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    28 October 2021, Issue 5
    Integrated Management and A dministration
    Progress and Prospect of Monitoring on Benefits of the Conversion of Farmland to Forests and Grasses
    LI Shidong, CHEN Yingfa
    2021,(5):  1-9.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2021.05.001
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    Conversion of farmland to forests and grasses is one of the most influential ecological projects and is also lively practices of ecological civilization ideology and the Two Mountains Theory.Based on the review of the monitoring and evaluation of the benefits of the conversion of farmland to forest and grassland,this paper discussed on the present situation and results of the monitoring and evaluation The basic thinking,basic methods and regional layout of the monitoring and evaluation in the future were pointed out.Recommendations were made to promote improve the monitoring development,to improve the monitoring mechanism,and to revise the relevant standards.

    Concession Management Analysis and Operation Model Selection of China's National Parks
    GENG Songtao, ZHANG Hongxia, YAN Rong
    2021,(5):  10-19.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2021.05.002
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    National park is one of the core tasks of China's protected area system construction.In order to achieve the win-win goal of national park ecological protection and resource appreciation,franchising is a good method that can be used in its operation and management.According to the classification,the national park franchise in our country belongs to the government concession.In order to regulate the concession management,this article used a comparative analysis method to analyze the O&M model (Operation and Maintenance Contract),the LOT model (Lease-Operate-Transfer),and BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer)mode and TOT (Transfer-Operate-Transfer)concession model are compared and analyzed,and it was concluded that the TOT model is currently the better choice for national park concession in China,and other models can also be used in conjunction with local conditions.In addition,in view of the existing problems in legal regulation,operation management,fund revenue and expenditure,and supervision of current characteristics of operation,four special measures such as improving the legal system,standardizing operation procedures,formulating revenue and expenditure standards,and improving the supervision mechanism were proposed to effectively contribute to China's ecological civilization.This article studied and explored the future development path of concession in national park management,so as to provide reference and inspiration for promoting the development of national parks.

    Reflections on the Implementation of Forestry Projects Based on PPP Model
    WANG Huaiyi, LI Zhongkui, YU Yanqin
    2021,(5):  20-26.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2021.05.003
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    The PPP (Public-Private Partnership)model,as an emerging model for the government and the social sector to jointly participate in the construction of public services,is of great significance in reducing the government's financial burden and improving the quality and efficiency of engineering construction.The role of market mechanism in forestry development is incomplete,and the government-led development model faces problems such as high financial burden and inefficient resource utilization.The development of forestry PPP projects can solve the problems of capital,resources,technology and human capital with the help of market forces and promote the high-quality development of forestry.Through the review of PPP model,the necessity and feasibility of applying PPP model to forestry development were discussed from multiple perspectives.Based on the analysis and evaluation of existing forestry PPP projects,development suggestions were put forward from the perspective of government departments and social capital respectively,namely:building a complete supervision and management system,formulating an effective project implementation plan;establishing a scientific management system and enhancing self-risk prevention capability.

    Studies on the Model and Path of Forest Therapy under the Context of Comprehensive Ecology in Guizhou
    YAO Jianyong, ZHANG Wenfeng
    2021,(5):  27-32.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2021.05.004
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    With the improvement of people's living standards,the rise of the middle class and the aging of the population,forest therapy has been an emerging green industry which is developing rapidly in China.It is the leader in the overall health industry under comprehensive ecology context,and has a promising future.Guizhou Province seized the precious opportunity,interpreted and implemented the national policies and profoundly analyzed the characteristics of the natural and geographical environments and cultural resources of Guizhou Province.With the measures developed and adapted to the local conditions,strengths fostered and weaknesses circumvented,Guizhou gave priority to the development of forest therapy industry.After a few years of practical tests,the forest therapy with Guizhou characteristics has been initially established with the following types:mountain climates,mountain hot springs,developing forests combined with tea,and minority ethnic medicines,and the forest therapy development planning was soundly elaborated.In the meantime,the sound development of forest therapy has been steadily promoted,orienting the spatial layout of One Core and Four Zones and the five-sphere integrated plan of the top-level design,the issue of policies and technical standards,the implementation of pilot forest therapy base,the promotion of capacity building and scientific research and multiple industry integration.

