
Table of Content

    28 April 2017, Issue 2
    Integrated Management and Administration
    The Influence of the Stability of Forestland Property Right on the Farmers’ Afforestation Investment
    YANG Ming, ZHU Ye, ZHENG Xuli, WU Weiguang
    2017,(2):  1-7.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.02.001
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    Whether the stability of forest land property has a significant impact on the afforestation investment of farmers,there is no conclusive conclusion about it.Based on the survey data of 203 plots of 107 households in Zhejiang Province,this paper uses statistical description and econometric methods to investigate input differences about afforestation on the land with different property right stability,such as free forest land,farmers’own cultivated land and forestland.The results showed that the stability of forest land property had a significant effect on the afforestation investment of farmland,and had no significant impact on the afforestation of economic forest.Afforestation areas,government subsidy and other factors had significant influence on farmland afforestation investments.Based on the results of the study,this paper propounds proposals on how to encourage farmers to implement afforestation.

    Research on Forest Compensation Evaluation Methods for Construction Land Requisition in Beijing Municipality
    GAO Yonglong
    2017,(2):  8-11.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.02.002
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    In order to improve the level and quality of the forest compensation and reach the expected goal,the paper presents a set of scientific evaluation methods that category of trees and density of trees are used as the key factors in tree compensation,and aims to supply ways for solving problems in the process of construction land requisition in Beijing Municipality.

    Analysis and Countermeasures on Desertified Land and Sandified Land in Guinan County of Qinghai Province
    LIU Jianjun
    2017,(2):  12-15.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.02.003
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    Based on the remote sensing satellite monitoring,line transect and sample investigation methods and questionnaire method,desertified land and sandified land in Guinan County of Qinghai Province from 2009 to 2014 were studied.The results indicate that the desertified land area in Guian county was 3 691.81 hm 2 in 2014,the sandifed land area was 99 131.41 hm 2,the trend of sandified land area was 35 418.62 hm 2.Compared with these in 2009,over 5 years the desertified land area decreased by 1 154.38 hm 2,while the sandified land area decreased by 2 467.52 hm 2,at meantime the trend of sandified land area diminished by 5 035.82 hm 2.Despite the austere situation of combating desertification,there has been a positive situation featured by deterioration generally restrained,desertified and sandified land area acreage decreased continuously.Finally,some countermeasures and antidotes to the problem are proposed on the basis of the analysis of the present situation of desertification.

    Père David’s Deer’s Ex-situ Conservation Status, Conservation Patterns and Conservation Suggestions in China
    ZHANG Shumiao, BAI Jiade, LI Yiping, CHEN Qi, CHENG Zhibin, MENG Qinghui, HU Defu, LIANG Bingkuan
    2017,(2):  16-22.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.02.004
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    Père David’s deer is the unique animal of China,is among the first class national protected animals,and is the Extinct in the Wild of IUCN.We analyzed the conservation population breeding status,achievements of Père David’s deer’s ex-situ conservation status in China.We found that the genetic diversity was poor,disease effecting was serious,effective population was small,population density was high,habitat condition was poor,natural enemies were less,technology,standards and specifications of the population management were of lack,etc.In order to better protect this endemic species in China,we should further standardize their conservation patterns,implement and perfect national management plan as a whole,establish ex-situ conservation and management system,health monitoring and evaluation system,etc.,and suggest that national output and gene exchange management should be carried out,the number of target population be increased to expand the establishment of effective population,more nature reserves be built,hunting system be set up community co-management plan formulated,development of ecological tourism of Père David’s deer boosted,etc.

    Scientific Research
    Extraction of DSM and Mean Forest Stand Height from UAV Imagery
    ZHANG Yuxing, WANG Xuejun, LIU Mingbo
    2017,(2):  23-27.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.02.005
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    In this research we use UAV stereo imagery to extract Digital Surface Model(DSM) of the study area which is located in the mountain areas of southwest Fengning county,Hebei province.Calibration points were set at bare ground through the imagery manual interpretation,followed by the elevation calibration of DSM using parameters fitted by the values of DSM and DEM at the corresponding calibration points.Then the forest height was extracted and averaged over each forest stand segment combining with forest survey results.This study demonstrates the feasibility of this methodology as a supplement of forest survey,which can be used to update mean forest stand height related indexes in a timely fashion.

