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    28 February 2010, Issue 1
    Research on China's Timber Security
    Timber Security Investigative Group, China Association of Senior Scientists and Technicians
    2010,(1):  9-13. 
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    Timber security in China is now in an insecure situation. This issure is complicated by a number of different factors such as extensive management of forest resources, weak self-sufficiency, increase of timber demand, big gap between supply and demand, conflicts in foreign trade, tough situation in international timber trade, low level of timber industry development, and low efficiency of resources utilization. To guarantee timber security in China, the basic strategies are to speed up the development of intensively-managed plantations, to improve forest management for enhancing the quality and quantity of forest resources and to use timber resources wisely to raise the comprehansive utilization efficiency. The measures to be adopted incdude establishment of a state-owned forest management mechanism, speeding up of state-owned forest reform, overall implementation of forest management projects and vigorous development of intensively-managed plantations. Additionally, the potentials of the plain forestry shall be fully tapped to ensure the good and smooth development of the plain forestry. More input shall be given to forestry science, technology and education. Progress in science and technology shall be made use of to improve the efficiency of forest resources cultivation and the creativity of timber industry in science and technology. Great importance shall be attached to the strategic research on supply and demand of overseas timber resources. A long-term plan shall be developed for making full use of international forest resources. The government policies shall be implemented to ensure timber security and the forestry administrative sector shall be given the functions of the timber industry and timber security management mechanism.
    On the Reform of Collective Forest Tenure System in Nature Reserve Areas
    ZHOU Xunfang
    2010,(1):  14-18. 
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    There is a close relationship between rural economic and social development and farmer's land interests in nature reserve construction. Therefore, the key issues of the reform of collective forest tenure system are to harmonize the land use relationship between nature reservedevecopment and rural economic and social development on the foundation of keeping the collective's ownership to collective forest land within the areas of nature reserves, to protect collective forest tenure and to establish the responsibility system of forest management and compensation. A series of legal systems of nature reserve management should be established on non-commercial forest, forest land contracts, community co-management, public finance and funding channels.
    Some Thoughts on Reforming the Present Forest Harvesting Management Mechanism
    YAO Zuyan, YIN Xiaoyang, HU Junhua
    2010,(1):  19-22. 
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    Based on the present forest management and administration situation, the paper presents an analysis of current major conflicts and problems on the management and administration mechanism of felling activities, and also puts forward corresponding reforming ideas and suggestions in terms of forest management, forest felling and administration policy.
    Thoughts on Development of Forest Frog Breeding Industry in Yanbian Forest Area
    YIN Dali, ZHANG Zelu, ZHANG Yuguo
    2010,(1):  23-26. 
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    Forest frog breeding industry has big potential for development in Yanbian forest area. It is very important to driving forest economic growth. Based on the analysis of such existent problems as lack of money, lack of preferable policy, lagging of scientific research and lack of trade self-discipline, the paper puts forward some suggestions and measures for speeding up the development of forest frog breeding industry in eight aspects such as increase of input, improvement of management, establishment of a forest frog breeding system, setting up of professional cooperatives, market development, trade self-discipline improvement, speeding up of lead enterprise development and promotion of use of scientific techniques.
    Analysis on the Status of Farmland Shelterbelt Resources in the Three-North Regions and Corresponding Strategies
    DAI Guoqin, CHU Weidong
    2010,(1):  27-32. 
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    Development of farmland shelterbelts in the three-north regions has played an important role in increasing grain yield and forest resources, enhancing wood supply capability, promoting regional economic development and raising farmers' income. At same time, there exist quite a few issues to be dealt with in the construction and development of farmland shelterbelts in the three-north regions such as heavy tasks in construction, aging forest, and lagging of forest renewal and reconstruction. There are still more potentials and spaces for enhancing the functions of resources cultivation and heavy tasks in planning the construction, renewal and reconstruction of farmland shelterbelts. Finally, some strategies are put forward,which will facilitate rapid and healthy development of farmland shelterbelts in the three-north regions.
