
Table of Content

    28 August 2016, Issue 4
    Integrated Management and Administration
    Study on the Assessment Indicator System for Carbon Sink City
    LI Nuyun, ZHENG Xiaoxian, LI Jinliang, CUI Wei
    2016,(4):  1-4.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.04.001
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    To carry out the national strategic deployment for addressing climate change,promote the transformation of low carbon city,mitigate and adapt to climate change,an assessment indicator system for the Carbon Sink City with the goal of “Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets” was developed.A total number of 32 indicators were divided into two sets,which are management assessment indicator and quantitative assessment indicator respectively.The “Ratio of carbon sink and carbon source” indicator creatively was proposed.Tested in Taishun county of Zhejiang Province and Chongli county of Hebei Province,the indicator system is considered to be scientific and operable.This study is of great significance to promoting the ecological environment improvement for our country and cities,eco-civilization construction and sustainable development with green and low carbon.
    The Effects and Suggestions of Central Finance Afforestation Subsidy Pilot
    HU Jiping, WANG Enling, JIA Gang
    2016,(4):  5-8.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.04.002
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    The work of central finance afforestation subsidies was officially implemented nationwide.This paper,based on the inspection and acceptance work organized by the Ministry of Finance and the State Forestry Administration,discusses the effects of the central finance afforestation subsidy work since the pilot was started,and some suggestions put forward on related policies and measures to solve the existing problems.
    The Characteristics of Ecological Tourism under the Current Situation in China and Countermeasures
    WANG Daoyang, QIAO Yongqiang
    2016,(4):  9-13.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.04.003
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    In the context of the 'new normal' economy,this article summarized ecotourism industrial characteristics through various aspects in terms of industrial restructuring,the low-end features of consumption expenditures,short-distance road trips in ecotourism,the competition of the same tourism resources in the same region,as well as the different interests in tourism resources management,operation,construction by different subjects,etc.This article proposed some suggestions and countermeasures on these aspects,from the perspective of promoting the healthy development of ecotourism.
    The US and EU Negotiation Process of the Climate Change Convention and the Research of China Forestry Countermeasures
    LU Linlin, Liang Dan
    2016,(4):  14-18.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.04.004
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    With the purpose of researching the strategy of emission reduction in China's forestry field,the paper analyzes the climate negotiation proposal between the US and EU,Combining the land use,the change of land use and the targets and prediction of forestry emission reduction in Europe and the US,the conclusion is drawn through the comparative analysis.For the aspect of China's emission reduction in forestry,we need to consider possible difficulties and challenges.Through referring to the practice and key technology of other countries such as EU and the US,the paper analyzes the simulated negotiation situation.Considering the pattern of global politics and climate,and the pattern of international forestry and politics and many other factors,we hold and lead the correct international process direction to response to the climate change,and promote the construction and negotiation of the mechanism of emission reduction in forestry field to develop a beneficial arrangement of the international emission reduction institution.
    Performance Assessment of IFI Loan Forestation Project—With World Bank Loan China Integrated Forestry Development Project(IFDP) as an Example
    WANG Hong, WANG Guosheng, WANG Zhouxu, DONG Hui, SONG Lei
    2016,(4):  19-23.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.04.005
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    Performance assessment was conducted to the nationally packaged international finance institution(IFI) financed forestation project “World Bank financed Integrated Forestry Development Project” by considering the forestry sector conditions and IFDP characteristics.Consequently,the project scored 92.12 compatible to the performance grade of “smooth implementation”.The assessment extracted lessons and best practices while pinpointing problems with recommendations regarding reimbursement,cost management,forestation model,household participation,monitoring of forest road and other facilities.
    Development Direction and Strategy of Sustainable Forest Management in Anhui Province Under the New Situation
    CHENG Guangru
    2016,(4):  24-29.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.04.006
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    Based on the ninth forest resource investigation results of Anhui Province,the accomplishments of the 12th Five-year forestry construction plan were summarized comprehensively,the characteristics and the existing problems of forest resources and forest management were analyzed in detail. Goals and strategies of forest sustainable management were put forward respectively for Anhui Province.