    Large-scale Individual Tree Growth Models for Pinus massoniana in China
    LIU Sihai, ZENG Weisheng
    2017,(2):  28-33.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.02.006
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    Individual tree growth models are quantitative basis for predicting forest development and evaluating productivity potential in the future.Based on the mensuration data of sample trees of Masson pine (Pinus massoniana) in southern China,individual tree diameter and height growth models on national level were developed,and effects of region and origin on growth models were analyzed.The results showed that diameter growth model of Masson pine was only related to region,whereas height growth model was affected by both region and origin;coefficients of determination (R 2) of the developed population average (PA) diameter and height growth models were 0.79 and 0.71 respectively,and mean prediction precisions were more than 96%;R 2 of the diameter and height growth models with region and origin in variables were 0.83 and 0.74 respectively,and mean prediction precisions were all improved,indicating that the models were significantly better than the PA models.The growth models developed in this study could provide quantitative basis for forecasting stock volume,biomass and carbon storage of Masson pine forest on large scale.

    Linking Model of Stand Basal Area from Forest Resource Inventory Data for Management and Systematic Plots
    XIAO Yundan, HOU Ruixia, JI ping
    2017,(2):  34-39.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.02.007
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    Forest resource inventory data for management and systematic plots are the most important two survey methods in China,which both could output stand basal.However both of these two methods have advantages and disadvantages.It is important to explore the relationship between them,and link the two methods.In this study,we developed stand basal area model based on the FIDM data using Bayesian method,and predicted the stand basal area in 2011,and 2013.Then we linked the stand basal area from systematic plots in 2011 and 2013.The results showed that the linking model performed well (R 2=0.6817).

    Analysis of Statistics Difference of Stand Parameters between Angle Measuring and Square Sample Plot
    ZHOU Mei, WANG Xinhua, LI Chungan, YANG Chengling
    2017,(2):  40-45.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.02.008
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    For analyzing the difference of forest stand parameters between angle measuring and tallying of square plot,Two datasets were used in this paper,one was composed of 100 temporary square sample plots with the area of 900 m 2 measured by tallying and point sampling with angle gauge,another was composed of 1 830 fixed square sample plots with the area of 667 m 2 measured by tallying and angle gauge control registration,and then the investigation data of tallying were used as the reference to calculate the error of basal area (G),mean of stand height ($\bar{H}$) and stand volume per hectare (M) of angle measuring accompanied by the pairing t-test. the result indicated that the relative error of G,and M derived from point sampling with angle gauge were -15.88%,5.27% and -12.16% respectively compared with the data derived from tallying,there were more than 50% of total plots,of which relative error of G and M were larger than ±20%,and more than 70% of total plots had a negative error of G and M,the error of G was subject to normal distribution,but that of and M wasn't;there was significant difference (P<0.05) between the mean of G,$\bar{H}$ and M derived from angle measuring and tallying of square plot;the relative error of G measured by angle gauge control registration was -4.90% compared to the that measured by tallying,there were 55.4% of total plots that had the relative error,large than ±20%,and 56.9% of total plots had the negative error;the error of G wasn't subject to normal distribution,the mean of G derived from two method had significant difference (P<0.05) too. All errors of angle measuring were caused by normative and unserious operation,so the quality control of investigation needs to be enhanced to reduce the data error,on the other hand,we need to develop the new technology and new methodology in large-scale forest resources inventory,such as LiDar.

    Analysis on the Differences of Tree Growth with Different Site Conditions Based on Sub-compartments and Tree Height Growth Model
    FU Han, WEI Yawei, YIN You, QIN Shengjin, ZHOU Yongbin
    2017,(2):  46-52.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.02.009
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    Tree growth equations which were models for describing each of trees growth factors changing with ages have been used widely for evaluating tree height,volume,and so on. This study selected 7 typical tree growth equations to simulate tree growth process under different forestland sites for Pinus tabilaeformis and Robinia pseudoacacia plantations,respectively,which were based on forest inventory data and sub-compartments. Results showed that all 7 equations could simulate tree growth process,in which Korf and Logistic equations were better than others. Parameters a,b and c were effected significantly by forestland site. In addition,these equations were tested and could be used for predicting tree growth accurately. Then,both trees growth of Pinus tabilaeformis and Robinia pseudoacacia were simulated and it implied that Pinus tabilaeformis grew well under schattenseite and Robinia pseudoacacia grew well in this place with no sunny slope. For the western Liaoning (north) area of site quality evaluation and plantation of reasonable management,this provides a scientific reference.