    Government-Led and Enterprise-Led Models of "Internet+Planting Trees":Comparison and Optimization
    ZHANG Wenrui, ZHANG Zhiguang
    2021,(5):  33-40.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2021.05.005
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    Among the existing models of " Internet+planting trees " in China,the enterprise-led model is represented by " ant forest ",and the government-led model is represented by " Internet+national tree-planting ".On the basis of comparative analysis of the two models from three aspects,including user participation level,external publicity influence and internal incentive mechanism,this paper putforward suggestions on their optimization,and further conceived the innovative model of "Government+enterprise+Internet+tree planting " after their integration.Through analysis and discussion,it can be found that:1)" Ant forest " relies on Alipay platform,which has large user traffic and interesting participation process,but the online experience was weak;Relying on the government platform," Internet+national tree-planting " had less user traffic,monotonous participation process,but strong offline experience.2)The feedback information of the two models had the characteristics of lag and opacity.3)The two models had their own advantages and disadvantages,and they were not completely complementary.4)" Interneta+planting trees " should be deeply integrated in order to release more powerful development force.

    The Current Status and Countermeasures of the Red Imported Fire Ant (Solenopsis Invicta Buren) in Hunan and Guangxi Provinces
    LU Xiuliang, ZHAO Guang, ZHANG Jiafeng, BAI Xuesong, CHEN Juan, SHI Yong
    2021,(5):  41-46.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2021.05.006
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    As one of the most dangerous 100 invasive alien species in the world,the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren)originates in the Parana River of South America.Since it firstly discovered on the Chinese mainland in 2004,it has rapidly spread to many provinces of South China and poses a serious threat to agriculture and forestry production,public facilities,human health,animal safety and biodiversity in invasive areas.By summarizing the occurrence of the red imported fire ant in Hunan and Guangxi Provinces,this paper analyzed the epidemic situation in recent years,described the development of control work and major problems,and also put forward countermeasures and suggestions on how to set specific goals,strengthen emergency guidance,increase financial input,strengthen scientific and technological research,reinforce jointly control and enhance the propaganda etc.

    Scientific Research
    Carbon Sequestration Rate and Dynamic Analysis of Main Arbor Forest Types in Sichuan Province
    WU Heng, XU Hui
    2021,(5):  47-55.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2021.05.007
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    Forest biomass is the basic information for studying energy flow and material cycle in forest ecosystem.Forest carbon sink analysis is of significance to achieve carbon neutrality before 2060.Based on the data of four continuous forest inventories in Sichuan Province,this paper systematically compared the differences in biomass and carbon storage estimation between the single-tree model summation method and the expansion factor method,established the carbon sequestration rate models of 19 major arboreal stands,and analyzed its carbon sequestration potential and distribution of carbon storage density.The results showed that there was no statistical difference in biomass and carbon storage estimation between the single-tree model summation method and the expansion factor method.The differences in biomass and carbon storage density of forest vegetation mainly came from the estimation differences of arbor stands.The fitting determination coefficients of carbon sequestration rate models of major arbor stands were all greater than 0.7.The carbon sequestration potential of poplar stand,birch stand,broad-leaved mixed stand,softwood broad-leaved stand,and hardwood broad-leaved stand increased rapidly during young age.The carbon sequestration potential of the coniferous and broad-leaved mixed stand,fir stand,Chinese pine stand,cypress stand,coniferous mixed stand,and spruce stand was greater during mature age.The forest vegetation biomass and carbon storage density increased gradually in Sichuan from 2002 to 2017,showing a trend of transfer from low density to high density.

