
Table of Content

    28 June 2016, Issue 3
    Integrated Management and Administration
    Discussion on Sampling Design and Estimation Methods of National Forest Resources Macro-Monitoring
    ZENG Weisheng, HUANG Guosheng, DANG Yongfeng, ZHI Changgui
    2016,(3):  1-6.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.03.001
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    The sampling frame design and cluster sampling design of national forest resources macro-monitoring in China were expounded at first.In view of two interpretation ways,that is,department interpretation and cluster interpretation,some sampling estimation methods were presented,such as systematic sampling,cluster sampling and two-stage sampling,of which cluster sampling was more suitable to department interpretation and two-stage sampling was more suitable to cluster interpretation.From the comparison of sampling estimation results for 9 provinces,it was concluded that cluster sampling for unequal cluster size was suitable to both department interpretation and cluster interpretation.
    Problems and Countermeasures of Forestry Biodiesel Development in China
    LI Yun, AO Yan
    2016,(3):  7-12.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.03.002
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    As an important part of biomass energy,forestry biodiesel is an important supplement to China's energy development in future.In this paper,the present situation of forestry biodiesel and biodiesel policies at home and aboard was reviewed. The factors causing slow forestry biodiesel development were analyzed,and industry policies conception was proposed.
    Study on Wetland Ecological Protection and Compensation Mechanism—Take Honghu Lake as an Example
    CAO Jianhua
    2016,(3):  13-17.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.03.0003
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    It is a strategic measure and effective form to enhance wetland protection and coordinate the interests of all stakeholders.This study reviews the three main stages of Honghu wetland ecological protection and compensation practices and summaries its characteristics,effectiveness and problems.The policy suggestions have also been proposed,which focus on the following opinions such as government's main responsibility,the payment system by environmental vandals,decision-making mechanism based on community participation,the minimum compensation standards based on protection costs and development opportunity cost,sustainable utilization,and reduction of the fishermen's relying on the wetland through training and industry development.
    Micro-environmental Analysis of Greening Engineering Supervision in China
    ZHOU Zhifeng
    2016,(3):  18-22.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.03.004
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    By using the Band Five analysis model,from suppliers' bargaining power,buyers' bargaining power,the threat of potential entrants,the threat of substitutes,as well as from the competition between companies in the same industry,such five aspects to our country microcosmic environment greening engineering supervision are analyzed,aiming at providing reference for future development of greening project supervision enterprises.
    Study on Conflicts in Management of Collective Forests in the Nature Reserves of China
    WENG Qian, XIE Yi
    2016,(3):  23-27.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.03.005
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    This paper analyzed the status quo of collective forests and forest administration in the nature reserves in China,and forms and relevant causes of management conflicts of collective forests.Finally,the paper proposed suggestions such as strengthening construction of law and regulation system,conducting scientific administration,innovating management tools and improving administration regime to solve the conflicts.
    Exploration and Design of the Integrated Forest Resource Monitoring System of Zhejiang Province
    TAO Jixing, JI Biyong, ZHANG Guojiang, XU Da, WANG Wenwu, WU Weizhi
    2016,(3):  28-34.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.03.006
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    On the basis of summarizing the current situation of forest resources monitoring in Zhejiang Province,we design a target system,an index system,a sampling system and a monitoring route.With the establishment of the provincial and municipal level monitoring by using sampling survey,the monitoring survey subcompartment division as a basic method a provincial,municipal and county monitoring system and monitoring framework roadmap are developed to ensure the upper and lower convergence of the monitoring data,step by step control and precision of integrated monitoring of forest resources in the province.The system clarifies the different functions and requirements of basic years and monitoring years from the top-level design and provides a better coordination in the relationship between the monitoring and assessment,evaluation and audit work.It highlights the service capacity of the monitoring results,which can provide reliable support for forest resources monitoring work in the new era.
