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    28 June 2018, Issue 3
    Integrated Management and Administration
    The Sketch of the Development of Forest Land “One Map” Platform in the Era of Big Data
    HUANG Guosheng, LIU Qian, SHI Jingjing
    2018,(3):  1-4.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.03.001
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    On the basis of the knowledge of Big Data and comprehensive experience on the Forest Land “One Map”,this paper systematically analyzed the current status and challenges we faced on the development of the Forest Land “One Map”in this new era with new development features and requirements.From the perspectives of innovative,advanced and optimized management policy,an overall thinking and key technologies on the further development of the Forest Land “One Map”had been provided under the guidance of Big Data concept,theory and technology.The paper integratedly described the important role the Forest Land “One Map” could play in the process of optimizing the forest management and policy-making.

    Practice and Exploration for Establishing New Generation Technology System of Forest Resources Investigation and Monitoring
    FENG Zhongke, DU Pengzhi, YAN Hongwei, ZENG Weisheng, LIU Jincheng, FENG Haiying
    2018,(3):  5-14.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.03.002
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    This paper summarizes the work of the Beijing Key Laboratory of Precision Forestry in the Beijing Forestry University’s R&D team to create a new generation of national forest resources survey and monitoring system for more than 20 years,focusing on the following major issues:(1) create a land surface system Gradual Internet +3S technology planning,zoning to the country-provincial-county (forest farm)-township (silviculture area)-village (street,compartment)-household (sub-compartment) land category,land-cover type,acreage level rigorous adjustment system.(2) develope satellite borne,UAV,vehicle mounted,fixed type,piggyback and handheld forest observation instrument system based on 3D laser scanning and arbitrary photography.(3) using the small sample,about 300 micro-samples with 5~9 trees in the county area or 3D electronic gauges to accurately measure the heterogeneous sub-compartment.At the same time,developing a predictive inversion model between trees and site conditions to dominate the tree species volume,accumulation,biomass,carbon stocks,growth,carbon sequestration (carbon increments) and their conversion models.(4) build a new generation platform of forest management for investigating,monitoring,planning and designing for forest resources managemet.

    Progress and Challenges of State-owned Forest Farm Reform in China
    YAN Ping
    2018,(3):  15-18.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.03.003
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    State-owned forest farm is an important force for ecological restoration and construction in China,and it is also the most important infrastructure for maintaining national ecological security.This paper summarized the development and reform process of state-owned forest farms since the establishment of the state,including the current reform tasks and the achievements.In addition,we discussed the challenges and important processes for reforming the state-owned forest farms in the future,aiming at providing suggestions for smooth implementation in China.

    Dynamic Analysis of the Import and Export Trade of Endangered Wild Animals in China
    MENG Meng, MA Jianzhang, JI Jianwei, CHEN Wenhui, WANG Zhongkun, YIN Feng
    2018,(3):  19-24.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.03.004
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    The dynamic changes of import and export trade of endangered wildlife in China from 1976 to 2013 in CITES official website database were analyzed,and the rule of import and export timing of endangered wild animals was explored.Based on the content of CITES,combined with China’s current laws and regulations on the protection of wild animal and policy changes,the paper put forward suggestions to perfect the legal system construction of endangered wild animal,wild animal resources,carry out field investigation,construction of artificial population resources import and export trade monitoring system and strengthen wild animal law enforcement.

    Inosculation of Forest Product Green Government Procurement Policy and Forest Certificate
    ZHANG Chuanen
    2018,(3):  25-28.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.03.005
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    This paper analyzes the differences between domestic and international forest product procurement policy,discusses the feasibility forest product government green procurement policies and forest certification.Both will have the positive effect of forestry industrial upgrading and provide references for perfecting the policy.

    Study of Biodiversity Monitoring System on the Forest Ecosystem Nature Reserves
    ZHANG Yuan
    2018,(3):  29-34.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.03.006
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    Biodiversity conservation is a worldwide concern.China has set up a large number of nature reserves,however, yet there is no effective biodiversity monitoring system.This paper analyzed the monitoring objects and corresponding monitoring indicators in the biodiversity monitoring of the forest ecosystem nature reserves,and summarized the methods for nature reserves’ biodiversity monitoring.We proposed a comprehensive and three-dimensional biodiversity monitoring system as a reference to promote the nature reserves management.