    Transformation and Countermeasures of Degenerated Poplar Protection Forest in Bashang District of Zhangjiakou City
    GAO Junfeng, ZHENG Yanfeng, WANG Boyu
    2016,(4):  30-33.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.04.007
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    Preliminary results of protection forest construction were achieved in Bashang district of Zhangjiakou city and this area is regarded as key section of Beijing-Tianjing-Hebei shelter forest planning.In recent years,some problems have appeared in poplar protection forest,for example,old-aged forest and degenerated functions.In the paper,four aspects including degenerated poplar protection forest situation,degeneration reason,transformation measure and countermeasure are discussed in order to provide reference for follow-up protection forest construction.
    Scientific Research
    Study on Comprehensive Evaluation System of Site Quality for Natural Secondary Abies nephrolepis Forest
    XIAO Huashun, SHAO Bai, OUYANG Junxiang
    2016,(4):  34-40.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.04.008
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    In this study,natural secondary Abies nephrolepis forest of Wangqing County,Jilin Province is regard as research object using 172 subcompartment data,178 reset sample plot and 96 anatomical tree data.Based on the site classification results,the height of dominant Abies nephrolepis at the basal age,and the unit area stand growing stock,the site quality comprehensive evaluation system of the Abies nephrolepis secondary forest of Wangqing district is established.The stand unit area growing stock,the site quality is classified into three grades:good(I),medium(II) and poor(III).The site with good quality(I) has relatively high altitude,thick soil layer,gentle slope most of which are shade slopes,good forest form,complete structure and high comprehensive benefit.The medium (II) quality site is the key point of tending and management to keep the stability of the stand and to promote progressive succession.The poor (III) quality site has lower altitude,thinner soil layer,bigger slope most of which are sunny slopes,bad and complicated forest form for which differential measures can be taken based on the site evaluation results during the course of forest management.
    Study on the Correlation among Age,DBH and Tree Height of the Pseudotsuga sinensis in Qizimei Mountain Nature Reserve
    XIONG Binmei, WANG Zhengxiang, LI Zhongqiang, ZHANG E, TIAN Kai, LI Tingting, LI Ze, SONG Chunlu
    2016,(4):  41-46.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.04.009
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    A survey was conducted in Qizimei Mountains Nature Reserve about the Pseudotsuga sinensis communities to further analyze the growth of regular trees and better protect the rare species.Meanwhile,seven common regression models were applied to study the correlation of the DBH and age,tree height and age,tree height and DBH of the Pseudotsuga sinensis.The results showed that there is a positive correlation between DBH and age,tree height and age of the Pseudotsuga sinensis,as well as DBH and tree height.The cubic equations perform the best for describing the relationship between age and DBH,age and height.The equation are:y=-0.0001x3+0.011x2+0.179x+4.44 and z=0.00007x3-0.015x2+1.105x-10.81;Moreover,the best correlation model is z=1.778y0.659 for modeling of tree height and DBH.The optimal models were tested for reliability and the result shows there is no significant difference between predicted and observed values(P>0.05),which demonstrated the best models can be used to estimate the value of age,tree height and DBH of the Pseudotsuga sinensis.Furthermore,the study can further provide theoretical support for the regional research on the growth of the regular Pseudotsuga sinensis and the prediction of the forest volume.
    Analysis and Proof of Bias and Efficiency of Different Sampling Methods for Forest Area Estimation
    GE Hongli, MENG Yuanyuan
    2016,(4):  47-52.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.04.010
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    Continuous Forest Inventory (CFI) is the main method to get the China's forest area,which is conducted in a systematic sampling manner.In this paper,bias and efficiency of these three plot forest measurement methods will be proved by theoretical analysis.The result shows that:1.CV is unbiased,and it has the highest efficiency;2.PLB is also unbiased,but the efficiency is lower than CV;3.DLB is biased,however the population proportion of forest is almost 0 or 1,the result is nearly unbiased;4.CV method,which is unbiased and has high efficiency,should be chosen for remote sensing large-plot inventory.
