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    28 August 2020, Issue 4
    Integrated Management and Administration
    Strategic Thinking on Afforestation in Arid Area of China
    LI Yuanhui, LU Qiuling
    2020,(4):  1-6.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.04.001
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    Arid area is an important ecological security barrier in China,and the area is most heavling hit by soil erosion and desertification.It is the key area of national ecological restoration.Afforestation is an aduous task for achieving the national forest and grass development goals.This article takes coordinated development of land afforestation in arid area as a theme,investigates and analyzes the current status and development potential of afforestation in arid area,studies the main problems in land afforestation and the sustainable development of forest and grass ecosystems,and proposes some policy suggestions.

    A Study on Government Compensation Measures and Application Situation of China National Reserve Forest Project in PPP Model
    ZHU Hong, WANG Xiao
    2020,(4):  7-14.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.04.002
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    Due the complicated life cycle of China National Reserve Forest Project in PPP Model with different risks from nature,policy,technical and social dimensions,the government needs to compensate the project to resolve conflicts between the social capital and the government.This paper sorts out the compensation methods that the government can apply to China National Reserve Forest Project in PPP Model from the perspective of compensation for investment costs,cash inflows and cash flow time.Bassed on different situations,the application of the government compensation method is analyzed,in a bid to provide the government with suggestions for compensation decision in practical operation.

    A Study on Management of Forest Harvesting in China
    WANG Hezhi
    2020,(4):  15-18.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.04.003
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    The protection and development of forest resources are the main means to improve the ecological environment and maintain the ecological security.They are also the specific measures to achieve the management goal of "more and more forest resources will be developed thanks to incressd harvesting to achieve sustainable use." According to the situation of forest in China,the Forest Law of the People's Republic of China sets up two basic systems of cutting of limited quota and cutting with a license,which aims to protect forest resources.Forest logging management is an important means to achieve sustainable development of forest resources.Under the new situation,it is necessary to scientifically set the cutting quota according to the specific conditions of the cutting area,strengthen the design of cutting operations and optimize the management of forest resources,with an aim to lay a solid foundation for the scientific development and sustainable utilization of forest resources.

    A Study on Current Situation and Prospects of the Effects of Vehicle Operation on Forest Soil
    SUN Shufa, ZHOU Yuan, YU Miao, YANG Quanxi, LI Yuxuan, WU Jinfeng, CHU Jiangwei
    2020,(4):  19-27.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.04.004
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    After mechanical vehicles run on woodlands,they will destroy the vegetation on the surface of the woodland,compact the soil and leave tracks.In recent years,domestic and foreign experts and scholars have thoroughly studied the impact of mechanical compaction on soil and have achieved many results.The literature analysis method is used to briefly describe the impact of forestry vehicle operations on physical and chemical properties of soil,microorganisms,carbon storage and greenhouse gas emissions.The study statistically analyzes the experimental conditions,instruments and methods adopted by relevant research institutes at home and abroad from the end of the 20th century to the present.It summarizes the commonly used experimental equipment and programs.The analysis shows that the soil compaction caused by vehicle operation increases the soil bulk density,reduces the porosity and reduces the permeability.It also shows that the content of nutrients and chemical elements in the soil decreases to varying degrees.It proposes that in the future,an in-depth research should be carried out to study the different texture and morphological differentiation of soil and the influence of soil structure variation on vehicle passability.

