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    28 February 2020, Issue 1
    Table of Contents
    Contents and Cover
    2020,(1):  0-0. 
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    Integrated Management and Administration
    A Study on Integration and Optimization Rules and Paths for Natural Protected Areas in China
    TANG Xiaoping, LIU Zengli, MA Wei
    2020,(1):  1-10.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.01.001
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    The integration and optimization for natural protected areas are important tasks for the construction of scientific and reasonable natural protected areas system and ecological civilization in the new era. According to ‘Guidelines on the establishment of a natural protected areas system dominated by national parks’,we determined the aims,objects,tasks and principles of integration and optimization for natural protected areas in China. At the same time,rules about system transformation,integration,optimization and division,as well as paths along planning,confirmation and practice had been refined for the integration and optimization of natural protected areas. In addition,we developed management styles by classification and division,and support systems of organization,team,capital and technology for natural protected areas after the integration and optimization. In conclusion,our study aimed to provide theoretical foundation and technical guidance for integration and optimization for natural protected areas,establish an integrated,standardized,and effective system with Chinese characteristics,so as to support and promote construction and management of natural protected areas.

    Risk-coping Strategies for Forest and Grassland Fires in China
    BAI Ye, WU Yingda, WANG Bo, SHI Kuan
    2020,(1):  11-14.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.01.002
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    Forest and grassland fire seriously threatens life,property and social harmony and stability,and destroys ecological environment and wildlife habitat.Based on the comparison between Australia and field,on the basis of forest fire,based on the forest fire data from 2000 to 2019 in our country,from the abnormal climate,increased combustibles,increased fire hazards,and ineffective fighting four aspects analyzes our country existing forest steppe fire potential risks,from giving full play to the advantages of system,strengthening the fire prevention,strengthen early warning surveillance and enhance the level of emergency,growth of advantage of aviation five aspects put forward the corresponding suggestion,in order to promote forest steppe fire will provide a scientific basis for prevention and control ability.

    An In-depth Study on China's Carbon Market Matching
    ZHU Yalu, GU Guangtong, WU Weiguang
    2020,(1):  15-21.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.01.003
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    The article is based on the carbon quota trading data of China's eight pilot carbon markets from formal trading to March 1,2019.Through the use of propensity score matching method,the paper analyzes the matching depth of the carbon market,and on this basis,studies the carbon market compatibility and Cause Analysis.The results show that at present,46% of the two carbon markets in China's carbon market cannot be matched,and another more than 53% of the two carbon markets can be matched,and more than 93% of the carbon market match depth is between 49% and 53%.Shenzhen and Fujian carbon markets have strong compatibility,and the compatibility of different transaction types in Shenzhen carbon market is quite different.The resulting different compatibility may be related to the regionality of institutions such as quota allocation schemes and offset mechanisms,regulatory agencies,laws and regulations.

    Inventory and Characteristic Analysis for Ancient and Famous Tree Resources in Mangshi,Yunnan Province
    ZHU Kun, DAI Jiping, PANG Jing, HAN Xu, ZUO Xiang, PENG Jiansong
    2020,(1):  22-29.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.01.004
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    Based on the investigation of the current situation of ancient and famous trees in Mangshi City,and the analysis of the resource characteristics,spatial distribution pattern and growth status of ancient and famous trees,the results show that there are 1028 ancient and famous trees in Mangshi area,belonging to 32 species,23 genera,17 families.Taking local tree species such as Ficus altissima as the main dominant species,the age of trees is pyramid structure,and the spatial distribution is a pattern of gathering in the central urban area and gradually radiating around.Human activities have little impact on ancient trees.There is a strong correlation(p=-0.959)between the altitude and the number of ancient trees.There is a nonlinear positive correlation among DBH(mainly Ficus altissima),crown diameter and tree height,and the increase of tree age will not affect the appearance and growth of tree species.The ancient and famous trees resources in the suburbs will become the focus of protection for the management departments in the future.The study comprehensively analyzed the status of ancient tree resources in the city from various perspectives,which can provide reference for the protection of ancient and famous trees.