    Quantitative Analysis of Stand Structural Heterogeneity
    LIU Fengqiang, ZHANG Huiru, JIANG Huiquan
    2010,(1):  33-38. 
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    The research of forest structure used to mainly focus on 1-dimensional diameter, height structure and 2-dimensional spatial distribution pattern, which ignored the 3-dimensional property of forest. The forest 3-dimensional structure model was used to research old-growth stand, primeval secondary stand and bristle tooth oak stand, which were selected from Jingouling Forest Farm and Jincang Forest Farm of Wangqing Forestry Bureau in Jilin province, and analysis was made on their spatial structure heterogeneity. The result revealed that: (1) the SCI indexes of old-growth forest, primeval secondary forest and bristle tooth oak forest are 4.03,3.16 and 2.74 respectively; (2) the vertical gradient and average patchtype number of old-growth forest,primeval secondary forest and bristle tooth oak forest are 7.67m, 12.60,6.58m, 10.97,5.36m and 8.13 respectively;(3) the diversity indexes of old-growth forest, primeval secondary forest and bristle tooth oak forest are 7.67m, 12.60,6.58m, 10.97,5.36m and 8.13 respectively. Forest 3-dimensional structure model can well reflect and evaluate stand structural heterogeneity. The structure of old-growth forest is most complex, then primeval secondary forest and bristle tooth oak forest.The 3-dimensional structural model can well reflect and analyse forest structural heterogeneity.
    The Growing Process Analysis of Larix olgensis Henry in Yichun Region
    JU Wenzhen, WANG Xinjie, GU Li, LIU Jun, SUN Yujun
    2010,(1):  39-45. 
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    By analyzing stem of Larix olgensis Henry, we analyzed their growing process. So we discussed the time of fostering and logging. It can provide the theory for forest management and harvest in future. The result indicated: the peak value of current annual diameter increment will appear at age 16-19 and that of the average annual increment will appear at age 8-10. The two curves will intersect at age 16-18;The peak value of tree height current annual increment will appear at age 14-17 and after the annual increment's will appear. The two curves will intersect at age18-20; The peak value of volume current annual increment will appear at age 25-30 and that of the annual increment will appear. The two curves will intersect at age 18-20. Then it will descend year by year. The curve of volume current annual increment and annual increment will intersect at age 28-33. Our research shows we can foster Larix olgensis Henry forest by thinning probably at age 18,and harvest and cut trees probably at age 28 to 33 according to the local management targets.Simultaneously,with the diameter classes increasing, the growth rule of tree diameter,tree height and tree volume will approach the general tree growth rule. The superior diameter growth equation is y=1.2546e0.1247x and the tree height growth equation is y=1.4187e0.1193x, The tree volume growth equation is y=0.00009e0.3644x.
    Effects of Human Disturbance on the Composition and Regeneration of Populus euphratica Community in Ejina
    CHEN Weiqiang, ZHOU Weilei, LIU QianwenLI Jingwen, CAO Dechang, HAO Peng
    2010,(1):  46-52. 
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    Ejina oasis is a powerful eco-line of defense in northwest arid regions of China. However, due to water shortage, water pollution, and the impact of human disturbance, Populus euphratica forests have been severely degraded. We believe that human disturbance will affect the composition of Populus euphratica community and regeneration. The two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) were applied to classification and ordination of the Populus euphratica communities by the disturbances of different regions of Ejina. The results show that the understory vegetation's species diversity and root turion's growth were affected by human disturbances. Understory species diversity is mainly affected by tourism disturbance, and the relationship between understory vegetation species diversity and general disturbance intensity follows the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. The relationship between growth status of root turion and grazing disturbance intensity shows a negative correlation. Disturbances can be resisted to some extent if the amount of root turion comes to a certain degree. Moderate human disturbance can increase species diversity. But only by the premise of grazing disturbance being removed can the Populus euphratica forests in Ejina be better renewing.
