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    28 February 2018, Issue 1
    Integrated Management and Administration
    Development Status and Management Strategies of Desert Ecological and Environmental Monitoring Network in China
    LU Zeyang, CHEN Yongfu, Cui Xianghui
    2018,(1):  1-8.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.01.001
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    Desert ecological and environmental monitoring is an important means to understand and master the ecology and environment quality.It is significant to strengthen the ecology and environment management in droughty and desert regions.In this paper,a brief overview of development status on desert monitoring network at home and abroad was given.The existing problems in the construction,operation and management of desert monitoring network in China were summarized.The development opportunities and challenges faced by the desert ecological and environmental monitoring network in the new period were analyzed.At last,the thoughts and countermeasures for improving the monitoring system and management mechanism of monitoring network were put forward.

    The Factors Influencing the Poplar Shelterbelt Degradation in the Bashang Plateau of Northwest Hebei Province
    ZHENG Chunya, XU Zhongqi, MA Changming, SUN Shoujia, YAN Tengfei
    2018,(1):  9-15.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.01.002
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    This study was aimed at understanding the factors influencing the poplar shelterbelts degradation in the Bashang plateau of northwest Hebei Province to provide a scientific support for reconstruction for the degraded forests.The growth,soil characteristics,species and the root vertical distribution of the degraded forests in Zhangbei Bashang region were investigated.There were relationships between mortality rate and dieback rate of poplar trees and DBH,tree species,soil hardness and soil calcium layer.The rate of mortality rate and dieback increased with increasing DBH.Three species ranked in a descending order based on the rate of mortality rate and dieback was Populus simonii,Populus cathayana,Populus beijingensis,and the forests composed of Populus simonii degraded more seriously than others.The forests that degraded more seriously were located in the sites where soil hardness was higher,special with calcium layer.The roots of poplar trees are distributed in shallow soils,and most of root biomass was located in the soil of above 50cm depth.In the recent 50 years,there had been a obvious trend of aridity for the climate of Bashang plateau due to the increasing average annual temperature.The degradation of poplar shelterbelt in the Bashang plateau was related to drought climate,forest age,soil and tree diseases.The poplar rot disease was caused by the direct factors of the mortality and dieback of poplar trees,and the drought stress led by other factors and growth potential became weak for their old ages,which caused the occurrence of rot diseases.The result contributes to the management and transformation of poplar shelter belt.

    Research on Spillover Effect of Grain and Fruit Price Volatility in China
    MA Kun, CHENG Baodong, QIN Guangyuan, DIAO Gang
    2018,(1):  16-23.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.01.003
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    Fruit industry developed rapidly and its competitiveness and substitution for grain were strengthened.Besides,fruit market was unstable.To understand the volatility characteristic and spillover effect of grain and fruit market,and then provide reference for government industrial policy formulation and farmers’ planting decision,this study used the BEKK-GARCH model to estimate the cluster effect and spillover effect of grain and fruit price volatility from January 2009 to September 2017.The results showed that there was a certain clustering effect in grain and fruit price volatility,and the spillover effects between markets were significant;the results of variance impulse response showed that the grain price response to one standard volatility was weak but the adjustment time was long,while the fruit market was just the opposite.Based on these conclusions,it is recommended to optimize the agricultural industrial structure,strengthen fruit characteristics and brand building,develop agricultural products processing industry actively and improve the risk management system for agricultural products market.

    The Stress Factors of Butterfly Population and Its Biological Protection in Jianfengling,Hainan Province
    CHEN Renli, ZHOU Guangyi, ZHAO Houben, LU Lixiang, GU Maobin
    2018,(1):  24-30.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.01.004
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    Jianfengling located in the tropical region in Hainan province of China as the centre of global biodiversity has extremely abundant species and great amount of butterflyies.But the species and population density of butterflies in Jianfengling present a general decreasing trend in recent years.In this paper,we analyzed stress factors on butterfly populations in the region,and pointed out recommendations about their conservation.The changes of precipitation and temperature distribution pattern and the increasing extreme climatic event such as typhoon caused by global climate change are the main climate stress factors of butterfly population decrease.The butterfly habitat destruction and forest margin transitional zone loss caused by land use change are the main artificial stress factors of butterfly population decrease.Protection of forest and restoration of forest margin transitional zone are the basic conditions for protecting the butterfly habitats.Appropriate development and utilization can bring a certain degree of economic benefits,and also can improve people’s awareness and stimulate the motivation of butterfly conservation.