    Structure and Distribution Pattern of Desert P.euphratica Forest in Tarim Basin
    ZHANG Huifang, WANG Lei, ZHU Yali, Dilixiati·baoerhan, DING Chengfeng
    2016,(4):  53-58.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.04.011
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    In the main area of tarim basin where desert forest is distributed,five sample plots are set up for field survey and plant community species composition,horizontal (density) structure,vertical structure and pattern of the distribution of P.euphratica pattern are analyzed in certain radioactive-polluted area. The study aims to understand the desert forest community structure in the study area and pattern of distribution of P.euphratica for Xinjiang desert forest sustainable management and provides the management basis.Results show that the desert forest species composition has 18 species in the study area,trees and shrubs layer is single species.There are mainly P.euphratica and tamarix.The important value of glycyrrhiza is maximum in herb layer. The density structure shows P.euphratica average density is gradually reduced,shrub density is in contrast to the density of P.euphratica in upstream,tamarisk plexus density increases from the upper reaches of the tarim river its to middle reaches.The vertical structure is simple and complete,three layers are trees,shrubs and herbs,but there is obvious difference between the average heights,P.euphratica is higher in the upstream than in the middle reaches,shrub tamarisk is higher in the upstream area than middle reaches,which shows that the growth of tamarisk is more suitable for the place of sparse desert forest restricted by water condition.The spatial pattern of P.euphratica distribution shows random distribution in Bachu,the spatial pattern is a clumped distribution in Moyu,Awati,Shaya and Luntai counties,gathering strength from tarim river upstream to middle luntai is gradually strengthen,which shows the individual adapts to the changes of living environment (groundwater).
    Study on Spatial Structure Characteistics of Coniferous Broad-leaved Mixed Forest in Central Region of Daxing'anling Moutains
    ZHAO Jingyi, WEI Jiangsheng, ZHOU Mei, ZHAO Pengwu, LIU Fen, LIU Chang
    2016,(4):  59-64.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.04.012
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    Forest in the central region of Daxing'an mountains was one of the highest cutting intensity in Inner Mongolia.Through the self recovery of natural forest and implementation of the “natural forest protection project”,the forest quality is improved to a certain extent.With Wuchagou Forest Farm in Xingan league as the research object,the sample survey method was used,the sample plot of 8.8hm2 set up in coniferous broad-leaved mixed forest,data were analyzed using Winkelmass 1.0,study on three of spatial structure parameter,named mingling intensity,neighborhood comparison and uniform angle index.Results show that:1.The regional species proportion from high to low order is Betula davurica(52)%,Larix gmelinii(17%),white birch(17%),Quercus mongolica fisch(14%),minly for deciduous broad-leaved forest.2.There was big difference in differentiation,dominant sociales is Larix gmelinii,but it is small in number and poor in mixed ability,the distribution is very concentrated.3.The spatial distribution is reasonable,close to random distribution.
    Research Progress on Indicators of the Stand Spatial Structure
    CAO Xiaoyu, LI Jiping
    2016,(4):  65-73.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.04.013
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    Stand spatial structure indicators are defined as indexes to describe the features of forest spatial structure,which not only plays an important role in analyzing and controlling the forest structure and function relationship,but also is the focus and difficult point in the research of stand spatial structure.The article was based on the analysis of the research status of stand spatial structure unit,summed up the research trends of stand spatial structure indicators from the spatial isolation of trees,tree competition,tree spatial pattern,stand vertical structure.Currently,the two methods used to calculate the forest stand spatial structure index by using 4 or ordinary Voronoi diagram to constitute a space structural unit have some disadantages.But these disadantages can be offset when we generate a weighted Voronoi diagram with the diameter at breast height,tree height,and crown as comprehensive weight.Meanwhile,using a single stand spatial structure parameters to analyze a feature of the forest stand spatial structure or overall characteristics of a tree cannot express trees' microstructur if they have certain common characteristics.So it will be a future trend in stand spatial structure analysis,which will display stand spatial structure in three dimnsional space by using the joint probability distribution of the space structure parameters available together.