    Discussion on Ecological Rehabilitation Method of Wetland Park—Take Fuqiaohe National Wetland Park in Hubei Province as an Example
    ZHANG Wei
    2018,(3):  35-39.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.03.007
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    Taking the Fuqiaohe National Wetland Park as an example,the paper proposed the design of wetland ecological restoration scheme.By defining the overall layout of the functional zones,we proposed to design wetland ecological restoration from the aspects of coastal protection,prevention and control of harmful organisms,restoration of vegetation and establishment of bird habitats,so as to combine natural restoration with artificial restoration.The design idea of natural ecological restoration was supplemented by artificial restoration.By exploring the feasibility of wetland ecological restoration,the integrated wetland ecological construction and tourism landscape construction were achieved,these will provide a reference for the orderly development and scientific use of wetland park in the future.

    Discussion on the Investigation Method of Land Resources Based on “Two Maps in One”—A Case Study on the Proposed Qilian Mountain National Park
    ZHANG Minzhong
    2018,(3):  40-43.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.03.008
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    Taking the proposed Qilian Mountain National Park as an example,this paper probes into the ways and methods of dealing with the land classifcation conflict based on “two maps in one” thematrc map.It will lay foundation data for effectively solving the problems of “one place with two certificates” and “one place with many certificates” by unifying the land survey method and forming the land resources basic data with unified classification.

    Artificial Afforestation Technology for Rocky Desertification Control in Xichuan County of South to North Water Diversion Project
    GU Wangming, ZHOU Jinxing, WU Jianhong, ZHOU Taolong, LIU Yuguo
    2018,(3):  44-48.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.03.009
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    Xichuan County of Henan Province is the source of the middle route project of South to North Water Diversion with the China’s largest artificial freshwater reservoir.And its ecological environment affects the water quality and safety of the whole middle route project.There are varrying degrees of rocky desertification land in Xichuan County,especially the rocky desertification around Danjiangkou reservoir is more serious.In order to achieve the goal of “a river of clear water flowing into the reservoir,a reservoir of clean water dispatched to the north”,artificial afforestation and restore ecological environment should be implemented,it is urgent to control rocky desertification.In order to improve the survival rate of afforestation,according to the degree of rocky desertification and site type,the species selection,soil preparation and tending techniques of afforestation in rocky desertification area of Xichuan County were put forward.

    Scientific Research
    Study on Tree Growth Models of Dominant Tree Species in the Coniferous and Broad-leaved Mixed Forest in the Lesser Khingan Mountains
    YANG Yuze, LIN Wenshu, SUN Yingwei
    2018,(3):  49-57.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.03.010
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    A natural mixed broadleaf-conifer forest in the Lesser Khingan Mountains was selected as a sample,the main dominant tree species including Pinus koraiensis,Abies fabri,Picea asperata,Fraxinus mandshurica,Betula costata and Tilia amurensis were selected as the research objects,and correlation analysis of tree height vs.DBH,crown width vs. DBH were carried out respectively in this paper.By SPSS 20.0 software,the survey data was substituted into the eight classical mathematical models for regression analysis,the P value,the coefficient of determination R 2 and related parameters of each equation were obtained.The fitting accuracy was verified by using the total error,the average error,the average relative error and the root mean square error,the optimum tree growth model was finally selected.The results showed that the correlations between tree height vs.DBH,crown width vs.DBH for conifer trees were significant,and the average coefficients of determination in the tree height vs.DBH model and in the crown,width vs.DBH model were 0.809 and 0.498,respectively.Compared with the coniferous trees,the correlation coefficients between tree height vs.DBH,crown width vs.DBH for broadleaf trees were slightly worse,and the average coefficients of determination were 0.608 and 0.395,respectively.Different tree growth models should be used for different tree species,in the tree height vs.DBH correlation analysis,the power function and S function models were mostly used,while the cubic polynomial model was the most significant among the crown diameter vs.DBH models.

