Analysis and Forecast of Land Use Pattern Dynamic Evolution Based on RS and GIS in Harbin City
BAI Xiaojuan, ZHAO Yusen
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The remote sensing images of 1989 and 2007 were used as the main data source for Harbin city. With the support of RS and GIS technologies,the dynamic change of land use pattern was analyzed. Markov model was used for the quantitative forecast of the future land use of the study region.The result showed that: the area of forest land,water region and grassland increased. The area of crop land,residential land,unused land decreased. The crop land and forest land had a high reserving rate and the grassland and unused land had a high conversion rate. The land use tendency after 2007 is that forest land has increased,year by year and other types of land use has decreased. This change will last a long time until it reaches a relatively stable state,which means that the percentage of cropland,forest land,grassland,water area,residential land and unused land is 57.79%,25.24%,2.8%,3.99%,9.38% and 0.94% respectively.