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    28 October 2010, Issue 5
    Study on Forest Health Management and the Recovery Mode of Forests Damaged by Snow and Ice Storms
    TANG Xiaoping, WANG Hongchun, CHENG Xiaoling
    2010,(5):  1-5. 
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    Based on the review of 2008's catastrophic natural disasters of snow and ice storms,the paper analyses the influence mechanism of forest management on forest health and some current erroneous concepts of forest management practice,puts forward the conception of forest health management.And by applying the conception,the paper suggests seven modes of forest health management according to different forest forms and disasters in forest recovery and restoration.
    Effective Protection Mechanism to Respond to the Loss Caused by Future Natural Disasters——On the establishment of forest fire insurance community
    GUI Zifan, ZHANG Gui, PENG Haibo
    2010,(5):  6-10. 
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    In order to resolve the current risk of the loss caused by forest fires,economics principles and methods are used,combined with such knowledge of insurance,capital operation and forest post-disaster assessment, a new protection system to handle future natural disasters is suggested,which is to establish a forest fire insurance community.It will improve China′s forest fire insurance system,thus providing strong insurance capital backing for sustainable development and steady progress,and providing a new way for China′s new forest resources management in future.
    Study on the County-level Division of Forest Resources Management——Taking Longquan County of Zhejiang Province as an example
    LIU Yi, ZHANG Changshan, SONG Zhidong, SHE Guanghui
    2010,(5):  11-16. 
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    Division of forest resource management is an effective method to improve the forest management level and serve the forest development strategy.At various scales,the principles of dividing a region into forest resource management units are different.County-level division of forest resource management has an important practical significance to the establishment of sustainable forest management system.Taking Longquan as an example,technical route of forest resource management division and principles of forest management type partition are discussed in this paper.And based on the forest resource status and social-economic situation of Longquan,division scheme of forest resource management and corresponding management measures are put forward for sustainable forest management of Longquan and providing guidance on the compilation of forest management plan.
    Exploration on Eco-compensation Strategy for Tibetan Autonomous Area in Gansu Province
    XU Gongtang, DA Guangwen, XU Kaisheng
    2010,(5):  17-20. 
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    Tibetan autonomous area in Gansu province is the main water source conservation forest area located in the source and catchment area of the Yellow River,Bailongjiang and Shiyang rivers, playing a very important role in protecting the environment of northwest region of China.The environment of the region is deteriorating due to irrational utilization of forest and grassland resources.The mode of supporting forestry by development of forestry can' t meet the needs of modern forestry development.So it is necessary to probe long-term,comprehensive and effective compensation mechanism and ways.Based on analyzing the problems and causes in ecological environment construction of Tibetan autonomous area in Gansu province,the eco-compensation ways were put forward including fund compensation,project compensation,derivative protection compensation and policy-aided compensation to help establish a long-effective eco-compensation mechanism,strengthen the regional environment and resource management and realize the sustainable development of economy,society and environment.
    On the State Compulsoriness in the Legal System of Forest Ownership and Its Effect of Private Law
    ZHANG Zhiping
    2010,(5):  21-25. 
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    The paper, based on the public welfare of forest resources, explains the necessity and trends of state compulsoriness in management of forest ownership.At the same time,the paper also analyzes different effectiveness of private law for acts in breach of the effectiveness of mandatory regulation and control of peremptory norms.It indicates that protection of forest right should involve both the public welfare nature and property nature.
    Thinking on Camellia oleifera Industrial Development in Xinyang
    ZHANG Yan, ZHANG Miao
    2010,(5):  26-29. 
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    Presently the Camellia oleifera industry in Xinyang is entering a fast developing stage.On the basis of reviewing and summarizing the existing development status and environment some research work has been conducted on Camellia oleifera resource cultivation,processing and utilization.Finally some relevant countermeasures and suggestions about Camellia oleifera industrial development in Xinyang region have been put forward.
    Study on Development Prospects of Irrigation Forestry in China
    CHEN Huochun, LIU Shihao, HAO Jiatian
    2010,(5):  30-33. 
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    This paper defines the concept of the irrigation forestry,analyzses the effects achieved of irrigation forestry.By studying the development prospects of irrigation forestry and the main problems existing in development of irrigation forestry,it puts forward five relevant development countermeasures of irrigation forestry.
    In-situ and Ex-situ Conservation of Cephalotaxus mannii Seedlings
    QI Shanshan, DAI Zhicong, SI Chuncan, LIU Rui, WANG Zhide, YANG Donghua, SONG Jingyuan, DU Daolin
    2010,(5):  34-40. 