    Evaluation on Site Quality of Larch Plantations in Dongjingcheng
    LI Yanjie, ZHOU Lai, JIN Aixian, SUN Yujun
    2017,(2):  53-57.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.02.010
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    Investigation was carried out in larch plantations growing in Dongjingcheng Forestry Bureau,Heilongjiang Province,China.The main factors affecting the growth of the stands were analyzed by Quantitative Theory I.It was found that the main factors were altitude,soil depth and aspect,respectively.With the 3 leading site factors the stands are divided into 16 site types.Through the establishment of the quality evaluation model of larch plantations,the model is used for appraising the quality of larch plantations in Dongjingcheng,16 site types are divided into 3 categories:excellent,middle and poor.The result of examination of the model indicated that it met the precision requirements.

    Dynnmic Changes of Coastal Wetland Types with Taking Seasonal Rhythms into Account
    WANG Hailong, LIU Xuehui, WEN Xiaorong, GAO Changjian, SHE Guanghui, MENG Xue, LI Yun
    2017,(2):  58-64.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.02.011
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    Based on three months of Landsat8 remote sensing images and vector data of the core area of Yancheng national rare birds nature reserve and vector data in 2014,using CART-based decision tree classifier to extract phragmites,suaeda,spartina,fish ponds,mud flat,waters and wetlands information and then changes of vegetation are analyzed.Using vegetation index NDVI,RVI,DVI series spectrum curves to get a wetland vegetation type in the window period,through the vegetation index,the first principal component,tasseled Cap transformation,the original bands(red,near-infrared),unsupervised classification image,sequence subsets are built.Results showed that:1) The window period for vegetation classification is from March to December,phragmites,suaeda,Spartina discrimination of maximal order during this decision tree classification of remote sensing images for the data source can improve the accuracy of classification;2) CART-based decision tree classifier to Yancheng wetland vegetation and distinguish have good overall classification accuracy for 99.88%,99.18% and 97.61% and good Kappa coefficient for 0.99,0.99 and 0.97;3) In 2014,the area of phragmites grew from 61.69km 2 to 63.08km 2and spartina from 38.01km 2to 44.78km 2 while suaeda had fallen from 26.37km 2to 19.63km 2.

    The Carbon Footprint Accounting and Assessment of Urban Green Space —Taking Guangzhou as an Example
    HUANG Liujing, ZHANG Ying, DENG Yirong, LIN Lili, LIU Xingzhao, XIAO Rongbo
    2017,(2):  65-73.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.02.012
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    Since the urban green space can accumulate organic carbon by photo synthetic,but green space itself will also produce carbon emissions.This increases the difficulty of quantifying urban green space as carbon sinks.With Guangzhou City as an example in this research,the characteristics of urban green spaces and their impact system were revealed,the assessment method for the carbon footprint in the urban green spaces was established,and the contribution of planning and management measures to aggregate carbon reception and emission in urban green spaces was determined.The research results indicated that the carbon reserve in the vegetation and soil in the 7 research zones including green spaces on the roads and in the parks were -0.66~11.22kg C/m 2 and 1.65~8.35kgC/m 2 respectively,and the carbon emission in the phase of construction,management and maintenance were 0.63~1.78kgC/m 2 and 0.01~0.71kgC/(m 2·a)respectively.The total footprint in 7 research zones was -0.263~1.99 kgC/m 2.The characteristics of carbon sinks in the parks and the characteristics of carbon emissions on the roads were mostly different.The carbon sinks or emissions of urban green spaces will change with the increase of age.Based on the results,the influence of planning design for green spaces on carbon reception and emission is analyzed and the scientific and low-carbon managerial and regulatory measures for green spaces are put forward.