    Scientific Research
    Developing Tree-level and Stand-level Growth Rate Models for Major Tree Species in Hebei Province
    ZENG Weisheng, CAO Yingchun, CHEN Xinyun, ZHAO Lianqing
    2020,(1):  30-37.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.01.005
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    Based on the data of permanent plots measured in 2001,2006,2011,2016 in Hebei province from the 6 th to 9 th national forest inventories of China,tree-level dbh(diameter at breast height)growth rate and volume growth rate models for 18 tree species and stand-level volume growth rate models for 12 tree species group were developed using nonlinear regression method.The results show that the MPEs(mean prediction errors)of the tree-level models are almost less than 3%,and the MPSEs(mean percent standard errors)are almost less than 10% for dbh growth rate models and less than 20% for volume growth rate models.For stand-level volume growth rate models,the MPEs are almost less than 5%,and the MPSEs are almost less than 25%.The models developed in this study can provide technical basis for implementing annual updating of forest resource data in Hebei province.

    The Prediction of Suitable Areas of Four Species Including Populuseuphratica in Xinjiang
    SHI Haobo, LI Lu, LU Haiyan, SUN Guili, WANG Guihua
    2020,(1):  38-46.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.01.006
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    According to the meteorological data of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and the known species distribution of Populuseuphratica, Halimodendronhalodendron, Lyciumruthenicum,and Glycyrrhizauralensis,the combination of Arcgis and MaxEnt model was used to carry out the growth of Populuseuphratica and other three plants predictionsin Xinjiang.The results showed that the suitablearea of Populuseuphratica, Halimodendronhalodendron, Lyciumruthenicum and Glycyrrhizauralensis accounted for 40.79%,38.54%,41.99% and 30.55% of the total area of Xinjiang,respectively.The two meteorological factors with the highest contribution rate to Populuseuphratica distribution are average relative humidity and average day and night temperature difference;the two meteorological factors with the highest contribution rate to the distribution of Halimodendronhalodendron and Lyciumruthenicum are the isothermal and the coldest month.The two meteorological factors with the highest contribution rate to Glycyrrhizauralensis distribution prediction are isothermal and annual average day and night temperature difference.The ROC curve is verified to show that the prediction result is accurate.Combined with the analysis results of the contribution rate of each factor by jackknife method,it is concluded that the meteorological conditions suitable for 4 plants are:average humidity above 60%,annual average day and night temperature difference below 25.5 °C or 27.25~27.5 °C,the isothermality is between 36 and 36.5,and the lowest temperature of the coldest month is greater than-20 °C.

    The Optimization and Evaluation of Age-class Structure of Dominant Tree Species in Neihuang Forest Farm
    WANG Lulu, LIU Xueqiang, WANG Lixia, MA Shunxing, MA Ruiting, YAN Dongfeng
    2020,(1):  47-53.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.01.007
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    Age-class structure is the main aspect reflecting whether the stand structure is reasonable,and establishing a forest harvest adjustment model is an important way to optimize and adjust the age-class structure.In this study,dominant tree species of Populus and Robiniapseudoacacia were surveyed in Neihuang Forest Farm of Henan province,based on the forest inventory data in the forest farm in 2018,the linear and target planning methods were used to optimize the age structure of the dominant tree species in the forest farm,and euclidean distance and balance rate were used to evaluate the adjustment structure.The results showed that the area distribution of each age-class was balanced at the end of the adjustment period,and the balance rate of the age structure of the two tree species reached 0.96,and the euclidean distance was reduced to more than 85%,and among them, Robiniapseudoacacia was reduced by 100% among the two tree species,which was close to the normal state.The yields of dominant tree species Populus and Robiniapseudoacacia reached 68059.3m3 and 15358.4m3 during the adjustment period,respectively,and the end-of-season stocks accounted for 127.6% and 46.5% of the beginning of the period.The carbon stocks of dominant tree species Populus and Robiniapseudoacacia reached 26797.4 t and 4415.4t at the end of the period,respectively,accounting for 111.3% and 85% of the initial stage.