    Developing Stand Basal Area Growth Models for Pinus massoniana and Cunninghamia lanceolata in Hunan Province
    HE Peng, CHEN Zhenxiong, LIU Xianzhao
    2021,(5):  56-61.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2021.05.008
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    Developing the stand basal area growth models for Pinus massoniana and Cunninghamia lanceolata in Hunan Province was a data support measure for forest sustainable management.Based on the data of 838 plots of Pinus massoniana and 1 484 plots of Cunninghamia lanceolata in Hunan province,an optimal basic model was selected from 9 candidate models with biological significance.Taking species,site class and stand origin as dummy variable,the stand basal area growth model was constructed.The results showed that the optimal fitting models of Pinus massoniana and Cunninghamia lanceolata were in the form of Richards,with corresponding coefficients of determination at 0.985 and 0.987,respectively.Compared with the basic model,the fitting accuracy of the stand basal area growth model was improved after introducing dummy variable such as species,site class and stand origin,with a R2 at 0.992 and a RMSE dropping to 0.682.Conclusions:The growth pattern of stand basal for Pinus massoniana and Cunninghamia lanceolata in Hunan province can be reflected by the model with species and site class and stand origin as dummy variable,which reduced the workload of computation and provided a method for integrating different forest stands.The limit value of stand basal area for Cunninghamia lanceolata was higher than that for Pinus massoniana.Furthermore,in the same stand density,the growth rate of stand basal area for Pinus massoniana and Cunninghamia lanceolata both decreased with the decrease of site quality.

    Study on the Inversion of Basal Area from Airborne LiDAR Data
    LONG Fei, YUE Cairong, JIN Jing, LI Chungan, LUO Hongbin, XU Wanting
    2021,(5):  62-69.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2021.05.009
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    Airborne LiDAR data has been widely studied in the estimation of forest biomass,tree height and canopy density,but the research on the estimation of basal area is rare.Taking the Gaofeng Forest Farm as the research area,the forest basal area was inversed by using airborne LiDAR data and combining with 105 sample plots measured on the ground.Firstly,in order to find the optimal filtering method to complete the LiDAR data filtering,four algorithms,namely,progressive triangulated irregular network(PTIN),the progressive morphological filter (PMF),the cloth simulation filter (CSF)and the Interpolation-based filtering (IBF)were used in the LiDAR data for 4 sample plots with different slopes and different forest canopy densities respectively,and then,random forest (RF)and iterative decision tree (GBRT)algorithms were used to estimate the basal area of the forest respectively.Lastly,the model with good precision was selected to complete the inversion and mapping of stand basal area.The results showed that cloth simulation filter (CSF)had good filtering effect on the LiDAR data of the sample plots with slope of 25~33° and canopy density of 0.5~0.7,which was basically consistent with the forest condition of the study area,therefore,CSF algorithm was selected to filter the LiDAR data in this study;in the stand basal area inversion model,the generalization ability of RF model was superior to that of GBRT model,with the R2 of 0.77,RMSE of 3.99m2/hm2 and rRMSE of 17.76%,respectively;while for the independent sample test for the RF model,the correspondent R 2,RMSE and rRMSE was 0.66,3.27m2/hm2,and 14.73% respectively.So RF model was used in the inversion of basal area of forest stand in the study area.

    Analysis of Canopy Density and Crown Overlap of Evergreen Broad-Leaved Forest Based on GIS
    YE Peng, TANG Mengping
    2021,(5):  70-79.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2021.05.010
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    Exploring the canopy density and canopy overlap of the evergreen broad-leaved forest and their influencing factors can reveal the structure characteristics of the evergreen broad-leaved forest and provide basis for its scientific management.Taking the evergreen broad-leaved forest in Tianmu Mountain Nature Reserve of Zhejiang Province as the research object,a large fixed 100m×100m land was set up,and every tree survey was conducted.GIS technology and statistical analysis methods were used for data analysis including canopy density,canopy density of tree species,canopy overlap and their relationships with stand factors and trees distribution pattern.The results showed that:1)the 1hm2 standard in-ground tree species of the Tianmu Mountain evergreen broad-leaved forest had 36 families,83 species,and 2 625 trees with DBH≥5cm.The dominant tree species were Fagaceae,Camellia,Lauraceae and other evergreen species.The dominant tree had 8 families,13 species,1 755 trees in total.2)The canopy density of the evergreen broad-leaved forest in Tianmu Mountain was 0.81,and the canopy overlap was 203.55%. There was a significant positive correlation between the canopy density of tree species,the number of trees,the canopy area,and the cross-sectional area of breast height. 3)The dominant tree species contributed 90.11% to the forest canopy density. The dominant tree species of Fagaceae,mainly Cyclobalanopsis glabra,had the greatest impact on the forest canopy,and contributed 51.32% to the forest canopy density. 4)The spatial distribution pattern of forest trees wais an important factor that affected the degree of canopy overlap.