    The Suggestions on the Setup of the Criminal Law System for Deforestation
    LI Junwen, ZHONG Yuhong, LI Weijia, LI Quanyang
    2018,(1):  31-37.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.01.005
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    The legal regulation of excessive deforestation generated from a special historical background.Currently,the setup of some criminal law system in Forest Law cannot meet the needs of the property rights protection,the fast-growing forestry reform and practice for the market economy.The problems,existed in the design of the criminal law system of the deforestation,are amplified.Accordingly the article proposes suggestions on the rationality of incriminating the deforestation,the subject and object,the conviction and sentencing of deforestation.

    Scientific Research
    Establishment of Biomass Density Model of Spruce in Tibet
    LIU Jinshan, ZHANG Bei, ZHOU Xuewu, XING Yuanjun, ZHANG Wanlin
    2018,(1):  38-43.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.01.006
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    Biomass density models are the basis for estimating biomass and carbon stocks.Taking spruce of the main coniferous forest species in Tibet as research object,the spruce forest biomass density models were established by using measured sample plot and sample tree data of continuous forest resources inventory.The results showed that biomass density increased with the increase of tree height,canopy closure,DBH and forestage,and decreased with the increase of altitude and longitude.The determination coefficient of biomass density nonlinear model is 0.716,the total relative error and the average system error are controlled within±1%,and the estimated accuracy is 91.9%.Since the model is constructed with altitude,canopy closure,mean diameter at breast height and longitude as explanatory variables,it can be applied to the measured or visual sample or small class biomass estimation.The determination coefficient of biomass density nonlinear model is 0.626,the total relative error and the average system error are controlled within ±2%,and the estimated accuracy is 90.6%.Since the model is constructed with elevation,canopy closure,forest age and longitude as explanatory variables,which can be applied to remote sensing sample or small class biomass estimation.The determination coefficient of biomass density nonlinear model is 0.717,the total relative error and the average system error are controlled within ±2%,and the estimated accuracy is 91.9%.Since the model is constructed with elevation,canopy closure,mean diameter at breast height and forest age as explanatory variables,it can be applied to estimate the biomass or carbon sinks of spruce forest in a given period.Combined with the data of continuous forest resources inventory or forest resources planning and design in Tibet,it can be used for estimating the biomass of the spruce forest on the scale of the whole region.The biomass model established by the factors such as age can be used for grasping the biomass and carbon sink distribution law,and carbon sink estimates for a certain period.

    The Storage Capacity and Water-holding Characteristics of Pinus tabulaeformis Litters in Banchengzi Catchment
    ZHENG Guilian, GONG Yinting, WANG Yan
    2018,(1):  44-49.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.01.007
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    Banchengzi catchment was selected as the study area,and Pinus tabulaeformis was selected to investigate the stock volume and water-holding capacity of litter layers.The results showed that:(1) the stock volume of Pinus tabulaeformis litters was 21.86t/hm2,of which the volume of undecomposed litters was 7.04t/hm2 and accounted for 32.20%,the volume of half decomposition was 14.82t/hm2 and accounted for 67.80%,and indicated that the volume of undecomposed litters was larger than undecomposed litters;(2) litters volume was significant with leaf area index(LAI),and increased with larger LAI;(3) the water holding of litters showed a process of “rapid absorption-slow absorption-gradual saturation”,the absorption rate decreased with immersion time,and showed a power function relationship(V=ktn).The research results can provide references for forest management and water holding monitoring process in catchments.

    Analysis on the Competitive Status of Cyclobalanopsis glaucaSecondary Forest Based on the Improved Hegyi Model
    LONG Shisheng, ZENG Siqi, XIAO Huashun, LIU Falin, HU Man
    2018,(1):  50-56.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.01.008
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    The study was based on 12 fixed sample plots of Cyclobalanopsis glauca secondary forest in Loutu Forest Farm,Pingjiang County,Hunan Province.The methods of fixed radius,crown overlap and single wood influence circle were used for analysis of the competition status of Cyclobalanopsis glauca, the Hegyi competition index was improved by using the ratio of height between object wood and competitive wood.Results showed that the greater the diameter of Cyclobalanopsis glauca,the greater the scope of influence and competition.The free tree crown model was:CW=0.1773+0.2799×D,and the diameter and canopy size was positively related.The relative size of the three categories of competition indexes was Hegyi-improvement model > Bella competition index > Hegyi competition index.The results showd that the competitive index included diameter ratio,height ratio and distance and could accurately reflect the competition status of Cyclobalanopsis glauca secondary forest.