    Research on the Land Suitable for Planting 6 Major Tree Species in Qinghai Province
    CUI Xueqing, MA Hongping, HUANG Guilin, HOU Meng, XU Ming, ZHENG Guoqiang, CUI Beixiang, ZHUO Ling, LIAO Chengzhang
    2016,(4):  74-78.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.04.014
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    Our research modeled the ecological niche of Picea crassifolia,Picea likiangensis,Sabina przewalskii,Populus cathayana,Pentaphylloides fruticose and Hippophae rhamnoides in Qinghai Province using MaxEnt by climate data,soil data,DEM and forest inventory data,and then determined the appropriate afforestation area according to forestry policy.All 6 species showed high accuracy during modeling(AUC=0.86~0.99).The results showed that the whole appropriate afforestation area of Qinghai reached 549.25hm2 if we plant these 6 species in cropland (slope>25°) and bareland,which covered 0.01‰ of the province and is equivalent to 0.49‰ of the existing forest land and shrub land.The research also revealed that the appropriate afforestation is mainly distributed in Delingha,Dulan,Guinan,Gonghe,Nangqian,Banma and parts of Haidong and Xining.
    Soil Conservation Evaluation of Forest Resources in Xichuan County Based on InVEST Model
    ZHI Changgui, DANG Yongfeng, YIN Gelan
    2016,(4):  79-82.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.04.015
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    With Xichuan county as the research object and by using the Invest model,soil conservation function was analyzed in 2014.The results showed that:(1) the areas of better soil conservation function are mainly distributed in the northwest,and the areas of poor soil conservation function are mainly distributed in the southeast;(2) the area of higher forest cover,soil conservation function is far higher than that of low forest cover area;(3) the order of soil conservation per year from high to low is arbor forest land,shrub land,open forest land,nursery land,young forest land,and other woodland.
    Remote Sensing Estimation of Eucalyptus Plantation Biomass in Huaan County Based on TM Images
    XU Zhiyang, FENG Zhongke, HU Jianquan, ZHENG Yaomin, LIU Cheng
    2016,(4):  83-87.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.04.016
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    By taking Huaan county's Eucalyptus Plantation Biomass as an object of study,using 20 fixed sample plots in 2008 and Landsat5 TM images of the same period and selected 20 variables,multivariate linear biomass remote sensing information model was established.Eight check samples were used to test the model,and the overall forecast accuracy was 83.58%,the mean square error was 1.42 t/hm2.Eucalyptus plantation biomass distribution map was inverted by using multivariate linear model,and eucalyptus plantation biomass of Huaan county was 404 765.316t in total,and 32.344t per hectare.
    Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Variations about Vegetation Fractional Cover in Urumqi City from 2000 to 2014
    LI Peixian, ZHENG Jianghua, LIU Ping
    2016,(4):  88-95.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.04.017
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    Based on four periods of remote sensing images of TM/ETM+/OLI (2000,2006,2010 and 2014) and digital elevation model of ASTER GDEM,the vegetation fractional cover distribution maps in the four periods were got by conducting the pixel dichotomy model using NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index).Further,the vegetation coverage level maps in the four periods were overlaid with altitude map,slope gradient map and slope aspect map respectively.The map were generated using digital elevation model ASTER GDEM to calculate and analyze the distributions and variations of vegetation cover in the horizontal and vertical direction.Finally the temporal and spatial changes of vegetation fractional cover,the vegetation improvement/degradation and the driving forces were analyzed.Massive degradation and significant improvement like the shape of U and the 2006 as a turning point showed the trends of vegetation fractional cover in the four periods.Compared with 2006,the vegetation cover of temperate semi-shrubby and dwarf semi-shrubby desert region in the north of Urumqi County and in the northeast of Midong District were improved to some extent.And the vegetation cover of temperate dwarf semi-arboreou desert in the north of Midong District and temperate dwarf needlegrass,dwarf semi-shrubby desert steppe in Dabancheng District were improved more significantly in 2014.Therefore,the distributions and variations of vegetation cover in Urumqi city was affected by natural factors such as precipitation,terrain factors (elevation,slope,aspect) and vegetation cover type and so on,as well as anthropogenic factors including economic activity and ecological conservation program.Desert grassland coverage had stronger instability,which was coupled by natural and anthropogenic factors,so we should improve the level of protection.Especially,a variety of ecological protection projects of forestry and grass in recent years in Urumqi city were carried out on a large scale,which played a vital role in the promotion of vegetation fractional cover and improvement of the ecological environment of Urumqi city.