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    In-situ and ex-situ conservation of the endangered plant Cephalotaxus mannii seedlings was studied in this present paper in order to increase its population number.And the results show:(1) increasing light intensity and fertilizer appropriately in the process of in-situ conservation affects significantly the growth of stem base diameter and the content of chlorophyll of the seedlings,and decreases the activity of SOD and eases their stress conditions.(2) Increasing light intensity in the process of ex-situ conservation can promote the growth of seedlings significantly and the content of chlorophyll of the seedlings leaves which cultured at the nutrition soil increased significantly.And in the process of ex-situ conservation,reducing the light intensity increases the activity of SOD and other environmental factors can reduce the activity of SOD.In-situ and ex-situ conservation can make C.mannii seedlings grow better.
    Study on Different Methods of Estimating Crown Biomass——take Larix olgensis forest as an example
    GUO Xiaoyu, SUN Yujun, LIU Fengjiao
    2010,(5):  41-47. 
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    Based on average sample tree determination and branch analysis method,the mean branch method and single branch biomass model were used to estimate the crown leaf biomass,branch biomass of Larix olgensis forest in Dongzhelenghe station.Analysis was made on the relationships between single branch base diameter and branch length,between single branch biomass and branch base diameter,branch length and the related factors,establish branch length model and branch biomass model respectively.By comparing the different estimating model of branch biomass,the results show that the branch base diameter was highly correlated to branch biomass and branch leaf biomass,the power function is fitting best,the accuracy is higher and the estimating parameters are more stable although the coefficients of quadratic function are larger,which causes larger fluctuation of parameters and unstable prediction.In this study,based on diameter at breast height, different allometric equations of the crown biomass are established and the coefficient(R2) of crown biomass model are more than 0.906.Through the comparison of method of estimating crown biomass,the results show that branch biomass model method is better than mean branch method,and F test is used for test of models,the F values are at a significant level.The branch biomass models for estimating Larix olgensis crown biomass are of certain reference value.
    Analysis and Evaluation of Forest Ecological Benefits Based on Forest Management Inventory Data for Yanqing County
    HE Peng, ZHANG Huiru, XU Haisheng
    2010,(5):  48-54. 
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    An experiment was conducted to analyze and evaluate the spatial-temporal dynamic changes of forest ecological benefits in water conservation,soil conservation,carbon fixation and air purification in Yanqing county of Beijing based on forest management inventory data of 1999 and 2004.The results showed that this area achieved remarkable ecological benefits with a large increase during the 5 years.The increase of runoff,soil erosion decrement,biomass,SO2 absorption and dust suppression reached 24.11%,19.37%,10.06%,30.77% and 33.79% respectively.Meanwhile the spatial distribution also became more balanced with the scope being extended.
    The Relationship between Sawtooth Oak Leave WI and FMC
    FEI Xianyun, ZHANG Zhiguo, LU Xia, GAO Xiangwei, HE Runzhao
    2010,(5):  55-60. 
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    Sawtooth oak,a dominant species,was chosen as the study object in Huaguo Mountains of Lianyungang City in Jiangsu province.Leaves of Sawtooth oaks growing at different elevation locations were picked up as samples.Leave water index(WI) and water content(FMC) in fresh and different water states by shade drying were surveyed.The statistic characteristics between WI and FMC were studied.The results showed that the WI of Sawtooth oak leaves is sensitive to the changes of FMC.Leave FMC could be deduced by fitted curve using WI.The fitted curve is y=19.022x2-32.707x + 14.064,and its precision is high.
    Dynamic Analysis on Diameter Structure of Mixed Coniferous and Broadleaved Forest in Jingouling Forest Farm
    ZHOU Ning, ZHENG Xiaoxian, ZHAO Hongsheng, Wang Bing
    2010,(5):  61-64. 
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    This paper studied the mixed spruce-fir coniferous and broadleaved forest in Jingouling Forest Farm and analyzed survey data of 41 fixed sample plots from 1987 to 2005,calculated the q value which was the ratio of number of stems of adjacent diameter,described the diameter structure of the mixed coniferous and broadleaved stand.The research results show that:1) the q value of the small diameter trees is declining year by year.From 1987 to 2005,the q values of I-1 and I-3 district decreased from 1.39 and 1.52 to 1.14 and 1.06 respectively,which showed that the small diameter tree structure had become irrational in diameter structure.2)Saplings whose diameter below 6cm regenerated less.3)The mean q values can not display diameter structure of stand actually,while the q values calculated by the small diameter wood,the medium diameter trees and large diameter trees can display stand diameter structure more truly.
    Research on the Relationship between Tree Growth and Climatic Factors of Pinustabulaeformis in the Source Areas of the Liaohe River
    MA Wang, GU Jiancai, CHENG Ping, TAN Xuquan, ZHAO Shang
    2010,(5):  65-69. 
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    In this study,the stepwise regression method is used to explore the relationship between tree growth and climatic factors of Pinustabulaeformis in the source areas of the Liaohe River.Results indicated that the dominant factors notably influencing the radial growth of Pinustabulaeformis are annual evaporation,annual sunshine duration and yearly precipitation; the major factors obviously influencing the elongation growth of Pinustabulaeformis stem are annual evaporation,annual sunshine duration and yearly precipitation.Thus,we can conclude that the climatic factors having a noticeable effect on the growth of Pinustabulaeformis are annual evaporation,annual sunshine duration and yearly precipitation.