    Spatial Change Analysis of Forest Land and Biomass in Natural Forest Protection Project Area of Western Tianshan Mountains
    XIAO Zhongqi, HUANG Jianwen, LING Chengxing
    2018,(1):  57-62.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.01.009
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    In this study,remote sensing technology and forest resources survey data were used for analyzing the spatial changes of forest land and forest biomass in natural forest protection project area of Western Tianshan mountains in Xinjiang.Two temporal remote sensing images were used for obtaining forest land distribution and biomass by means of andom forest classification and biomass model.Thus,The change of forest types and biomass were obtained.The results showed that from the year of 2010—2016 the change of non-forestry Land was obvious with 7 370.1 hm2 being turned into forest land and 11 536.23hm2 into shrub land.The overall biomass increased by 1.26 million tons,an increase of 2.49%,the volume increased by 208.74 million cubic meters,an increase of 2.99%.

    Analysis on Dynamic Change of Desertification Land and Driving Forces in the Middle Area of Kubuqi Desert
    WANG Cuiping
    2018,(1):  63-71.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.01.010
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    Based on images in 2003,2008 and 2014,adopting remote sensing interpretation and the field investigation of landcover,combined with local climate,ecological engineering and other relative information,we analyzed the distribution of desertification land and dynamic changes in the middle area of the Kubuqi desert and tried to find the causes of the change.The results showed that:the aggravating trend of desertification is restrained and the area of desertification land is reduced by an average of 126 hectares in the study area in recent 10 years.The desertification degree index decreased from 0.568 in 2003 to 0.504 in 2014.The comprehensive dynamic degree of desertification land was 0.74% in 2003—2008 and increased to 3% in 2008—2014.That state of desertification land belongs to a slow change in the study area,but slow change rate in speed.Human factors were the main driving force on the dynamic change of desertification land.The measures of sand prevention and ecological construction were the major driving force to slow down and restrain land desertification.

    Analysis on Land Use Evolution Process in the Upper Reaches of Erhai under the Background of Urbanization
    NIU Xiaohua, ZHANG Chao, YU Zhexiu, ZHOU Wenjiao, HUANG Tian
    2018,(1):  72-79.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.01.011
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    In recent years,the social economic development of Erhai basin has been rapid,the process of urbanization has been accelerated,and the land use has been changed greatly.It is of great significance to study the long-term evolution of land use in the upper reaches of Erhai and to analyze its correlation with urbanization.Based on the remote sensing images of the upper reaches of Erhai in 1975,1985,1995,2005 and 2015,the land use patch information of each period was extracted and the land use transfer matrix was calculated.With the help of the dynamic model of land use,information entropy model and fractal model,the evolution of land use in the upper reaches of Erhai was quantitatively described and analyzed.The results show:(1) In the recent 40 years,the forest land,farmland and shrub-grassland in the upper reaches of Erhai were the dominant land.The area of the construction land continued to increase,and the overall level of land use is at a moderate level.(2) In terms of transfer change,the main features are the outflow of shrub-grassland and the transfer of construction land.The change of dynamic degree of single land use type is small,of which the dynamic change of construction land is obvious and the area is in an increasing trend.The land use system is characterized by the outflow of shrubs and the transfer of construction land.Single dynamic degree change is small,the dynamic degree of the construction is obvious and the area is increasing.(3) Information entropy,equilibrium and stability of land use patches in the upper reaches of Erhai also changed correspondingly during the period from 1975 to 2015.Analyzing the evolution of land use in the upper reaches of Erhai under the background of urbanization can provide an important guiding significance for enhancing the degree of land intensification,planning and managing land resources reasonably,formulating economic development policies scientifically,promoting land science and sustainable utilization,and accelerating the sustainable development of towns.