    Study on Population Structure and Resource Value of Cephalotaxus mannii Hook f, A Rare and Endangered Anti-cancer Plant in Hainan
    QI Shanshan, DAI Zhicong, SI Chuncan, LIN YingYANG Donghua, SONG Jingyuan, DU Daolin
    2010,(1):  53-58. 
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    Population structure of Cephalotaxus mannii Hook. f. in Bawangling and Janfengling national nature reserves was surveyed by individuals' morphological indexes including DBH and height and so on in 14 plots with a total area of 10400m2. The individuals of C. mannii populations were divided into five classes by their height and DBH in order to analyze population structures. The result shows that the survival rate of 2-3 age C. mannii is very low, and it leads to a very unstable population structure, and the number of big trees is small. The economic value of C. mannii population was extrapolated according to its biomass and its alkaloid content. The economic value of homoharringtonine in Bawangling and Jianfengling was estimated at 22510.74 million yuan. So, protecting C. mannii is very necessary to restore and maintain a good C. mannii population structure, and protect biodiversity and relieve the homoharringtonine demand by human beings.
    Research on Oak Tree Growth Condition Discrepancy of Different Forest Stand Structures in Yilan State Forest Farm and Technical Countermeasures
    ZHANG Deping, CHEN Shuhua
    2010,(1):  59-63. 
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    The growth conditions of oak trees in Yilan State Forest Farm were surveyed by using the sample plot method. The growth conditions of oak trees in mixed broadleaf-coniferous forest,mixed deciduous broadleaved forest and pure forest were made clear through analysis of variance and multiple comparison. The results indicated that oak tree's DBH annual growth, annual tree height growth and annual volume growth in mixed broadleaf-coniferous forest are higher than mixed deciduous broadleaved forests and pure forest at 18 to 42.Consequently, cultivation of mixed forests with different ages will be important to sustainable management and use of forest resources.
    A Study on Community Structure and Under-story Vegetation Biomass of Eucalyptus Plantation in Humashan Park of Kunming
    TU Jing, LI Ning, WANG Keqin, WANG Yunfei, SUN Jie
    2010,(1):  64-67. 
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    In Humashan Park of Kunming, tree species of artificial eucalyptus forest was only straight rod Eucalyptus.Under-story vegetation types are shrubs and herbaceous-type,not pure herbal type. This was the initial stage of development of plantation as one of the main features. Eupatorium adenophorum, the alien species in the herb layer took absolute superiority. Since it had strong survival capacity for rapid development,it affected the management of artificial eucalyptus. The biomass of shrub layers was lower than that of herbaceous layer. Shannon-Wiener index H and Simpson index D of under-story vegetation of sunny slope were higher than the ones of shady slope.
    Application of Grey Sequence to Study on the Relation between Environmental Factors and Species Diversity
    YU Jingjin, CHEN Lihua, GU Jiancai, ZHANG Suocheng, WU Qiaoying
    2010,(1):  68-72. 
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    Investigation was carried out to determine the effects of the different factors on undergrowth herb species diversity in Saihanba Forestry Centre. Grey sequence method was used to treat and analyze the data. The results are as follows: there are 79 undergrowth herb species in the survey area and the dominant species are mainly C. rigescens, E. cheiranthoides, C. chinensis; E. pretense, T. mongolium, T. aquilegifolium,etc. are common species and I. denticulate, A. cathayensis,etc. are the occasional species. Height and DHB have the largest effects on species richness next to altitude and slope.
    Research on Suitable Forest Land Greening Based on Optimal Allocation Scheme in the Yellow River Delta
    ZHAO Jun, LIU Gaohuan, LI Qiyan
    2010,(1):  73-78. 
