
Table of Content

    28 October 2015, Issue 5
    Integrated Management and Administration
    Chinese Sample of Forestry Carbon Voluntary Trade —Set up Carbon Trade System and Monetize Ecological Products
    LI Nuyun,YUAN Jinhong
    2015,(5):  1-7.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.05.001
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    It is an effective way to realize the purpose of making clean water and green mountains into the gold and silver hills by driving the trade of ecological products such as forestry carbon sequestration.This paper introduces the first Farmer Households Forest Management Carbon Trade System in the world established by the China Green Carbon Foundation.The logic and trade pattern of the system is scientific and normative,strictly controlled,and closely connected.The trade trial in Lin’an City,Zhejiang Province is illustrated.It is also pointed out how important it is to help the forest farmers strengthen the results of collective forestry property rights system reform in the way of carbon trading,and how important it is to realize the monetization of ecological services in China in multiple channels.
    The Developmental Characteristics and Prospects of Timber Trade between China and Myanmar
    QIN Guangyuan,CHENG Baodong,ZHANG Jian
    2015,(5):  8-12.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.05.002
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    Myanmar is an important partner country of China on the timber trade.With the advantage of differences in forest resources endowment and geographic neighbor,the timber trade between China and Myanmar has developed rapidly.But since the international society has paid more and more attention to illegal logging and related trade,and the government of Myanmar banned the export of logs,timber trade between China and Myanmar would face strong uncertainty.The timber trade between China and Myanmar develops quickly but with some fluctuation,and there is some difference in different products;the prospects of timber trade between China and Myanmar are that shifting log trade to processing trade,shifting natural forest timber to manmade forest trade,shifting imperfect timber trade system to perfect timber trade system and shifting wood products trade to FDI.And finally this paper puts forward the revelation of the transformation of the China's timber trade.
    The Design and Implementation Strategies of Forest Carbon Sink Financial Products in Heilongjiang Province
    CUI Lijuan,HUANG Feng,JIA Li
    2015,(5):  13-17.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.05.003
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    The sustainable development and design of forest carbon sinks’ financial products is of great significance for the effective use of forest resources in Heilongjiang Province.Under the background of global warming and the limiting of carbon emission,the functions of forest carbon sinks gain more attention.Heilongjiang province is rich in forest resources which provide forest carbon sinks with the adequate capacity,but the development of forest carbon sinks market in Heilongjiang Province is far from being perfect and the product category is single,so the resource in Heilongjiang Province is hard to reach its true potential.As a result,to explore the forest carbon sink’s futures,forest carbon sink’s savings and forest carbon sink’s bonds,it is a good way to guarantee forest carbon sinks’ capacity in Heilongjiang by using the funds for reforestation and forest management.Meanwhile,the corresponding countermeasures are offered for forest carbon sinks sustainable development in Heilongjiang Province.
    Classification of Management Types of Non-commercial Forest in Dangchuan Forest Farm
    OUYANG Junxiang,ZHANG Ganggang,WANG Dexiang,LIU Wenzhen,GUO Xiaolong
    2015,(5):  18-25.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.05.004
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    Through statistical analysis of forest resources inventory and planning data for Dangchuan Forest farm in Xiaolongshan forest area,this paper aimed to expound the non-commercial forest characteristics and classify management types according to the origin of the forest,tree species (groups),site types and management objectives.The results showed natural forest was in the majority,the forest category structure was relatively simple,it was mainly the water source conservation forest,especially the Pinus armandii,Quercus spp.,Betula albosinensis,Betula platyphylla forests,etc.The volume of per unit area for mixed forest was significantly higher than pure coniferous forest and pure broad-leaved forest.Forest age structure is unreasonable,middle-aged forest and nearmature forest were dominant.Four site types,such as middle geomorphology & shady slope & thinner soil layer & steep slope,had bigger volume and area proportion of non-commercial forests.2 430 subcompartments of non-commercial forest can be divided into 29 management types.This will provide theoretical basis and practical guidance to form complete management measures for non-commercial forest in Xiaolongshan.
