Inner Mongolia Moerdaoga provenances have good performances,but the conclusion should be further validated in future regional afforestation.
    Research Bulletin
    Situation of Natural Rubber Planting and Analysis of Market Demand Forecast
    JU Yanfeng, ZHANG Jian, WU Run, SHI Jun, WANG Yanfeng
    2014,(1):  152-157.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.01.028
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    Rubber trees are the source of materials for the production of natural rubber and deep processing of a range of products.Starting from the point of view to develop and utilize natural rubber which is important,the paper presents plantation and production of natural rubber in and outside China,predicts and analyzes the market supply-demand status and the growing trend.Countermeasures on overseas expansion and construction of production bases in foreign countries are put forward in the paper,serving as a reliable basis for accelerating the development of natural rubber plantation.
    Study on Growth Factors of Young Armeniaca sibirica
    NIE Qin, CHI Yuechun, DE Yongjun
    2014,(1):  158-163.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.01.029
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    A study was carried out on the growth factors of the growing Armeniaca sibirica plantation in Linxi county.Linxi county is an arid and semi-arid place which is difficult for planting in Inner Mongolia.Research work was done on some different influencing factors on Armeniaca sibiraca.The growth of data under the different conditions were measured,and the gray relative analysis was conducted.The analysis indicated the dominant factors affecting growth of Armeniaca sibirica are altitude,groundwater depth,slope aspect and position.By determining the growth of the plantation dominant factor,it can help Armeniaca sibirica management and reforestation.
    Present Situation of Development and Utilization of Natural Resources and Ecological Environment in Kuandian Area of Liaoning and Protection Countermeasures
    YANG Jing, LI Zhirao, ZHANG Yuanxia
    2014,(1):  164-167.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.01.030
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    This article introduces the present situation of natural resources ecological environment of Kuandian area in Liaoning and the effects of human activities on ecological environment and proposes the countermeasures for comprehensive protection of the mountains,rivers,forests and fields. In order to proctect forest resources and ecological environment,the forest protection project the protection project on mineral resources and the ecological tourism project shall be implemented.Through above measures,a new,beautiful Kuandian will come into being.
    Study on Père David's deer's Health Monitoring System
    ZHANG Shumiao, ZHANG Linyuan, HU Defu, LI Yiping
    2014,(1):  168-172.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.01.031
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    Père David's deers act as wild animals,the health monitoring should take the “prevention first,prevention more significant than treatment” policy.In this paper,the health monitoring of Père David's deers was divided into seven stages:daily observation,security monitoring,health monitoring,health assessment,disease diagnosis,disease prevention and health promotion.In order to promote the healthy development of Père David's deer protection in China,such measures shall be taken as daily observation,security monitoring,health monitoring,and so on.According to the relationship of these stages,health monitoring knowledge,health assessment standards,disease diagnosis,disease prevention and treatment,health promotion methods and other related knowledge shall be used fully to improve the above seven stages and provide a reference for the healthy development of Père David's deer conservation in China.
    New Developments in Other Countries
    Study on the Development Patterns of American Forest Roads
    CHEN Shaozhi, ZHAO Rong
    2014,(1):  173-178.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2014.01.032
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    Forest roads are important infrastructures of forest management and basic conditions of carrying out production and operating activities.How well a country or region's forest roads develop can indicate its intensive forestry management level.This paper studied the development model of American forest roads,made a comprehensive analysis about their development status,investment and financing mechanism,and administration mode,and summarized lessons learned from their development experiences and implications for the development of China's forest roads.