    Spatial Structure Characteristics of Betula platyphylla Secondary Forest in Daxing'anling of Inner Mongolia
    ZHANG Xianglong, WANG Bing, ZHANG Qiuliang
    2021,(5):  80-86.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2021.05.011
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    The spatial structure of Betula platyphylla secondary young and middle aged forest in Daxing'anling,Inner Mongolia,was analyzed,which provided a scientific reference for the scientific management and function improvement of natural secondary young and middle aged forest in Daxing'anling.Taking the Betula platyphylla secondary young and middle aged forest as the research object,the spatial structure characteristics of Betula platyphylla secondary forest were analyzed by using single distribution and binary distribution based on the calculations of uniform angle index,dominance and mingling.The results showed that:In terms of single distribution,three plots were randomly distributed;the random distribution of trees accounted for 51%~59%.The mean dominance of Betula platyphylla in three plots were 0.481,0.521 and 0.466,respectively;and the growth of whole stand was in the moderate state.Three plots were weakly mixed with low stand heterogeneity,and the mingling degrees were 0.175,0.131 and 0.183,respectively.In terms of binary distribution,there were more inferior trees distributed in cluster state.While in random state,there were very few trees with high mingling,and more oppressed trees with low mingling distributed.There were some problems in Betula platyphylla secondary young and middle aged forest in Daxing'anling,Inner Mongolia,such as cluster distribution of some trees and low mingling degree of tree species.It was necessary to adjust the stand spatial structure through measures and to improve the mingling and maintain the healthy and stable development of forest ecosystem.

    Diversity of Butterfly Community in Fenglin National Nature Reserve
    YUAN Gaixia
    2021,(5):  87-96.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2021.05.012
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    To explore butterfly community diversity in Fenglin National Nature Reserve,butterflies were investigated with the line transect method inside and outside the reserve from June to August each year from 2016 to 2018.A total of 15 083 butterflies were observed,of which 99 species in 60 genera under seven families were identified.Nymphalidae was the dominant family,with the most number of genera,species and individuals.There were 5 dominant species,19 common species,57 unusual species and 18 rare species.Nymphalidae had the highest diversity index and richness index,Papilionidae had the highest dominance index and Parnassiidae had the highest evenness index.There was a significant difference in diversity of butterflies among habitats,with the diversity index being the highest in medium altitude core area and the lowest in high altitude experimental area.The diversity index of butterflies had a significant positive correlation with their richness index in all habitats (r=0.9971,P<0.001).The dynamic trend of species number,the diversity index and the richness index was consistence,being the highest in July and the lower in June and August.The community similarity coefficient of species was 0.8 inside and outside the reserve,showing they were very similar.The community similarity coefficient of species among different habitats ranged from 0.55 to 0.81,high coefficient indicating slight difference of comprehensive environmental factors.In conclusion,Fenglin Nature Reserve had abundant butterfly resources,a healthy ecosystem,stable environment,and high protection value.