    Study on Provincial Assessment Indice System of Forestry Eco-civilization Construction —A Case Study of Guangdong Province
    YANG Yuanzhi,DENG Jianfeng,JIANG Jie,LI Aiying
    2015,(5):  26-31.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.05.005
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    Scientific forestry eco-civilization construction assessment indice system is useful for measuring the ecological civilization development status and guiding the construction of eco-civilization.Provincial forestry eco-civilization construction assessment indice system was established from 4 dimensions such as forestry eco-security,eco-economy,eco-culture and ecological management with case study of 21 prefecture-level cities in Guangdong Province.Heyuan is the highest scoring(39.95) and Foshan is the lowest(13.94) from the dimension of forestry eco-security.Zhaoqing is the highest scoring(24.72) and Shantou is the lowest(9.24) from the dimension of eco-economy.Huizhou is the highest scoring(18.96) and Jieyang is the lowest(13.56) from the dimension of forestry eco-culture.Zhuhai,Shenzhen,Zhanjiang,Shantou and Shanwei cities provided a strong ecological management support for forestry eco-civilization construction such as forest fire prevention,forestry talent team and nursery stock production.Zhaoqing,Huizhou,Qingyuan and Shaoguan were above 90 points by comprehensive assessment.
    Evaluation on Eco-environmental Quality of the Wetlands at Yushu Prefecture of the Three-river Source Region in Qinghai Province
    LIU Jianjun,SONG Minwei
    2015,(5):  32-35.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.05.006
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    Based on the remote sensing satellite monitoring,line transect and sample investigation methods and spot observation method,the wetland resources at Yushu prefecture of the three-river source region in Qinghai Province were studied.Meanwhile,based on the Delphi and AHP analysis methods,eco-environmental quality of the wetlands at Yushu prefecture was assessed.The results indicate that the total area of the wetlands at Yushu prefecture of the three-river source region in Qinghai Province is about 2 634 425.03hm2,divided into 3 classes,8 types,all as natural-wetland.According to the classification,wetland composition proportion decreasingly ranks as swamp wetland,river wetland and lake wetland;at meantime,according to the county territory,decreasingly ranks as Zhiduo county,Qumalai county,Zaduo county,Chengduo county,Yushu city,Nangqian county.The results also indicate that the eco-environmental qualities of the wetlands at Zhiduo county,Qumalai county,Zaduo county and Chengduo county have achieved top rating,Yushu city and Nangqian county have achieved the average rating,to sum up,Yushu prefecture has achieved the fair average rating in netland eco-environment quality.
    Scientific Research
    Research of Key Technology for National Forest-land “One Map” Database
    XU Dengping,LI Hui,PANG Lijie,ZHANG Yuxing,HUANG Guosheng,HAN Aihui
    2015,(5):  36-43.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.05.007
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    In this study,we introduced the contents of forest-land “one map” for the county,provincial and national levels,and studied the key technologies of forest-land “one map” information extraction,data check and the integration of database.Based on the WebService,we designed and developed a data management and service platform of national forest-land “one map”,and operated it online.lastly,the data application for forest-land “one map” was discussed.
    Study on Graded Compensation for Ecological Forests in Zhuzhou
    CHEN Zhen,SHI Chengyuan,BIAN Gengzhan,Lü Yong
    2015,(5):  44-49.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.05.008
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    The premise for the compensation of ecological forest is scientifically and fairly the compensation standards for ecological forest.Based on the data of the forest resources planning and design research,the ecological forest compensation factors in Zhuzhou were set up and the compensation factors were calculated.Based on the current ecological forest compensation in Zhuzhou,the standard of compensation in Zhuzhou is 120+CF×100 Yuan per hectare and per year.