    Research on Development Potential and Countermeasures of Oil Seed Peony Industry in Hubei Province
    HU Jing, ZHANG Yixin
    2016,(3):  35-37.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.03.007
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    This paper introduces the development situation of the oilseed peony industry in Hubei Province,expounds the development of peony in oil potential,analyzes the problems existing in the hubei province's oil peony industry,and puts forward some development countermeasures.
    Forest Resources Cultivation Status and Management Countermeasures in Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture
    ZHONG Shaowei, YANG Yiting
    2016,(3):  38-43.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.03.008
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    This study has looked into forest resource cultivation status in Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture,analyzed existing problems and reasons. Based on the analysis,it has recommended a set of countermeasures for proper planning,increasing investment,enlarging forest area,improving stand quality and developing high-quality forest resources.
    Scientific Research
    Analysis on Carbon Content Factors of Picea obovata in Xinjiang
    ZHU Yali, GAO Yaqi, ZHANG Huifang, YANG Yiyuan, Dilixiati·baoerhan
    2016,(3):  44-48.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.03.009
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    The carbon coefficient of Picea obovata Ledeb in Xinjiang was analyzed by using hypothesis testing and regression analysis.The research conclusions are as follows:the upper part of the trunk and rhizome of carbon coefficient is greater than the other parts of the same organ;The average carbon coefficient of the ground is 0.4565;The average carbon content in different organs of the whole plant is 0.4619,and the order by CCF from the largest to the smallest is stem bark,foliage,branch,root,and stem wood;The relative stability of various organs and the whole plant carbon coefficient is not changed with the increase of diameter at breast height,tree height,age and other factors.According to different tree species,the corresponding measured carbon coefficient shall be used.
    Modelling of Individual Tree Biomass Factors for Natural Pinus densata Forest
    SUN Xuelian, XIONG Hexian, XU Hui, WEI Anchao, LI Chao, LÜ Yanyu, ZHANG Bo, OU Guanglong
    2016,(3):  49-53.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.03.010
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    By taking the natural Pinus densata forest of Shangri-la in Yunnan as the research object,the aboveground biomass of each component of 116 sample trees had been investigated.Then we had calculated biomass expansion factors (BEF) and biomass conversion and expansion factors (BCEF) and constructed estimation models of biomass factor of each component used power function.The results showed that for BEF models of each component,the determination coefficient (R2) is > 0.78,mean square error (MSE) < 0.03,prediction precision (P)>84.00%.For BCEF models of each component,R2>0.72,MSE<0.003,P> 83.00%.So,the models of biomass factors have better fitting performance and higher prediction precision to supply biomass carbon measurement parameters and provide data support for the measurement of carbon sink of natural Pinus densata forest.
    Study on the Volume Growth Rate Model of Pinus massoniana of Individual Tree and Stand under Different Origins in the Northern Guangxi Province
    LIU Xuehui, WANG Hailong, WEN Xiaorong, LIU Jun, SHE Guanghui, MENG Xue, LI Yun
    2016,(3):  54-60.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.03.011
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    Based on Pinus massoniana plot data of sixth and seventh continuous forest inventories in Guangxi Province,the analysis results of individual tree and stand volume growth rate model under different origins are as follows:logarithmic function model Y=a+bln(X) and power function model Y=a×Xb respectively as individual tree and stand under different origins of optimal volume growth rate model .In the growth period of young pinus massoniana forest,volume growth rate of the artificial forest is greater than the natural forest and has large varied amplitude,at the later growth stage,volume growth rate of the natural forest is greater than the artificial forest and has stationary varied amplitude.The difference of volume growth rate between different origins of individual tree is significant,the difference between different origins of stand is not obvious.
