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    28 June 2017, Issue 3
    Integrated M anagement and Administration
    Thought on Promoting the Development of Forest Resources Monitoring by Innovation
    HUANG Guosheng
    2017,(3):  1-5.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.03.001
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    On the basis of reviewing the development of forest resources monitoring since the founding of new China,this paper systematically analyzed the situation and problems of forest resources monitoring,according to the characteristics of development of the times and the objective requests of economic and social development.This paper has expounded the innovation development conception of forest resources monitoring from four aspects,namely the monitoring theory innovation,operation mechanism innovation,technology method innovation,information service innovation,and put forward some new ideas based on monitoring theory of the system science theory,fully absorbed a new operation mode of local personnel's wide participation range,developed a new information selection tool integrated with high-techs,relying on big data technology and data mining tools for information sharing mechanism,and proposed suggestions of strengthening the forest resources monitoring according to practical needs.

    Situation Analysis of Forestry Industry
    QI Lian, HU Yaosheng
    2017,(3):  6-9.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.03.002
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    China's forestry industry is in the period of rapid development.It is huge but not strong,with unstable resource foundation and low industry aggregation degree.This paper has analyzed the opportunities in the industry,including the four strategic ones of comprehensively building up a moderately prosperous society,constructing a healthy China,new-type urbanization and ecological civilization.Moreover,the paper has made an analysis of challenges,mainly the weak ability in resource support,low overall qualities and technological content.It aims at further clarifying the current situation of forestry industry development and helps advance the sound progress.

    The Influence of the Community Forest Right Reform on Forest Ecosystem Services —Taking Anji County,Zhejiang Province for Example
    ZOU Quancheng, YAN Ping, NIU Jingping
    2017,(3):  10-16.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.03.003
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    This study explored how the forest rights reform influenced forest ecosystem services in Anji County,Zhejiang Province,considering the years of 1984(forest rights confirmation),1998(the reform of forest ownership)and 2007(the community forest right reform).The results were as follows:forest material production in Anji county significantly increased,especially the economic production;the value of forest ecosystem services also increased,but per unit value of different ecosystem services varied significantly.Besides,the value of ecosystem services also varied among different types of forests.Therefore,we can conclude that forest right reforms can influence the value of forest ecosystem services.

    Study on the Dilemma and Development Path of the State-Owned Forest Region in Daxing’anling of Heilongjiang Province under the Background of Overall Cutting Ban
    LI Tieying, BAI Bing
    2017,(3):  17-19.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.03.004
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    Based on the policy background of “stop cutting” in 2014,this paper analyzes the dilemma which the state-owned forest area is facing with in Daxing'anling of Heilongjiang Province and the difficulties in finding out the outlets for forestry enterprises. In the area,the forestry industrial structure is imbalanced,the livelihood of some forestry residents is in trouble,the increased financial pressure,the difficulty of personnel training increased,the level of infrastructure is difficult to adapt to the transformation,and so on.At the same time,combined with the actual situation of the state-owned forest,the paper put forward some suggestions:to advance the reform of management system in state-owned forest areas,to integrate the timber processing enterprises,to establish the support policy system,to improve people's livelihood and attract outstanding talents.

    Investigation and Development Countermeasures of Forest Tourism—A Case Study of the Nanning Forest Tourism Circle
    CHEN Xinying, PENG Jiewei
    2017,(3):  20-24.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.03.005
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    The Nanning forest tourism circle is the focus of Guangxi forestry department to build the forest tourism projects,including forest leisure,forest experience,forest wellness,forest education.This paper makes an investigation on behavior of forest tourism by taking Nanning forest tourism circle as an example.The results show that the forest tourists mainly come from Nanning and its surrounding areas,their age is uneven,their sources of information are less,they travel together with their friends and family,and often travel on weekends,they travel with high satisfaction and revisiting willingness.Finally,this paper puts forward some suggestions for the research conclusions.

    Analysis on Strategies of the Exploitation and Utilization for Native Linden Resource in Beijing
    HE Guimei, DENG Hua, HE Youjun
    2017,(3):  25-30.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.03.006
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    Tilia is the deciduous tree species of the Tiliaceae with morphological features well characterized by its unique inflorescence bracts.As the important afforestation tree species and biodiversity species with high economic,ecological,landscape and cultural values,Tilia will have the wide prospect and huge potential for urban greening.Most of linden germplasm resources are in the wild state,which are widely distributed in Beijing,while many linden trees in current landscaping are directly introduced from Europe and the United State.Along with the ecological city and landscape construction process,the application of Beijing native species will be highly valued.The situation of distribution and utilization for linden resources in Beijing area were summarized,the opportunities and challenges for linden landscape application were analyzed,and the strategies and approaches for future green development of linden were explored,which provided a reference for linden resources development and utilization in Beijing and in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei.