    Distribution Characteristics of Different Communities of Kingdonia uniflora in the Upper and Middle Reaches of Bailong River
    QIU Guifang, ZHANG Jiqiang, ZHAO Hong, YANG Changwen, ZHANG Ling, YAN Ming
    2021,(5):  97-103.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2021.05.013
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    In order to study the habitat characteristics of Kingdonia uniflora in the upper and middle reaches of Bailong River and clarify its quantitative characteristics of population distribution,this paper used the method of field plot survey and investigated the community vegetation of K.uniflora habitat in the upper and middle reaches of Bailong River.(1)The distribution communities of K.uniflora population were divided into five types,including Betula albosinensis+Fargesia spathacea,Abies fargesii var.faxoniana+F.spathacea,A.fargesii var.faxoniana+Rhododendron simsii,Abies fargesii+F.spathacea and A.fargesii+R.simsii;(2)In the following 4 communities of A.fargesii+R.simsii,A.fargesii+F.spathacea,A.fargesii+F.spathacea and A.faxoniana+R.simsii,there was no significant difference in height,coverage and density index of K.uniflora population;(3)The height,coverage,density and biomass of K.uniflora population in A.fargesii+R.simsii community were significantly higher than those in B.albosinensis+F.spathacea community.In Zhouqu County of the upper and middle reaches of Bailong River,K.uniflora was concentratively distributed in 5 communities under 3 specific forest groups of B.albosinensis,A.fargesii var.faxoniana and A.fargesii at an altitude of 2 700~3 600m;Compared with the community of B.albosinensis+F.spathacea at low elevation,the community of A.fargesii+R.simsii at high elevation was more suitable for the diffusion,reproduction and growth of K.uniflora population.

    Effects of Application of Bag-Controlled Slow-Release Fertilizer on Growth and Soil Nutrients of Eucalyptus and Chinese Fir Plantation
    LUO Mi, HUANG Changmou, HAN Hua, HUANG Minqiu, NING Jian, PAN Bo, CAO Jizhao
    2021,(5):  104-111.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2021.05.014
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    This study aimed to explore the effect of bag-controlled slow-release fertilizer on forest growth and soil nutrient improvement in eucalyptus and Chinese fir plantations.We measured forest growth index and soil physical and chemical properties under six fertilization treatments:conventional fertilization (G1),bag controlled slow-release fertilizer (G2),biological fertilizer (G3-1,G3-2,G3-3)and no fertilizer (CK).The results showed that:1)Compared with G1,the tree height,DBH and volume of individual tree of eucalyptus were increased by 2.97%,5.14% and 1.89%,respectively,and those of Chinese fir were increased by-2.33%,0.82% and 15.79%,respectively after 16 months of fertilization.2)The effect on eucalyptus volume was as follows:G3-3>G3-2> G2>G1>G3-1>CK and the Chinese fir volume was G3-3> G2>G3-2> G1>G3-1>CK.3)The contents of organic matter,total nitrogen,total phosphorus,total potassium and nitrogen in the soil were increased,and the pH of the soil was decreased.In general,the application of G1,G2,and G3-1,G3-2,G3-3 can promote the growth of trees and improve the soil environment among which G2 is outperform G3-1 and G1,but worse than G3-3 indicating that the application of bag-controlled slow-release fertilizer could not only promote the growth of trees,but also facilitate soil stability and reduce the use of chemical fertilizer.

    Practice Discussion
    Benchmark Price System Construction of Forest Ecosystem and Case Study
    SUN Zhongyuan, GUAN Jing, TAO Jian, XU Fuxiang, WU Jianwei, QU Honghui, JIANG Nannan
    2021,(5):  112-120.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2021.05.015
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    Implementation of ecosystem services value exerts as a crucial role in the harmonious relationship between ecosystem and socio-economic development,which is a substantial part of an ecological civilization.However,a gap has been found between ecosystem services value studies and their practical applications,which is caused by insufficiency of socio-economic factors in assessment system and lack of price system.In this study,we took the public welfare forest resources in the important ecological security shelter area of Shandong Peninsula as the research object,coupled ecosystem services value assessment and benchmark land price system to construct a benchmark price system of forest ecosystem by integrating multi-sources data of ecosystem and socio-economic system.We then applied the benchmark price system in assessing ecological damage of a forest fire broken out in forest ecosystem of Yantai City,which is the ecological security barrier of Shandong Peninsula.We found that the forest fire resulted in an ecological loss of 5.38 million yuan per year in 7 burned forestry subcompartments.We constructed this benchmark price system of forest ecosystem to assess ecological loss of forest fire,and explored an implementation mechanism of ecosystem services value.

