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    28 October 2016, Issue 5
    Integrated Management and Administration
    Implications of the West Dongting Lake Model for Developing a New Natural Resources Management System
    TANG Xiaoping, MEI Biqiu
    2016,(5):  1-5.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.05.001
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    The west Dongting Lake model is a new nature reserve management practice,which has adopted administrative law enforcement in a relatively concentrative manner in nature reserves and possessed such features as government authorization,integrated management,unified law enforcement and sector supervision.It has also brought into better balance the relations between nature reserves,relevant sectors and township governments,reduced the costs for protection and management and enhanced reservation efficiency and benefits.The west Dongting Lake model has provided experiences and approaches for reforming the present natural resources management system and implementing the natural resources assets management system in a unified way.On the basis of the west Dongting Lake model and changes of China's natural resources management system,this paper has analyzed the basic trend of China's natural resources management system reform in four aspects.
    Protection Values on Xinjiang Irtysh Keketuohai Wetland Nature Reserve
    WANG Xiqun, GUO Baoxiang, ZHANG Li
    2016,(5):  6-12.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.05.002
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    In order to fully grasp the protection value on Xinjiang Irtysh Keketuohai Wetland Nature Reserve and service and its construction and development,Xinjiang Irtysh Keketuohai Wetland Nature Reserve Comprehensive Scientific Investigation was conducted in 2015.This paper discussed the protection value from six aspects as the ecological location,etc.Irtysh River is the only river in China that disgorges into Arctic Ocean and forms water system structure of “丄”shape from east to west and Bilizik River from north to south in Xinjiang Irtysh Keketuohai Wetland Nature Reserve.It causes soil water gradients violent change that natural geomancy forms a unique geomancy effect,and microtopography and surface water gradient distribution and redistribution,which forms many natural landscape types such as desert,grassland,meadow,swamp,forest,river,lake etc.and gestates complicated and various landform types.With multiplicity natural habitat,rich biodiversity,the protection value of Irtysh Keketuohai Wetland Nature Reserve is multiplicate and important.The nature reserve establishment is important to improve ecological environment,maintain ecological balance adapting climate change,protect Xinjiang and national ecological security and economic development etc.It has a profound influence on our country border area ecological protection and maintain Chinese image all the time.
    Discussion on Establishing the National Park Management System in China
    CHEN Junzhi
    2016,(5):  13-19.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.05.003
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    How to establish the national park management system was discussed in this paper.Establishing the national park management system was crucial for solving problems such as the constraints resource,and ecosystem degradation.It was also important in solving problems of the contradiction between the central and local government departments,enhancing the central governance capability,achieving long-term aim of sustainable development in China.Based on the study of Natural System in other countries around the world,especially the IUCN Protected Area Management Categories,this paper focuses on those effective approaches to establish the National Park management system in China such as reconstructing the natural protected system,improving legislation,defining the management right and property ownership between the state and local government,establishing a unified high efficiency management system etc.
    Research on the Cases,Necessities,Principles and Basis of Wetland Nature Reserve Adjustment
    YU Yilei, GUO Jia, LI Shengnan, WEI Wei
    2016,(5):  20-24.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.05.004
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    Wetlands Nature Reserve is the main way to protect our wetlands.Cases of wetland nature reserve adjustment are collected from the literature,the changes of wetland natural environment and human interference intense activity are found to be the main reasons of nature reserve adjustment by comparing the reasons,scopes and functional zones of the different nature reserve adjustment.The principles of adjustment include protecting the main wetland conservation objects,stabilizing the wetland ecosystem structure and function of ecosystem services;and the adjustment of wetland nature reserve is realized according to the nature reserve-related rules and regulations.