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    In the viewpoint of ecology and based on the principle of land optimal allocation, optimal allocation scheme of land resources is constructed and put to build the land suitable for forest and grazing by matching the current situation of land use with the directions of land suitability. Then according to the status quo of land resources, planting site types are put forward. The soil type, relief, salty and underwater level are combined as main factors and irrigation condition as a reference to sort site land into 8 types. In this way, the land suitable for forest and grass is greened according to planting patterns. Finally suitable trees are suggested and utilized to build up the ecological green oasis in the Yellow River Delta.
    Study on Revegetation Principles and Modes in Zhengzhou Yellow-River Wetland Nature Reserve
    WANG Hongchun, HU Tangchun
    2010,(1):  79-83. 
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    Due to the repeated persistent scour-and-fill in the Yellow River and frequent human activities, the native vegetation in Zhengzhou Yellow-River Wetland Nature Reserve suffered heavy destroy. It is very important and urgent to carry out revegetation. Based on the field inventory of vegetation's current situation and existent issues, the paper puts forward the revegetation principles, including priority of protection and treatment according to law, natural recovery as the major measure with the support of artificial construction, consideration of local conditions as well as matching sites with proper vegetation, wise utilization and sustainable development, and overall planning with many measures in the revegetation project, and brings forward three modes including natural recovery, artificially natural recovery and artificial ecology restoration.
    Analysis on Seed Plants in Guizhou Leigongshan National Nature Reserve
    XIE Zhenguo, LAN Kaimin, YANG Chuandong
    2010,(1):  84-88. 
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    This paper presents an analysis on the modern flora characteristics based on the structure of the families, genuses and species of seed plants in Leigongshan Nature Reserve. There are 158 families, 562 genuses and 1414 species of seed plants in the Reserve. The flora breeds and preserves many ancient ingredients and is involved in the development process of the East Asian flora and species diversity. The floras have a total of 1004 species, which are mainly warm-temperate species and constitute part of East Asian flora. In the Reserve, there are 14 China endemic genuses, 660 China endemic species, 29 Guizhou endemic species and 25 key state-protected species, all of which have formed the major part of the flora in Leigongshan National Nature Reserve.
    Ecological Function Division and Protection in Huairen County of Shanxi Province
    LIU Yanping, GAO Junfeng
    2010,(1):  89-92. 
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    Ecological function division was a foundation of ecosystem service function research, ecosystem heterogeneity and change study and countermeasures for ecological restoration. In the paper, based on ecological environment condition analysis, satellite imagery and forest management inventory (FMI), by means of ARCGIS layer overlay functions and methods, three ecological areas and six ecological function areas were produced. In addition, according to main ecological problems of different ecological areas, ecological protection and construction countermeasures were put forward.
    Analysis on the Development of the Nature Reserve System in Hebei Province
    LI Xiaoyu, BAI Qinghong, ZHANG Yan, XING Shaohua, CUI Guofa
    2010,(1):  93-101. 
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    In order to enhance the rational construction and layout of nature reserves in Hebei Province and construct the nature reserve system that can meet the requirements of the ecological security and sustainable development for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. The current constructive situation of the nature reserves was analyzed and evaluated based on the information related to the Nature Reserves in Hebei Province. While the gaps in the protection of the three major ecosystems: forests, grasslands and wetlands in nature reserves in Hebei Province were analyzed by using GAP method and Arcgis 9.2 superposition analysis capabilities of geographical systems. In the opinion of the assessment, the current situation of the natural reserve system was imperfect in Hebei province. The ecosystem protection gap analysis found that there existed a gap in protection area of other ecosystems besides the gap in protedtion type of the pond wetland ecosystem. According to these problems and the distribution of different types of the nature reserves in Hebei Province, suggestions were proposed for the optimal development of the nature reserves in Hebei Province.
    Definition of Contribution Rate of Afforestation and Afforestation Benefit Evaluation
    ZHANG Yuxing
    2010,(1):  102-106. 