    Eco-capital Dynamic Assessment and Forecasts for Forest Ecosystems in Built-up Area of Langfang City
    MA Jianjun, YAO Hong, ZHANG Liang, ZHANG Shuli
    2010,(5):  70-76. 
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    The ecosystem functions of water conservation,soil conservation,air purification,CO2 fixation and O2 release in built-up area of Langfang City was evaluated by the methods of opportunity-cost,market-price and project shadow price.The author took the year of 2000 as the baseline year to calculate the eco-capital of the years of 2000,2005,2010 and 2015.The result indicated that the eco-capital of 2000,2005,2010 and 2015 were 1448.8186×104 Yuan(RMB),2733.0724×104Yuan(RMB),4098.4576×104 Yuan(RMB) and 4692.9884×104 Yuan(RMB).The amount of ecological per-capita assets were as follows:43.5735 Yuan(RMB) per capita in 2000,74.2683Yuan(RMB) per capita in 2005,90.0760Yuan(RMB) per capita in 2010 and 86.427Yuan(RMB) per capita in 2015.The growth rate of ecological capital ranked as follows between 2001~2005,2006~2010 and 2011~2015:88.6415%,49.9579% and 14.5063%,while the growth rate of ecological per-capita were as follows:70.4437%,21.2846% and -4.0510%.
    Study on Model of Yield and Density of Camellia oleifera
    LIU Junang, PAN Huaping, ZHOU Guoying
    2010,(5):  77-80. 
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    This paper makes a study on the influence of the stand density on the yield of C.oleifera and on the relation ship between the density and yield under different conditions of the main C.oleifera production areas.Based on the different stand conditions,the best planting density is determined in the paper.It also provides a scientific and theoretical basis for the production of C.oleifera.
    RS-based Estimation of Vegetation Fraction in Wuzhishan City
    WANG Ruiqiang, SHI Jiankang, LIN Zhangwen, YUAN Jianping
    2010,(5):  81-85. 
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    Vegetation includes all plant communities that cover the earth surface.The research on its spatital-temporal characteristics is a basic and preliminary step for ecological system health assessment.Vegetation fractions in different districts of Wuzhishan City were calculated based on remote sensing images(TM images) of 1988,1998 and 2008 and the vegetation fraction maps of different periods were generated to analyse the temporal change of vegetation fraction of Wuzhishan area.The result showed that the vegetation fraction changed much from 1988 to 2008 and the average vegetation fraction of the whole area increased from 72% to 77.9%.
    Study on the Rules and Countermeasures of Urban Forest Construction of High-density Urban Agglomeration——the Case of Changzhutan Urban Agglomeration
    ZHOU Xiaofang, LÜ Yong
    2010,(5):  86-91. 
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    Based on the particularity and complexity of the construction of high-density urban agglomeration,special rules such as systematic construction and balanced development and multiple administration are proposed and should be obeyed in the construction of high-density urban agglomeration. besides these general rules of ecologic function preference and biodiversity conservation and environment-concerned treatment.Taking Changzhutan urban agglomeration as an example,the study raises countermeasures for promoting the sustainable development of high-density urban agglomeration.
    Study on the Investigation Technology and Permanent Sample Plot Setting of Ecological Forest in Henan Province
    FENG Lili, ZHU Xueling
    2010,(5):  92-96. 
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    Establishment of permanent sample plots in ecological public welfare forests provides an important platform for studying biodiversity. Dynamic monitoring of ecological public welfare forests by means of permanent sample plots has been started in Henan Province. In this paper, an analysis was made on the present status of the forests, layout of the sample plots, field survey techniques and data processing with an aim to provide a technical basis for the future research work.
    Techniques and Models of Forest Ecological Function Restoration in Mountainous Area of South Lanzhou
    WEI Qiang, LING Lei, CHAI Chunshan, ZHANG Guangzhong, YU Hongbo
    2010,(5):  97-104. 
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    Based on referring to relative information and field investigation, from the perspectives of forest succession & regenerative law and forest sustainable management, three types of techniques and models were put forward for forest ecological functions restoration in mountainous area of southern Lanzhou, namely the tending & transforming techniques and model of natural secondary forest, the close-to-nature management techniques and model of present artificial forest and the forest constructing techniques and model in circumjacent area of forest edges, all of which would be expected to provide technical support for forest ecological function restoration and improvement in natural forest area of south Lanzhou.
    Study and Reference on the Russian Forest Cutting Management System
    SU Haiying, LI Zhiyong, BAO Yingshuang
    2010,(5):  105-109. 
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    This article made an in-depth analysis on Russia's [BFQ] forest cutting management system and its successful experience and put forward relevant countermeasures for improving Chinese forest cutting management.