    Research on Households' Behaviors of Forest Land Transfer in Zhejiang Collective Forest Area
    PAN Lisha, WU Weiguang, ZHAO Fuming
    2016,(5):  25-29.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.05.005
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    Based on the survey data of 192 households living in 4 counties in Zhejiang collective forest area,this research analyzes the management situation of forest land and the households' behavior intransferbriefly.Then this paper puts emphasis on the influence factors in transfering out forest land by applying econometrics method.Results show that:the forest resource is abundant in the collective forest area,farmers hold positive attitude towards forestry production and management.But the income of forestry plays no significant role in the whole income structure;the transaction market is immature while the process of transaction is lack of norm.Fragment of forest land,labor number and householders' ages have significant negative impact on farmers' behaviors of transferring out forest land.Income and the proportion of nonagricultural income have positive effect on households' behaviors of transferring out forest land.
    Analysis and Suggestion on the Investment and Financing Policy of Commercial Forest
    YIN Jianping, CHE Shaohui
    2016,(5):  30-33.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.05.006
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    The area of commercial forest has been studied since 1981.The result shows the effect of the policy on commercial forest and non-commercial forest is different.By analyzing the concept and characteristics of commercial forest,four key policy factors that restrict the development of commercial forest in China are existing.Four factors are forestry property right,economic support,forestry science and technology and forest insurance.Through the analysis of different policies,some suggestions are put forward in order to stimulate the enthusiasm of investment in commercial forest.
    Scientific Research
    Study on Forest Resources Monitoring Based on Cluster Sampling and Remote Sensing in Danjiangkou Reservoir Area and Upstream
    ZHI Changgui, HUANG Guosheng, ZENG Weisheng
    2016,(5):  34-38.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.05.007
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    According to sampling theory,based on the remote sensing monitoring,this paper describes a specific process of forest resources monitoring,and a comparison of forest coverage rate and sampling precision was done by different cluster size.The results show that the bigger the cluster size is the higher the sampling precision is.But sampling precision did not get higher when the cluster size achieved a certain number.The forest coverage rate in Danjiangkou reservoir area and upstream was 63.62%,sampling precision is 95.09%.
    Analysis on the Change of Vegetation Growth in Junggar Basin during 1982-2013
    DIAO Mingjun, XIA Chaozong
    2016,(5):  39-46.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.05.008
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    Junggar basin is located in the northern part of Xinjiang,China.It is the second largest inland basin in China.It is necessary to understand the vegetation trends and responses to climatic change and human activities in recent decades,so as to better understand the vegetation states and trends and to make more reasonable desertification control strategy.The long time series GIMMS NDVI data from 1982 to 2013 were used to analyze the changes of vegetation.And the CRU climate datasets,including temperature,precipitation and cloud cover from 1982 to 2013 were used to analyze the influence of climatic factors on NDVI in Junggar basin.Results show that:33.03% of Junggar basin shows vegetation degradation,and about 20% of the area shows vegetation restoration.The area of vegetation degradation is mainly distributed in the arid area,where the vegetation cover is sparse.The area of vegetation restoration is mainly located in the vegetation dense area.During the past 32 years,temperatures increased significantly in Junggar Basin,which increased the water evaporation in the ardi regions while the rainfall is relative stable,so that the drought area becomes more droughty and the NDVI decreased because of the drought.While in the semi-humid region of Junggar basin,the increased temperature in recent 32 years promotes the growth of vegetation.Human activities in the past 32 years didn't impose significant influence on the vegetation growth in Junggar basin,indicating that the land desertification control needs a longer period and we should continue to strengthen the monitoring of the regional desertification state and process.