    Scientific Research
    Vegetation Growth Changes of the Desertificated Area in China over the Past Ten Years
    LIU Xusheng, SUN Tao
    2017,(3):  31-34.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.03.007
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    Land desertification has strong impact on eco-environment,ecological security and economic and social development.In addition,vegetation is regarded as one of the most important methods for land desertification control,so its growth analysis and changes detection become more and more important.In this article,MODIS,from 2005 to 2014,was used as the main data source to extract the NDVI(Normalized Differential Vegetation Index) for analyzing the trend of vegetation growth of desert areas in China over the past ten years.The results indicated that the vegetation growth showed a trend of continuous improvement in the desert regions of China in recent 10 years.The average NDVI in the period from 2010 to 2014 reached to 0.26,increasing 5.4% than that in the period from 2005 to 2009.The vegetation grew towards improvement in Hulun Buir,the middle and eastern part of Inner Mongolia and slightly increased in Alxa,Hexi Corridor and North Qinghai.The vegetation growth kept steady in Xinjiang region.

    Review of Effects of Harvesting on Forest Ecosystem
    SU Wenhui, ZHU Xiaowu, FAN Shaohui, ZENG Xianli, LIU Guanglu
    2017,(3):  35-40.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.03.008
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    Harvesting can obtain forest products,and it's also an important part of forest tending,so it has a great significance to the forest’s quality and sustainable management.This paper reviewed the effects of various cutting methods on forest ecosystem structure,productivity,biodiversity and soil quality and other factors,in order to cause people to pay more attention to reasonable forest harvesting measures,and people need proposals on reasonable cutting methods and intensities according to the objectives and current status of forest management,in order to obtain forest products and ensure sustainable forest management and the stability of forest ecological system at the same time.

    Decision Making of Forest Management under Carbon Sink—a Case Study of Chinese Fir Forest in Jiangxi
    ZHU Weiqiang, GU Lei
    2017,(3):  41-45.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.03.009
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    Based on Chinese Fir Growth Model and the improved model of Faustmann-Hartman,Chinese fir in Jiangxi Province was taken for the research object to compare LEV and optimal rotation period of Chinese fir under different sites,different carbon prices and different interest rates.The results show that due to the current wood prices far higher than the price of carbon sinks,composite target under the carbon sink forest management does not change the Chinese fir optimal rotation period and the carbon price does not affect Chinese fir optimal rotation obviously,and the interest rates and Cunninghamialanceolata optimal rotation turn into negative correlation.At the same time,the expected value of Chinese fir forest based on carbon sink management is larger than that of single objective,and the expected value of forest land is increasing rapidly,which means that the investment management of carbon sink forest can be considered in the process of forest management.

    Geostatistical Analysis of Picea Schrenkiana Site Index
    XUAN Junwei, ZHU Jing
    2017,(3):  46-50.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.03.010
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    Based on the geo-statistical theory,data of observation samples are used to fit the optimal variation function model and analyze spatial pattern of Picea Schrenkiana site index in the forest farm of Xinjiang Agriculture University.The results show that the frequency distribution of the site index of Picea Schrenkiana gets close to a normal distribution and has moderate degree spatial autocorrelations.After comparing the estimated results with actual results,the spherical models are confirmed with high accuracy.Picea Schrenkiana site index predictions with the ordinary kriging method are more accurate than those obtained by using inverse distance weighting.Consequently,we identify geostatistical analysis as a promising technique to map complex patterns of Picea Schrenkiana site index and suggest that it should be added to the toolbox of forest practitioners.

    Headwater Conservation Evaluation of Forest Resources in Xichuan County Based on InVEST Model
    YANG Ying, WANG Lixin, REN Weihua, ZHENG Dongmei, ZHI Changgui
    2017,(3):  51-55.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.03.011
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    With xichuan county as the research object,headwater conservation function is analyzed in 2004,2009 and 2014 by using the Invest model. The results showed that:(1)The headwater conservation function is better in western and northern regions of Xichuan,and is poor in the southeast.(2)The headwater conservation of the areas with high forest cover was significantly better than that of the areas with low forest cover.(3)The highest headwater conservation amount per year is arbor forests with 300.51mm,and the lowest is other woodland with 44.83mm. The order of headwater conservation amount of forest resources per year from high to low is arbor forests,shrub land,open forest land,immature forest land,nursery land and other woodland.