    Population Structure and Distribution Pattern of Secondary Castanopsis eyrei Forest in Yangmingshan,Hunan Province
    YAN Yujuan, XIE Hongmei, CHEN Xingke, ZENG Leyuan, WANG Juhong
    2016,(3):  61-66.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.03.012
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    By using the methods of typical quadrat,the structure characteristics and distribution pattern of Castanopsis eyrei populations of secondary forest through age stucture,lifetable characteristics,survival curves and 4 aggregation intensity index (distribution coefficient R,negative binomial parameter K,mean crowding index M* and accumulation index PAI) were studied in the National Forest Park of Yangmingshan,Hunan.The results showed that:1)the age structure of the C.eyrei population of the Yangmingshan followed a spindle shape,which indicated that the population was declining;2)In general,the survival rate of C.eyrei population increased first and then decreased with the increase of age,the survivorship approximated the type of the DeeveyI.3)In the study plots,the distribution pattern of C.eyrei population showed cluster distribution which coincides with the most common pattern of population.The population structure and distribution pattern were closely related to ecological factors and biological characteristics,natural disturbance and human destruction also had certain effect.The research results can provide a theoretical basis for natural regeneration and conservation of dominant population of Yangmingshan secondary C.eyrei forest.
    Quercus variabilis Plantation Community Biomass Structure Characteristics under Different Site Conditions
    FU Mengyao, YANG Hongzhen, YANG Xitian
    2016,(3):  67-73.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.03.013
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    The distribution characteristics of biomass of 5 distribution areas under different site conditions in Henan province were compared.The results showed that in yellow brown soil Quercus variabilis forest biological volume is the highest at 138.63 kg/m2,lower in brown soil variabilis plantation biological volume the lowest,only 72.62% of yellow brown soil of different slope aspects of Quercus variabilis forest biological volume average size order present such an as Southwest>South>Southeast>Northeast>North>Northwest;different soil layer thickness has significant effects of Quercus variabilis forest biomass,biomass of different soil thickness size order:(60~80cm)>(40~60cm)>(20~40cm)>(0~20cm),with the deepening of soil layer thickness forest biomass increased rapidly;different slope bit growth of Quercus variabilis forest forest points biological volume has differences,The stand biomass size order:lower slope>middle slope>upper slope,but differences are not obvious;elevation on Quercus variabilis plantation biological volume has no significantl effect,variabilis forest at elevation of 700~1 300m growth status is best with elevation increase,biological volume has a declining of trend.
    The Rejuvenation Technology of Ginkgo biloba L. in Afforestation of Beijing Plain Areas
    LI Quanming, ZHOU Jing, HUANG Daoping, ZHANG Zhiyong, LIU Bin, CAO Danping, FU Qiang, WANG Yanhua
    2016,(3):  74-79.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.03.014
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    This study focuses on Ginkgo biloba L.in the Yongding river sandy plain afforestation,on the premise of setting different fertilizer treatments,the ginkgo growth and leaf nutrient were investigated.The reasonable rejuvenation application of Ginkgo biloba L.was put forward in Beijing.The study showed that:1) Fertilization could effectively promote the growth of Ginkgo biloba,and improve Ginkgo leaf and soil nutrient status; 2)The effect of compound fertilizer was superior to that of organic fertilize in 2 years; 3)0.50 kg of compound fertilizer is applied per plant in spring and summer,which can be used as the fertilization standard in Beijing; 4)The growth,leaf nutrient and soil hydrolytic nitrogen,available phosphorus,available potassium content have significantly positive correlation,and poor correlation with soil organic matter,and pH.