    A Study on the Minimum Spacing Model of Natural Rhizophora Stylosa Prop Roots Based on the Nearest Neighbor Analysis
    LIU Zhifang, ZHOU Yuanman, WANG Ping, LIU Zhimei
    2018,(3):  58-64.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.03.011
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    Based on the natural Rhizophora Stylosa of different communities such as R.stylosa pure forest,R.stylosa + Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and R.stylosa + Avicennia marina in mangrove forest nature reserve conservation zone in Techeng Island,the paper analyzed the spatial structure of Rhizophora stylosa prop roots using the Nearest Neighbor Analysis,and tested the deviation of actual CE index from 1 by using the standard normal distribution while three probability models i.e Normal distribution,Weibull distribution and Gamma distribution were applied to analyze the structure features of Rhizophora stylosa prop roots,and the prop root distributions were compared.The results showed that Rhizophora prop roots in three kinds of community types were aggregated distribution pattern(u >2.58);the fitting was different in different communities with 3 distributions,and the Gamma distribution model had the best fitness to express the spatial structure of Rhizophora prop roots(α=0.01).The nearest neighbor analysis was good to estimate the spatial distribution patterns.

    Study on 3D Visual Simulation Methods for Pinus yunnanensis under Different Degrees of Insect Pest
    LI Xiaoyao, RUAN Fangfang, LIU Xusheng, YU Linfeng, LIN Qinan, HUANG Huaguo
    2018,(3):  65-70.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.03.012
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    This study takes Pinus yunnanensis stands under different pest damages as research objects,and presents a new method to calculate the RGB values of leaf color based on the spectroscopic data.Different degrees of damaged stands are visually simulated and comparatively analysed via the Stand Visualization System(SVS) and SketchUp(SU).The result suggests:(1)The spectroscopic data could simulate the color changes under different pest damages and photoenvironment.(2)SVS is not flexible enough to simulate the unique tree form and the pest’s vertical distribution characters of Pinus yunnanensis.(3)SU is more flexible to simulate the stands under different damage degrees from tree to landscape.(4)Google Earth can be used to display geospatial features of stand damage.

    Comparison of Different Sampling Methods of Forest Land Area Based on 3S Technology—A Case Study of Longquan City
    HUA Yizhi, GONG Xinye, HUANG Xingmin, WEN Xiaorong, LIN Guozhong
    2018,(3):  71-74.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.03.013
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    This article takes forest land area in Longquan City of Zhejiang Province as an example,and sets 0.5km×0.5km,1km×1km,1.5km×1.5km and 2km×2km as four kinds of sample frame.With the reliability of 95% and the sampling precision of 85%,simple random sampling,stratified sampling and spatial stratified sampling are conducted.The overall variability index of 1km×1km sampling frame was the smallest,and the sampling plots required was the least.The plots with 1km×1km sampling frame were randomly sampled,stratified sampled,spatial sampling stratified,and spatial sampling stratified has the highest sampling precision.Finally,the spatial resolution of 1km×1km is determined as the optimal solution.The results show that the spatial sampling is a method with low sampling cost,high precision and small relative error in the sampling of forest area.The results provide references for the future forest resources survey at the county level.

    Technical Research of Multi-functional Management Types on Oak Forest in Mountainous Region of Eastern Liaoning Province
    HONG Yu, YU Bao, DING Lei, HU Wanliang, ZHENG Xiaoxian
    2018,(3):  75-80.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.03.014
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    The oak forest in Eastern Liaoning Province is the research object in the paper,based on characteristics of oak secondary forest and management history,we choose four level taxonomy grades,the first level is forest origin,the second is dominant tree species,the third is site conditions(aspect and terrain) and the forth is management purpose.We divide the forest into six typical multi-functional management types in research area,such as natural oak forest for conservation of water supply at steep slope,natural oak forest for conservation of water supply at low-steep slope,natural oak forest for general timber at adret and low-steep slope,natural oak forest for general timber at ubac and low-steep slope,natural oak forest for industrial material in short rotation at low-steep slope,natural oak forest for tussah silkworm nursery at steep slope.We match the corresponding management measures to different management types on the basis of different management objectives.