    Scientific Research
    The Influence of Forest-layer on the Individual Growth of Main Species in the Broad-leaved Secondary Forest in Southern Jiangxi
    LIU Hongsheng, ZANG Hao, HUANG Jincheng, LI Qi, OUYANG Xunzhi, WEI Chunhua, NING Jinkui
    2020,(4):  28-33.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.04.005
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    Broad-leaved secondary forest is one of the important forest types in the south of Jiangxi Province,and its quality affects forest functions.This study took the broad-leaved secondary forest in southern Jiangxi as the research object,selected two types of broad-leaved secondary forests after multi-function forest management,and studied the response rule of the average annual growth rate of the dominant tree species in different forest layers to different management modes.The main conclusions are as follows:(1) after three years of operation,the average basal ares growth of the operational and comparative lands did not grow significantly,Pr(>F)=0.188;(2) forest layer is an important index that affects the growth of broadleaved secondary forests.In the main forest layer,the average annual growth of the basal area was the highest,followed by the middle forest layer,and the under forest layer was generally lower.(3) The cumulative basal area of dominant tree species such as Castanopsis carlesii,C.chinensis,Schima superba,C.fargesii and so on is large,and its growth is obviously higher than other tree species.This study can provide the basis and reference for improving the forest quality of broad-leaved secondary forest.

    A Study on Rational Management Density of Pinus Tabulaeformis Plantation
    LI Xianxian, YANG Peihua, HAO Hongke, KANG Le, CHEN Xuejiao
    2020,(4):  34-43.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.04.006
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    This paper takes pinus tabulaeformis plantation in Luonan County as the research object,studies the reasonable management density of pinus tabulaeformis plantation in Luonan County of Shaanxi Province,and provides theoretical reference for the adoption of appropriate tending operation and management measures in the future.Based on the data of standard plots in the distribution area of pinus tabulaeformis plantation in Luonan County,the regression relationship between DBH (diameterat breast height) and crown width of pinus tabulaeformis was fitted by Origin software.On this basis,the theoretical density and suitable management density of different diameter grades were calculated by the expression of half-peak width.The optimal regression model of the relationship between crown width and DBH of Pinus tabulaeformis Plantation in Luonan County is:CD=-0.50669+0.79871×D0.62976,R2 is 0.987 38,mean square residual is 0.017 78;and the table of reasonable management density is worked out,and the reasonable management range of density management degree of Pinus tabulaeformis Plantation in the study area is(0.52,0.94).Finally,according to the data calculated,the management density table suitable for Pinus tabulaeformis Plantation in Luonan County is worked out,which provides the basis for local forest management.

    A study on Compatible System of Diameter Growth Models and Height-diameter Curve Model for Castanopsis carlesii Forest in Fuzhou
    TIAN Yi, WU Hongwei, ZHANG Weizhi, HUANG Guangcan, ZHUANG Chongyang, JIANG Xidian
    2020,(4):  44-49.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.04.007
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    According to Forest Resource Inventigation Data from Fuzhou,by using the simultaneous equations method of nonlinear error measurement,the simultaneous equations of diameter growth models and height-diameter curve of five empirical growth models were established.Root mean square error(RMSE)、mean absolute deviation(MAD)、Coefficient of determination(R2) and prediction accuracy were selected to be the model evaluation indicators for comparing the fitting effect of five models.The results showed the fitting accuracy of the five models were all greater than 90% and the Logistic model was the optimal model,the prediction accuracy of diameter-age curve and height-diameter curve were 92.85% and 95.15% respectively.After paired t-test,there was no significant difference between measured and predicted values of average DBH and average height,with fair fitting effect.Analysis data shows that the rapid growth period of DBH of Castanopsis carlesii stand lags behind the rapid growth period of tree height and they are all in the young and middle-aged forest period,then the growth rate gradually slows down.The model can be used to describe the growth law of Castanopsis carlesii forest in Fuzhou,optimize the model structure,reduce the influence of errors on the prediction results,and establish the compatibility and consistency among DBH,tree height and age of forest,which provides reference for Castanopsis carlesii forest growth prediction.