    Analyses on Arbor Tree Species Distribution Pattern and Stand Spatial Structure
    Heng WU, Liyan ZHU, Hailiang WANG, Zhijun LIU
    2020,(1):  54-61.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.01.008
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    Trees are an important factor in the stablity of forest ecosystem.The analysis of stand structure is of great significance to the stability protection and sustainable management of forest ecosystem.In this paper,the ninth national forest resources inventory data and special survey data of vegetation quadrat were used for cluster analysis to calculate tree species distribution pattern index and stand structure characteristic index,and the Gaussian distribution was used to fit the probability distribution of structure characteristic index,so as to provide a reference for forest ecosystem protection and management.The results show that the distribution of main tree species is clustered.The dispersion degree of arbor forest mixture index Mci is greater than that of tree species spatial structure TSS index. TSS index distribution shows the left truncated normal distribution,and the Mci index distribution shows the inverted "J" distribution.The fluctuation and continuous stability of the index may be related to artificial afforestation and natural forest protection.

    Dynamic Analysis on the Effect of Pinus massoniana Plantation Management at Different Growth Stages
    Jiangui PENG
    2020,(1):  62-69.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.01.009
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    In order to reveal the dynamic characteristics of the management effect of Pinus massoniana plantation in different development stages,the spatial structure,species diversity,soil fertility,tree growth and other indicators of Pinus massoniana plantation in different development stages of Qingyanghu Forest Farm were analyzed dynamically,and the principal component analysis method was used to analyze the spatial structure,species diversity,soil fertility,tree growth and other indicators comprehensive evaluation of operation effect.The results showed that the spatial structure,species diversity index and soil fertility of Pinus massoniana forest in different development stages were significantly improved.The comprehensive evaluation scores of the effect of thinning and replanting in 9 plots of young forest,middle age forest and near mature forest were 0.079,-0.021,-0.241,0.528,0.438,1.028,-0.145,-0.780,-0.886,respectively.The higher the scores,the better the effect of the transformation.The management promoted the optimization of spatial structure,the improvement of species diversity,the improvement of soil fertility and the increase of forest accumulation and growth in different development stages of Pinus massoniana plantation,and the development of the stand to the direction of multi-layer mixed forest of different ages,which provided theoretical basis for the management of Pinus massoniana plantation.

    The Characteristics of and Causes to Spatiotemporal Evolution Potamogeton crispus L. Community in Nansi Lake Based on Remote Sensing Data
    Yinhe JIAO, Quanzhou YU, Enfeng LIU, Chunling LIANG, Xiaofei TIAN, Baohua ZHANG
    2020,(1):  70-78.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.01.010
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    Nansi Lake is the largest lake in Shandong province and one of the largest freshwater lakes in China.In recent years,Nansi Lake has been threatened by the serious flooding of Potamogeton crispus L. From April to May, P.crispus grows vigorously in the lake area,becoming the only dominant species in the submerged plant area.In June, P.crispus declines rapidly,which not only causes severe ecological problems such as water pollution and waterway blocking,but also becomes seasonal threats to the water quality of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project.Based on the characteristics and phenological information shown by the NDVI time-series curves of different typical landscape extracted from MODIS MOD13Q1 16d that are combined with Landsat data,the community of P.crispus in Nansi Lake was extracted and visualized as the distribution maps.The results showed that from the beginning of 21st century,the area of P.crispus in Nansi Lake increased from 25.22 km 2 in 1980s to 171.46 km 2in 2018,and that the distribution range of P.crispus had been expanded from the lakeside to the centre of the lake from past 30 years,with the ratio increasing from 3.61% to 24.55%.On inter-annual scales, P.crispus developed from an ordinary dominant species into an absolute dominant species in the lake.Additionally,the Pearson Correlation and the Spearman Rank Correlation Analysis were used to reveal the correlations between the area of P.crispus and lake eutrophication level or water quality.Results revealed that there was no correlation between the area of P.crispus and water quality,but the correlations were significantly positive between the area of P.crispus and the other three related factors.Specifically,the correlation coefficients are higher than 0.8,which means a significantly positive correlation.The current situation of the P.crispus in Nansi Lake ask a higher requirements for the management in Nansi Lake.Departments should strengthen the control of P.crispus in order to prevent further extension in Nansi Lake.