    Study on Evaluation of Conservation Effect of Provincial Nature Reserve of Lashihai Plateau Wetland
    ZHENG Xiaozhe, WANG Zhi, ZHANG Jianliang, DONG Liang, ZHANG Zhiyong, YE Jiangxia, ZHOU Ruliang
    2018,(1):  80-89.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.01.012
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    This paper presents a model to evaluate the conservation effectiveness of Lashihai Nature Reserves.The model(used in this paper) is calculated from six evaluation indexes and seventeen sub-indexes.Based on the basic geographic data and multi-spectral band data of Landsat TM's two phases,this paper interprets and analyzes the changing situations of Lashihai Nature Reserve in 2010 and 2016.In addition,the change degree of each index in the evaluation period was calculated and the protective effects of Lashihai Nature Reserve was estimated.The evaluation results show that the protective effects in Lashihai Plateau Wetland Provincial Nature Reserve is unsatisfied.The main reasons are as follows:although the degree of fragmentation of the landscape mosaic was reduced during the period from 2010 to 2016,the landscape protection seems to be effective and water area has increased,the number of protected species and populations remain unchanged,but the construction land is increased and the man-made disturbance is enhanced,and the vegetation coverage and area of the watershed are reduced.Finally,based on the existing problems,this paper proposed a solution to improve the effectiveness of protection.

    Remote Sensing Assessment of Forest Fire Damage Degree in Bilahe Forest Farm,Inner Mongolia
    LIU Shuchao, CHEN Xiaozhong, QIN Xianlin, SUN Guifen, LI Xiaotong
    2018,(1):  90-95.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.01.013
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    In order to evaluate the forest fire loss occurred on May 2,2017 in Bilahe Forest Form in Inner Mongolia,the Landsat8 satellite images which were pictured pro and post the fire were selected as the study data,the difference Normalized Burn Ratio(dNBR) was calculated by means of the two images.Through the combination of visual interpretation and mathematical statistics,the fire severity evaluation index was constructed.The damage of forest fire in Bilahe forest was quantitatively evaluated.By using the field survey GPS data and GF-2 satellite data to verify the damage degree of the forest fire,the grading accuracy was 86.39%.The results show that the moderate damage area is the largest in Bilahe Forest Farm in Inner Mongonlia,which is 4 685.09 hm2,accounting for 40.35% of the total burned area,followed by low damage area of 4 213.1hm2,accounting for 36.28% of the total burned area,high damage area is 1 031.03hm2,accounting for 8.88% of the total burned area,and the unburned damage area is 906.57hm2,accounting for 7.81% of the total burned area.The affected forest of the typical vegetation is mainly distributed in the moderate damage and low damage area.The affected grassland is mainly distributed in the low damage area.

    Dynamic Change and Prediction of Land Use in Jinjiang City Based on LCM Model
    SU Yanqin, LAI Riwen, LUO Wenwei, YU Lili, LAI Chimin, LI Honglin
    2018,(1):  96-102.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.01.014
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    The aim of the study was to explore the evolution law of land use and the future land use status in Jinjiang City.This paper analyzed the dynamic change of land use type with three remote sensing images in 1990,2000 and 2010.Based on the remote sensing interpretation data and the land use dynamic change influencing factors,this paper constructed the land use forecasting model(LCM).This model was used to forecast the quantity and distribution of land use in 2020 and 2030 in Jinjiang.The results are as follows:(1) The Kappa indices of LCM model in 2010 were all more than 80%.(2) The prediction results show that construction land will increase in the central and north parts of Jinjiang,and the decrease of cultivated land will be distributed in the central urban area of Jinjiang future zoning.The bare land will decrease in the LCM model prediction,mainly in the coastal area.While the forest land will decrease in 2020,but the growth trend will appear after 2020,and mainly in the coastal towns.This paper indicated that the accuracy and credibility of LCM prediction were high and provided a reasonable basis for the future planning of land use in Jinjiang City and the direction of regional economic development.

    Forest Fire Danger Rating and Fire Division of Bahrain Right Banner in Inner Mongolia
    ZHANG Heng, YU Yongkang, JING Yuhui, MA Yunjia, ZHOU Mei
    2018,(1):  103-108.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.01.015
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    Bairin Right Banner of Inner Mongolia was chosen as the study area based on Chinese forestry industry standard “national forest fire division level”(LY/T1063-2008).The data of six fire risk factors,the tree species category,burning population density,road network density and monthly average precipitation of the fire control period,air temperature and wind speed,were selected and statistical method and clustering analysis method were used to get the township forest fire danger rating and fire division.The results showed that:(1) Xingfuzhilu Township has 1 national nature reserves,and the grade of fire danger of Xingfuzhilu Township is grade II,and the other areas are class III.(2) Cluster analysis was carried out according to the degree of fire danger from high to low,which was divided into 3 groups.Suomaga town and Daban Town were cluster 1.Chagan Mu was cluster 2,and other areas were cluster 3.The research on forest fire danger and fire division of Bahrain Right Banner can reduce the loss of life and property caused by the local forest fire.