    Effect of 4 Kinds of Vegetation Restoration Patterns on the Topsoil Organic Carbon and Nitrogen in Rocky Desertification Region of Guizhou Province
    LÜ Wenqiang, TANG Jingang, LUO Shiqin, LIN Tao, ZHOU Chuanyan
    2016,(5):  47-52.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.05.009
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    The topsoil contents,densities and storage of soil organic carbon(SOC) and total nitrogen(TN) of four different vegetation restoration patterns,i.e.,Prunus salicina,Juglans cathayensis,Punica granatum and Passiflora caerulea were studied in rocky desertification region in Guizhou Province.The results showed that the contents of SOC under four different vegetation restoration patterns were in the order of Prunus salicina>Passiflora caerulea>Juglans cathayensis>Punica granatum, while the contents of TN did not differ much.SOC and TN contents and densities in the 0~10 cm soil layer were higer in the 10~20 cm soil layer in each of the four vegetation restoration patterns.SOC storage in the topsoil layer was the highest(54.31t/hm2) in Prunus salicina,and TN storage in the topsoil layer was the highest(6.21t/hm2) in Passiflora caerulea.Both SOC and TN storage were the lowest in Punica granatum,with 49.77t/hm2 and 5.66t/hm2 respectively.Prunus salicina and Passiflora caerulea were both comparative better vegetation restoration patterns in the process of vegetation restoration and reconstruction in the rocky desertification region of Guizhou Province.
    Research on Soil Moisture Physical Characteristics of Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantations under Different Rotations of Continuously Planting in Guangxi Based on Gray Correlation Analysis
    QIN Zuoyu, WANG Huili, JIN Baochuang, DENG Xiaojun, CAO Jizhao, TANG Jiang
    2016,(5):  53-58.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.05.010
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    In order to provid a reliable basis in theory for sustainable management and sustainable nutrient management of successive planting of Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,the eleven evaluation objects(such as soil bulk density,soil porosity,soil water retaining capacity and soil water storage etc.) were selected as the research objects,and modern comprehensive evaluation software of AHP module was used to calculate and analyze the correlation degree and size ranking of soil moisture physical condition of Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations under different plantings(G1 and G2)and different soil thickness(0~20cm and 20~40cm).The results showed that:(1) The soil bulk density of Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations under different rotations increased with the increment of soil depth.The soil bulk density of soil were greatly reduced by the continuous cropping of Cunninghamia lanceolata.(2) With the increment of soil depth,total porosity,capillary porosity,saturated moisture capacity,capillary holding capacity increased gradually.(3) In the layer of 0~40 cm,the soil total and uncapillary porosity of the second generation forest was larger than the first one,soil water retention capacity of the second generation forest was stronger than the first one,but the former was weaker.(4) The effect of soil bulk density on soil moisture physical condition was the most important,and the order of soil moisture physical condition in the field of successive planting Cunninghamia lanceolata was G2(0~20cm) >G2(20~40cm)>G1(0~20cm)>G1(20~40cm)。
    Pixel Mean Variance Parabola Fitting of Pinus densata Abundance Based on Topographic Factors
    JIANG Shengchang, ZHANG Jialong, LU Chi, XU Hui, HUANG Chuanxi, LUO Yunjiang
    2016,(5):  59-64.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.05.011
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    Four typical research sample areas which are boundary mixed were selected based on Landsat8 images.The method of slope matching was used to do topographic corrections.The abundance of the Pinus densat was extracted using the method of linear spectral separation(LSU),matched filtering(MF),the minimum energy constraint(CEM),the pixel mean variance parabola(PMVP).The results of the abundance show that the order of the average root mean square error values of the four typical sample areas is:LSU <PMVP<CEM <MF.The PMVP could better separate Pinus densat boundary with a good result.Using PMVP to extract abundance has achieved higher accuracy.It could also explore more suitable curve fitting methods applied to the extraction of forest tree species abundance and land cover classification in the future.