    Construction and Evaluation of Comprehensive Benefit Model of Coastal Shelter Forest in Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Area
    CHI Yufeng, LAI Riwen, XIE Xueli, SU Yanqin, YU Lili, LUO Wenwei
    2017,(3):  56-61.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.03.012
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    This study takes Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone as the research area,collect Landsat 8 OLI remote sensing imagery data and production of ASTER satellite GDEM V2,combined with field survey data,through RS and GIS technology,extraction of the type of surface feature and coastal protection forest spatial distribution of information.Moreover,appropriate benefit evaluation index are selected and the evaluation model buildt to realize the evaluation on the comprehensive benefit of the spatial differentiation in coastal protective forest system. With the fitting of the comprehensive benefit index and the NDVI index,the results show that when R(correlation coefficient) is 0.804 0,the correlation between the two is significant. This model provides reference for comprehensive benefit evaluation.

    Application of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets in Evaluating the Forest Fire Prevention Service with TOPSIS Method
    LIU Shaohai, ZHAO Tianzhong, LI Saibo
    2017,(3):  62-68.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.03.013
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    In this paper,the fire prevention service scheme of different forest fire conditions was taken as the research object. From the four aspects of the personnel,the equipment,the logistical support and the fire fighting ability and by using the intuitionistic fuzzy sets and the TOPSIS method,firstly the evaluation index system of forest fire prevention service scheme is established. Secondly,the analytic hierarchy process(AHP) and Delphi method are used to calculate the weight of the index,then the intuitionistic fuzzy evaluation matrix constructed,the positive and negative ideal solutions established and the distance of the alternatives to the positive and negative ideal solutions calculated. Finally,the comprehensive evaluation indexes are calculated,and the ranking of the fire service program effectiveness obtained. The Baritu Forest Farm at Hulunbeir of Inner Mongolia has been taken as an example for verification.

    The Function Perception Evaluation of Fuzhou National Forest Park
    LIU Qunyue, LIN Yiwei, PAN Minghui, YOU Da, HUANG Qitang, LAN Siren
    2017,(3):  69-74.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.03.014
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    Based on the field survey and questionnaire survey of Fuzhou National Forestry Park,6 functions of Fuzhou National Forestry Park were evaluated in this paper with Semantic Difference(SD) analysis and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation. The results showed that most of the visitors had a better evaluation on the function of tourism,nature conservation,research and economic development and had a worse evaluation of the function of culture conservation and social development .Finally,the paper analyzed the results of the evaluation and put forward some suggestions.

    Effects of Human-induced Disturbances on Plant Diversity in Urban Suburbs—a Case Study of Huaxi Area in Guiyang,Guizhou Province
    WU Ting, LONG Cuiling
    2017,(3):  75-79.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.03.015
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    Characteristics of plant diversity of urban suburbs where such disturbances by human activities take place as farmland interference,road interference,engineering waste interference and fire interference were studied.The results showed that the species richness index and species diversity index of abandoned farmland were the highest,the second were road interference and fire interference types and the engineering waste interference was the lowest.Evenness index of engineering waste interference was the lowest and the three other types were not different obviously.The similarity indexes of abandoned farmland interference types and burned area interference type were the highest,but the similarity indexes of abandoned land and engineering waste interference land were the lowest.Correlation analysis with soil moisture content showed that soil moisture was positively correlated with richness index and evenness index,but not significantly correlated with diversity index and ecological dominance index.

    Study on Species Composition and Diversity of Mild Burned phytocoenosium after Different Regeneration Years
    WANG Ding, WANG Zixuan, FENG Qianqian, SHU Yang, GE Peng, ZHANG Bo, ZHOU Mei, ZHAO Pengwu
    2017,(3):  80-85.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.03.016
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    In this study,mild burned larixgmelinii forest areas were studies in different regeneration years.The natural regeneration conditions,community structure characteristics,species composition,community biodiversity were observed and researched in 2015.The results showed that the alpha diversity index of community each layer in different regeneration years showed a ranking of herb layer > shrub layer > tree layer.The total number of species went up with the passage of time to recover a trend of increase gradually.This trend mainly appears in the herb to shrub layer,but in the tree layer is not obvious.The number of species in the herbaceous layer was lower than that of the control plot except 1996L,while the number of species in the shrub layer was equal to that in the control plot.The other three restoration years were larger than the control plots.In general,mild fire interference is conducive to vegetation regeneration and succession.