    Comparison of Shrub and Grass Carbon Density in the Different Types of Climate of the Middle Reaches of the Yellow River
    DI Fuhong
    2015,(5):  50-54.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.05.009
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    In order to understand the differences of carbon density of shrub and grass in the middle reaches of the Yellow River in different climate types,three different climate(sub) areas in Shanxi province were chosen as the research objects on the basis of detailed investigation.In the typical area of each of three different climate(sub) areas the carbon density of shrubs,grass,their fine roots and surrounding soils was determined.The results showed that the trend of variation of carbon density of shrub and grass vegetation was evident from north to south in the middle reaches of the Yellow River with an increase in temperature and precipitation.The vegetation carbon density increased significantly and the carbon density of grass was higher than that of shrub;the carbon density difference in shrub between the ground and underground parts was bigger,whereas the carbon density difference in grass between the ground and underground parts was smaller.Moreover,the distribution pattern of shrub and grass between the ground and underground parts were similar.The soil organic carbon was mainly distributed in the 0~20 cm range of depth.In the northern,central and southern parts soil carbon density decreased with the increase of soil depth and soil carbon density in southern part was significantly higher than that in the northern part.
    Remote Sensing Estimation of Pine Volume Based on Different Site Quality
    LIU Jun,MENG Xue,WEN Xiaorong,LIN Guozhong, SHE Guanghui,LI Yun,LIU Xuehui,XU Da
    2015,(5):  55-60.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.05.010
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    It is very important to estimate forest volume in forest system.Taking Jiande as the research area,and using TM image(2007) and the fifth(2007) forest resource survey data,we established and evaluated the precise of the volume remote sensing estimation model,which was on pine trees with or without the discrete quality grades.Site quality grade according to the average height of the small class and the average age of the establishment of the status table is divided into three types good,medium and poor.Total volume of the sub-compartment is the dependent variable,and each individual remote sensing content is the independent variable.The results are:1.the first principal component analysis of R2 Landsat TM image is the best,the correlation of determination is more than 0.54,the highest is 0.802;2.The reserved independent sample on the accuracy of the model is validated,without the discrete site quality grades,the overall level of quality estimation accuracy was 87.64%,with the site quality grades the overall level of quality estimation accuracy was 94.14%,95.32%,92.38% respectively,the classification modeling precision is much better than the unified modeling accuracy.The research results provide an improved method for the estimation of forest volume,and provide a reference for improving the accuracy of forest biomass and carbon storage estimation.
    Populus euphratica Seedling Root Growth Characteristics under Different Water Treatment
    BAI Haixia,ZHANG Ronghua,ZHANG Xianhui,WANG Long,Lü Shuang,LI Jingwen
    2015,(5):  61-66.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.05.011
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    To determine water stress is the key factor influencing the Populus euphratica seedling growth and survival rate,and seedling response to moisture.We took Populus euphratica seeds as study material to study Populus euphratica seedling root growth characteristics for different relative water content by the soil pot method.The results showed that Populus euphratica seedling root surface area decreased with decreasing of soil moisture,and the seedling root surface area by intermittent treatment was slightly larger than the treatment given by continuous treatment when the water content was in the same conditions.The seedling root biomass by intermittent treatment was significantly less than the seedlings under continuous treatment,and the minimum root biomass occurred when soil water content was only 5%.It evidenced that the state of drought stress influences seedling root biomass accumulation.Root length of continuous water treatment was greater than the length of the intermittent treatment in the moisture gradient,but the root width to depth ratio was less than that of the seedling by intermittent treatment.The lateral branching angle of seedlings by intermittent treatment was greater than that of the continuous ones.This study verified the water stress was the key factor influencing Populus euphratica’s seedling growth.And the seedlings can change the expansion direction and the accumulation of biomass to adapt to the state of drought stress.