    Construction of Crown Width Model for Single Tree of Natural Larix principis-rupprechtii Forest
    FU Yajian, LÜ Feizhou, ZHU Guangyu, LÜ Yong
    2016,(5):  65-70.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.05.012
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    Larix principis-rupprechtii natural forest was taken as research object.Based on 1531 strains of individual tree crown width measured data,the study was conducted on the natural forest of larch wood single crown width model.Firstly from the nine common crown width diameter candidate models,a model with higher accuracy of fitting was selected as the basic model of crown width model,then from the tree size and vigor factor,site factors and stand competition factor were screened with the crown width of a strong correlation factors as independent variables in the model for modelling,finally,the model is tested and evaluated by using the deviation,the residual root mean square error R and the determination coefficient and combined with the likelihood ratio test.As a result,the 3 parameter logistic forms crown width diameter model fitting with highest accuracy,and the model parameters can be explained.Therefore,the model can be used as the basis of the model of Larix principis-rupprechtii single crown width model;the object of trees crown length,stand density and competition index has strong correlation with crown width.When these factors are considered in the basic model.the model can further improve the prediction accuracy.The crown width model constructed in this research fills the blank of Larix principis-rupprechtii natural individual tree crown width model.
    Spatial Structure Analysis of Mongolian Pine Plantation Based on Uniform Angle Index and Neighborhood Comparison in Southern Mu Us Desert
    DENG Jifeng, DING Guodong, DENG Jiaojiao, ZHAO Guoping, WEI Yawei, DENG Ge, ZHOU Yongbin, YIN You
    2016,(5):  71-76.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.05.013
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    In our research,uniform angle index and neighborhood comparison were applied to different densities of Mongolian pine plantation to analyze their stand structure characteristics.The results showed that (1) Evenness distribution was the main spatial characteristics for the most of stands,and number of trees in the core area decreases with the density increasing.(2) The neighborhood comparison measured by branch angle was a visibly higher,thus,it is possible to evaluate the ranch angle index to achieve its predominance status among individuals competition and to enhance its effect on desertification.The conclusions of this study can provide important support for afforestation and forest management in this region.
    Silviculture Decision of Tree Species Selection in Semi-arid Areas in Northwestern Liaoning Province Based on Grey Relational Theory
    ZHAO Lin, DENG Jifeng, ZHOU Yongbin, DAIQING Gele, MA Chengzhong, YANG Lixin
    2016,(5):  77-85.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.05.014
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    In semi-arid areas in northwestern Liaoning Province,where the sand dust storm,water exhaustion,serious soil erosion and drought have occurred frequently,the survival rate of afforestation has become constantly low in the northwest region of Liaoning Province.Thus it is essential to put greater concentrations on wind-break,sand-fixing,water and soil conservation.Considering the present situation of natural conditions and existing plantation patterns,the laws of water,heat and land forms changing trend have been analyzed.This paper has made an evaluation of eight typical tree species groups according to the region using Grey relational analysis method primarily,based on the first national forest resources and second Liaoning provincial forest resources inventories.Furthermore,the five most relevant indicators such as average tree height and diameter at tree breast height,soil thickness,thickness of humus and leaf litters were selected according to wind-break protection,sand-fixing,better water and soil conservation.Then the most appropriate tree species groups for seventeen regions were determined.The results show that the superior species for these regions are as follows:the oak forest group from Fuxin county,Jianchang county,Longcheng district,Kazuo Xingcheng city and Nanpiao district respectively;the larch group from Longgang district and Jianping county;the sect.pinus group from Taihe district,Lingyuan and Zhangwu county;the locust group from Beipiao city,Huanzhong county and Chaoyang county;the Pinus sylvestris group from Kangping county,slow growing poplar group from Yi county and Lianshan district.The results of the study have provided a solid foundation and theoretical basis and guiding significance for future selection of tree species in arid regions in northwestern Liaoning Province and the harmonious development of social economy,ecological and environment.