    The Simulation of Stand Distance Structure of Haloxylon ammodendron on the Southern Edge of Gurbantunggut Desert,Northwest China
    WANG Shaohua, HUANG Bingzhi, NIU Panxin
    2020,(4):  50-57.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.04.008
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    This study takes the distance structure of the natural Haloxylon ammodendron stand as the research object.Through the construction of the nearest neighbor distance probability distribution model of the Haloxylon ammodendron stand,an estimated distance model independent of the tree species will be established,which will support the analysis of the spatial structure of different tree species in the forestry investigations.In this study,we use Matlab to generate three simulated plots of uniform,random and mass distribution types,and fit the nearest neighbor distance distribution model for the target points in the simulated plots and the stands of the measured plots.Through the Kolmogorov-Smirnov(K-S) test of the model fitting parameters,the results show that the simulation sample is simulated.The nearest neighbor distribution of ground and measured plots can be fitted with the Weibull distribution(Weibull-2) model with sound fitting eflects,in which the R2 value of simulated and measured plots is between 0.8832 to 0.9966 and the mean square root error(RMSE) is between 0.0034 to 0.0516 and 0.0066 to 0.0414.The value of D is less than the D0.05 value as the result meets the original hypothesis.Therefore,the Weibull-2 distribution model can be used to describe the distribution of the distance structure of the natural Haloxylon ammodendron,which shows good adaptability.It shows that the Weibull-2 distribution model can be used to describe the spatial structure of the stand of different tree species.

    Eco-stoichiometric Characteristics-of N and P Elemeuts of Main Herbaceous Plants in Larix Principis-rupprechtii Mayr.Plantation —A Case Study in the North of Yanshan Mountain
    XIE Han, WAN Yifeng, CUI Hongna, ZHENG Yan, JIA Yanlong
    2020,(4):  58-65.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.04.009
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    Nitrogen(N) and phosphorus(P) elements are basic elements needed by organisms and ecosystems.Through the determination and comparative study on the contents of N and P in various organs of 22 main herbaceous plants in Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr.plantation,it is concluded that:1)The content of N in whole plants of this region ranged from 18.10 to 42.87 mg/g,and the content of P was in the range of 1.87 to 4.92 mg/g.The content of N in organs of Astragalus was the highest and the content of P in leaves and stems of mustards was the highest.The N:P value of a whole plant ranged from 6.26 to 18.95.Except that the N:P value of nerba violue plant was more than 16,the N:P values of other plants were less than 14;2) The contents of N and P elements in leaves of herbaceous plants are significantly higher than those in stems and roots,and the elements in aboveground part is more than those in the underground part;3) Among the five families,the leguminous family had the highest content of N,the umbrella family had the highest content of P,and the N:P values of all the five families were less than 14.

    A study on Ecological Stoichiometric Characteristics of C,N and P in three kinds of plant leaves and their community litters in Shimeiwan of Hainan island
    CHEN Yiqing, CHEN Zongzhu, CHEN Xiaohua, LEI Jinrui, WU Tingtian, LI Yuanling
    2020,(4):  66-73.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.04.010
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    It is important to study the contents and quantitative comparisons of carbon(C),nitrogen(N) and phosphorus(P) in plant leaves and litters.In order to elucidate plant community physiological processes and maintain nutrient balance in the ecosystem,this paper is infended for the study of wanning city vatica Forest,casuarina forests and mangroves.By measuring the C,N,and P in the leaves and their community litters of Vatica mangachapoi,Casuarina equisetifolia,and Laguncularia racemosa,the stoichiometric characteristics and differences of C,N,and P in the leaves and their communities of three kinds of plants are analyzed.The results show that the contents of C,N and P in the leaves of the three plants are significantly higher than those of litters(P<0.05).On the contrary,their stoichiometric ratios are significantly lower than those of litters.The nutrients resorption efficiencies of N and P are different,ranging in 18.96%~34.37%,and 44.49%~62.63%,respectively.Among them,P is larger than N,indicating that the nutrient reabsorption capacity of element P is strong.The ratio of N:P of the three plants was V.mangachapoi(16.03)>C.equisetifolia(15.18)>L.racemosa(8.04).The V.mangachapoi tend to be restricted by phosphors(P),C.equisetifolia tends to be restricted by phosphors(P) and nitrogen(N),and the L.racemosa tend to be restricted by nitrogen(N).The results can provide scientific basis for the sustainable development of forest ecosystem in coastal zone.