    Architectural Analysis of Fokienia hodginsii and Its Variant Types at Different Growth Stages
    HUANG Yunpeng,FAN Fanrong,SU Songjin,WANG Bangfu,ZHOU Dongxiong,WU Jianlin
    2015,(5):  67-69.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.05.012
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    The crown structure,branching characteristics and leaf characteristics of Fokienia hodginsii and its variant types at different growth stages were studied in this paper.The results showed that their adaptation strategy to the environmental conditions was different.The crown length,crown width and crown ratio of F.hodginsii variant types were all smaller than F.hodginsii;while the tree height and diameter at breast height were all significantly larger than F.hodginsii.The overall bifurcation ratio,stepwise bifurcation ratio,length of the first order branch,ratio of branch diameter and leaf angle to horizon of F.hodginsii were all larger than its variant types.As for the F.hodginsii and its variant types,the difference of overall bifurcation ratio was non-significant at the seedling stage and sapling stage,and significant at thetree spanning stage;the difference of stepwise bifurcation ratio SBR2:1 was significant at the seedling stage and tree spanning stage,and the stepwise bifurcation ratio of other growth stage were non-significant;the difference of length of the first order branch,ratio of branch diameter and leaf angle to horizon were all significant at the seedling stage,sapling stage and tree spanning stage.The leaf length of the F.hodginsii and its variant types was significantly different at the seedling stage;the leaf width and leaf length to width ratio of the F.hodginsii and its variant types were significantly different at the sapling stage and spanning tree stage;and the leaf area was significantly different at the seedling stage,sapling stage and tree spanning stage.
    Study on Growth Differences of 18-year-old Plantation of Schima superba Gardn.et Champ. among Different Slope Orientation and Slope Positions
    CHEN Cong,LI Zhiliang,LUO Wanye,ZHANG Qinyuan,ZENG Wei
    2015,(5):  70-75.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.05.013
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    Growth differences of Schima superba Gardn.et Champ. at different slope orientation and slope positions were studied.The result showed that there was significant difference in DBH,tree height,individual volume at different slope orientation and slope positions.In the southern slope,the average DBH at downslope was 9.17cm.The average tree height at downslope was 8.10m.The average individual volume at downslope was 0.031617m3.In the north slope,the average DBH at downslope was 8.84cm.The average tree height at downslope was 7.83m.The average individual volume at downslope was 0.027923m3.All growth mean indexes of mid-slope were higher respectively than those at upslope,which was less than those downslope.Sunny slope orientation was better than shady slope orientation.Growth at downslope was best,was better mid-slope and worst upslope.Slope orientation and slope positions were the important factors influencing canopy of plantations.There were significant differences in slope orientation at living branch height and crown,except dead branch height.There were significant differences in different slope positions at living branches height,dead branch height and crown.The tree height and DBH were respectively significantly associated with living branch height,dead branch height and crown.The mean DBH/H showed that height growth can be seen instead of radial growth with the rising of slope position.There was less interference in the stand of Schima superba Gardn.et Champ.,which produces a small amount of sprouting.It showed that sprouting was related to interference.
    Research on Characteristics of Two Kinds of Natural Vegetation in the Oasis Edge of the Northeast Ulanbuh Desert
    MA Yingbin,HAO Yuguang,HUANG Yaru,XU Jun
    2015,(5):  76-80.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.05.014
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    The study was conducted on Nitraria tangutorum Bobr.and Artemisia ordosica Krasch which are the common natural plants in the artificial oasis edge of the northeast Ulanbuh desert based on the plant community and individual characteristics.The results showed that Nitraria tangutorum and Artemisia ordosica community structurs are relatively simple,the Nitraria tangutorum community environment is better than that of Artemisia ordosica. The aboveground biomass of Nitraria tangutorum is significantly higher than Artemisia ordosica(P<0.05),the discrepancy of branch diameter,height and crown between two plants has no significant difference(P>0.05).There is significant positive correlation between aboveground biomass,height and crown of Nitraria tangutorum,while there is no significant correlation among the growth indexes of Artemisia ordosica.