    Plant Signature Extraction—A Case Study of Tilia mongolica
    HAN Peng, BAI Hengqin, LIU Jun, LIU Guanzhi
    2017,(2):  74-80.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.02.013
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    Our research aims to create an approach for obtaining the plant signature of an area.This was developed in New Zealand as a central concept for plant arrangement in the practice of Low Impact Urban Design and Development (LIUDD).This technique was implemented to improve ecological restoration in suburban area of Hohhot.This research is focused on the commonly occurring ornamental tree species Tilia mongolica growing in Halaqingou stream valley of Daqingshan Mountain.Route investigation,typical sampling methods and plot investigation methods were used on this wild dominant tree species in forest populations.The best grown Tilia mongolica communities with high ecological benefits,beautiful view and obvious zonality were chosen for survey.The biodiversity levels of the Tilia mongolica communities were clarified by analyzing their biodiversity indexes.Those communities with high standard of biodiversities were targeted to discover their distribution patterns,spatial structure feature and species composition.Accurate plant signatures were established from the preceding information.

    Study on Spatial Distribution and Population Dynamics of Wild Tea in Hainan Island
    LI Yuanling, ZHANG Li, YANG Xiaobo, LI Donghai, ZHANG Kai, WU Tingtian
    2017,(2):  81-87.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.02.014
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    Wild tea trees have strong environmental adaptability and strong resistance to adverse natural environment.They are the important gene pool of cultivated tea varieties of hybrid breeding and improved varieties.The population diameter structure,static life table and survival curve,as well as the spatial distribution pattern and distribution of wild tea populations are studied and population characteristics based on the investigation of the natural distribution of wild tea plant resources in Hainan Island are analyzed.The results show that:1) Wild tea trees are mainly distributed in the central and western mountains of Wuzhishan city,Qiongzhong county,Baisha county and Ledong county in Hainan;2) Wild tea trees are mainly distributed at the slope range of 0~30°,elevation range of 900~1 200m,slope range for the semi-sunny and semi-shady slope area in Hainan;3) The spatial distribution patterns of wild tea populations is clustered,the wild tea population is of stable type because the young trees and middle aged trees are in the majority,and the big trees and old trees are rare;4) The mortality of wild tea population increased with the increass of diameter,the life expectancy of wild tea population decreases with the increase of diameter,and the population survival curve is close to Deevey-I type,which indicates that the population of wild tea is in a relatively stable state,and the population viability decreases with the growth and development of individual.Therefore,in the development and utilization of wild tea tree resources in Hainan Island,it is necessary to strengthen the protection and collection of wild tea tree resources and establish the wild tea germplasm resource base in Hainan.

    Research on Original Forest Flora and Floristic Geographic Elements in the North Greater Hinggan Mountains of Inner Mongolia
    XIE Zhenguang
    2017,(2):  88-92.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.02.015
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    With plant geography methods,combined with field investigation and historical documents,original forest area in north Greater Hinggan mountains in lnner Mongolia,floristic composition and geographical composition were analyzed.The results showed that:1) the Greater Hinggan mountains in lnner Mongolia have the original vascular plants of 92 families,373 genera and 1062 species(including varieties and forms),angiosperms accounted for 84.78%,93.57%,95.76%,of vascudle bundle plants in plots,the absolute advantage in number;in the division level,single section and small and medium-sized obvious advantages,accounting for 82.5% of the total families;on the relation between levels,including more than 20 kinds of larger families,the genera and species respectively accounted for 62.61% of the total 68.69%,these large families in floristic composition in this area has obvious dominance.2)The species/families indexes can well reflect the floristic intensity of differentiation,the kind of family was 12.78.3)Floristic geographical composition diversity with obvious temperate nature is given priority.The number of genera accounts for 89.12% of the total number of genera,genera number of tropical distribution accounts for 5.78% of the total number of genera of tropical distribution,which shows some linkage with tropical flora in this area,genera of the world distribution accounted for 16.71% of the total number of genera.This shows the universality of plants in this area.4) There are a total of 6 kinds of national key protectected wild plants in this area.In the Grester Hinggan Mountains there are three endemic species.