    The Close-to-nature Management Technology of Natural Secondary Forest in Mountainous Area of South Lanzhou
    WEI Qiang, CHAI Chunshan, LING Lei, QI Jianli
    2016,(5):  86-92.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.05.015
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    The forest in the southern mountain area of Lanzhou is a natural ecological barrier for Lanzhou city,its area size and ecological functions have a direct impact on the improvement of air quality in Lanzhou city.On the basis of investigation and research of this forest growth and management status,according to the close-to-nature forest management technology introduced from Germany and in combination with the local site conditions,the close-to-nature management technology for natural secondary forests such as Aspen birch forest,shrub forest etc was put forward,which aimed to accelerate the close-to-nature management process of natural secondary forest,transform the low quality,low efficiency and low yield forest into the close-to-nature forest of high productivity and achieve a stable ecosystem with diverse functions.
    Analysis and Evaluation of Superior Aleurites montana Fruits in Hunan Province
    ZHOU Yigang, DENG Guojiang, WANG Ruihui, HE Minghong, ZHOU Pu, ZHONG Cheng, FU Weinan, ZHOU Yangchao
    2016,(5):  93-97.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.05.016
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    30 optional trees were selected out by using the visual method,a comprehensive evaluation system was established based on fresh fruits weight,seed rate in fresh fruit,kernel rate in dry seed and oil rate in dry kernel.Furthermore,based on the evaluation system,19 superior trees were selected out from the 30 shortlisted trees.In the superior trees,mean value of the four indexes of the four trees at Grade Ⅰ were 58.61g,29.37%,60.29%,61.18%,respectively which were 109.51%,100.86%,118.56% and 127.64% of the optional trees.Mean value of the four indexes of the nine trees at Grade Ⅱ were 54.88g,29.80%,54.69% and 51.39% respectively,which were 102.35%,102.34%,107.55% and 107.22%of the optional trees.Mean value of the four indexes of the six trees at Grade Ⅲ were 58.88g,28.05%,49.23% and 47.12%,respectively,which were 109.81%,96.33%,96.81% and 98.31%.In conclusion,the comprehensive evaluation system was a scientific way for superior tree selection of A.montana in the south of Hunan.
    Bark and Water Content in Different Diameter Stems and Branches of Taxus yunnanensis
    LI Yongpeng, ZHANG Jinfeng, FENG Qian, WANG Lei, WEN Shuang, FANG Jun
    2016,(5):  98-102.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.05.017
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    With the development of Taxus industry,bark is becoming more important as the raw medicinal material due to the highest content of taxol in Taxus yunnanensis.With reference to classification of tree diameter class standard,the stem and branch diameter of Taxus yunnanensis in plantation could be divided into 5 classes.A study was carried out on 270 stem and branch samples from Kunming site and 67 samples from Yibin site.The result shows that the content of fresh bark weight varied from 12.88% to 28.98%,the content of dry bark weight varied from 11.01% to 26.36%.The mean water content of stem and branch is 53.89%,and of bark is 60.74%.The variety of water content with the increase of stem and branch diameter class is irregular.The content of fresh and dry bark weight decreased obviously when the stem and branch diameter increased.The relationship between the bark content and the stem and branch diameter could be described by the power function equation.
    Butterfly Diversity of Different Types of Habitats in Ziwuling National Nature Reserve of Shaanxi Province
    XU Shicai, WANG Li, SHEN Xuejian, LIU Lu
    2016,(5):  103-106.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.05.018
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    The butterfly species in Ziwuling National Nature Reserve of Shaanxi Province were studied based on samples collected in four typical Habitats:coniferous forest,broad-leaf forest,shrubbery and grassland.A total of 832 butterflies belonging to 6 families and 45 species were captured,of which the largest number of species and individual was Nymphalidae.In 4 habitats,the highest number of butterfly species was in broad-leaf forest,of which Nymphalidae was dominant family,while the least was in the grassland,of which Hesperiidae was dominant,it was moderate in coniferous forest and shrubbery,among which the dominant family was Pieridae in the former,but a dominant family was not obvious in the latter.The butterfly species diversity,richness,evenness and dominance index within the four kinds of habitats were calculated and analyzed.The results indicated that the habitat diversity,evenness and richness were highest in the broad leaved forest,and the dominance was the lowest,while the grassland habitat was the opposite,coniferous forest and shrubbery were in the middle.Except in the grassland habitats,the butterfly species abundance curves in the 3 habitats conformed to the lognormal distribution.