    Research on Soil Ecological Stoichiometry Characteristic of Different Economic Forest Lands in Naban River Watershed
    XIAO Dongdong, SHANG Hailong, WANG Lianxiao
    2020,(4):  74-79.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.04.011
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    In the Naban River watershed,five different economic forest lands(tea groves,sugarcane lands,rubber groves,pitaya lands and banana lands) and primary forest soils that are used as reference were taken as research objects to explore the characteristics of soil eco-stoichiometry after the primary forest in Naban River watershed in Xishuangbanna was converted into economic forest land.This article will study the soil nutrient changes and stoichiometric characteristics.The results show that the contents of soil organic C,N and P are inclined to decrease with increasing soil depth.The primary forests and perennial rubber forests of six different forest types that are less disturbed by human activities contain relatively lower C,N and P.The C/N in soils in different forest types presents a spindle-type distribution with little contents in the surface and substratum while more in the middle;the C/P of pitaya land is the lowest among different forest types,while the C/P of sugarcane and banana soils is relatively high;primary forest and rubber forest present a low N/P ratio,while sugarcane field presents a higher N/P ratio.Correlation analysis shows that there is a very significant positive correlation between N,P,organic C and N/P(P<0.01).The C/N,N and P is significantly correlative (P<0.05);the correlation between C and C/P is significant (P<0.01),and the correlation between N/P is significant(P<0.05).

    A Study on Biomass Varbon Measurement Parameters of Larix Gmelini Forest in Daxing’anling of Inner Mongolia
    GUO Jiaoyu, ZHOU Mei, SHU Yang, ZHAO Pengwu, WU Yiheng, TIAN Jinlong, YANG Lei, GUAN Lijuan, XIAO Lei
    2020,(4):  80-86.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.04.012
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    Based on the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC)guide,the carbon parameters of larch plantations in inner Mongolia's Daxing’anling forest area were calculated based on the measured Biomass data.The results showed that:(1)Biomass conversion and expansion factor(BCEF)was 0.92 t/m3;biomass expansion factor(BEF)was 1.39;root shoot ratio(R)was 0.14;basic wood density(WD) was 0.61t/m3.(2)regression analysis showed that BCEF,BEF and WD were negatively correlated with(age) A and DBH,while not significantly corrlative with D.There is no significant correlation between R A,DBH and D.(3)There are significant differences between the default values of IPCC guidelines and the measured values of carbon parameters in biomass estimation.This study can provide basic data for further correction of carbon measurement parameters in IPCC method and accurate estimation of forest carbon reserves.

    A Study on the Conservation Capacity of Different Forest Water Sources in Ziwu Mountain of Gansu Province
    WEI Hongzheng, XIAO Zhan feng, HE Xiaojun, LI Shixuan, SHE Zhanjun
    2020,(4):  87-94.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.04.013
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    In the analysis of tree vegetation,joe irrigation vegetation,and grass-fed vegetation in Ziwu Mountain of Gansu Province,it is found that crown intercept of the coniferous mixed forest is higher than that of broad-leaf mixed forest and oil pine pure forest,and the surface runoff of the irrigation vegetation (3.24mm) and the soil erosion module (0.46 t/(km2·a)) are the smallest among them while the dry-falling layer holds the highest (19.68%),and the average annual water conservation of the soil layer (318.28mm) is higher than that of the dead-water layer (187.17mm),and the water conservation capacity of mixed forest is higher than that of pure forest. The comprehensive analysis results show that: the well-mixed forest joe irrigation grass (592.18mm) owns the strongest water conservation capacity while the pure forest vegetation of oil pine forest (376.92mm) owns the weakest. Water conservation capacity can be enhanced by the combination of planted tree species and the artificial promotion of natural renewal,and the adjustment of distribution of vegetation.

