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    28 April 2009, Issue 2
    Management and Administration
    A New Indicator for Modern Forestry Development:Forest Thickness
    FAN Baomin, LI Zhiyong
    2009,(2):  1-5. 
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    Modern forestry aiming mainly at ecological construction needs some new indicators different from the traditional forestry.Based onthe comprehensiveness of forest coverage rate, total standing forest stock, average forest volume, a new indicator called ‘Forest Thickness'(FT) is put forward in this paper.It is the thickness which is reached by using total stocking wood fromforest and trees to cover the total land in one area with its unit being mm.Thisindicatorsolves the problem that the forest coverage rate can not express the level of forest ecological construction comprehensively with its advantage being used easier and clearer in comparing the levels of forestry development among different areas and different periods.As the indicator mark is over 9mm, it means excellentecosystem; 6~9mm does better; 3~6mm does middle; below 3mm is lower.The indicator values of forest thickness are calculated of the world, 17 countries, historic periods and districts of China, and their status qua of forests are compared and evaluated.
    Close-to-Nature Forest Management: A Practical Approach to Improve the Forest Quality of China
    ZENG Weisheng
    2009,(2):  6-11. 
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    Although the quantity of forest resources in China isin the front rank of the world, there are still some problems such as poor forest stand quality and single species plantations.Because of the limited potential of increasing the forest area, the development of forest resources in China should focus on improving the forest stand quality.The theory of close-to-nature forestry, which originated from Germany, embodies the philosophy of Unity of Heaven andMan, emphasizes the harmony between man and nature and goes with the trend of times.For all of these, it could balance the economic, ecological and social functions and the benefit sharing of forest and improve the forest stand quality when put into the management operation.The current ways of forest management in China should be reformed through selective harvest and structure control for natural forests and close-to-nature modification for plantations to improve the forest stand quality and achieve the sustainable development of forest resourcesprogressively.
    Discussion on the Importance and Necessity of Establishing the Forest Insurance System in China
    HU Jiping, WANG Wei
    2009,(2):  12-16. 
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    In early 2008, a sleet and snow disaster attacked someprovinces in south China, which seriously affected large areas of forests andpeople's daily life and caused big economic losses to forest farmers, With the further development of collective forest tenure reform, more and more forest farmers are confronted with various risks in managing their individual forests. How to help those forest fanmers not feel helpless when such disasters occur and howto help them recover their economic losses and rebuild their capacily after thedisaster? This paper, based on the experience of this sleet and snow disaster, presents a description on the importance and necessity of establishing a forest insurance system in China.
    Research on the Construction Standards of National Wetland Parks
    CUI Lijuan, WANG Yifei, ZHANG Manyin, LI Wei, SHANG Xiaojing
    2009,(2):  17-20. 
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    At present, great importance has been attached to construction of the wetland parks by governments and all social sectors.It's developing vigorously because of the support from governments and social organizations inChina.There are already 68 national wetland parks that have been constructed or been approved for construction in China, including 38 national wetland parks, and 30 national city wetland parks.However, because of the lack of unifiedregulations and theories, there is no effective control over overall planning, designing, consturction and management of wetland park design and wetland parks inour courtry.In order to make healthy and orderly progress of our country's wetland parks, the paper gives some ideas on the wetland park's definition, guidance and basic principles of consturction in national wetland parks, constructiongoals, the park's basic requirements, overall layout, design and main contents ofnational wetland park constructions.
    Discussion on the Achievements and Countermeasures against the Problems of the Implementation of Natural Forest Protection Program in Xiaolongshan Forest Area of Gansu Province
    RAN Fuxiang
    2009,(2):  21-27. 
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    Based on the overall survey of the achievements in theimplementation of natural forest protection program, as well as the use of forest sustainable development theory and scientific classification and summary, theproblems in the plan, enforcement and management of natural forest protection program were studied, which shows that the remarkable results have been achievedsince the protection program was carried out, but the problems of inefficient management system, lower management standard and backward management ideas still exist.Therefore, the countermeasures in this paper have been expounded, such asproviding more sci-tech support, increasing sci-tech elements, perfecting monitoring system, strengthening the program management, quickening the steps of additional industry and promoting the self-development ability.
    A Study on Management of Public Welfare Forest after Collective Forest Tenure Reform——A survey in Benxi City, Liaoning Province
    WANG Haili, CHEN Ke, WANG Qiubing, YU Mingtao, SU Dan
    2009,(2):  28-32. 
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    This essay mainly talks about the study on the management of public welfare forest after the collective forest tenure reform.Different survey methods such as questionnaires, visits and meetings are used for thisstudy.Forest rangers, forest farmers and local government are three prospective points of the study. Difficult points in management, based on analyzing themanagement and protection issues after reform, were pointed out anddiscussed.We also studied the conflicts through analyzing the contradiction between microcosmic interests and the requirement of the management of public welfare forest during the work of managing and conserving public welfare forest.With all of the problems discussed in this paper, we gave several specific methodsto resolve them.