    Study on the Population Structure Characteristics of the Rare and Endangered Species Parrotia subaequalis—Taking Jinzhai County in Anhui Province as an Example
    WANG Lin, ZHAO Kai, RUAN Xiangdong, ZHANG Chao, CAO Kebin, SUN Jingjing
    2018,(3):  81-87.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.03.015
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    In this study,through the investigation of the population and resource situation of Parrotia subaequalis at the habitat in Jinzhai,Anhui Province,the characteristics of the population were analyzed from the spatial distribution,the population structure,age and the spatial structure and so on.First,the results show that the Parrotia subaequalis is clustered distributed on the low mountains with the elevation of 400~700m.Second,most of the population are auxiliary species,and only some individual population can be the dominant species in local areas.Third,most are young trees in Ⅱ and Ⅲ age-classes,and they are mainly seed propagation,but the tiller initiation is also the important breeding way of Parrotia subaequalis.Forth,there is a negative phenomenon in the mortality of the population of Parrotia subaequalis,and that means there are rapid development or decline in the population due to high volatility.Therefore,it is urgent to take protection measures for Parrotia subaequalis in Jinzhai,and the artificial breeding and endangered mechanism research of Parrotia subaequalis should be propsed.

    Characteristics of 55a Castanopsis carlesii Forest by AMPR Based on Stratification
    LI Zhiming
    2018,(3):  88-92.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.03.016
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    The 55a Castanopsis carlesii forest by AMPR (Artificial Measures Promoting Regeneration) was stratified obviously to 2 sub-strata (sub-stratum I and sub-stratum II) by MLRP (Maximum Light Receiving Plane) method.The tree height in sub-stratum I was higher than or equal to 17.6 m.It was typical mono-dominant community which was composed by 25 tree species and the important value of Castanopsis carlesii (the dominant tree species) was 150.96%.There was 7 and 25 tree species in sub-stratum I and sub-stratum II respectively.The important value of Castanopsis carlesii (the dominant tree species) in sub-stratum I was 218.20%.Its species richness (R),Shannon-Wiener index (SW),evenness (E) and ecological dominance (ED) in tree stratum were 25,2.92,0.63 and 0.29 respectively,with in sub-stratum I were 7,1.08,0.23 and 0.68 respectively,in sub-stratum II were 25,3.95,0.85 and 0.10 respectively.Its average stand DBH,height,density and growing stock in tree stratum were 24.69 cm,23.11 m,1 208 N/hm 2 and 612.73 m3/hm2 respectively.Its average stand DBH in sub-stratum I and sub-stratum II were 32.84 cm and 10.99 cm respectively.Its average stand height in sub-stratum I and sub-stratum II were 24.31 m and 11.99 m respectively.Its percentage of stand density in sub-stratum I and sub-stratum II were 51.03% and 48.97% respectively.Its percentage of growing stock in sub-stratum I and sub-stratum II were 94.46% and 5.54% respectively.

    The Decomposition Characteristics and Soil Nutrient Dynamics of Leaf Litter Mixture of Larix principis-rupprechtii and Betula platyphylla
    HE Hongyue, MA Changming, MU Hongxiang, SHAN Yuanyuan
    2018,(3):  93-100.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.03.017
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    Mesh nylonbag method was used to set up indoor mixed litter decomposition tests of Larixprincipis-rupprechtii and Betula platyphylla.Five mixture proportions treatments were set up:pure Larixprincipis-rupprechtii litter,pure Betula platyphylla litter,50% Larixprincipis-rupprechtii litter mixed with 50% Betula platyphylla,66.7% Larixprincipis-rupprechtii litter mixed with 33.3% Betula platyphylla,and 75% Larixprincipis-rupprechtii litter mixed with 25%Betula platyphylla.The results showed that:the litter decomposition rate of Betula platyphylla was significantly higher than that of pure Larixprincipis-rupprechtii,the admixture of Betula platyphylla leaf litter could promote Larixprincipis-rupprechtii litter decomposition,the effect was more obvious as the proportion of Betula platyphylla leaf litter increased;during the whole decomposition process,N and P contents in leaf litter showed an increase tendency,while K,C contentsand C/N ratio presented an opposite tendency;the pure Betula platyphyllalitter release rates of N,K and C were greater than that of pure Larixprincipis-rupprechtii,the admixture of Betula platyphylla leaf litter could promote Larixprincipis-rupprechtii litter release of N,K and C,while the release rate of P was inhibited;leaf litter decomposition can improve soil pH and nutrient content.Soil pH,organic matter,available N,P,K were increased.Overall,mixed litter decomposition of Larixprincipis-rupprechtii and Betula platyphylla can improve the soil nutrient better than the single litter decomposition of Larixprincipis-rupprechtii.