    Land Use/Cover Change and Ecological Security Evaluation in Urumqi
    Yanan ZHU, Zhiming YAN, Chunling PU, Zhiyou LIU
    2020,(1):  79-91.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.01.011
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    Urmqi,as a city located on oases,its ecological environment is little bit weak.Through assessment of city earth usage/changes of earth covering and earth ecology safety,reveals the trend of earth usage/changes rule of earth covering and earth ecology safety during 1990-2017 in Urmqi city.Assisted with ERDAS and ArcGIS software,explains and analyzes 4 sessions remote-sensing map of Urmqi city and evaluates Urmqi city's earth ecology safety current situation by matter-element model.The result shows that in 1990-2017,earth usage/changes of earth covering was mainly represented by leasing of cultivated land,forest land and grass land,and the new gained of construction land,not used land.Different periods' development situations of earth usage/changes of earth covering are good and developing.The earth ecology safety level of Urmqi city has reached safe level from unsafe level.By analyzing Urmqi city's usage/changes of earth covering and evaluating its ecology safety,it has profound significance for many earth ecology environment problems occur in city development in the future.

    Pollution Status and Potential Ecological Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Soils of Guanzhuang Lake Wetland in Liling
    Qianyi YONG, Jiale Tang, Chonghua PENG
    2020,(1):  92-101.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.01.012
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    In order to understand the current status of heavy metal enrichment in wetland soils,explore the solutions,which will provide a scientific basis for pollution prevention and control measures,through the system investigation,sampling,testing and research the Guanzhuang lake wetland soil in three different soil types (natural soil,seasonal soil,constant flooding soil) 0 ~ 20 cm soil layer of copper (Cu),zinc (zinc),lead (Pb),cadmium (Cd),chromium (Cr) and the content of heavy metal.Through Hakanson potential ecological hazard index method,pollution load index,heavy metal pollution of wetland soil and potential ecological risk were analyzed.The results showed that(1)in the three types of soil,except for Zn in the natural soil and Cr in the frequently flooded soil,the average content of other heavy metals exceeded the background value of the soil in Hunan province to varying degrees,and Cd in the natural soil exceeded 52.2 times of the background value.(2)in the three types of soil,Cd reaches the level of heavy pollution,Cr is in the safe range,and the other three heavy metals reached the warning limit in the constantly flooded soil.(3)the regional pollution load index of soil was 2.42,2.55 and 2.22 in natural,seasonal and often flooded soil,respectively,which were all moderate pollution levels.The contribution rate of Cd is the largest,reaching more than 75% in all three types of soil.(4)the potential ecological hazard of natural soil is the most serious,reaching 429.28,belonging to the situation of strong potential ecological risk,followed by seasonal flooding,and the lowest under constant flooding.Among them,Cd is the element that poses the greatest potential threat to the ecological environment,reaching a high risk level,while other elements are at a slight risk level.It can be seen that heavy metal pollution in the soil has caused a very serious impact on the environmental maintenance of Guanzhuang lake wetland in Liling.The soil and surrounding environment of LilingGuanzhuang lake wetland urgently need comprehensive improvement.

    Study on Biomass and Carbon Storage of Arbor Layers in Typical Soil and Water Conservation Forests in Taihang Mountain Range in Hebei Province
    Zhiming TANG, Bingxiang LIU, Yu QU
    2020,(1):  102-107.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.01.013
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    Taking four typical soil and water conservation forests in Taihang Mountain area of Hebei province as research objects.Comparative study on biomass,carbon content and carbon storage of various organs in arbor layer of mixed forest(Quercus variabilis-Platycladus orientalis),Pinus tabulaeformis,Quercus variabilis forest and Robinia pseudoacacia forest.The results showed that the biomass of mixed forest,Pinus tabulaeformis,Quercus variabilis forest and Robinia pseudoacacia forest were 51.94t/hm 2,86.40t/hm 2,90.19t/hm 2 and 18.08t/hm 2 respectively,and the biomass of Quercus variabilis and Pinus tabulaeformis forest was higher than 4 the average biomass of soil and water conservation forests(65.65t/hm 2),the biomass of mixed forest and Robinia pseudoacacia forest only accounted for 84.25% and 29.33% of the average biomass,respectively.The order of distribution of organs in different forest stands in tree layer biomass was as follows:trunk > root > branch > leaf.The carbon content of each of the four typical stands was 45.16%~58.93%,58.48%~64.61%,51.16%~58.37%,52.35%~62.30%.The carbon storage of four typical stands is 10.10~53.85t/hm 2.The carbon storage of each organ of different forest types was positively proportional to the biomass,which was basically the same as the biomass trend.The carbon storage size was as follows:Pinus tabulaeformis > Quercus variabilis forest > Mixed forest > Robinia pseudoacacia.

