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    28 April 2018, Issue 2
    Integrated Management and Administration
    Analysis and Policy Advice for the Developing Model of Modern Forestry Economy —Taking Huizhou City of Zhejiang Province as an Example
    LIU Yadi, LENG Huanan, HUANG Ling
    2018,(2):  1-7.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.02.001
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    How to improve the organizational degree of forestry production and solve the development mechanism has become a major issue to be solved in the development of modern forestry while addressing the forestry economic system and building a scientific and reasonable economic development model.From aspects of the reform of collective forest rights and the structural adjustment of the forestry industry,the paper,taking Huizhou as an example,discusses the present situation of forestry economic development model and its existing problems in order to provide some policy suggestions for promoting the economic development of modern forestry.

    Analysis on the Countermeasures of Promoting Sustainable Forest Management after the Reform of Collective Forest Property Right System in Inner Mongolia
    CHEN Xiaoyan, YU Guangjun
    2018,(2):  8-12.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.02.002
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    Inner Mongolia is the province which has the largest area of collective forest land in China.And Inner Mongolia undertakes the important task to push forward the reform of collective forest property right system.The paper discussed the relationship between the reform of collective forest property right system and sustainable forest management,and analyzed the influencing factors of sustainable forest management after the reform of collective forest property right system.The paper put forward the countermeasures and suggestions for promoting the sustainable forest management.Furthermore,the results will provide theoretic support to deepen the reform of collective forest property right system and realize sustainable forest management in arid and semiarid areas in China.

    Study on Deepening Collective Forest Tenure Reform in Fujian Province
    ZHAO Guohua
    2018,(2):  13-17.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.02.003
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    In Fujian Province,a new round of collective forest tenure reform is based on the current situation,analysis of the collective forest tenure reform achievements,exploration of the collective forest tenure reform of forest harvesting management system,property right system of collective forest,forest ecological benefit compensation mechanism,institutional barriers of forestry loan financing and socialization service system of forestry etc..On this basis,this paper put forward countermeasures for further deepening the reform of collective forest tenure system.

    Analysis on the Main Results and Dynamic Changes of the Ninth Forest Resources Inventory in Jiangxi
    CHEN Jiyou, XU Xin, LIU Xiaoyong
    2018,(2):  18-23.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.02.004
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    This paper introduces the characteristics and main results of forest inventory system and the ninth inventory work in Jiangxi Province.Based on the results of multi-period forest inventory,the dynamic change of forest resources in recent 20 years is analyzed.In order to facilitate the construction of the National Experimental Zone of ecological civilization in Jiangxi Province,this paper,from the angle of sustainable development,put forward some countermeasures for strengthening the protection of forest resources and forest quality improvement.

    Current Status and Research Progress of Coastal Tidal Flat Wetlands in China
    LI Jing, LEI Yinru, CUI Lijuan, PAN Xu, ZHANG Xiaodong, ZHANG Manyin, LI Wei
    2018,(2):  24-28.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.02.005
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    As an essential ecological barrier for the eastern cities,tidal flat wetlands provide a series of ecological services for coastal households,including biodiversity maintenance,water purification,carbon sequestration,resource provision,tourism and culture.However,due to the increasingly intensive human impacts,tidal flat wetlands are exposed to bottleneck problems such as resource constraint,environment pollution,and ecological function degradation.This paper firstly analyzes the current status of tidal flat wetlands in China,and then reviews the relative research progress from the following aspects:(1) the impacts of human activities on the key processes and functions of coastal tidal flat wetlands;(2) the technologies of ecological function restoration and promotion for coastal tidal flat wetlands;and (3) the resource industrialization and ecological management of coastal tidal flat wetlands.The paper finally identifies the gaps for future research on the degradation mechanism,technology development and resource utilization of coastal wetlands.

    A Preliminary Study on the Poverty Alleviation Mode of Broussonetia papyriferas Ecological Industry in Rocky Desertification Area of China
    LIU Xingyi, XIONG Kangning, LIU Yanhong, CHEN Yongbi, WANG Jianbin, JIN Guozhen, PI Jiaquan
    2018,(2):  29-34.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.02.006
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    According to the demands of poverty alleviation projects of Broussonetia papyrifera,and combining the needs of national rocky desertification control and coordinated development of regional economy,it is important to develop the ecological industry of Broussonetia papyrifera to repair the ecological environment and develop the regional economy in rocky desertification areas.The paper,based on the relevent information,expounded the value of development and utilization of Broussonetia papyrifera resources in the rocky desertification area,put forward the poverty alleviation mode of ecological industry that is “Broussonetia papyrifera+pig+biogas+organic fertilizer”,analyzed the main problems in the implementation of the model and put forward related suggestions to construct an innovative development model of innovation alliance of Broussonetia papyriferas industry technology+cooperative+poor households+base,a deep integration of industry,education and research institutes,a technology system of complete eco-industrial chain to achieve the maximum benefit for the poverty alleviation of Broussonetia papyriferas ecological industry and further promote the construction of ecological environment for rocky desertification areas.