    Assessment of Soil Fertility of Continuous Plantation of Chinese Fir Based on Principal Component and Cluster Analysis
    QIN Zuoyu,TANG Jian,CAO Jizhao,WANG Huili,DENG Xiaojun,PAN Bo
    2015,(5):  81-87.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.05.015
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    In this paper,soil pH value,the organic matter,total nitrogen,and available nitrogen (fifteen indexes) were chosen as evaluation indexes in principal component analysis in order to provide data supports for sustainable forest management of the continuous planting of Chinese fir in Guangxi,and offer the references to the soil fertility quality assessment of forest ecosystems of other regions.Soil fertility quality between the first and second generations of the young Chinese fir plantations were further assessed with principal component analysis and clustering analysis methods.The results were showed as following:macronutrient contents and secondary element contents were the pivotal factors for the soil fertility quality in the study area with comprehensive scores from -1.253 to 1.536.Among three Chinese fir producing areas,negative values occupied most.Soil fertility status of continuous planting of the young Chinese fir plantations could be divided into eight ranks by clustering analysis,that each root soil was divided into a separate rank,in which soil fertility was higher.Soil in the region of Guangxi(except for the root soil) and 20~40cm soil could be classified into a category,in which soil fertility was lowest.Other soils could be classified into a category,consequently plenty of organic and compound fertilizer are uesd for the fields of low soil fertility.The Soil fertility quality of the second generation of the young Chinese fir plantations was slightly higher the first one,it may be a temporary effect because of the forest management measures,for example,burning and cutting ways.Therefore,the forest managenments to fertilize the soil was proposed for prevention of land capability degradation.
    Research on Selection and Characteristics Analysis of Forest Landscape Patches Coupling System
    LI Rui,LI Jiping,YUAN Xiaohong,CAO Xiaoyu,ZHANG Lili
    2015,(5):  88-94.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.05.016
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    In the scale of landscape,“the forest landscape patch coupling system” was raised,and was discussed from the coupling system construction condition,construction method and screening method.Furthermore,combined with the landscape index,statistics were carried out to the patch types of the coupling system for characteristics analysis.The results were as follows:1)Threshold value X when equal to 30%,was set as the ration between the number of patches that can be easily affected by human interference and the number of total patches.When screening the coupling,the type of the coupling patches should be greater than or equal to the proportion of different patches in the study area,which was set as the threshold value Y.When Y was equal to 50%,information of the selected coupling system can represent all the others,which was a rational approach.2)Giant coupling system was mainly located in the mountains or in remote mountainous areas,micro coupling system was mainly concentrated in the nearby villages or residential areas,the inside patch of these coupling system can be easily affected by human interference.3)Index of giant coupling system were the best,was the most ideal coupling system.Micro coupling was poor.Large and medium-sized couplings were in the middle level and should be the focus because of its large number.The screening and analysis of the coupling system can provide a basis for the next step research on flow of the energy and material inside the coupling system.
    Dynamic Change Research on Ecological Vulnerability of Forestland in Wuzhishan City
    LU Yu,SHE Jiyun,LIU Liwu,SHE Yuchen
    2015,(5):  95-102.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.05.017
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    In this paper,the forestland in Wuzhishan City was taken as a research subject and the AHP method,Principal Component Analysis and GIS technology were used for the dynamic research on the landscape pattern and ecological sensitivity to the forestland of Wuzhishan city in the years of 1998,2003,2007 and 2012.The results showed that:1) The ecological vulnerability of forestland types in 2012 was:economic forest>Eucalyptus>bamboo>shrub economic forest>broadleaf mixed forest>other hardwood category>other shrub forest>coniferous forest.The area of forestland in terms of slight,light,moderate,heave and extreme vulnerability occupied 13.19%,18.47%,19.58%,23.02% and 25.74%.2) The ecological vulnerability of forestland types in the city increased first and then slightly decreased during 1998 to 2012.Human disturbance is the main driving factor to this change in ecological vulnerability of forestland.3) The ecological vulnerability of forestland in the city had a correlation with the degree of polymerization,and had a significant correlation with patch density index and connection index.The variation trend of the ecological vulnerability of forestland is polarized first,become stable and then deteriorate rapidly.4) Topography is the source which affects the distribution and change of ecological vulnerability of forestland in the city.
    Study on Ecological Restoration Mode in Alpine Valley Area —A Case Study of Lushui County of Nujiang City
    BAO Huashu,DING Yang,LI Yimin
    2015,(5):  103-109.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.05.018
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    The adjustment of land use type and the spatial distribution directly affect the ecological effects of different land types.Spatial configuration of reasonable land use would be of great significance to maintenance,repair and protecttion of the ecological environment.The ecosystem of the alpine valley area suffered severe damage due to its fragile ecology and human activities,and the difficulty of ecological restoration is greater than other area.This study was conducted in the typical alpine valley ecological fragile area in Nujiang with GIS and based on local conditions,topography,population and local special industry.The analysis and evaluation were carried out on the ecological restoration mode and implementation measures.