    Comprehensive Analysis of Growth,Stem Form and Resistance to Leptocybe invasa of Eucalyptus grandis Provenances
    ZHANG Zhaoyuan, XIANG Dongyun, XU Jianmin, SONG Xianchong, CHEN Fengfan
    2016,(5):  107-111.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.05.019
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    The growth,stem form and resistance to Leptocybe invasa of 9 provenances of Eucalyptus grandis were investigated.The results show that the resistance to Leptocybe invasa among 9 provenances was different,provenance SOUTH AFRIC 1/SAG-TER1 was the most sensitive and provenance SOUTH AFRIC 6/SAG-URO was the most insensitive.The growth traits had significant differences among different provenances,provenance SOUTH AFRIC 6/SAG-URO was the biggest and had significant differences with provenance 16892 and 17907.There was no significant difference of stem straightness and stem fullness among 9 provenances,but slight difference of branch status and significant differences of branching angle.The correlation analysis showed that there was significant or extremely significant correlation between growth traits and stem form traits,the correlation between tree height and damage situation was significantly negative correlation.According to the comprehensive analysis of Eucalyptus grandis provenances,provenance SOUTH AFRIC 6/SAG-URO has the best resistance to Leptocybe invasa and could act as superior provenances for the future resistance breeding.
    Suitability Assessment for Wetland Restoration—A Case Study of Caijiahe Wetland Restoration Project in Yanqing County,Beijing
    MA Muyuan, CUI Lijuan, WEI Yuanyun, YANG Si, ZHANG Manyin
    2016,(5):  112-117.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.05.020
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    Wetland restoration suitability evaluation is a prerequisite for wetland protection and restoration.A wetland restoration suitability evaluation index system was built to assess quantitatively the Caijiahe River wetland restoration potential and recovery planning was determined using SWOT analysis.The results showed that:(1) all three proposed recovery areas were in very suitable recovery state,plant conditions and land use are the main limiting factor for the wetland rehabilitation in this project;(2) recovery area 1 was designed to be mainly used for wetland education,recreational and leisure function,however,Areas 2 and 3 were designed to restore the habitats of wetland birds.The wetland restoration suitability evaluation in addition to the SWOT analysis could carry out a comprehensive assessment for wetland restoration planning effectively.This method not only provides a scientific basis for wetland restoration goal,wetland landscape layout and wetland restoration measures,but also is a useful decision support tool for wetland management after recovery.
    The Spatio-temporal Changes on Ecological Environment of the Lower Reaches of Luanhe River from 1985 to 2015
    CHEN Mingye, CHEN Lei, LIU Suhong, GAO Baojia
    2016,(5):  118-123.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.05.021
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    In order to study the spatio-temporal changes on ecological environment and influence factors of the lower reaches of Luanhe river, we collected the remote sensing image(1985—2015) and other ancillary data, and used supervised classification method to extract the dynamic change of ecological factors.The result show that:1) farmlands dominated in 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2015 covering about 1530.59km2, 1388.88km2, 1388.15km2, 1121.88km2, 1166.48km2, 1017.07km2 and 883.15km2 respectively, although farmland has been in a downward trend.2) From 1985 to 2015, the forest area and grass land has shown a rising trend, the rising rate of forest is 15.78km2 every five years, the rising rate of grass land is 9.23km2 every five years.3) The cultivated land area change is in a rapid decline trend in nearly 30 years, decline rate is 103.8km2 every five years.The building land area in 2015 is about three times of 1985, increase rate is 83.00km2 for every five years.The water area is in decline too, decline rate is 4.11km2 every five years.4) Expansion of cities and towns are the main factors influencing the ecological environment of the lower reaches of Luanhe river.