    Dynamic Change of Vegetation Coverage and its Driving Forces in Different Landforms on Yushenfu Mining Area from 1990 to 2019
    DU Huadong, NING Benyan, BAI Mengtong, FAN Penghui
    2021,(5):  121-130.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2021.05.016
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    Vegetation coverage is an important indicator reflecting the dynamic changes of the ecological environment in the mining area.In order to explore the temporal and spatial evolution of vegetation coverage of loess hilly area and windy sand land in Yushenfu mining area,the temporal dynamic and spatial distribution,change trend and driving forces of of vegetation coverage were studied based on Landsat data in different landform types on Yushenfu mining area from 1990 to 2019,using pixel dichotomy model,partial correlation analysis and residual analysis.The results showed that:1)In the term of temporal distribution,the average vegetation coverage increased from 33 % to 45 % in the Yushenfu mining area from 1990 to 2019,the vegetation improvement area was three times of the degraded area,and the increasing rate of vegetation coverage improved since 2005,but the vegetation coverage showed a downward trend in the loess hilly area from 1990 to 1995 and in the windy sand land from 2000 to 2005;2)In the term of spatial distribution,the mainly vegetation coverage levels in the loess hilly area and windy sand land were 30%~60 % and 15%~45 % respectively,and the average growth rate of vegetation coverage in the loess hilly area was about 2 times of that in windy sand land from 1990 to 2019;3)From 1990 to 2019,the relative contribution rates of climate change and human activities to the changing of vegetation coverage were 45.48% and 54.52%,respectively,and the main driving forces that caused changes of vegetation coverage in loess hilly areas and windy sand land in 1990—2000 and 2000—2019 were human factors and climatic factors,respectively.

    Construction of Ecological Space Network in Downtown Tengchong
    DAI Jiping, ZHU Kun, ZHOU Tianyu, PENG Jiansong
    2021,(5):  131-138.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2021.05.017
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    The accelerating process of urbanization leads to the fragmentation of landscape patches.The construction of ecological network can improve the landscape connectivity between patches,which is of great significance to protect the ecological environment and enhance the ecosystem service function.Taking Tengchong City center as an example,this paper used morphological spatial pattern analysis (MSPA)and landscape connectivity index to identify the ecological source,constructed the potential ecological corridor based on ArcGIS software minimum cost distance model (MCR),and used gravity model to judge the importance of the corridor.1)Combined with MSPA and landscape connectivity analysis,the top 12 patches with plaque importance (dPC)value>1 were selected as important ecological source areas,which enhanced the scientificity of source patch selection and avoids the subjectivity of previous artificial selection;2)Based on the MCR model of ArcGIS software,66 potential ecological corridors were generated to quantitatively analyze the best migration path of species between multiple patches;3)Using the gravity model to quantitatively evaluate the interaction force between source patches,this paper scientifically judged the important corridors (strength > 300)and general corridors,analyzed the importance of ecological corridors between patches,and finally obtained the ecological network of the study area.The analysis was conducted by combining various methods,in order to provide theoretical reference and scientific basis for the construction of ecological spatial network in landscape fragmentation area.

    Research Briefing
    Research on the Development Model of Holistic Tourism in Libo County of Guizhou Province Based on E-RMP Analysis
    MENG Gui, NING Youliang, WU Shuirong, LIU Yefei
    2021,(5):  139-145.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2021.05.018
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    On the basis of reviewing the overall situation of holistic tourism development in Libo County of Guizhou Province,the development path and economic development model of holistic tourism resources in Libo County under the background of "Two Mountains Theory" were clearly defined,in order to provide development ideas for rural revitalization in economically underdeveloped areas with superior resource endowment.Based on the improved E-RMP analysis method,a logical analysis framework was developed to sort out the resource basis,tourist characteristics and product potential of tourism development in Libo County from the dimensions of ecological resources,market and product characteristics,and then analyze the development path and development mode of tourism resources in Libo County.The results showed that:Libo County adhered to the development principle of "ecological green county",through the effective protection of ecological resources,kept the "lucid waters and lush mountains",so that the level of urban greening and the quality of living environment constantly improved,and ecological benefits gradually appeared;Further through the rational use of ecological resources,the development of ecological tourism industry and the gradual expansion of green industry to enrich the people,Libo County built a "tourism county",promote the steady improvement of people's income and living standards,and gradually realized the "Lucid waters and lush mountains" to "invaluable assets" transformation;In order to promote the construction of "fertile tourism county" and expand "gold and silver mountains",Libo County should notice the implementation of high-quality tourism quality promotion strategy,facilitate the integration of "tourism+" industry and pay attention to space expansion.