    Effects of Different Vegetation Restoration Types on Soil Structure in Iron Tailings —A case Study of Malanzhuang Iron Tailings
    HUANG Qiuxian,CHEN Ying,CHE Xiaoyu,Li Yuling
    2015,(5):  110-116.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.05.019
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    In order to investigate the role of different vegetation restoration patterns on soil structure in iron tailings,Tangshan Qian'an Malanzhuang Iron tailings were taken as research.This paper selected 5 typical slope woodland tailings,they are Sabina vulgaris,Amorpha fruticosa and Pinus tabuliformis mixed,Amorpha fruticosa,Rhus typhina,Hippophae rhamnoides as the research object,measured in its soil mechanical composition,aggregate content,soil bulk density,soil porosity,soil moisture,and analyzed with bare tailings.The results were as follows:1)Gravel content of 6 plots from high to low was:R.typhina forest(23.1%)>mixed forest(10.4%)>bare tailings(9.2%)>S.vulgaris forest(5.4%)>A.fruticosa forest(4.0%)>H.rhamnoides forest(2.2%);2)Large aggregate content of 6 plots from high to low was:H.rhamnoides forest(33.7%)>A.fruticosa forest(29.3%)>S.vulgaris forest(28.7%)>bare tailings(18.3%)>mixed forest(13.6%)>R.typhina forest(11.7%).Sequence coincides with the reverse sequence of gravel content.3)The bulk of the R.typhina forest was equal to the bare tailings,and others were lower than bare tailings after revegetation.The effect of A.fruticosa forest to bulk seemed to be most prominent,which reduced 12.1%.4)Except non capillary porosity of H.rhamnoides forest lower than bare tailings,total porosity of soil,capillary porosity and non capillary porosity of the rest fields had all increased visibly.The top two plots is S.vulgaris forest and A.fruticosa forest.5)The most obvious improvement effect to field capacity and capillary moisture capacity was S.vulgaris,followed by R.typhina,mixed forest improvement was not significant.In summary,S.Vulgaris and mixed forest types had better comprehensive improvement of physical properties of different deep layer of soil and organic matter.
    Time-space Distribution Pattern of Wintering Shorebirds in Leizhou Peninsula Mangrove Wetland
    LIU Yiming,XU Fanghong,LIN Guangxuan, ZHANG Wei,MENG Xiangli,YU Nana,LIU Jun
    2015,(5):  117-125.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.05.020
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    We conducted the study of the time-space distribution pattern of shorebirds in winters from 2010 to 2014.Line transect method and sample point method were applied as the investigation methods for the investigation of the species,quantity,distribution habitat and region of shorebirds and the calculation of indexes including species diversity,evenness,density,dominance and similarity.Totally,32 species of shorebirds were recorded,including:19 species of China-Japan migrant birds,18 species of China-Australia migrant birds and 3 species that are listed in CITES Appendix II;27 species of winter birds,5 species of passing migrant birds,31 species of Palearctic Realm and 1 species of wide-distributed pattern.The results showed that 2013 was the year with highest species number,individual number,diversity index and density;tidal flat habitat was the habitat with highest species number,diversity,evenness and dominance index;culture pond habitat had the greatest density;Jiulong Mountain has the most abundant species number;Fucheng city had the highest species number,diversity and density,and Gaoqiao had the highest evenness.According to the analysis of results,we concluded that Mangrove Wetland in Leizhou Peninsula belongs to one of the important wintering ground which was in accordance with international important wetland standards for shorebirds.The community characteristics of wintering shorebirds in Mangrove Wetland of Leizhou Peninsula had no significant difference in the period from 2010 to 2014,but the number of individuals had some fluctuations.Wintering shorebirds were mainly distributed in tidal flat habitat and culture pond habitat.Tidal flat habitat can accommodate larger community,so shorebirds prefer to seek for food in tidal flat habitat.But in winter,culture pond habitat is also a nice place for food supplement.The Mangrove Wetland in Leizhou Peninsula should be protected as a whole.