    Different Propagation Technologies for Xanthoceras sorbifolia in Arid Area of Northwest China
    CHAI Chunlin, CHAI Chunshan, QI Jianli, XUE Rui, LU Juan
    2018,(3):  101-106.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.03.018
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    In order to explore the suitable breeding technologies of Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge in arid region of northwest China,a comparative study on main propagation methods (sowing propagation,rooting propagation,grafting propagation) of X.sorbifolia was conducted in 2014—2016 based on the reproductive materials of X.sorbifolia fine individuals selected in Gansu.The results showed that,1) The survival rate of rooting propagation was the highest,with an average survival rate of 75.33%;The average emergence rate of sowing propagation,reached 50%;The grafting propagation was worse and its average survival rate was only 27.40%.It showed that the rooting propagation and the sowing propagation were suitable for the large-scare breeding of X.sorbifolia.2) The seedling emergence rate was nearly the same for two different sowing methods of plastic film mulch sowing and field direct sowing,their average emergence rate was 51.31% and 51.10% respectively.It indicated that the X.sorbifolia can be sowed directly in the field.3) During the seed germination of mulching sowing and field direct sowing,their seed germination was not coincident.4) Due to the influence of stock quality and low temperature on grafting,the survival rate of grafting propagation was low.Under the conditions of drought,water shortage and big wind in northwest area,it is regarded that X.sorbifolia had better sow with plastic film mulch,the seeds had better make treatment before sowing,the grafting had better adopt low stock and earth up around scion or cover plastic bag on scion after grafting.

    Effects of Substrate on Seedling Growing of Three Shrub Species Suitable to Karst Mountainous Area of Yunnan Province
    CHANG Enfu, LI Ya, LI Pinrong, XIAO Guiying, ZHANG Qing, DING Yuxiong, HUANG Chunliang
    2018,(3):  107-112.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.03.019
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    Solanum davidii,Bauhinia brachycarpa and Osteomeles schwerinae are shrub species adapted to karst mountainous area.Taking rotten coffee shell,rotten bagasse,peat and forest soil as components,four kinds of growing substrates were prepared and conducted in the seedling raising experiments on these three species.Seven parameters of tested seedlings including height,basal diameter,length of main root,width of root system,number of primary lateral roots,aboveground biomass and underground biomass were monitored and examined to analyze the effects of different growing substrates.It was found the effects of different substrates varied,and each species had its preferable growing substrate.The performance of seedling growing was the comprehensive results of plant species characteristics,seedling growing regular,physical and chemical aspects of growing substrate.Based on growing performance,and the calculation results of membership function of seven parameters,it was concluded that the growing substrate coded No.1 with rotten coffee shell as the main component was suitable for Solanum davidii,Bauhinia brachycarpa,the substrate coded No.2 with the rotten bagasse as the main component was suitable for Osteomeles schwerinae,and No.2 and No.3 (peat) were suitable for seedling raising of Solanum davidii.