    Consideration on the Construction of Forest Germplasm Resources Banks
    FU Meimei
    2018,(2):  35-37.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.02.007
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    Germplasm resources are the national strategic resources,and germplasm conservation is the long-term development of the country.This paper tries to take the germplasm repository at home and abroad for reference including the function orientation,the preservation methods and the construction experiences,and tries to put forward some ideas for developing forestry germplasm resources preservation bank facilities.For carrying out the relevant construction research and project decisions,we raise some suggestions for reference.

    Scientific Research
    Developing Individual Tree Diameter Growth Rate Models for Major Tree Species in Inner Mongolia
    ZENG Weisheng, CHEN Xinyun, YANG Xueyun
    2018,(2):  38-42.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.02.008
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    Based on the mensuration data of diameter at breast height (DBH) from about 120 thousand survival trees in Inner Mongolian forest inventory 2013 of the 8th National Forest Inventory in China,individual tree DBH growth rate models for major tree species were developed for two modeling populations,Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region (I) and Inner Mongolian Key State-owned Forest Management Bureau of Daxing’anling (II).For some tree species with a wide range of distribution in modeling population I,dummy modeling approach was used to develop DBH growth rate models suitable for eastern,central and western regions.The results showed that determination coefficients (R 2) for most tree species were more than 0.96,and mean prediction errors (MPE) were less than 1%,when DBH growth rate models were used to estimate diameters at the end of interval period.The developed DBH growth rate models would provide quantitative basis for determining whether the DBH growth of trees is too large in field survey of Inner Mongolian forest inventory of the 9th National Forest Inventory.

    Establishment and Application of Site Index Table for Pinus spp.in Shandong Province
    YANG Chuanqiang, LI Shimei, KONG Yuguang, GONG Yanping, YANG Zhijun, LU Hongchun, SUN Tianxu
    2018,(2):  43-47.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.02.009
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    Data from 233 sample plots of Pinus thunbergii and Pinus densiflora plantation were collected at different site conditions in Shandong Province.Firstly,the feasibility was verified in establishment of a common site index table for Pinus thunbergii and Pinus densiflora.The guide curve equation was Richards equation for Pinus thunbergii and Pinus densiflora,and the coefficient of determination (R 2) was 0.958 0. Then,site index table was established by means of relative dominant height,in which the baseline age was 30a,the interval of site index class was 1m,and the site index ranged from 5m to 12m.The site index table was demonstrated to be of high accuracy through significance test and prediction accuracy test,and it was applicable for site quality evaluation for Pinus thunbergii and Pinus densiflora planation in Shandong Province.The site index varied from 7m to 9m for 59.4% of the total 233 sample plots,and these sample plots were grouped into medium site quality.

    Classification and Quality Evaluation of Forest Site Types by Using Compartments as the Research Scale
    LU Lihua, FENG Yiming, NONG You, LI Hua, NONG Liangshu, SUN Dongjing, HUANG Dewei, MING Angang
    2018,(2):  48-57.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.02.010
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    Sampling plots with a density of 7hm 2/plot were distributed and set up based on the results of National Forest Resource Inventory in the Shaoping Experimental Station of Experimental Center of Tropical Forestry,Chinese Academy of Forestry in Guangxi,China.After previous site selection on the forest map,site investigations and plot setting were conducted for acquisition of site properties.the site types classification guiding factors were found out through the Principal Components Analysis method.According to the “Six-level classification system” from “Forest site classification in China”,the data from field study were overlaid in the ArcGIS software to obtain forest site types and related figures,and the site quality was evaluated through comprehensive evaluation method.Results showed that there were 88 site types which were included in 2 blocks and 3 groups in the study area,being pertained to 5 levels of site quality as follows Level I:none;Level II:4 site types with total area of 48.87 hm 2,accounting for 1.44%;Level III:11 site types with total area of 106.42 hm 2,accounting for 3.14%;level IV:52 site types with total area of 2799.21 hm 2,accounting for 82.65%;and level V:19 site types with total area of 432.36 hm 2,accounting for12.77%.There were 15 site types with the site quality level of middle or above,accounting for a total area of 155.29 hm 2or 4.58% in the whole study area,while the site type with the site quality level being low or lower was 73 with the area of 3 231.57 hm 2 accounting for 95.42%.