    Effect of Altitude on Growth and Forest Structure of Phyllostachys edulis
    SU Xiangling, WANG Zhenxi
    2016,(4):  96-100.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.04.018
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    Altitude gradient has a great effect on plant growth.In order to understand effect of altitude on Phyllostachys edulis growth and its forest structure,growth situations,including diameter at breast height (DBH),bamboo height and stand density of P.edulis were surveyed and age structure,uniform degree and even degree were analyzed on the two altitude gradients.The results showed that altitude had a certain effect on bamboo growth,but only significantly on bamboo height.Average DBH at low altitude and high altitude was 10.84 and 10.99cm;bamboo average height was 13.53 and 12.35m;stand density was 2 525.00 and 2 829.27 tree/hm2.Altitude changed age structure of bamboo forest,and also affected DBH and bamboo height of different ages.Meanwhile altitude had significant impact on uniform degree and even degree,with altitude increase the two degrees both increased.Based on the above,bamboo growth and forest structure were different along altitude gradient,mainly by affected climate,topography and human factors.
    Study on the Effect of Topographic Relief on NDVI of Landsat
    DING Chunxiao, ZHOU Ruliang, YE Jiangxia, ZHANG Zhiyong, TIAN Yuan
    2016,(4):  101-106.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.04.019
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    NDVI is an important remote sensing index of characterization of vegetation leaf area density and an important parameter in the estimation of vegetation coverage,forest canopy density,biomass and carbon storage and vegetation growth status and crop yield. Correlation study have indicated that the topography fluctuation has a great influence on the spectral data,but its effect on NDVI is worth further studying. In view of the above problems,the C calibration model was used to correct the topographic correction of Landsat data,eliminating the influence of topographic relief on spectral data,and comparing and analyzing the NDVI. The results show that the terrain correction and overall image of NDVI have significant difference,of which smaller slope vegetation areas have no significant difference,the larger slope vegetation region has significant difference;shady slope overall NDVI tends to be bigger,sunny slope slightly reduced,semi shaded slope has no obvious change;farmland at different slopes has no significant difference and overall change is not obvious,for coniferous forest and broad-leaved forest at shady slope and sunny slope,change of NDVI amplitude is greater than that of half shade and semi sunny slopes. Topographic correction of NDVI estimated value has some influence,thus further influences based on NDVI parameters of various remote sensing estimation results,so eliminating the influence of relief on the spectra can improve the accuracy of quantitative estimation by remote sensing.
    Monitoring of Forestland Dynamic Changes by Using Multi Source and High Resolution Satellite Remote Sensing Images
    MOU Huaiyi
    2016,(4):  107-113.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.04.020
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    Keyihe Forestry Bureau and Jiwen Forestry Bureau are located in Daxinganling,Inner Mongolia.The monitoring of forest land changes was conducted by using multi source domestic high resolution satellite remote sensing data,supplemented by Germany Rapid eye,SPOT5 and SPOT6,TM remote sensing image;Such data were also used as those of occupation of forestland,felling area design work,licenses of forest harvesting,forestry administration,forest resources management survey,forest conservation and utilization planning.The dynamic changes of forest land are detected by visual interpretation,identification and extraction of forest land and forest disaster.The results show that the monitoring effect is obvious and effective in monitoring of occupation and requisition of forestland,forest harvesting and deforestation,reclamation of forest land and forest disaster.
    DEM-based Study on County-scale Land Use and Regional Ecological Environment Evaluation
    YU Weilian, WANG Yingquan, ZHI Changgui
    2016,(4):  114-120.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.04.021
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    In this paper,the Bin county of Heilongjiang province was taken as study sample.Meanwhile,the Landsat TM image and DEM data were used as the main data sources,with the spatial module of ArcGIS,the analysis was made by using land use types and terrain factors from DEM,the spatial pattern distribution of land use was explored by analyzing the terrain factors of elevation,slope and aspects,and the study results can provide important science support for rational land use of this region.The study results show that the total area of cropland and forestland occupied the absolute dominate position of this study region.Which accounted for 91.20%,the cropland has the greatest area,which focused on flat ground,sunny and low elevation region.While,the forest land has the second greatest area,which is distributed in all rranges of terrain factors for slope,elevation and aspects.Meanwhile,the grassland,water,built-up land and unused land were mainly located in flat area and low elevation region.The area proportion of the good eco-environment quality was 34.16%,which was mostly occupied by forestland.The region of bad and worse eco-environment quality was plain areas,which occupied area proportion for 36.99% and 9.65%,respectively.