    Technical Application
    Design of Annual National Forest Resources Remote Sensing Monitoring System in Southeast Asia Countries—Taking Indonesia as an Example
    LIU Qian, ZHANG Yuxing, WANG Xuejun, WANG Shaojie, YANG Ying, I Nengah Suratijaya, Dewayany Sutrisno, Ita Carolita
    2018,(3):  113-120.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.03.020
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    Based on 30m global land cover data in 2010 (GlobalLand30),145 and 604 grids are laid separately within Indonesia at 1°×1° and 0.5°×0.5° interval respectively.The coefficient of variation and precision of estimated forest area for 10 different size of plots by two different grid spacing are compared and analyzed.The optimized remote sensing large plots layout in Indonesia is selected based on analysis results.Meanwhile,ground survey plots are established to conduct precision verification.The result shows:1) large plot with the size of 4km×4km at 0.5°×0.5° spacing interval is the optimized sampling plan with consideration of coefficient of variation and precision as well as workload.2) taking Kalimantan Indonesia part as the demonstration site to verify the precision of forest area derived from the large plots layout.The verificaion result shows that the average precision of forest area monitoring is 94.89% using 0.5°×0.5° grid interval and 4km×4km design.The precision meets the national and regional requirement on forest area monitoring.

    Design and Implementation of a National Internet Service Platform on Forest Land “One Map”
    Xu Dengping, Luo Peng, Zheng Dongmei, Ren Yi, Yan Zhe
    2018,(3):  121-128.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.03.021
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    With the background of wide application of many latest information technologies such as Internet + and Big Data,gaps in service scope,method and efficiency of the “One Map” of Forest-land system emerged gradually.In this article,the system was re-designed and discussed from three perspectives:overall framework,service platforms and key technologies,moreover,was implemented in the national internet service platform.These provide practical cases for the construction of a unified,standardized and multi-level Internet + service platform for the forestry industry,as a technological foundation for application service innovation of the “A map” of Forest-land system.A prospect in future research direction was described at the end.

    Exploration of Stratified Sampling Technologies Based on High Definition Aerial Photogragh for Forest Resources Inventory and Planning
    ZHU Lei
    2018,(3):  129-132.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.03.022
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    On the basis of the original systematic sampling of forest resources,using high-definition imagery,combined with forest resources base maps,business archives,and other data,each sample plot is interpreted on a block-by-block basis to obtain stratification factors,and the types and weights of each stratum are determined.The sample size of the plan was sampled by stratification,supplemental surveys were conducted,and the number of features of different scenarios was calculated and compared.The results show that the adoption of high-definition image stratified sampling technology can significantly reduce the number of survey sites and improve the sampling accuracy,which has extensive popularization value.

    Literature Review on Factors of Public Preference on Forest Structure Attributes
    LUO Fen, LI Xueli, LI Shuxian, HE Jiawen
    2018,(3):  133-140.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.03.023
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    The attribute of forest structure is the one of hot topics in forestry research.Study on the attributes of forest structure from the perspective of public preference would optimize the supply-side reform of forest tourism product and extend the supply of ecological public product.Based on the Science Direct database,this paper took the public preference of foreign forest structural attributes as the research object,reviewed the research progress,methods and case distribution and summarized the impact of geographical factors,social groups,human activities and contextual environment factors on the public preference of forest structure attributes under the framework between human,place and environment.Finally,the available paths of public preference research on forest structural attributes in the future is studied.

    Design and Development of Ancient and Well-known Tree Patrol Application Based on GIS
    WU Denghua, WANG Yixiang, SUN Zhaohui
    2018,(3):  141-145.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.03.024
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    In view of the large number and scattered ancient and well-known trees with lacking of effective management and protection tools,we developed a smart phone APP based on volunteer GIS to patrol the ancient and well-known trees,so as to meet the application needs in daily protection.Using the special investigation results of ancient and well-known trees in Shangyu district,Shaoxing City,Zhejiang Province as source data,enterprise J2EE platform equipped with SSH framework and the Baidu data service as developing tool,and Android as front-end display,the new protection mode was realized with volunteers reporting the problems of ancient and well-known trees they found and managers can review the reported problems and make decisions based on the convenience of smart mobile phone.The APP provides an efficient and quick way tool for the protection of ancient and well-known trees.