    Research Bulletin
    Study on Future Prospect of Dominant Tree Species in Natural Forests in Halaqingou Stream Valley,Mt.Daqingshan,Inner Mongolia
    HAN Peng, LIU Jun, LIU Guanzhi, WANG Dongni
    2016,(5):  124-130.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.05.022
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    Our research aims to broaden the spectrum of native ornamental tree species with high quality and optimize the arrangement of these tree species.We have expanded our study range into the wild region,Halaqingou stream valley of Daqingshan Mountain.Our research is focused on the potential landscape plants resources,especially dominant tree species,which can be foraged here.By using hierarchical sampling methods,plot investigation methods and important value analysis,the information concerning these wild dominant tree species in forest populations has been obtained.With reference to the works of Landscape Plants of Hohhot,we clarified the dominant tree species which have not been previously used in local urban green areas.Based on the previous studies,the highly valued landscape tree species can be defined by using the AHP methods to assess their values.In order to improve the accuracy of our research,the following elements are taken into consideration:the adaptability of the tree species in urban environment,the current situation and policy concerned with landscape building of Hohhot,and the main ornamental characteristics of these trees.It is concluded that there are 10 species out of the total 32 tree species in the study area have outstanding characteristics for landscape building and would be developed into popular ornamental tree species in the future.
    Forest Ecological Function Evaluation of the Honghuaerji Forestry Administration
    AN Huijun, ZHANG Zhijie, CHANG Zheng, ZHANG Jian, MA Yan, WANG Shuo, ZHANG Yuanjie
    2016,(5):  131-137.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.05.023
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    Honghuaerji Forestry Administration is the centralized distribution area of our country's natural Pinus sylvestris (Pinus sylvestris var.Mongolica).Pinus sylvestris accounts for 52 percent of the forest land,The proportion of Birch (Betula platyphylla) stands at 46 percent.Evaluating the ecological functions of the forestry administration,in order to develop sound forest management plan,provide a theoretical basis for guiding forest management.According to forest resources planning and design data in Honghuaerji,national continuous forest inventory assessment methods are used to evaluate the ecological functions of the forestry administration.The results showed that the forest eco-functional level in Honghuaerji is mainly at medium level,occupying a forest area about 93%;eco-functional levels for the good and bad ratings of the forest area are 4% and 3%;global forest ecological function index is 0.55,and the forest eco-functional level is “medium”.In accordance with the evaluation of each forest farm (nature reserve),the best ecological function of the forest is Honghuaerji Nature Reserve,and the worst is Baritu.According to each age group evaluation,the worst ecological function is in young stand forests,ecological functions of the remaining age groups were better than the average.According to species structure evaluation,the ecological function of deciduous broad-leaved forest,deciduous broad-leaved and coniferous forest,and broad-leaved mixed forest are better than pure coniferous forest,pure broad-leaved forest and relatively-pure coniferous forest.According to species origin evaluation,the ecological function of natural forest is better than plantation.
    Effects of Road Networks on the Forest Landscape and Change Characteristics along the Topographic Gradient—Taking Jiangle County of Fujian Province as an Example
    YE Limin, WU Wei, QIU Rongzu, HU Xisheng
    2016,(5):  138-143.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2016.05.024
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    Taking Jiangle County,Fujian Province as an example,forest landscapes were classified into 9 categories according to the dominant tree species.The forest landscape patterns and the changes of the forest landscape in different terrain factors were quantitatively compared in the road effect zone of 1 000m among the different grades of roads,such as provincial road,county road and village road in the same length.Results showed that the diversity level of the forest landscape in the provincial road was high at low altitude or shady slope,while the diversity level was high in village road in areas with high altitude or sunny slope.Fragmentation of forest landscape was serious in the low altitude or slope of village roads,the heavy fragmentation occurs at high altitude of county road.But fragmentation of forest landscape was the most serious in risk slope of provincial road.