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    It will be practically significant to evaluate afforestation benefits by means of quantitative analysis. The paper analyzes the data in detail based on 8 forest resource inventories and the forest area planted over the past 60 years in the country. In the period from 1950 to 2008,the accumulative planting area reached 261.3792 million ha.The forest coverage has been increased by 10.44% by artifical afforestation but the rate of prevesed area is 61.55% of artifical adult forest area,and the percentage of forest harvesting and occupantion is 38.45%.The average contribution rate of planting area has reached 38.44% in the past 60 years in China. For recent 15 years,the average contribution rate is 50.20% and afforestation benefits have increased gradually. Although there exist poor site conditions for afforestation, input shortage and large amount of forest harvesting and consumption, the artifical afforestation has made great achievements in China.Artifical forest products have played an important role in wood production,forest-chemical industry, raw materials for medicine, food products,ecological products, ect. In the period from 1950 to 2008, the total forest cutting volume reached 15.452 billion m3.The amount of wood products is 9.271 billion m3.,of which the artifical forest cutting volumn is 1.541 billion m3, 10% of total forest cut volume during the past 60 years and up to 39.44% over the recent years.
    Research on Management Area based Access Control Technique and Application in Forestry
    LONG Zhihao, LIU Pengju, SHI Junnan, TANG Xiaoming
    2010,(1):  107-112. 
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    Access control is the main strategy for prevention and protection of network security and the access control technology based on management area has a great significance in forestry web application security. This paper analyzes the needs for management area based access control in the forest resource management. A set of access control scheme based on RBAC is designed to support the user authorization with management area. At last, an access control system was developed and applied to a web-based afforestation design system,in which the users access the system resources restricted by the management area. The application of the access control system can meet the needs of the secure data sharing in forest resource management.
    Forest Volume Estimation Method Based on ALOS PALSAR Data
    YANG Yongtian, LI Zengyuan, CHEN Erxue, LING Feilong
    2010,(1):  113-117. 
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    Based on the ALOS PALSAR data and forest management inventory fixed plot data, nonlinear regression method was used for analyzing the relationship between backscattering coefficient and plot forest volume (m3/hm2). The test site was located in Wangqing Forest Bureau of Jilin Province. Results showed that HV polarization backscattering coefficient has good positive correlation with forest volume except forest stand with Poplar (Populus ussuriensis) as the dominant tree species. For most forest stands no matter what kinds of dominant tree species, the coefficient of determination between HV polarization and forest volume is higher than that between HH polarization and forest volume. Results also showed the difference between the result estimated from SAR data using regression method and that estimated directly from plots data is small when the forest farm is taken as a basic statistic unit.
    Application of Expert Classification Method in Forest Resources Investigation
    ZHNAG Xiaoxing
    2010,(1):  118-122. 
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    The study takes six urban districts as the research area. According to the forest land and forest stand classification standards in Detailed Regulations on Field Work of Forest Planning and Inventory in Shanxi Province, expert classfication method is adopted with the NFI data and SPOT5 remote sensing data, and 15 tree species and 16 shrubs and their combinations are identified successfully after the repeated tests. Without changing the original subcompartment division, the visual interpretation method is used to test and check the accuracy of the forest resources inventory data. The result shows that expert classification method can eliminate the influence of personal behavior on interpretation, which is better than visual interpretation in terms of details of interpretation. Expert classification method is more scientific and practical and has greater extention significance in aspect of production.
    Research on the Construction of National Forestry Division Information Service System
    LUO Peng, HUANG Shuisheng, ZHOU Jiemin, TANG Xiaoming, KOU Wenzheng
    2010,(1):  123-129. 
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    Research on use of GIS and web technologies for forestry division work to support the division work and result-based management, and use the results of forestry division to provide services for the forestry operations is still at an early stage. Service oriented WebGIS architecture is adopted to build the national forestry development zoning information service system to achieve space data services based loosely-coupled system modules of the map view, data query and spatial analysis services to provide forestry and related departments with forestry division resources information for their analysis work.