    Study on Water Retention Function of Litters in Six Forest Stands in Caohai Watershed
    Chunlan HOU, Rui YANG, Yong WANG, Zhi LIU, Shuang QU, Hui WEN, Siyi MA, Yanming CHEN
    2020,(1):  108-115.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.01.014
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    To provide a basis for the regulation of hydrological ecological function and the species allocation of vegetation in Caohai Watershed,6 forest stands in Weining Caohai watershed(Pinusyunnanensis forest, Pinusyunnanensis- Populusyunnanensis forest, Populusyunnanensis forest,Camellia sinensis forest, Pinusarmandi forest and Cunninghamialanceolata forest)were chosen as research subjects,combined with field measurement and indoor immersion method,the differences in the thickness of litters,accumulations and water conservation processes were analyzed and compared,and the functions of water conservation were comprehensively ranked by coordinate analysis method.The results showed that:the total thickness of the litter layer of the six forest stands varied from 1.34to 3.26cm,the amount of accumulation was between 0.62 and 3.53 t/hm 2,and the maximum water-holding capacity was between0.76 and 5.57 t/hm 2,the maximum water-holding ratewas between 119.05 and 207.69%.The thickness accumulation and the maximum water holding capacity of the undecomposed layer were significantly higher than the semi-decomposed layer;the water-holding capacity of the undecomposed layer and the semi-decomposed layer of litter had a significant logarithmic relationship with the water immersion time:Q=alnt+b, R 2 >0.82;the water absorption rate of the litter had a power function relationship with the water immersion time:v=kt n, R 2 >0.98.The results of comprehensive analysis showed that the water conservation functions of the litter layers in the six forest stands from large to small: Pinusyunnanensis forest > Populusyunnanensis forest >Coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest > Cunninghamialanceolata forest > Pinusarmandi forest > Camellia sinensis forest.The amount of accumulation of Pinusyunnanensis forest was the largest,the water holding capacity of Populusyunnanensis forest was the largest,and the water holding rate was the largest of Coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest.From the perspective of water conservation function,it is recommended that the preferred tree species for vegetation restoration are Pinusyunnanensis and Populusyunnanensis in Caohai watershed.

    Study on Adventitious Bud Induction,Proliferation and Differentiation of Populusalba
    Xia SHEN, Xiaofei HOU, Yongxia LI, Asheng XU, Xiaolin YANG
    2020,(1):  116-124.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.01.015
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    To establish a rapid regeneration system of Populusalba in vitro,and to cultivate fast-growing and high-yielding silver poplar seedlings.The leaves and stem segments of Populusalba were used as the initial material for adventitious bud induction,and the adventitious bud induction was induced in the callus induced by adventitious bud induction.Using MS as the basic medium,the effects of different hormone concentrations and ratios on the induction of adventitious buds of different materials of Populusalba were studied.The results showed that 6-BA:NAA was 5:1,which was the optimal ratio of hormone concentration induced by adventitious buds of Populusalba. The best culture material for adventitious bud induction of Populusalba was the same year.6-BA(0.5mg/L)+NAA(0.1mg/L)+KT(0.2mg/L)is the optimal hormone concentration combination for callus induction of adventitious buds.The optimal hormone concentration combination for adventitious bud proliferation was 6-BA(0.5 mg/L)+NAA(0.2 mg/L)+KT(0.2 mg/L)+IBA(0.2 mg/L),and the average proliferation coefficient was 8.3.MS+6-BA(0.5mg/L)+NAA(0.1mg/L)is the best medium for adventitious bud induction of Populus alba. The best material for adventitious bud induction is the white bud stem stage.The optimal medium for callus induction of callus was MS+6-BA(0.5mg/L)+NAA(0.1mg/L)+KT(0.2mg/L);the best medium for adventitious bud proliferation was MS+6-BA(1.0 mg/L)+NAA(0.2 mg/L)+KT(0.2 mg/L)+IBA(0.2 mg/L),pH 5.8.