    Technical Application
    The Design of the B/S-based Nature Reserve Information Management System
    WANG Hongxia,WANG Bing,LI Baoyu,NIU Xiang,LIU Zuying
    2015,(5):  126-131.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.05.021
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    Breaking away from the traditional paper data and maps,on the basis of general operation of management information system which includes the data query and modification,GIS and multimedia technologies are used to realize synchronous share of the resource data,organization and office information data of the nature reserve.We take multidimensional batch processing to resources data analysis,institutional information with multimedia form,humanized office information processing as the goal to establish a set of complete nature reserve information management system for use within the reserve administration based on B/S model,which is able to improve the management efficiency of analysis and decision,increase the data security,perfect the data sorting specification and the conditions of office level and achieve dynamic integration of information in real time.
    Design and Implementation of the Hubei Forestry Administrative Examination and Approval System
    YUAN Chuanwu,LUO Yong,GAO Zhiyuan
    2015,(5):  132-138.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.05.022
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    In this paper,with the help of the advanced system architectures(SOA,DCOM),3S integration technology(GIS,RS,GPS),computer simulation,digitization of business processes,massive heterogeneous data processing technology,and based on the characteristics of administrative examination and approval of forestry,a forestry administrative examination and approval system has been developed.The system standardized approval process to achieve a proactive information disclosure,approval of the whole process of regulatory approval,and provided an efficient high-quality,standardized and transparent “one-stop” service for forest enterprises and the public.This realized the intelligent network management for forestry administrative approval and improved the service functions and administrative efficiency.
    Research Bulletin
    Study on the Evaluation of Forestry Sustainable Development in Yunnan Province Based on the Extension Method
    HUANG Yuan,MAI Qiangsheng
    2015,(5):  139-144.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.05.023
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    An extension evaluation model is established based on twenty evaluation indexes for sustainable forestry development in Yunnan Province.The evaluation results show that the forestry in Yunnan Province was weak in terms of sustainable development in 2012,and achieved basically sustainable development in 2013.The analysis results indicate that economic and ecological benefits have improved significantly,with a slight increase in social benefits.Hence,in order to realize strong sustainability of forestry development in Yunnan Province,it is needed to continue to support the forestry industry,adjust the industrial structure of forestry and make full use of forest resources for promoting employment and improving economic,ecological and social benefits.
    Assessment on Tourism Ecological Health of the Nature Reserve —A Case Study of Xinqing Hooded Crane Nature Reserve in Heilongjiang Province
    ZHOU Bin,ZHONG Linsheng,WANG Ling′en,ZHANG Shengrui
    2015,(5):  145-150.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.05.024
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    This paper has taken Xinqing Hooded Crane Nature Reserve as an example,established the evaluation index system of tourism ecological health with pressure-state-response framework model,calculated the weights of evaluation indexes by least square method.Comprehensive evaluation method is adopted to obtain the evaluation results of nature reserve tourism ecological health by indexes measurement and investigation.The research results show that:the tourism ecological health index of Xinqing Hooded Crane Natue Reserve is 7.600,which is a health grade;In view of this,the following measure should be adopted to strengthen management which include building tourism ecological health target management mechanism,implementing of tourism environmental audit system,perfecting the tourism ecological monitoring and early warning system,building tourism ecological compensation mechanism,and encouraging tourism community participation in tourism environmental protection.