    Spatio-temporal Variation of NDVI and Its Response to Regional Climate in Gansu Province
    WANG Nayun, JIANG Jianjun, CHEN Mengqi, BAI Shibiao
    2018,(1):  109-116.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.01.016
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    Long time NDVI sequences can indicate the characteristics of vegetation cover on the surface and are widely used in the study of large scale surface vegetation cover changes.This study used MODIS-NDVI data sets in 2001 to 2015 to quantitatively study the spatio-temporal variations of vegetation cover in Gansu Province based on ENVI and ArcGIS spatial analysis techniques.According to the natural geographical region,Gansu Province was divided into three parts,which were combined with the temperature and precipitation data of the same period to study the response relationship between vegetation cover change and regional climate.The results showed that:(1) Vegetation coverage in Gansu Province increased by the rate of 0.004 1 per year from 2001 to 2015,indicating that the vegetation cover in Gansu Province has improved during the study period,while there are obvious spatial differences.(2) The annual precipitation in Gansu Province shows a decreasing trend,while the annual average temperature shows an upward trend.But the change rates of the both were relatively low,indicating that the trend of dry heating in Gansu Province had eased during the study period.(3) Vegetation cover is positively correlated with precipitation,negatively correlated with temperature,and the influence of precipitation on vegetation coverage is greater than the temperature at the regional scale.

    Vegetation Dynamics and Sustainability in Ecological Supporting Areas of Hebei 1982—2015
    WANG Yanfang, LIU Min, GUO Ying
    2018,(1):  117-125.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.01.017
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    Vegetation,as the first producer,plays an important role in the energy transformation and material cycle of the ecosystem.Using GIMMS NDVI3g dataset,spatial distribution,trend,and sustainability of vegetation fractional cover in Hebei were analyzed by trend analysis and Hurst methods.The result shows that the average vegetation fraction cover within growing season from 1982 to 2015 is 49.4%.The vegetation fraction cover shows an increasing trend with a linear slope of 1.5%/10a from 1982 to 2015.The area with increased vegetation fractional cover occupies more than 90% of the total land.Results of Hurst analyses indicated the regional vegetation cover will increase in sustainability in the future.The coupling of slope and hurst analysis shows the index of hurst in the increased and decreased area is 0.86 and 0.85,which indicates the trend will persist in future years.

    The Planning of Wetland Park Plants Based on Birds Protection —A Case Study in Jincanghu Wetland Park
    FAN Zhen, HU Haibo, LU Xiaozhen
    2018,(1):  126-131.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.01.018
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    Wetland park is an important habitat and migration station for birds and its design concept and construction effect directly affect the attractiveness to birds.In view of the current issues of bird protection and plant allocation in Jincanghu Wetland Park and according to the local habitat types and functional division,the plant distribution was re-planned following the principles of enriching bird diversity and increasing the number of birds,with the purpose to maximize the function of plants on bird attraction,and provide guidance for plant planning of bird habitats.

    Technical Application
    Development and Application of Benefit Evaluation System for Soil and Water Conservation in Small Watersheds —A Case Study of Puwa Small Watershed in Fangshan District,Beijing
    ZHU Chunzhu, ZHAO Tianzhong, SUN Ruoxiu, YU Zhancheng, ZHANG Jianjun
    2018,(1):  132-140.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.01.019
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    The evaluation of soil and water conservation benefit of comprehensive management of small watershed is not only of guiding significance for promoting the comprehensive management of small watersheds,but also has important reference value for the assessment of green GDP in promoting the construction of ecological civilization in our country.In order to improve the efficiency of evaluating the benefits of soil and water conservation in small watersheds and to standardize the evaluation process.In this study,the basic data are small watershed topographic maps,land use distribution map,soil texture map and field survey data.The author uses relational database technology,spatial database technology and ArcGIS Engine secondary development technology,and together with the distributed hydrological model and revised universal soil loss equation, has developed a benefit evaluation system of soil and water conservation in small watersheds.The system can realize the six functions of data management,hydrological benefits evaluation,soil maintaining function evaluation,ecological service function evaluation,main channel evaluation and economic benefit evaluation.This study will elaborate on two main functions of soil maintaining function evaluation and main channel evaluation.The system is used for evaluating Puwa small watershed,which is the earliest one in carrying out the construction of ecological clean watershed in Fangshan District,Beijing.The results showed that the soil erosion intensity decreased significantly before and after the comprehensive management of small watershed.Land use change and vegetation restoration were the main influencing factors of soil erosion protection.The main channel hydro-geomorphology is generally good,poorly assessed channels are mainly distributed in the middle and lower reaches where human activities are frequent,and human activities are the main factor affecting the channel environment.