    Hotspot Analysis of Amphibian Cases in Jiangsu and Zhejiang
    LI Yilin, OU Huannie, GUO Haitao, DENG Sanhong
    2021,(5):  146-152.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2021.05.019
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    Illegal amphibian hunting was a quite common type of wildlife cases in recent years.In order to obtain the basic characteristics and rule of illegal hunting cases and explore the hot issues of the case,this paper conducted the statistical analysis of amphibians 1 945 cases in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces.QGIS software was used to produce a hierarchical map of hot cities in JS and ZJ.Descriptive analysis of the spatio-temporal patterns of the case data was performed.The hotspot cities in JS were Nantong,Suqian,Xuzhou,Yancheng and Yangzhou,and the hotspot animals were 3 species of Pelophylax nigromaculatus,Pelophylax plancyi,Bufo gargarizans.The hotspot city in ZJ was Ningbo,and the hotspot animal was Pelophylax nigromaculatus.The hotspot animals in JS and ZJ were Anura.The number of government information released about wildlife in both provinces was positively correlated with the number of cases involved (JS r=0.467,ZJ r=0.666),and the increased supervision had controlled illegal hunting.Summer was the high incidence of cases,it was recommended that law enforcement authorities should increase the supervision on agricultural fairs and amphibian habitats in summer.For future conservation management,wildlife and wetland conservation management authorities at all levels should pay attention to the survival status of amphibians in the region.

    Status Quo and Improvement of Forest Fire Prevention and Control Ability in China-Myanmar Border in Yunnan Province
    GUAN Pingao, PENG Xingzi, CHEN Yuyong, ZHANG Hongfei, JIANG Jian, LI Shiyou
    2021,(5):  153-159.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2021.05.020
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    Based on the investigation of the basic situation and characteristic practices of forest fire prevention and control in prefectures (cities)and counties in China-Myanmar border in Yunnan Province,the main problems and the necessity of improving its forest fire prevention and control ability were analyzed.From three aspects,namely forest fire prevention,fire fighting and emergency support,25 specific measures were put forward to improve this ability,including ecological barrier system,forest fuel treatment,water fire extinguishing equipment,team building,joint prevention and control fire,and general survey of fire hazard sources,etc.At the same time,some relevant suggestions were proposed.Through research and discussion,this paper aimed to improve the comprehensive prevention and control ability of forest fire in China-Myanmar border in Yunnan Province.

    The Study on Niche of Cinnamomum rigidissimum and Dominant Populations in Different Communities in Jianfengling
    LUO Wen, ZHONG Yufei, XUE Shaoliang, LI Xiaoguang, LIANG Lu, HU Hai
    2021,(5):  160-167.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2021.05.021
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    By studying the niche characteristics of Cinnamomum population,this paper provided a theoretical basis for its population restoration and protection.Quantitative analysis method was used to study the niche of Cinnamomum and dominant species in 5 communities of Jianfengling mountain rainforest,the results show that:1)The greater the niche breadth of dominant species in the same community,the greater the adaptation range of species to ecological factors,which were widely distributed and more even in the community;However,the niche breadth of dominant species with high important value was not necessarily large.2)The niche width of Cinnamomum was above medium,indicatsing that it had stronger adaptability in mountain rainforests and mades full use of environmental resources.3)In regeneration forest community,Cinnamomum and thelight-loving dominant species had more intense competition,with the progress of succession,the intense degree of competition also gradually decreased.In the primeval forest community,the niche overlap of Cinnamomum and shade-tolerant tree species was greater,and had more similarities in resources utilization,which was often associated tree species in primary forest communities.