    Aesthetic Quality Evaluation of Background Forest of Hilly Villages in Fujian Province under Medium Visual Distance
    WANG Minhua, FU Weicong, CHEN Ziru, ZHU Zhipeng, HUANG Shuping, LAN Ruoke, DONG Jianwen
    2017,(3):  86-90.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.03.017
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    This paper aims at comprehensively and systematically evaluating the aesthetic quality of rural areas background forest,providing guidance for promotion of countryside landscape and the construction of “ Beautiful Country”.It comprehensively evaluated and analyzed the countryside background forest in hilly areas of Fujian province,utilizing the medium sight distance as research scale in comprehensive and innovative methods of SBE,SD and AHP,combining with visitors’ visual and psychological assessment.The results showed that:1.Almost all respondents(97.7%)yearned to rural tourism,and most of them(67.4%)had finished a rural tour while 83.5% of them thought mountain landscape as an important part consisting of rural overall landscape.2.Architectural uniformity,architecture mode,horizon color number and other 8 elements were the main leading factors which had great impact on the aesthetic quality of countryside background forest.3.Comprehensive evaluation model of aesthetics on background forest in Fujian province hilly village was built.We can conclude that when researching the rural landscape evaluation with SBE,SD and AHP methods,we acquired the comprehensive evaluation model of visual and psychological as well as operable assessment method with great significance of generalizing.Establishing the comprehensive evaluation model of aesthetics also provided great guidance for constructing the “Beautiful Country”.

    Evaluation and Analysis on In-forest Landscape Quality of Scenic and Recreational Forest in the Mountainous Regions of East-central Hunan Province
    ZHOU Pu, WANG Ruihui, ZHOU Yangchao, FU Weinan, ZHONG Cheng, ZHOU Yigang
    2017,(3):  91-97.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.03.018
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    The in-forest landscape of scenic and recreactional forest in the mountainous regions of east-central Hunan province was taken as study object in this paper.36 in-forest landscape plots were set together,and the SBE(Scenic Beauty Estimation)method was adopted for evaluation of in-forest scenic quality.With the stepwise linear regression,quality evaluation model of in-forest landscape has been built by 7 reserved landscape elements.The order of all reserved elements contributing to in-forest scenic beauty was the unity of understory(30.6%),dead tree and wood(20.3%),interest(14.2%),litter(13.4%),the horizontal perspective(8.7%),herb height(7%)and color richness(5.8%).The study built landscape evaluation system for the scenic and recreational forest in-forest landscape in the mountainous regions of east-central Hunan province and the result provided theoretical basis for management operations such as in-forest tending,forest clearing and cultivation of ground cover plant etc.

    Evaluation Research on Rural Road Landscape in Western Fujian
    ZHU Zhipeng, CHEN Ziru, LAN Ruoke, FU Weicong, YU Pengfei, DING Guochang, DONG Jianwen
    2017,(3):  98-103.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.03.019
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    With consideration of tourists’ visual perception and mental feelings SBE,SD and AHP methods are used to evaluate and analyze aesthetic quality of rural road landscape in Western Fujian. Villages which are typically representative are chosen in order to make a full evaluation on aesthetic quality of rural road landscape in Western Fujian and to provide guidance for the enhancement of rural integral landscape.The results showed that 1)Most of the interviewees believed that road landscape is an important component of rural integral landscape,which is obvious convergence and urgently needs to be transformed and upgraded;2)the primary factors affecting aesthetic quality of rural road landscape are wildness(23.63% of contribution rate),overall harmony(22.58%),pavage(21.77%),colors of plant(11.62%),scenic tidiness(11.2%)and layers of plant(9.2%);3)through correlation analysis,the SD evaluation on the factors indicated that road line,pavage,harmony,sense of joy,sense of lingering,scenic tidiness and overall harmony showed a significant positive correlation with scenic beauty,and wildness showed a significant negative correlation with scenic beauty.