    Development Status and Countermeasures of Forest Fruit industry of Central Tarim Basin in Xinjiang
    JIN Yu, PAN Cunde
    2009,(2):  33-35. 
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    Forest fruit industry has developed rapidly in centralTarim Basin in Xinjiang.The orchard acreage expands rapidly and economic and social benefits increase quickly, but in the process of industrial structure adjustment and reasonable layout some conflicts of competing for land between fruitgrowers have appeared. On the basis of investigation and research, from ecological security, food security, sustainable development point of view, we analysed the existing problems and put forward relevant policies and measures.
    Ecological Conservation Issues Emerging in Large-scale Development of Jatropha
    HAN Zheng
    2009,(2):  36-42. 
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    Based on the summary of the current status of Jatrophadevelopment both in China and around the world, this paper points out the potential threats including land use conversion, nutrient cycling in eco-systems, pollution and water and soil erosion, etc., and proposes measures to prevent the negative impacts from happening in order to achieve sustainability of Jatropha development in the dry-hot valley in southwest of China.
    Science and Technology
    Study on Beijing Forest Fixed Sample Plot Investigation System
    LÜ Kangmei, ZHANG Yiming, YU Tao
    2009,(2):  43-48. 
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    Combined with the current development situation and demand of Beijing forestry, the existing deficiencies of forest resources monitoring system are analyzed in this paper.It is proposed that the establishment of Beijing forest fixed sample plot system is an important way to improve Beijing forest dynamic monitoring system.The authors elaborate the sampling and setting offixed plots, the investigation contents of fixed plots, data application and other things.And Beijing forest fixed sample plot monitoring system is introducedcomprehensively in this paper.
    Spatial-Point-Pattern Analysis of Mongolian Linden in Beijing Wulingshan Nature Reserve
    Yue Yongjie, Yu Xinxiao, Qin Fucang, Gao Zhiliang, Yang Benqin
    2009,(2):  49-54. 
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    Based on the investigation data of Mongolian Linden plots in Beijing Wulingshan Nature Reserve, the method of point pattern analysis was employed to study the tree species composition of the community, the dominantpopulation, and the spatial distribution pattern and interspecific relationshipof the population in different development stages.The results show that:1)for the tree layer of Mongolian Linden, there are 9 populations, there is a great difference in population density, the proportions and the basal area of Mongolian Linden population take obvious advantages;2) The distribution pattern andthe space correlation are closely related to the spatial scale of the dominantpopulation of Mongolian Linden, in the research scale, both Mongolian Linden population and aspen population take significant aggregation distribution, birch population takes random distribution.The space correlation of the dominant population is mainly negative association, the interspecific competition is very fierce.3) The scale variation of the spatial pattern of individual is obvious, bigtree took random distribution in the whole space scale, medium tree and young tree take significant aggregation distribution in county and village scale(r<24m)and random distribution in a larger scale.The space correlation of the populations is mainly negative association in different developmental stages, when thespace scale is larger than the critical value, the space correlation among bigtree, medium tree and young tree becomes weak, but the negative associationbetween medium tree and young tree increases.
    Analysis of the Stand Spatial Structure of Mangrove Forest in Leizhou Peninsula
    FU Chunfeng, Liu Suqing
    2009,(2):  55-59. 
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    Stand spatial structure of Mangrove forest in LeizhouPeninsula was investigated by using three structure parameters(mingling, neighborhood comparison, and uniform angle index-neighboring tree distribution pattern).The results showed that the average mingling in four plots is 0.272, 0.292, 0.158, 0.197 respectively, plots 3and 4 are between moderate mixture, the othersare low mixture; Avicennia marina is dominant at DBH neighborhood comparison, Rhizophorastylosa is suppressed, the others are intermediate; the uniform angleindices of the four plots are 0.61, 0.43, 0.45, 0.63 respectively, which shows the distribution of trees in plots 2 and 3 is in the uniform pattern, and that in plots 1 and 4 is in cluster distribution.
    Study on Zonal Vegetation Landscape Characteristics in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Region
    YAN Yujuan, WANG Man, YANG Qian, LIU Kewang
    2009,(2):  60-65. 
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    Using sample plots and relative importance value method, this paper studies landscape characteristics of 21 vegetation types in Changsha, Zhuzhou and Xiangtan hilly area.The results show that evergreen broad-leaved forest is dominated, evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest is secondary.There are 115 kinds of plants to compose the typical plant communities inthis area, which respectively belong to 89 genuses and 59 families.The primarylandscape structure is composite structure which is made up of tree, shrub, herb and vine.Multi-tree spacing is less than 1.5, the lower plants are mostly herbaceous plants of tolerant stronger shade.In this region, the main plants seasonal landscape is foliage color and flower landscape in spring and autumn.Thereare a small amount of summer flowering plants and winter fruit plants.
    Study on Adjusting and Optimizing the Forest Resources Structure in Beijing Ecological Conservation Area
    WANG Jinzeng, LÜ Kangmei, ZHANG Yiming
    2009,(2):  66-69. 