    Ecological Benefit Evaluation of Artificial Forests in Plai Lake Area Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process
    HU Wenjie, PANG Hongdong, TANG Wanpeng, FU Tian, HU Xingyi, MU Junming, PENG Xiaohong, MENG Ying
    2020,(4):  95-101.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.04.014
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    The paper takes the artificial forests in the plain and lake area in the middle reaches of the Yangtze river as the research object,and aims to evalmate the ecological benefits of different stand to provide theoretical basis for the afforestation in this area.Based on field investigation and laboratory experiment,this paper used analytic hierarchy process to evaluate the ecological benefits of different types of artificial forest in light of four aspects,including tree layer growth,litter layer hydrological benefits,herb layer biodiversity,and soil layer physical properties and nutrient contents.In respect of the growth of tree layer,populus×canadensis forest was better.The water resource conservation ability of cinnamomum camphora forest and taxodium ascendens forest were stronger than other forest types.The species diversity of herbaceous layer of cinnamomum camphora forest and salix sp.forest was better.The soil physical properties of salix jiangsuensis forest was superior to other forests,while the soil nutrient contents of populus×canadensis forest was richer than other forests. Based on the analysis,the ecological benefit of populus×canadensis forest and salix jiangsuensis forest was better as their comprehensive evaluation score was 0.72 and 0.67,respectively.A comparative study on mixed forests could be carried out along with afforestation in the region,with eftorts like matching trees with site condittions,changing cutting mode and adjusting planting dersity.

    A Study on the Relationship between Batrachium Pekinens L.Liou Distribution and Environmental Features
    HAN Conghai, FAN Yaqian, JIANG Jian, SONG Ze, ZHAO Xinyuan
    2020,(4):  102-108.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.04.015
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    Batrachium Pekinense L.Liou is the primary protection plant and the endemic rare plant of Beijing,whose growth needs high water quality.Protection measures like establishing nature reserves and tourist attractions are the first choice to protect the native habitats of rare plants.This study chose the Beijing Songshan national nature reserve and the adjacent Yudushan regional nature reserve as research area,surveyed the growth and distribution of Batrachium Pekinense L.Liou and its habitat features including hydrological characteristics,water quality and aquatic microbial community diversity to reveal the environmental factors that affect Batrachium Pekinense L.Liou's distribution in the nature reserves.Results indicated that the content of total organic carbon and the width of streams were the key environmental factors influencing the distribution of the Batrachium Pekinense L.Liou in the nature reserves.It suggested that we should facilitate the accumulation of bed mud,enhance water quality management and properly widen streams to provide much more organic matters and living space for the Batrachium Pekinense L.Liou.Our study provided scientific data for the protection of the Batrachium Pekinense L.Liou in nature reserves,which had great practical implications.

    Prediction and Simulation of the Suitable Habitat of Monochamus Alternatus under Climate Warming
    XU Ruijun, ZHOU Ruliang, LIU Qianfei, LI Wei, WANG Yanxia
    2020,(4):  109-116.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.04.016
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    Forest pests are a major factor threatening the ecological health of forests and causing economic losses in forests.It is of great significance to study the changes of their distribution and their development trends given climate change.The paper takes monochamus alternatus as the research object,and conducts the distribution simulation of its suitable habitat area under the climate warming trend.Based on the average monthly temperature from June to August from 2006 to 2015 as the predictive index,the distribution of suitable habitats of monochamus alternatus in different temperature was simulated and predicted on the spatial scale of 1km×1km.The results show that:(1) At present,monochamus alternatus in China is mainly distributed in provinces like Shandong,Henan,Anhui,Guangxi and Guizhou,and provinces such as Tibet,Qinghai and Sichuan see less distributtion;(2)As the temperature increases,the suitable distribution of monochamus alternatus gradually moves to the north,and the probability of its suitable distribution in Tibet,Qinghai and other areas with less distribution gradually increases.The spatial distribution prediction of monochamus alternatus based on GIS provides a scientific basis for the prevention of bursaphelenchus xylophilus disease in the context of global warming,and provides a theoretical basis for the prediction of pests control in China.