    Study on Salt and Drought Resistance of Introduced Salix(‘Zhuliu’) in Hetao Irrigation Area,Inner Mongolia
    JIA Fengyi, LI Shenglin, YU Yong
    2016,(3):  80-85.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.03.015
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    Hetao irrigation zone in Inner Mongolia possesses enormous potential for improving fast-growing and high-yield plantation,thereby introducing Salix (‘Zhuliu’) is a new trend for forestry industry development in Hetao irrigation zone.An experiment for investigating drought resistance,salt resistance,and alkali resistance of Salix (‘Zhuliu’) introduction was conducted in Hetao irrigation zone.The results suggested that 1) Salinity-alkalinity is primary factor limiting Salix (‘Zhuliu’) planting.Salt tolerance threshold for green Salix (‘Zhuliu’) and red Salix (‘Zhuliu’) is 1.92% and 0.53%,respectively.Alkali resistance threshold for red Salix (‘Zhuliu’) is pH 9.34.2) The drought resistance of green Salix is higher than that of red Salix.3) Green Salix (‘Zhuliu’) should be planted in heavy saline-alkali zone,and red Salix (‘Zhuliu’) planted in lighter saline-alkali zone.These results indicated that green Salix(‘Zhuliu’) is the first choice,when Salix (‘Zhuliu’) planted in Hetao irrigation zone.
    Evaluation on Ecological Conditions of Important Wetlands in Henan Province
    WANG Chunping
    2016,(3):  86-91.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.03.016
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    Based on the result of the 2nd Henan wetland resources investigation involving natural wetland area,biodiversity,water environment,wetland utilization,threat categories which directly reflect wetlands' ecological conditions,the research built a comprehensive evaluation index system to evaluate the ecological conditions of 39 major wetlands in Henan province adopting the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Program) and Delphi Method.The evaluation results show that wetlands with good ecological conditions only account for 2% of total evaluated wetland area,wetlands with medium conditions 72.63% and those with poor conditions 25.37%.Many major wetlands are still faced with various threats and require rescuing protection and conservation.
    Forest Ecological Evaluation of Sanya City's Ecological Compensation Area
    CHEN Lei, LI Jiping, TANG Xian, CAO Xiaoyu, CHEN Jing, GAO Yu
    2016,(3):  92-97.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.03.017
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    With the ecological public welfare forest in Sanya city as the research object and on the basis of the structure,stability and functions of the forest,an index system of forest ecological evaluation was constructed.Based on this,the forest ecological level of the study area was evaluated with the small class as the evaluation unit.The results showed that the six indicators of forest ecological evaluation factor weights from big to small were:forest volume(0.25),forest naturalness(0.20),forest community structure(0.20),forest health level(0.15),canopy density(0.10) and the average tree height (0.10). Four overall regional ecological levels were at the medium level,and the ecological level is the highest in Baoan area.The level of forest ecology in the four regions was Baoan area >Nahui area >Qingfa area >Zhanan area.
    Study on Scenic Beauty of Forest Interior Landscape in Saihanba Mechanized Forest Farm
    YANG Huijuan, YU Bo, CHE Xiaoyu, YU Shitao, FAN Dongdong, Huang Xuanrui
    2016,(3):  98-103.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.03.018
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    The article studied forest interior landscape quality of 4 typical forest stands in Saihanba using SBE method which include Larix principis rupprechtii plantation,Larix principis rupprechtii and Betula platyphylla mixed plantation,Pinus sylvestris var.mongholica lit.plantation and Betula platyphylla natural secondary forest.The results showed that SBE score of Larix principis-rupprechtii plantation,Larix principis-rupprechtii and Betula platyphylla mixed plantation were higher,followed by Pinus sylvestris var.mongholica Litv.,and Betula platyphylla natural secondary forest was the lowest;the SBE score was reduced significantly by some stand indicators including DBH below 15cm,stand density below 1250 plant/hm2,perspective distance below the tree height,vertical structure with tree,shrub and grass,shrub layer coverage greater than 90%,shrub average height greater than 1m;3 indicators including density,stand structure (with tree,shrub and grass),shrub layer coverage(more than 90%) entered the regression model,explaining 55.1% of the dependent variable,and had a negative correlation with SBE,indicating that the 3 indexes significantly reduced the scenic beauty of the stand;SBE score has no significant correlation with the biodiversity of shrub layer,so reducing height and coverage of shrub layer could increase the scenic beauty but not affect the biodiversity of shrub layer.