    Technical Application
    Study on Extraction of Tree Crown Information from UAV Visible Light Image of Piceaschrenkiana var.tianschanica Forest
    Zhongming JIN, Shanshan CAO, Lei WANG, Wei SUN
    2020,(1):  125-135.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.01.016
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    The extraction method of forest tree crown parameter information obtained by high-precision light and miniature unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)is an important basis for forest resource monitoring and ecological function evaluation.Taking the Piceaschrenkiana var.tianschanica,the dominant tree species in the mountainous forests of Xinjiang,as the research object.Collecting and preprocessing remote sensing images of UAV with the background of snow in the Nanshan Internship Forest Farm.The three methods(object-based method with spectral feature space,object-based method with spectral+texture as feature space and random forest method)were compared and analyzed to extract the accuracy of forest tree crown parameter information of Piceaschrenkiana var.tianschanica forest.The results show:the accuracy of the canopy density to be extracted by the three methods is higher than 93%,and object-based method with spectral+texture as feature space is the best,its accuracy reaches 93.73%.The R 2 of the visual interpretation result and the single tree crown area to be extracted by the three methods aremore than 0.91.Although the results to be extracted by random forest method are closest to the visual interpretation value,the object-based method obtains the complete single tree crown closure curve,so the object-based method with spectral+texture as the feature space is the best method for extracting the single tree crown area.The optimal segmentation scale for extracting canopy density and single tree crown area using object-based method is 29,and adding texture features reduces the accuracy of canopy density extraction by 0.66%,but optimizes the extraction effect of single tree crown area.Therefore,the UAV image is an effective way to extracting theforest tree crown parameter information accurately,quickly and automatically,and optimal extraction method can be selected according to different crown parameter information.

    Analysis of Sampling Size Effect of Aboveground Biomass Estimation of Rubber Forest Using Airborne LiDAR Data
    Hongbin LUO, Qingtai SHU, Yong PANG, Qiang WANG, Dongling WANG
    2020,(1):  136-142.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.01.017
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    Remote sensing monitoring of forest biomass under climate change is a hot topic of current research.As an important remote sensing information source,airborne LiDAR's sampling size has a certain influence on the estimation accuracy of biomass.In this paper,the airborne LiDAR data is sampled in different sizes(21 sampling sizes,side length from 10m to 30m,interval is 1m),the LiDAR parameters of different sampling sizes are extracted,and the PLSR model is established with the biomass on the rubber forest.The effect of airborne LiDAR sampling size on the estimation accuracy of biomass on rubber forest was studied.The results show that the estimation accuracy of the aboveground biomass of rubber forest is affected by the sampling size of airborne LiDAR data.The results showed a certain regularity,but the difference was not significant.When the sampling size is less than 18m,the estimation accuracy increases with the increase of sampling size,while the sampling size is larger than 18m.The estimation accuracy decreases as the sampling size increases,and thus tends to be gentle.When the sampling size is 18m,the estimation result is the best.The model determination coefficient R 2 is 0.718,the root mean square error RMSE is 17.830 t/hm 2,and the cross-validation accuracy P and RMSEcv are 82.741% and 18.874t/hm 2.Compared to the estimated results at the actual sample size(30m), R 2 increased by 1.989% and RMSE decreased by 2.611% at the 18m sample size.Thus,the biomass estimation process for an actual case study and research of the sampling area size is selected,thereby increasing the biomass estimation accuracy.