    Zoning Appraisement for Eco-tourism in Poyang Lake Wetlands
    XIE Dongming,JIN Guohua
    2015,(5):  151-156.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.05.025
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    The natural resources and the ecosystem service functions are the basis for sustainable development of tourism.However,the tourism may probably destroy them if the natural resources are not well preserved.Consequently,it is very necessary to appraise the importance for tourism development.The paper takes Poyang wetlands,the largest freshwater lake in China as a sample based on the 3S and the theory of ecological function zoning.The result shows that there are plenty of resources for tourism development in Poyang wetlands.Because of the dissimilarity of geographical space and the diversity of natural ecosystem,there is a different suitability for ecological tourism in different areas in Poyang wetlands.The most suitable area for tourism is located in the Jinxian county,Poyang county and Xingzi county,and the total area is about 1 300km2,almost one third of the area in Poyang wetlands.The three counties have their own individual advantages and challenges in tourism development.Jinxian county is located in Nanchang city,the capital of Jiangxi Province,its geographical location is good for developing tourism.Poyang county has plenty of tourism resources and the national wetland park in it has developed for a long time,and Xingzi county is near Lushan with well-known tourism landscape in China.Therefore,it is necessary to make scientific planning and optimize the industry contents for sustainable tourism development.
    Study on Development of Forest Experience Based on the Forest Multifunctional Use —Taking Xishan Forest Park in Kunming as an Example
    ZHENG Rumin,CHEN Xinfeng,CHENG Xiping,Zhen Shuo,HE Pingge,GUO Xue
    2015,(5):  157-161.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.05.026
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    Forest experience flourishes and becomes a new way for people to relieve stress,gain knowledge,get physical and mental pleasure in the background that experience economy will replace the service economy to become the main economic form.Selecting Xishan Forest Park as a case,the study analyze the current status of its forest experience based on the concept,characteristics of the forest experience,and find that there are problems in terms of theme image,developing ways and degrees,professional talents and ideas,etc.Countermeasures and suggestions are put forward on definiting the theme park image,conducting thematic products on forest experience,building the professional services of forest experience,strengthening the ideas and concepts of forest experience,to provide a theoretical reference to the development and use of forest multifunctions in our country and approaches to the development of activities of forest experience in forest parks.
    Investigation and Selection of Superior Tree of Lagerstroemia indica Germplasm Resources in Fujian Province
    FAN Huihua,LI Qianzhen,TANG Xinghao,YAO Xiangming,ZHANG Tianyu
    2015,(5):  162-165.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.05.027
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    In order to obtain further knowledge about the status of Lagerstroemia indica germplasm resources in Fujian Province,investigation was conducted on main Lagerstroemia indica distribution area,natural germplasm resources and main cultivated area.And observation was done on the sample plants for three consecutive years.The results show that there are a total of 34 varieties,belonging to the silver eu series,red eu and Lagerstroemia indica series,of which silver micro series has 11,red eu series has 13,Lagerstroemia indica series has 10;Nine(9) superior strains of Lager stroemia indica with high or namental value and strong controvariance resistance are preliminarily sellected.
    The Effect of Different Container Sizes on the Early Stage of the Quecrus variabilis Seedling Growth
    Lü Qingtian,LI Guolei,LIU Jiajia,MA Changming
    2015,(5):  166-171.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.05.028
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    To study the effect of different container sizes on the seedling raising of Quecrus variabilis and growth condition after afforestation,we use single factor randomized block design completely.The results suggest that container size A has greater influence on the seedling raising of Quecrus variabilis and growth condition after afforestation.The specific indicators of A are as follows:height is 36 cm,diameter is 6.4 cm,volume is 983 cm3,the form is deep cone.The seedling growth is the best in container size A.The height and ground diameter of Quecrus variabilis in the container are 47.9cm and 4.23cm.The Quecrus variabilis has good performance after afforestation and its survival rate reaches 100%.After afforestation the height and ground diameter of Quecrus variabilis are 63.5cm and 6.64cm,and it performs well on photosynthetic characteristics.Therefore,treatment A is the best choice for seedling raising and afforestation of Quecrus variabilis,in other words,the increase of the container volume and the depth can improve the growth of seedlings.
    New Development in Other Countries
    Exploration of the Forest Resource Management System of the United States and Some Enlightenment
    HAN Lu
    2015,(5):  172-179.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2015.05.029
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    This paper has analyzed the current forest resource situation in the United States,and found that their management concepts are advanced,management system is highly sufficient,ownership clear and definite,management strictly follows the laws.Based on the explorations and China’s actual situation,the article puts forward five suggestions,such as clarifying the ownership,promoting reforms,perfecting regulations etc.