    Tree Species Identification Method Based on GF-2 Images
    YIN Lingyu, QIN Xianlin, SUN Guifen, ZU Xiaofeng, CHEN Xiaozhong
    2016,(4):  121-127.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.04.022
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    Identification of tree species has always challenged the remote sensing research.However,GF-2 images be used for identifying ground objects and classifying tree species have the great research potential.Based on the data of GF-2 4-meter multispectral images of Daofu County of Ganzi Prefecture in Sichuan Province were combined with Forest Resource Inventory Data.The maximum likelihood classification and support vector machine(SVM) method were used for classification of trees.The possibility of using the GF-2 data for species identification applications was explored. The results show that the two methods for identifying the main tree species are better than the accuracy of 80% in the study area.The maximum likelihood classification accuracy is 81.79%,SVM classification accuracy 86.75%.With the support of prior knowledge,GF-2 multispectral images can also be used to study the species identification.
    Evaluation Technology and Demonstration of Visual Landscape of Urban Mountain Park Based on GIS
    ZHANG Qiang, PAN Hui, WANG Yanling, LI Yangjiao, XU Heng, HUANG Haolu
    2016,(4):  128-133.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.04.023
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    Compared with general urban park or forest park,urban mountain park has a great particularity,it owns unique spatial distribution,ecological composition,landscape composition and climate environment.Thus,it is of theoretical value and practical significance to explore the quantitative technology of urban mountain park visual landscape evaluation based on GIS technology.This paper takes Fuzhou Jinji Mountain Park as an example,the data are quantitated based on the simulation and application of GIS to small and medium-scale urban mountain's slope and aspect,elevation,and the questionnaire score obtained by human's subjective landscape perception,and then the results were weighted based on GIS and questionnaire score.The results showed that the landscape vision spot 4 (Rockery waterfall),10 (Fei Hong bridge),15 (Jin An station),19 (Qixia station) was better,while the spot of 5 (forest stage) was the worst.The application in different scales of visual landscape evaluation system were verified on this account,and the results would provide references and suggestions for the establishment of urban mountain evaluation system.
    Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Mapping Satellite-1 Imagery Using Semi-global Matching Algorithm Based on Mutual Information
    WANG Yuqin, LI Heyuan
    2016,(4):  134-139.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.04.024
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    In this paper,for three-linear array stereo-imagery of Mapping Satellite-1,semi-global matching algorithm based on mutual information is researched and used in three-dimensional reconstruction.The pyramid and multiple-baseline matching strategy is adopted and mutual informationof per-pixel is regarded as matching unit and full matching is realized,according to the principle of energy function minimization.The experimental results show that the proposed method can accurately realize three-dimensional reconstruction for Mapping Satellite-1 imagery.
    Research Bulletin
    Application of Independent Multi-source and High-resolution Satellite Remote Sensing Monitoring Technology in Plain Afforestation Projects in Beijing
    YUAN Shibao, ZHAO Yunlong, MENG Pei
    2016,(4):  140-144.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.04.025
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    From 2012 to 2015,plain afforestation projects covering an area of 70 000hm2 have been implemented in Beijing. In order to improve the efficiency of project supervision through the project planning stage,the implementation stage and the maintenance stage,the independent multi-source of high-resolution satellite remote sensing monitoring technology was introduced in the project management. The mode based on space technology was developed for forestation project supervision,and the efficiency of project management was improved.
    Expansion of Road Greening Functions in New Urban Area of Wulanchabu City
    LIN Qi
    2016,(4):  145-149.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.04.026
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    The urban road green belt is an important part of urban green space system,which not only improves the quality of the urban environment,but also create a landscape plant roads,improvie environmental quality and absorb dust and carbon dioxide,release oxygen and increase humidity.Urban road greening not only has high landscape value,but also has strong functionality.This paper discusses the functions of road green belt expansion by selecting three roads in the new urban area of Wulanchabu City for design and construction of green belts.