    Technical Application
    Research on Eucalyptus Extraction Based on Automatic Threshold Decision Tree Classification
    LU Xianjian, HUANG Yuhui, YAN Hongbo, WEI Wanqiu, LI Zhenbao
    2020,(4):  117-126.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.04.017
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    Eucalyptus of different ages and growth characteristics were selected to form the sample set,and the statistical analysis of the sample set of 8 kinds of NDVI was carried out by using Landsat 8 as the data source.Therefore,an automatic threshold decision tree classification method based on the law of exponential distribution is proposed,which is applied to the Eucalyptus forest classification in the study area through GEE.Results show that:1) from 2013 to 2019,the indexes of the sample set of planting eucalyptus follow certain rules,each index presents a minimum value every three years,which accords with the periodicity of planting and felling of Eucalyptus;2) compared with the classification result of random forest algorithm,the accuracy of classification result of automatic threshold decision tree is improved by about 4%,the average total accuracy of classification is 0.88,the average Kappa Coefficient is 0.83;3) Google historical image is applied to verify the classification result of automatic decision tree,and the coincidence rate of eucalyptus distribution area is 88.4% .All the above results show that the automatic threshold decision tree classification method proposed in this paper can effectively achieve information extraction of Eucalyptus.

    Estimation of Forest Reserves Based on Boruta and Extra-trees Methods
    HAN Rui, WU Dasheng, FANG Luming, HUANG Yuling
    2020,(4):  127-133.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.04.018
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    Forest reserve is an important index to show the quantity of forest resources.In this study,the boruta feature selection method and the extremely randomized trees(Extra-trees) method are used to estimate the forest resources per mu in some areas of Longquan city.The study takes small classes as the research unit to provide new methods for the estimation of forest reserves at the county level.Based on the secondary survey data of forest resources,GF-2 remote sensing image data and digital elevation model data,multiple features are collected to form the original feature set.Through the boruta selection method,the original feature set is screened,the forest volume estimation model is established by extra-trees method,and the ten fold cross validation method is used to test the model,which is compared with the random forest(RF) method and gradient boosting method.The results show that:(1) the features found by the boruta feature selection method are soil thickness,age,canopy density,altitude and slope;(2) the optimal parameter combination obtained by the grid search and parameter adjustment of the Extra-trees method is:the number of tree is 250,and the maximum depth of the tree is 14;(3) the testing accuracy of the forest volume estimation model based on the boruta and extra-trees method is 84.14%,R 2 is 0.92,RMSE is 19.65m3/hm2,and MAE is 13.95m3/hm2.The model is superior to the random forest method and the gradient lifting method.It shows that the boruta feature selection method combined with the Extra-trees method can achieve better results in estimating the forest reserve.

    Effects of Different Types of Substrates on Cutting Root-forming of Cyclocarya Paliurus
    WEI Chunsheng, ZHANG Xi, ZHU Kai, FANG Yuanyuan, SUN Yu, HEI Jingying, YANG Zihui, WANG Guangbo
    2020,(4):  134-139.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.04.019
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    In order to study the most suitable substrate for cutting root-forming of cyclocarya paliurus,the woody branches of the three-year-old cyclocarya paliurus plant were used as the test material,and seven different substracts including perlite,vermiculite,perlite+vermiculite,perlite+biochar-based organic fertilizer,vermiculite+biochar-based organic fertilizer,perlite+peat soil and vermiculite+peat soil were selected for cuttage,the root forming status and the internal Variation characteristics of substances,related enzyme activities and endogenous hormone content were investigated.The results show that,compared with perlite and vermiculite,the addition of biomass biochar-based organic fertilizer can significantly increase the rooting rate,average root length,rooting quantity and rooting index of cuttings of Cyclocarya Paliurus cuttings,and increase SOD,POD,PPO activity and IAA and ABA content,and reduc GA and ZR content,and the addition of biomass biochar-based organic fertilizer and peat soil significantly reduce starch and soluble protein content.In general,perlite+biochar-based organic fertilizer owns highly active enzymey,fully utilized storage materials,hormone which is beneficial to the formation of adventitious roots,and has the best rooting effect,which can be used as a substrate for cuttage of Cyclocarya Paliurus.