    Research on the Update of Sub-compartment Resources Archives Based on the Dynamic Growth Model of Forest Stands
    HUO Zhenjiang
    2018,(1):  141-147.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.01.020
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    The establishment of the archives of forest resources is an important part of forest resource management.The archives of forest resources must be updated and perfected in time to reflect the dynamic changes of forest resources,to analyze the change in increase or decrease of forest resources and to carry out the forest management more scientifically.The update of the sub-compartment archives is the basis of the renewal of the forest resource archives.Its accuracy determines the reliability of the updating of the forest resource archives.But the number of sub-compartments in a forestry bureau is large,the composition of tree species is complex.If it is calculated on the basis of the growth rate,the workload of the archives updating and calculation is big,the difference in the canopy density and age of each sub-compartment could not be considered and the accuracy of calculation is not guaranteed.To this end,this paper takes the Daxinganling forest in Inner Mongolia as an example,The application of three variable density dynamic growth model controlled by density,age and status index in the update of small class resource archives is discussed.The result shows that the established forest dynamic growth model system can meet the needs of the dynamic update interval of different stand volume,basal area,number of trees per hectare,the average DBH and average tree height survey factors.The results can provide a reliable basis for the update of sub-compartment data.

    Research Bulletin
    Measurement and Analysis of Carbon Content Rates of Eight Tree Species in Guangdong Province
    ZHANG Hongai
    2018,(1):  148-154.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.01.021
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    Carbon content values of eight tree species in the region,i.e.,Pinus massoniana,fast growing acacia,chinese fir,eucalyptus,slashpine,hardwood,softwood,and Castanopsis fissa,were measured based on the wet burning approach.In addition,carbon content of these trees with respect to several potential influencing factors,i.e.,tree species,tree organs,diameter grades,and vertical trunk positions,were analyzed.Experimental results showed that:1)with respect to tree species,the carbon contents in descending order are:slash pine > chinese fir > Pinus massoniana > fast growing acacia > hardwood > eucalyptus > softwood > Castanopsis fissa .2)With respect to tree organs,the descending carbon contents are:leaves>branches>bark>trunks>roots,and the carbon content decreased when the positions of these organs located from top to bottom or from outside to inside.3)With respect to vertical trunk positions,the carbon contents of all eight species are very close,and coefficients of variation for those species are all less than 3.64%. 4)With respect to diameter grades,variation amplitudes of carbon contents of sampled trees in Guangdong are relatively small.However,for the same tree species,the carbon contents of different organs from the same tree species varied with their diameter grades,and the carbon content increased firstly and then decreased along with the increasing of diameter grades or vertical trunk positions.No correlations were observed between the rates of diameter grades and that of vertical trunk positions.For samples under the same vertical trunk positions,the carbon content rised in the beginning and then descended with the rises of diameter grades.In general,significant differences in carbon content were perceived among different tree species,or different tree organs of the same species,or distinct influencing factors of the same species.The accurate determination of carbon contents in various areas,tree species and forest ecosystems can provide a scientific basis for improving the accuracy of estimating their carbon reserves.

    Natural Distribution and Characteristics of China’s Rare and Endangered Species in Shandong Province
    LIU Dan, ZANG Dekui
    2018,(1):  155-158.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.01.022
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    According to the investigation result of forest tree germplasm resources in Shandong province,there are 15 Chinese rare and endangered tree species naturally distributed there,which belongs to 12 families,13 genera,and the characteristics of their natural distribution are summarized.Suggestions of protection are put forward for carrying out related research in the future.

    Analysis and Evaluation on Forest Management Effectiveness of Chaihe Forestry Bureau in Inner Mongolia
    DUAN He
    2018,(1):  159-164.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2018.01.023
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    The Institute of Forest Monitoring and Planning of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region undertook the forest resource survey of Chaihe forestry bureau in 2016.After comparison and analysis of the data in two different periods of time,we found that Chaihe Forestry Bureau did not follow the management program planning when carrying out forest management activities.The composite score,which indicated implementation effects of forest management plan in the last management period,was 70.8 points.According to the achievements,existing problems and potentials in the period of managment,the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions were put forward.