    Sub-compartment Division and Interpretation of Tree Species Based on High-resolution Aerial Photos
    Hao XIONG, Yong PANG, Chungan LI, Huabing DAI
    2020,(1):  143-150.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.01.018
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    This paper studied the sub-compartment division and tree species interpretation techniques of forest resources management inventory in Guangxi Gaofeng Forest Farm.The 0.2m spatial resolution CCD data were used,which were obtained by CAF-LiCHy Airborne Observation System.The interpretation signatures of common tree species were built.The sub-compartment boundaries were divided using visual interpretation,combined with the division results from previous forest inventory.Then,the dominant species was interpreted based on the interpretation signatures and the results were verified by filed data.According to the accuracy verification,the overall accuracy is 92.11% and Kappa coefficient is 0.90.The results indicate that high spatial resolution remote sensing data have high potential in sub-compartment division and tree species interpretation.

    Stem Shape Curves Simulation for Larixprincipis-rupprechtii Using Quantile Regressions
    Lihua FU, Jinchao HOU, He SUN, Hezhi WANG, Qiang LIU, Shun CHENG
    2020,(1):  151-157.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.01.019
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    Stem shape is an important index to reflect the external shape of stem and it is also an important basis for evaluating the value of trunk.The taper equation is an important quantitative index to describe the quality of tree stem shape.The accuracy of its simulation of stem shape directly determines the estimation of trunk volume and forest volume.In this study,four simple taper equations were used to estimate the stem shape of planted Larixprincipis-rupprechtii and the model fit and validation were assessed byadjusted determination coefficient(Ra2),root mean square error(RMSE),mean error(ME)and absolute mean error(MAE).The optimal model was selected and the taper shape of Larixprincipis-rupprechtii was modelled by using quantile regression technology.Result showed that Kozak equation has the best fitting result(Ra2=0.934, RMSE=1.985cm)and the validation result(ME=0.125cm, MAE=1.212cm)on the stem shape among the four simple taper equations.Thus,the taper shape of Larixprincipis-rupprechtii was established by using quantile regression technology based on Kozak equation.Compared with the basic model,the goodness-of-fit of quantile regression model was improved.When the quantile is set to 0.1,the model has a better fitting effect on the stem shape near the lower and upper part of trunk,when the quantile is set to 0.5,the model has a better fitting effect on the trunk at the middle part of trunk,and when the quantile is set to 0.9,the model has a better fitting effect on the base of trunk.It can be seen that quantile regression technology makes the model more flexible.

    Evaluation and Selection of Potential Scenic View-point Distribution Areas Based on GIS and Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process —An Example from Jiulangshan Mountain Park in Zhuzhou
    Zhipeng XIAO, Polang LIU, Ye LIU, Fangwen HU, Huaizhen PENG, Ziyan ZHANG, Ping GAO
    2020,(1):  158-165.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.01.020
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    This paper aims to realize the targeted investigation of distribution area of potential scenic view-point in landscape planning,and a new quantitative evaluate and screen method is proposed.By using GIS and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process,the evaluation system of distribution area of potential scenic view-point was established,and the screening threshold value was provided by local investigation,and the case test was carried out in Jiulangshan mountain park.An evaluation system of Suitability of distribution of scenic view-point,including the suitability of distance between view-point and scene,suitability of view-able area size,residence suitability and traffic accessibility is constructed.The result shows that :after expert consultation and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process analysis,the importance degrees of suitability of distance between view-point and scene,suitability of view-able area size,residence suitability and the traffic accessibility are 0.331,0.323,0.161 and 0.185.Based on GIS and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process,the suitability evaluating of the distribution of scenic view-point in Jiulangshan mountain park was completed,and result shows that the evaluate value ranging from 0.02 to 0.74.According to the local investigation results,a total of 16 suitable view-point were identified.According to the value of the 16 scenic view-point in the previous evaluation,the minimum value,the first quartile,the mean value and the median value is 0.40,0.43,0.48±0.06,0.50.When the screening thresholds were set as 0.4,0.43,0.48 and 0.50,respectively,the distribution area of potential scenic view-point accounts for 16.9%,8.9%,3.6% and 2.3% of the total research area.The screening results were tested,and 80.0% of the points were within the appropriate range obtained by screening.The evaluating and screening of distribution area of potential scenic view-point are basically realized.