    Study on Niche of Dominant Shrub Populations in Karst Forest in Maolan Nature Reserve,Guizhou Province
    QIN Suitao, LONG Cuiling, WU Bangli
    2018,(2):  58-64.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.02.011
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    To understand the niche characteristics of the shrubs in Karst forest,Based on investigation on the communities,the shrub populations at three sites in Maolan National Natural Reserve were taken as a research object.The niche breadth,niche similarity and niche overlap were used to analyze the niche characteristics of dominant shrub populations.The results showed that:1)niche breadths of Mallotus repandus and Nandina domestica were larger than other species with Levins (Bi) and Hurlberts (Ba) values being 0.471 9 and 0.966 0,0.466 3 and 0.926 1.2)The niche similarity among populations increased with niche breath,as shown between Mallotus repandus and Sinosideroxylon wightianum,Mallotus repandus and Nandina domestica,Nandina domestica and Sinosideroxylon wightianum,similarity values being 0.966 3、0.902 2 and 0.868 5;the demand for environmental resources had a greater similarity of the species,although the niche breadth was smaller,but its niche similarity ratio would be higher,as shown between Brassaiopsis glomerulata and Nothopanax davidii,similarity values being 0.911 3.3)Niche breadth among larger species with large niche overlap value,as shown between Mallotus repandus,Nandina domestica and Sinosideroxylon wightianum,niche overlap values were above 0.32.The study indicates that dominant shrub populations have stronger resource utilization ability in karst forest.The higher niche similarity and niche overlap of most dominant populations show that the interspecific competition is intensive and this may be caused by complexity and high heterogeneity of karst habitat.

    Study on Geographical Distribution and Distribution Characteristics of Cyatheaceae in Hainan Island
    ZHAO Ruibai, YANG Xiaobo, LI Donghai, QI Chunlin, LI Jianbi
    2018,(2):  65-73.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.02.012
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    In order to master the distribution characteristics and protection status of Cyatheaceae resources in Hainan,a general investigation of wild Cyatheaceae was conducted in Hainan Island by using spot and sample survey.Method of variance to mean ratio was used in the analysis of Cyatheaceae population distribution pattern.One-way ANOVA was used to explore the protective effects of sample sites under different protection status.The results showed that:1) In Hainan Island,there are five native Cyatheaceae species,which were classified into two genera,including Alsophila latebrosa,Alsophila spinulosa,Alsophila gigantea,Alsophila podophylla and Sphaeropteris brunoniana.2) In Hainan Island,Cyatheaceae are mainly found in central and southern mountain area such as Wuzhishan City,Qiongzhong County,Lingshui County and Baisha County,mainly distributed in tropical rainforests with a medium and high elevation range of 400~1 000m,a gentle shady slope range,and a medium and higher canopy density range of 40%~80%,forming clusters in moist biotopes such as understory,valleys and riverside,sometimes scattering in shrubs of forest edge.3) Population densities of five Cyatheaceae are quite different,and the spatial distribution patterns of five Cyatheaceae populations are all clustered.4) Compared with outside of natural reserves,species diversity and population density of Cyatheaceae have increased in natural reserves,indicating that reducing human interference has certain effect on the protection of species diversity and the recovery of population density of Cyatheaceae.

    Diversity Characteristics of Waterfowl Community in Qinghai Lake National Nature Reserve
    DAI Yunchuan, WANG Xiulei, MA Guoqing, HOU Yuansheng, LI Diqiang
    2018,(2):  74-80.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.02.013
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    From February to December,2016,the waterfowl communities at 5 types of habitat including herbaceous marsh,lakeshore wetland,estuarine wetland,freshwater lake,and cultivated land were investigated in different seasons around Qinghai Lake National Mature Reserve.53 species belonging to 6 orders and 13 families were accumulatively recorded during the period of investigation.The dominant species were respectively Phalacrocorax carbo, Anser indicus,Larus ichthyaetus,Aythya fuligula,Netta rufina,Anas strepera,Aythya ferina,and Anas crecca,whose numbers occupied 74.16% of total individuals of waterfowl.The characteristics of waterfowl community were studied based on the Shannon-Wiener index (H),Simpson index (C) and Pielou index (E).The results indicated that the H index and E index of waterfowl community were the highest in herbaceous marsh,and decreased from lakeshore wetland,estuarine wetland,freshwater lake to cultivated land;the H index and E index of waterfowl community were the highest in the migration period of spring,and decreased from migration period of autumn,breeding period of summer to winter.The knowledge obtained in this study will help us to further understand the composition and seasonal variation of bird community,and provide the basis for managing and protecting birds in Qinghai Lake National Nature Reserve.