    Forest Log Transport Vehicles Indentification Based on YCbCr and Hough Transform Circle
    CHENG Li, WAN Xing, ZHANG Xiaojuan, WANG Changying, PAN Xiaowen
    2020,(4):  140-145.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.04.020
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    The research on forest log transport vehicle identification can effectively prevent the abnormal behavior of illegal transportation and improve the effectiveness of forest resource monitoring and management.However,the complex road scene in the forest area and the color of the log end face are susceptible to light,humidity,etc.,which increases the difficulty of the log vehicle identification.This paper proposes a forest vehicle identification method based on YCbCr color space and Hough transform circle detection.Considering a bundle of logs has the same background and small differences in color,using brightness and color features to segment the image into a YCbCr space with an excellent real-time performance to remove background interference.The image is reconstructed to the RGB space to obtain the binary image of the log area with the background removed.The morphological method is used to uniformly remove log gaps and filter the interference pixels to determine the edge of the image accurately.The duality between the dots and lines of the Hough transform circle is used to detect the log transport vehicle,and to reduce the sensitivity of noise.The experimental results show that the recognition accuracy rate for the bundle of bare log vehicles reaches more than 71%,and the identification method has good robustness and practicability.

    Application of "A Map of Forest Resources" in Guangxi Forest Resource Management Platform
    LIU Zhibin
    2020,(4):  146-152.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.04.021
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    Forest resources management is currently confronted with some problems such as seperation of maps and their corresponding attributes,different standards and upgrade difficulty of the maps.In this paper,the author presents that a Map of Forest Resources Management serves well in monitoring,managing and upgrading of forest resources,as well as forestry development of special topic.Expectantly,the application of a Map of Forest Resources Management will be a new approach for information management of forest resources.

    Research and application of Beidou Forestry Ecological Mobile Patrol Platform in forest management and protection
    LI Yuanhong, SUN Yanli, ZHANG Ying, ZHANG Yuncai, PANG Kui, LI Hui
    2020,(4):  153-160.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.04.022
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    Forest resources are the material foundation of forestry modernization. Cultivating,protecting and managing forest resources plays a strategic and decisive role in maintaining national ecological security. Therefore,scientific and efficient protection of forest resources is of particular importance. In response to the current problems in forest management and protection,the Beidou demonstration application system project is constructed for forestry ecological construction and protection under the cooperation of the former State Forestry Administration of the People's Republic of China,the Chinese Academy of Forestry and other units. Under this background,Beidou Forestry Ecological Mobile Patrol Platform was researched and applied in the field of forestry and grassland,which provided information technology support for forest patrol and protection,and played a positive role in realizing the precision of daily management and protection work,and improving the work efficiency and management and protection quality of forest rangers.At the same time,the application of the platform has enabled forest resources to get effective protection and promoted the modernization of the forestry governance system and governance capabilities.

    A Study on Introduction and Adaptation of Magnoliaceae Plants and its Landscape Evaluation
    LI Jiangwei, LIU Xueying, XIAO Zhibiao, HUANG Honglan
    2020,(4):  161-168.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.04.023
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    In this paper,12 species of Magnoliaceae were introduced into the urban and sub-urban areas of Ganzhou city.We conducted open-field surveys of their resistance to low temperature and high temperature and drought,and conducted landscape evaluation of these introduced plants.The results showed that 4 species of Manglietiastrum sinicum,Magnolia biloba,Tsoongiodendron odorum and Parakmeria yunnanensis,which were resistant to the local low-temperature climate,and had good adaptability to high temperature and drought,and gained landscape evaluation at high level,are listed as the preferred species;5 species of Magnolia×soulangeana,Michelia chapensis,Michelia foveolata,Michelia maudiae,Michelia macclure are widely suitable for routine planting in the urban and sub-urban areas of Ganzhou city;while introducing Parakmeria lotungensis,which needs to be taken certain measures of shading,cooling and moisturizing at its young age;but 2 species of Magnolia kwangtungensis and Manglietia yuyuanensis were not suitable for planting.