    Research and Application of Triflumuron for Forest Pest Control
    Haijun TAN
    2020,(1):  166-171.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.01.021
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    Forest pests cause greater loss to forestry production every year.Their damages are mainly managed by chemical control at present.Possessing the features of unique mechanism of action,broad biological activity,good safety to varieties of natural enemies of pests and mammals and low environmental residues,BenzoylUrea Insecticides (BUI) are suitable for integrated pest control and resistance management in forest.Of this class,triflumuron,a monochloro-BUI,is more worthy of attention to its research and application in view of preferably biological activity,economical practicality,ecological and environmental safety.Aiming at forest pest control,biochemical and biological effects,biological activity of triflumuron were concluded,and its formulation products’ application method,control effect and post-application impact in forest were summarized in this article.At the same time,perspective on research and application of triflumuron for forest pest control was presented,with a view to providing a reference for further extension and application.

    Research Bulletin
    Study on the Compilation of Binary Volume Equation of Piceaasperata Plantation in Gansu Province
    Zhiping LIU, Zongying CAO, Xuhua ZHANG, Shuying YIN
    2020,(1):  172-176.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.01.022
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    Taking Picea asperata plantation in Gansu province as the research object,680 representative sample trees of Picea asperata plantation were selected to study the binary volume equation in this area.The results showed that 12 kinds of volume alternative models by used had good fitting effect.Model 11 and Model 12 are finally determined as the binary volume equations of the artificial spruce forest in Gansu province.Through goodness-of-fit test,this volume model precision met the productive requirement,it can provide scientific basis for forestry investigation,accumulation estimation and scientific management of Picea asperata plantation in Gansu province.

    Study on the Methods of Removing Dormancy and Promoting Seedlings of Tilia amurensis
    Youzhi HAN
    2020,(1):  177-182.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.01.023
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    Different soaking methods,GA3 application and stratified germination experiments were used to study the dormancy removing methods of Tilia amurensis seeds.The results show that:warm water(7d)+GA3+Freezing(13-18℃,30d;Freezing,60d;-2-2℃,60d)was the best treatment combination,the germination rate and seedling emergence rate were 84.7% and 79.5%,the seedlings emerged neatly(whole seedling for 25 days);and the quality of seedlings was good,the one-year-old average seedling height and ground diameter were 0.55M and 0.56cm,the main root length was 25.5cm and the lateral root length was 25.GA3 soaking seed can promote the removing dormancy of Tilia amurensis seeds,the effect of stratification germination that the freezing effect of indoor high temperature+outdoor freezing+low temperature cellar is the best,followed by high and low temperature change,low temperature cellar effect again,and indoor heat is the worst.The results showed that Tilia amurensis belong to combinational dormancy,seed dormancy could be effectively removed by soaking seeds+GA3+reasonable stratification.

    Risk Assessment of Forest Fire Based on Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic
    Xiangyu LUO, Zongmin LI
    2020,(1):  183-190.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.01.024
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    Forest fires have the characteristics of wide distribution,high frequency and strong uncertainty.The assessment of forest fire risk can provide references for effective prevention and control of forest fires and reduction of losses.The evaluation index system of forest fire risk is constructed from three dimensions of meteorology,terrain and combustibles.It is the first time to introduce hesitant fuzzy linguistic description,which improves the flexibility of expert language evaluation expression.Through the hesitant fuzzy linguistic hybrid weighed aggregation operator,to aggregate the linguistic information,then get the probability of fire risk in a certain area.This method has been applied to an over fire area of Daxinganling forest to assess the risk of forest fire in this area,and this case proves the feasibility and effectiveness of this method.

    Study on Urban Residents' Green Consumption Behaviors and Their Influencing Factors
    Xiaodi ZHAO, Jiayan FU, Xinsheng PANG
    2020,(1):  191-198.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.01.025
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    Green consumption is of great value to green development.Richter Scale Method was adopted to investigate the green consumption of 1000 residents in representative cities of six major regions in north China,east China,central China,south China,northwest China and southwest China.Table data were obtained from four aspects of consumption behavior,consumer perception,external factors and other factors.On this basis,the structural equation model (SEM) was constructed,and the fitting was modified by the general least flat method (GLS) to explore the influence of consumption intention,environmental awareness and economic factors on residents' green consumption behavior.Research shows that individual responsibility,policy factors and product trust have positive effects on green purchasing attitude.Economic factors and product prices have negative effects on green purchasing behavior.