    The Exploration of Forest Wellness Base Construction
    LIU Zhaowang, WANG Daoyang, QIAO Yongqiang
    2017,(2):  93-96.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.02.016
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    Development of forest wellness base is only at an early stage in China.This essay addresses some issues of forest wellness base planning.It takes several concepts for forest wellness base as main content and proposes construction suitability evaluation index system,evaluation methodology and rating standard for forest wellness base to determine if the area is suitable to construct a forest wellness base or not.The paper takes the matching of master plan and reasonability of function division into consideration to make feasible spatial arrangements in forest wellness base.It also discusses how to make development of forest wellness products and establish the environmental monitoring system with the view of enhancing core competitiveness of the forest wellness base.

    Discussion on Planning and Construction of Ecological Mountain Park—A Case Study of the Planning and Construction of the Ecological Mountain Park in Kunming
    MA Boxin, SUN Zhengzhi, JI Xiru, XUE Qiuhua
    2017,(2):  97-102.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.02.017
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    This paper discusses landscape construction of the urban mountain park,combination programme of landscape planning and design of Chunman Park in kunming,the natural environment of urban mountain park,protection of natural topography and geomorphology,design basis and principle,functional and spatial organization,design layout and location.

    Technical Application
    Application of Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with Non-measuring Camera in Forestry Investigation
    SUN Zhichao, YANG Xueqing, LI Chao
    2017,(2):  103-109.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.02.018
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    To enhance the technology for forestry investigation,our study focused on the application of small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) equipped with non-measuring camera in forestry investigation.In the study,we selected the Shisanling Forest Farm in Beijing as the study area to implement the test of airborne photographing.Moreover,intended for the characteristics of lens distortion in camera and large error of exterior orientation elements of the camera platform in UAV,we utilized a camera calibration algorithm and exterior orientation elements to inverse the accuracy exterior and interior orientation,and obtained the stereo images and orthophotos.In addition,the ground control points (GCPs) were used to carry on the geometric correction in the whole photo,and 3D measurement tools to measure the tree height in the three-dimensional area,and the GCPs to measure the area and perimeter of the mosaic area.Finally,the photo-measured results of tree height,area and perimeter were fitted to the field-measured results with empirical models,which also tested the photo-measured results.The results show that the small UAV equipped with non-measuring cameras can meet the accuracy requirements of the height,area and perimeter for the forestry surveying,if the device could be adjusted and calibrated properly.And it,therefore,has broad prospects of application in forest investigation.

    Research on the Integrated and Interactive System of Forest Fire Protection
    XIE Shaofeng, OUYANG Junxiang, YANG Zhigao
    2017,(2):  110-117.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.02.019
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    This article addresses such issues as question of independence,lacking unified arrangement and interactive difficulty in forest fire prevention information system construction.By integration of heterogeneous network,info-communications,smart device,3S technology,theory of forest fire and intelligent schedule algorithm together,from data support,decision support,emergency dispatching,data acquisition and instructions implement,we establish the integrated and interactive system of forest fire protection for fusion of data acquisition,transfer,analysis,dispatch and feedback.The commanders acquire reasonable,scientific and practical decision support in fighting of forest fire to avoid blindness on fire command scheduling,reduce the decision deviation and forest losses effectively,and ensure forest fire spread control and rescue timely.The system platform has been operating and running well in Guangzhou city forestry bureau of parks and woods over last two years,and has greatly enhanced the level of the forest fire emergency resources information management and emergency disposal ability.

    Design and Implementation of the Comprehensive Forest Resources Monitoring,Evaluation and Decision Management Information System in Guizhou
    LU Peng, XIAO Ling, GAN Guichun, WANG Yingquan
    2017,(2):  118-125.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.02.020
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    This paper introduces the technical route,the key technical means and the main construction contents and achievements of the construction of the comprehensive monitoring,evaluation and decision management information system of Guizhou forest resources. The construction of the system has formed Guizhou province forest resources information management pattern of scientific layout,which is efficient and convenient,practical,safe and stable,improved the efficiency and level of data collection,updating,management and decision-making,provided accurate information support and application support services for forestry departments at all levels to lay a solid foundation for timely,scientific and accurate basis for the province's forest resources supervision,and vigorously promoted the informatization of Guizhou province forest resources supervision and provided a reliable platform.