    Seasonal Variation of Bird Diversity at Wucheng Peninsula,Poyang Lake
    YING Qin, MA Guoqing, MIAO Lujun, LI Jia, LI Yun
    2018,(2):  81-90.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.02.014
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    From December 2014 to February 2015,and from June to August 2015,the summer and winter bird diversity of Wucheng Peninsula Poyang Lake was studied by line-transect method.A total of 126 bird species belonging to 45 families of 15 orders were recorded.Among species,3 are listed as Class I state key protected wild animals in China and 9 as class II.Shannon-Wiener diversity index of birds community is 4.729 in summer,and 4.035 in winter,and Pielou evenness index of birds community is 0.762 in summer,and 0.616 in winter;similarity index of birds is 0.435 between summer and winter.48 bird species were residents,45 were winter migrants,24 were summer migrants,and 9 passing migrants.57 bird species belong to Palaearctic realm and 50 belong to Oriental realm,as well as 19 widespread species.Habitat type affected various diversity indices,the maximum Shannon-Weiner diversity index of bird community was forest habitat in summer,followed by pond,farmland,shrubbery,lakes,village and grassland;the maximum Shannon-Weiner diversity index of bird community in winter was also forest habitat,while followed by lakes,farmland,pond,shrubbery,grassland and village.This research provided references for the management and protection of birds in Wucheng Peninsula.

    Soil Degradation Characteristics and Evolution of Rubber Plantation in the Tropical Area
    SONG Yanhong, SHI Zhengtao, WANG Lianxiao, XIAO Dongdong, FENG Zebo
    2018,(2):  91-97.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.02.015
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    In Mengla County of Xishuangbanna,a study was conducted on the soil physical and chemical properties of tea forest,10a rubber woodland,20a rubber woodland,30a rubber woodland and secondary forest land in detail,and the soil properties of secondary forest were the background value.Soil degradation index method and soil comprehensive quality index method were used to quantitatively evaluate the soil quality of different stands.The results showed that:(1) The soil organic matter,alkali solution nitrogen,total phosphorus,total nitrogen and available potassium content of the forest were different in the tea forest.The lowest value of soil organic matter,alkali solution nitrogen and total phosphorus content is 30a rubber woodland,the lowest value of total nitrogen,total potassium and available K content is 10a rubber woodland,tea woodland and 20a rubber woodland respectively.(2) There are significant differences in soil quality between different stands,and the order of soil quality from high to low is tea forest,secondary forest,20a rubber woodland,10a rubber woodland and 30a rubber woodland.After the cutting of the tropical rainforest in Xishuangbanna,the soil quality of the tea plantation was improved,while the soil quality of the rubber woodland in different planting years decreased at different degrees.

    Technical Application
    Ecological Sensitivity in National Park Planning in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
    MENG Pei, WAN Long, ZHAO Yichen
    2018,(2):  98-102.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.02.016
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    The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is rich in natural ecosystems.There are huge differences in natural geography,physiognomy and ecosystem services.It is of great significance to build national parks in this area.How to choose the appropriate area for national park construction is difficult.In this study,we choose six factors to evaluate the ecological sensitivity of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region,such as land use type,altitude,slope,distance to natural reserve,distance to wetland,distance to town,distance to railway and distance to highway.The results showed that the highly sensitive areas in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region were mainly concentrated in the northern Yanshan Mountain and western Taihang Mountain areas.The coastal wetlands in the Bohai Bay also presented high sensitivity.The research provides an important scientific basis for the location choosing of national parks in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