    Analysis on Landscape Patterns of Dongfang City Based on Box Plot Method
    SHE Yuchen, CHEN Caihong, CHANG Shuangshuang, DONG Yawen
    2016,(3):  104-111.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.03.019
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    Based on the information conservation area,moving window and box-plot,landscape patterns in 2015 of Dongfang City,Hainan province was studied.The results show that tree woodland and agricultural land spread more widely,and the patch shape is complex and in large area; Other disadvantage landscape class distribution is more concentrated,patch shape is small and has regular shapes.The appropriate granularity of landscape is 90m,2610m is the appropriate analysis window.
    Oak Woodland Soil Forming Layer Characteristics and Effects on Soil Organic Carbon Density in Guizhou Province
    LI Shijie, MENG Wei
    2016,(3):  112-115.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.03.020
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    The study uses field investigation and laboratory analysis methods to analyze oak woodland soil layer characteristics and the occurrence of soil organic carbon density characteristics and the occurrence of layer effects on organic carbon density.The following conclusions are:1) With increasing altitude,oak woodland soil layer distribution occurs significantly,and the outside layer of soil genesis climate impact Zunyi and Tongren increases significantly;2) With the increase of soil depth,organic carbon content in Zunyi and Tongren shows a downward trend,showing a rising trend in soil bulk density and organic carbon density fluctuation is violent in Zunyi ;southwestern Guizhou Qiannan organic carbon density changes and trends are complicated,soil bulk density changes are in the rise;3) With sea level rise,organic carbon density is in the overall upward trend,which in southwest Guizhou plot altitude,soil organic carbon density was the lowest;Zunyi plots are at highest elevation,and soil organic carbon density maximum;4) Pearson index and significant index research shows that oak woodland organic carbon density generating layer of soil showed some correlation,but the correlation was not significant.
    Study on the Absorption Ability of Several Plants for Dust and Heavy Metals in Kunming
    LI Yanmei, CHEN Qibo, LI Yanqin, BEI Rongta
    2016,(3):  116-121.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.03.021
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    In comparison with the clean areas,the trees planted more than 10 years ago and used frequently were selected as object in the different pollution areas. This study mensurated the amount of dust per unit area with weight method and heavy metal content of soil,leaf dust and leaf after digestion in summer in 2014 and 2015,the correlation among them was analyzed with SPSS. The results show the amount of dust catching at the same height per unit leaf area or average per unit area of 10 tree species is as follows:industrial area > the main city area > clean control area.The dust catching ability of six broadleaf tree species is Cinnamomum japonicumSieb>Osmanthus fragrans>Ligustrun lucidum Ait >Platanus acerifolia(Ait.)>Magnolia Grandiflora Linn>Celtis kunmingensis Cheng et Hong,blocking effect of conifers from large to small is as follows:Sabina chinensis (L.) Ant.cv.Kaizuca> Sabina chinensis (L.) Ant.cv.Pyramidalis> Cryptomeria japonica (L.f.) D.Don>Cedrus deodara (Roxb.) G.Don;The dust amount in low position was significantly higher than that of the high position whether conifer or broadleaf trees,the enrichment ability of all trees for heavy metals is different;Pb,Cu,Cd and Zn in the leaves of plants can be used to monitor the pollution in the atmosphere.
    Research on Comprehensive Evaluation of Forest City Construction in Zhejiang Province—a case study of Hangzhou City
    ZHUANG Qianda, ZHENG Guoquan
    2016,(3):  122-127.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.03.022
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    By taking the city of Hangzhou as the research object,building comprehensive evaluation index system of forest city in Zhejiang province,using analytic hierarchy process to get the weight of index,constructing the evaluation calculating model and grade standard,the forest city construction level was investigated from the perspective of comprehensive evaluation.The results showed that forest city comprehensive evaluation value of Hangzhou 2014 was 0.868,whose forest city constructing level was high and the next emphasis should be put on forest tourism,the proportion of forest output value,forestry technology and investment,forest management and monitoring,and so on.