    Study on State-owned Forest Right Management System Based on WebGIS
    LI Ji, XU Aijun, ZHANG Hong
    2017,(2):  126-130.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.02.021
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    According to state-owned forest tenure reform and information management of forest ownership,this paper took the management of state-owned forest as the object of study,analyzed its regulatory process and made the process digitization and network.This paper constructed the state-owned forest right management system based on WebGIS,which included the functions such as the mountain management,forest ownership management,map management,report forms management.This paper analyzed the technical framework,functional structure,data flow and database of the state-owned forest right management and the RBAC made the forest rights information registration,query more accurate and effective.

    Research Bulletin
    Carbon Sequestration Estimation of Roadside Trees Based on Vehicle-borne Laser Point Cloud
    ZHAO Yingyi, HU Qingwu
    2017,(2):  131-138.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.02.022
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    Continuous development of urban road traffic system requires higher standards of road ecological environment. Ecological benefits of roadside trees are getting more attention. Carbon sequestration is a measurement of roadside trees’ ecological benefits. The traditional method of estimating carbon sequestration is costly and inefficient. In order to solve above problems,a method using vehicle-borne laser point cloud data to estimate the carbon sequestration of roadside trees is proposed in this paper. The method can calculate the geometric parameters of a roadside tree,including tree height,crown diameter,diameter at breast height,by processing and analyzing point cloud data of an individual tree. Combining the calculated geometric parameters and an appropriate carbon sequestration calculation model,the estimated single tree’s carbon sequestration can be calculated. The proposed method can help enlarge application range of vehicle-borne laser point cloud data,improve the efficiency of estimating carbon sequestration,construct urban ecological environment and manage landscape.

    Effects of Different Seedling Breeding Methods on Seedling Growth Traits of Yellowhorn (Xanthoceras sorbifolium Bunge)
    YU Haiyan, CHEN Menyuan, FAN Siqi, WANG Shaoxiong, HU Xiaoyu, BI Quanxin, WANG Libing
    2017,(2):  139-142.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.02.023
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    The efffects of 6 different seedling breeding methods of yellowhorn (Xanthoceras sorbifolium Bunge) seed in same seeded batch on growth status of the annual plantlet were studied. The results showed that variations of survival rate,seedling height and basal diameter were significant (P<0.01) between the different treatment conditions. Significant positive correlations were observed between survival rate,seedling height and basal diameter. The maximum value of survival rate (87.00%) was observed in RPM container seedlings,and it changed significantly comparing with bare seedlings (30.00%). The maximum value of seedling height (50.73cm) and basal diameter (7.96mm) were also observed in RPM container seedlings,which varied significantly (P<0.01) comparing with non-woven bag and bare root seedlings. The survival rate (63.13%) and the seedling height (31.72cm) of bare root seedlings under the GGR treatment condition were increased significantly by 110.43% and 95.56%,respectively,compared with the bare root seedlings.

    Quantitative Assessment of Priority for Rare and Endangered Plants in Yerengu Nature Reserve of Hubei
    PENG Qianqian, WANG Zhengxiang, TANG Yan, CHEN Yu, HAN Xiao
    2017,(2):  143-150.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.02.024
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    Study on the Development Orientation of Forest Recreation in Gouya Scenic Area
    ZHANG Yong, ZHANG Heng, CHEN Wenwu, QUAN Shuwen, GU Shiyao
    2017,(2):  151-156.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.02.025
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    Such ecological development concept should be developed and the Gouya area be turned into a healthy recreation tourist area.The management practice shall be adopted as recreation inside and living outside the area.Self driving tourists and groups of tourists are treated as the core target tourist market.Development of sightseeing,entertainment,leisure and wellness,healthy exercises,religious and memorial activities and five kinds of recreational functions shall be carried out so as to form a spatial pattern of “one axis,two wings and four groups” and to create both ecological and healthy tourism products.In-depth interpretation of respect for nature,protection of nature,maximizing the ecological benefits will be made and the economic and social benefits be taken into account.