    Response of Ecosystem Service Value to the Changes of Landscape Pattern of Land Use
    CHEN Mingye, GAO Baojia, LIU Suhong
    2018,(2):  103-110.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.02.017
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    We,taking Fuping watershed of the Daqing River as a research object,investigated the changes of landscape pattern and ecosystem services over a period of time from 1985 to 2015,and analyzed the relationship between them.The results show that the landscape pattern of the study area changed significantly during the investigation period,the urban landscape,forest landscape,agricultural landscape and water landscape area changed positively,and the unused land landscape and grassland landscape changed negatively.The mean patch area increased,the connectivity of each landscape type is better,and the landscape structure became more stable.The value of ecosystem services in the study area increased before 2000,and decreased after 2000,the forest land made the greatest contribution to the total ecosystem value of the study area,followed by cultivated land and grassland.In the value of single service,the contribution rate of soil conservation was the largest,followed by biodiversity maintenance,air regulation and climate regulation.There is a good correlation between ecosystem services and patch density,landscape shape index,mean patch area,area weighted mean shape index,area weighted mean fractal dimension and aggregation degree at the landscape level.

    Comprehensive Benefit Evaluation of Undergrowth Plant Allocation Model in Moderately Eroded Areas
    LI Shu, ZHANG Wei, LUO Hongyan, WANG Yalei, LAN Siren, CAO Guangqiu
    2018,(2):  111-118.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.02.018
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    Through field investigation,classification of different undergrowth plant configuration modes in Changting CeWu Ginkgo forest was done.According to the mode of production,they are divided into forest planting pattern,according to the business model,into three models,i.e.planting Ginkgo for traditional Chinese medicine,Ginkgo for ornamental flowers,Ginkgo for economic flowers.According to the ecology and landscape economics and sociology principle and by using AHP and PCA,the seven typical patterns from the ecological and landscape benefits,economic benefits and social benefits were evaluated.The results showed that the ecological benefit is Chrysanthemum morifolium mode and Hemerocallis citrine,landscape benefit is Ginkgo biloba-Chrysanthemum morifolium pattern,good economic benefit is Ginkgo-Chrysanthemum morifolium pattern and Ginkgo-Cassia occidentalis mode,better social benefit is Chrysanthemum morifolium.The results show that Chrysanthemum morifolium model has the best benefit and can be popularized as a pioneer plant for a large area.

    Establishment of the Plant Germplasm Resources Information Management System of Beijing
    YU Tao
    2018,(2):  119-124.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.02.019
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    Based on the Beijing germplasm resources spatial and non-spatial data and management and maintenance data 2007—2009,the germplasm resources information management system database of Beijing was developed.With the database as the core,combined with modern means such as ArcGIS,MIS,the network database and the germplasm resources information processing and management platform was established.The scientific management and standardization of the Beijing plant germplasm resources,dynamic and efficient management were realized.The large data menagement system of plant germplasm resources in Beijing city was formed.For customers to browse,query the resources data required,it provides a quick and convenient way.

    Research Bulletin
    Investigation of Bird Diversity in the National Wetland Park of High Mountain Glacier Region,Jimunai County
    HU Yang, MA Guoqing, ZENG Jun, DAI Yunchuan
    2018,(2):  125-131.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.02.020
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    From August 2015 to July 2016,99 species belonging to 13 orders and 30 families were recorded during the period of investigation in the national wetland park of high mountain glacier region,Jimunai County.The 24 species were under national key protection;2 species were the second level protection of autonomous region;21 species were listed in the CITES.The composition of birds took the absolute advantage of the Palaearctic realm species,presenting the characteristics of the bird area dominated by the northern taiga.

    Investigation of Habitat Characteristics and Protection Countermeasures of Dendrobium fanjingshanense in Jiulong Mountain National Nature Reserve
    PAN Chengchun, LIU Julian, HUANG Bangwen, HU Youjin, CAI Chenchen, KANG Huajing
    2018,(2):  132-137.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.02.021
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    Because of the scarcity of resources,Dendrobium fanjingshanense has important development value.In order to better protect and utilize the precious resources,the habitats of D.fanjingshanense in Jiulong Mountain National Nature Reserve were investigated.The results showed that D.fanjingshanense was mainly attached to arbor tree species,and the height distribution is mainly between 15m and 20m.The flowering rate of D.fanjingshanense is up to 64.8%.However,the rate of seed bearing was very low.The canopy density of the community was about 70%.The average temperature in the community from May to September was 21.8 ℃,and the average relative humidity was 98.4%.According to the survey data,the accumulation amount (fresh weight) in the area is about 10 kg.Finally,the relevant protection countermeasure were proposed.