    Technical Application
    Evaluation on Pleiades Satellite Image Fusion for Beijing Plain Afforested Area
    DONG Xi, LI Cunjun, XIA Chaozong, WANG Erli, YANG Xinbing, ZHOU Jingping, HU Haitang
    2016,(3):  128-134.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.03.023
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    Eight different image fusion methods were adopted,including the CN spectrum fusion,PCA principal component transformation,Brovey transform,HCS transform,HPF high-pass filter transform,PanSharpen transformation,GS spectrum sharpening,based on a brightness control SFIM smoothing,to fuse the Pleiades satellite panchromatic and multi-spectral image of forest in Cai jiahe basin plain afforestated area,Yanqing county,Beijing.The qualitative and quantitative result of remote sensing image fusion on spectral fidelity was analyzed,and the accuracy of automatic identification forest trees in the artificial planting area using fused image was evaluated.Results show that the eight kinds of image fusion methods have their own advantages,but the HCS fusion method is simple,the remote sensing image spectral fidelity,artificial planting area of forests automatic identification precision is highest.So it is a suitable method for the Pleiades satellite images fusion to monitor forest.
    Initial Estimation of Carbon Sinks from Sustainable Management of Rare Forests in Hubei Province
    WANG Lin, LI Shubin, ZHENG Yanfeng, WANG Boyu
    2016,(3):  135-139.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.03.024
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    The amounts of CO2 sequestrated and CO2 emission reduced are compared and estimated in the rare forest sustainable management project in Hubei Province by using the biomass,forest volume regression model and carbon content conversion.The project is expected to sequestrate 234792.44t of carbon in the 25-year crediting period,equivalent to 860905.61t of CO2 emission reduction,which is 6.5 times the CO2 emissions generated from the project activities.The implementation of the project therefore will play an important role in reducing emissions.
    Comparison and Analysis on Two Kinds of Sample Plot Survey Methods of Systematic Sampling in the Forest Inventory for Planning and Design
    XU Zhengliang, WANG Yingquan, LU Yongfei, YANG Jie
    2016,(3):  140-144.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.03.025
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    This paper took systematic sampling as an example in the fourth forest inventory for planning and design in Jinping County of Guizhou Province,and the point sampling with angle gauge & volume standard table and circle-shaped sample tally & two-way tree volume table were compared and analyzed.The results showed that the precisions of the volume estimates from the point sampling with angle gauge and circle-shaped sample tally were respectively 90.28%and 90.38%,exceeding 90% which is the precision standard of the technical specification for the forest inventory in Guizhou.The difference of total forest stand volume between two forest inventories was only 1.63%;The sample tree of the point sampling with angle gauge was less,but more efficient than the circle-shaped sample tally in sampling,and the load of field work of the former was about 40% of the latter;the number of trees per hectare,cross-sectional area at breast height of per hectare and hectare volume were lower than the circle-shaped sample tally in the precisions of estimates.Subcompartment volume cruise with angle gauge & volume standard table,systematic sampling with circle-shaped sample tally & two-way tree volume table are applicable in the sampling control of total volume.
    Progress and Prospects of the Research on Mixed Bamboo and Broadleaf Forest
    ZHOU Yaqi, DONG jie, GUAN Fengying, FAN Shaohui
    2016,(3):  145-150.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.03.026
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    This paper introduced the growth status of moso bamboo forest in our country,and the research was made with a comprehensive overview,which is used to promote the recent accepted business model of mixed bamboo and broadleaved forest. The research methods of the spatial structure and pattern,the competitive mechanism,the expansion method of moso bamboo was reviewed for mixed forests. Research shows that mixed bamboo and broadleaved forest can better weigh economic,ecological and social benefits.Moso bamboo forest can improve the soil exploit ability,improve space utilization and increase the bamboo productivity by collocating appropriate associated tree species in different geographical environment. The mixed ratio 7∶3 or 8∶2 is extensively applied,and the uniform distribution of clumps and scatter of mixed forest is better.