    Selection of Water Collecting and Soil Moisture Conserving Measures for Young Cotinus coggygria Scop. Plantation in Gneiss Mountainous Area of Hebei Province
    ZHANG Ligang, ZHANG Yuetao, WEI Songpo, JIA Liming
    2017,(3):  104-108.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.03.020
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    In order to select appropriate water collecting and soil moisture conserving measures for Cotinus coggygria Scop.young plantation in gneiss mountainous area of Pingshan county,Hebei province,the comparison of 10 treatments and 1 control teatment is made with the design of completely randomized blocks.The soil water content,net photosynthetic rate,chlorophyll content,ground diameter,height,volume and shoot length were used to indicate the effect of different measures on Cotinus coggygria Scop.The result showed that:(1)soil moisture could be at most improved by water collecting and soil conservation measures for 66.76% in a rainfall cycle;(2)the net photosynthetic rate of the trees increased by 16.54% to 56.48%;(3)the growth of trees such as ground diameter and shoot length could be enhaced through the above CK by 80.28% to 102.82% and 17.52% to 76.96%,and the treatment F+B+S(spraying nanomaterial leakproof + soil absorbent polymers + stone mulching)enhaced the volume by 578.04%;(4)considering the factors above,F+B+J,F+J(spraying nanomaterial leakproof +straw mulching),F+S(spraying nanomaterial leakproof+ stone mulching)and Z+J(natural slope +straw mulching)were recommend as the available measures for Cotinus coggygria Scop.in gneiss mountainous area.

    The Vertical Distribution and Correlation of Soil Carbon in Each Component of Rubber Trees at Different Ages
    WANG Chunyan, LI Jianhua, LIU Hanwen, PENG Zongbo
    2017,(3):  109-113.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.03.021
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    The objective of this study was to investigate the vertical distribution of soil carbon and correlations of rubber trees of 1a、6a、11a,16a,21a,26a,31a-old of strain PR107. The results showed that in the vertical distribution,monthly mean soil organic carbon(SOC)and mineralized carbon(CM)and microbial biomass carbon(MBC)content in soil showed similar regularity and decreased with the increase of soil depth,but the carbon content in different soil layers,different ages have different performance.The soil mineralization carbon efficiency of rubber plantation is about 4.15%~8.39%;and the efficiency of soil microbial biomass carbon is between 1.24%~7.55%.There was a significant linear positive correlation with soil organic carbon and mineralized carbon and with the microbial biomass carbon.

    Research on Tourism Product Quality Improvement of Fuzhou National Forest Park Based on IPA Method
    AN Ran
    2017,(3):  114-119.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.03.022
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    Fuzhou National Forest Park is a suburban national forest park,which is an important place of outdoor recreation for the people of Fuzhou.The quality of tourism products is directly related to the utilization benefits and efficiency of forest park resources,and its sustainable development.In this paper,19 forest park tourism product quality indicators are selected from the aspects of environment,facilities and functions,and the importance and the satisfaction of tourists of the 19 indicators are evaluated by using IPA method and Li Kete's five level scale,inferring that the tourism product quality of Fuzhou National Forest Park is higher,but there is a larger room for improvement.In the end,based on the results of the four quadrants of the 19 quality indicators,the paper puts forward the specific measures to improve the quality of tourism products.

    Technical Application
    Research on Application Model of Beidou Satellite Navigation in Forestry
    HU Hong, YANG Xueqing, HUANG Jinghua, LIN Zhiying, WU Dongliang
    2017,(3):  120-127.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.03.023
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    In this paper,discussions are presented on Beidou satellite navigation and forestry business associated with the Beidou satellite navigation and a variety of application technologies,such as mobile Internet technology,Beidou short message and map services,and related applications with the system. At the same time,on the basis of the number of satellite navigation according to the collection,statistical analysis is done on the Beidou satellite and GPS single and dual mode navigation satellite number,signal strength and PDOP integrated position accuracy factor and the differences between the two satellite navigation accuracy compared,The results show that the Beidou navigation has advantages in the data stability.

    Characteristic Analysis of Old and Notable Tree Resources of Beihai City,Guangxi
    ZOU Chang, KANG Xiuqin, LUO Kaiwen
    2017,(3):  128-132.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.03.024
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    Through field survey,visiting local people,looking in historical records and scientific age determination method,the existing state of the old and notable trees resources in Beihai City is investigated and analyzed.1299 trees in total are identified,which belong to 31 species,18 families and 26 genera.8 old trees belong to Class I,14 Class II,1 273 Class III,and 4 trees are classified as notable trees.Myrtaceae,Moraceae,Lauraceae,Sapindaceae and Magnoliaceae,are the top 5 of all the families.And syzygium hancei contributes to the most number on species level. A total of 84 trees of 4 species were classified as key-conservation trees 6.47% of the total.About 84.68% of all the precious trees present in clusters,and 91.38% of them belong to the collective owners.92.22% disperse in the rural areas and are preserved in the scenic forest.