    Study on Spatial Structure of Quercus mongolica Forest in Sanhu National Nature Reserve
    CHENG Fushan, HE Huaijiang, LIU Qiang, MU Huaizhi, WANG Gerong, LIN Lin, ZHAO Peng, XIA Fucai
    2018,(2):  138-145.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.02.022
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    Quercus mongolica was one of the main tree species in the secondary forests of Northeast China.There were a large number of Q.mongolica forests distributed in the northeastern forest area.The spatial structure of its stand played an important role in the sustainable utilization of the Q.mongolica forest resources in Northeast China.In this study,the typical Q.mongolica forests in the Sanhu National Nature Reserve in Jilin Province were taken as the research object,and field surveys and positioning experiments were conducted.The spatial structure of the forest was analyzed by using the three spatial structure parameters with mingling degree,uniform angle index and neighborhood comparison.The results showed that Q.mongolica,as the main tree species in the study area,presented an abundance of more than 62%,making the Q.mongolica forest in the Songhua Lake area close to pure forest.The overall diameter distribution of the forest stands took on a bimodal mountain-shaped curve,with a large number of young individuals and a good regeneration.The stand mingling degree was low (the mean value was 0.43),which is lightly mixed,and the stability of the stand was poor.The results of uniform angle index and neighborhood comparison showed that the Q.mongolica forest in this area was a forest community with a spatial structure that was randomly distributed and the spatial differentiation of tree species was relatively small.Based on the above findings,in order to maintain the health and stability of the Q.mongolica ecosystem in Sanhu National Nature Reserve,it was necessary to cooperate with a certain degree of management to increase mingling degree.The coniferous species were properly introduced and the coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest ecosystem was established according to the natural growth process and succession of the community.

    Community Structure and Species Diversity of Typical Daigu Landform
    GAO Yuan, QI Zhen, LI Cuiping, LIN Xiangyu
    2018,(2):  146-150.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.02.023
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    In this study,8 sample plots were selected from the Daigu landform group,including the periphery plots represented by Baodugu,Menglianggu,Jiwanggu and Wuwanggu and the core plots represented by Daigu landform were Wolonggu,Daigu,Bangu and Tangwanggu.The community structure and plant species diversity of the Daigu landform were investigated.The results showed that the main vegetation types of Daigu landform were Platycladus orientalis forest,Quercus acutissima forest and Robinia pseudoacacia forest.The vegetation of Daigu landform was in the early-middle forest succession stage.The flora in the periphery area of Daigu landform is more reasonable than the core area of Daigu landform,and the vegetation at the top of Daigu landform is superior to that at the slope of Daigu landform.On the whole,the diversity indexes of tree layers,shrub layers and herb layers ranked in descending order:Daigu>Jiwanggu>Baodugu>Menglianggu>Bangu>Wolonggu>Tangwanggu>Wuwanggu.

    Analysis of the Impacts on the Physical Properties of Mangrove Soil in Eastern Fujian Coastal Wetlands under the Invasion of Spartina alterniflora
    LI Weiwei, HE Dongjin, YAN Sixiao, CAI Jinbiao, WANG Ren, YOU Weibin, HOU Dongliang, BAI Jing
    2018,(2):  151-156.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.02.024
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    With eastern Fujian coastal wetlands under the invasion of Spartina alterniflora as the research object and through comparative analysis of soil moisture content,soil porosity and soil bulk density and using the IBM SPSS Statistics 19,the single factor variance analysis(One-way ANOVA)was performed to test the data difference significance.According to the results,the five communities in Xinan town include single dominant community of mangrove forest,single dominant community of Spartina alterniflora,50% autumn mangrove forest,50% Spartina alterniflora mixed community,75% autumn mangrove forest,25% Spartina alterniflora mixed community and 25% autumn mangrove forest,75% Spartina alterniflora mixed community.The soil moisture content of 0~20cm soil depth was significantly different from that in 40~60cm soil depth,but there was no significant difference in soil porosity and soil bulk density of the single dominant community of mangrove forest and single dominant community of Spartina alterniflora.The soil moisture content,soil porosity and soil bulk density were all significantly different in 40~60cm soil depth with 0~20cm soil depth and 20~40cm soil depth of 50% autumn mangrove forest,50% Spartina alterniflora mixed community.The invasion of Spartina alterniflora caused soil bulk density to increase,the soil porosity decrease and the trend of soil moisture content showed different patterns in different Kandelia Candel-Spartina alterniflora mixed communities in eastern Fujian coastal wetlands.