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    In Beijing ecological conservation area, the main workis about ecological barrier conservation and water conservation.It is also a function area of developing eco-friendly industries.Constructing and protectingecological barrier is premise to adjust forestry resources structure.The statusof Beijing forest resources is analyzed and evaluated in this paper, and strategies and measures are made.
    Study on Soil Organic Matter and Nitrogen of Typical Forest Communities in Shanxi Taiyue Mountains
    ZHU Jankui, HAN Hairong, YI Lita, LIU Li
    2009,(2):  70-75. 
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    This paper made an analysis on basic condition of soil organic matter(OM), total nitrogen(TN) and alkaline nitrogen(AN) in 7 typical forestcommunites in Taiyue Mountains, The results showed that among different forest stands, the OM contents in soil humus horizon(SHH) and soil illuvial horizon(SIH)were both highest in the pine oak mixed forest stand, which were 4.908g/kg and3.528g/kg respectively.The minimum value of OM content in SHH occured in pineforest stand was 3.959g/kg, while that in SIH occured in platyphylla forest stand was 1.779g/kg.The TN content in SHH was highest in the white birch foreststand, and the value was 0.368%, while the minmum value was 0.176%, which occurred in the oak stand.The AN content in SHH was highest in the North China larch forest stand, and the value was 292.191mg/kg, while the minmum value was 167.725 mg/kg that occurred in in the pine forest stand.The TN content in SIH washighest in the pine oak mixed forest stand, and the value was 0.277%, while that inthe pine forest stand was 0.094%, which showed the lowest level.The AN content in SIH was highest in the Davidiana forest stand, and the value was 200.183mg/kg, while that in the pine oak mixed forest stand was 49.151mg/kg, which showed the lowest level.Among all types of forest sands, the contents of OM, TN, ANwere all higher in the upper soil than the lower one.The OM contents in both SHH and SIH showed no significant difference(P>0.05), while theTN, AN contents showed significant difference(P<0.01) among different forest types.
    Comparative Analysis and Empirical Study on Ecological Evaluation Method for Tourist City——Take Guilin City as an example
    MA Yifang
    2009,(2):  76-82. 
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    The development of tourism activity depends on a goodecological environment.Health, equilibrium and benign cycle of ecosystem can beunderstood according to the ecological evaluation for tourist city.And then the characteristic and future tendency of ecological development would be perspicuity.The simultaneous usage of ecological comprehensive index evaluating method, fuzzy comprehensive ecological security evaluating method and ecological footprint evaluating method for tourist city could overcome some defiencies forsingular evaluating method, which could complement each other from different angles and relatively completely reflect the ecological status.The ecological evaluation of Guilin City by using three methods above showed that the eco-security situation was safe relatively.
    A Primary Analysis on Avifauna of Langxiang Nature Reserve in Heilongjiang Province
    QIU Shengrong, MENG Yuping, SUN Xiaojuan, TANG Xiaoping, ZHANG Minghai, YU Baocheng
    2009,(2):  83-87. 
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    There are total 197 species(subspecies) of birds, belonging to 44 families of 17 orders, in Langxiang Nature Reserve of Heilongjiang Province.The bird species number recorded is 57.4% of that in HeilongjiangProvince and 77.0% in Xiao Xing'anling area.Among all the records, 3 speciesare Grade I of the national protective animals and 28 species are of Grade II.According to the fauna types, 146 species are palaearctic, 48 species are widespread and 3 species are oriental.
    A Review on Prosopis
    CHEN Jin, LI Dongsheng, SHI Zuomin
    2009,(2):  88-93. 
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    From the aspects of botany characteristics, uses, propagation methods and stress tolerance, the recent advances of the research on Prosopis species was reviewed.The genus Prosopis includes 44 species which are native to arid and semiarid zones in America, Africa and Asia.Prosopis species cannot only provide food, firewood, timber and medicine materials, but also ameliorate soil and fix nitrogen.Prosopis species have hard seedcoats that require scarification as a pretreatment for timely and increased germination.The asexualpropagation of Prosopis species was particularly difficult and erratic.At present, the asexual propagation methods mainly include tissue culture, grafting, airlaying and rooting cuttings.The morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics of Prosopis species were affected by the stress of drought, salinity and high temperature.At the same time, they also adapted to these stressesthrough regulating their morphological, physiological and biochemical aspects.
    Design and Implementation of Reusable Form Components for Forest Resources Inventory on PDA
    TANG Rongming, WU Gang, CHEN Feixiang, LIU Pengju, ZHOU Yufei
    2009,(2):  94-99. 
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    Guided by the thought of software reuse, through the analysis on the design principles, the structure, detail design and reusable methods of forest resources reusable form components, a series of efficient reusableform components were developed.Through the flexible change of the configuration parameters, this article implemented form components reuse among multi-thematic forest resources inventory systems, and improved the efficiency of inventory software development.
    Application of RS Vegetation Index in Forest Cutting-area Detection for“Three Total”Inspection in State-owned Forest Regions——A Case Study in Heli Forestry Bureau
    HAN Aihui, BAI Jianwei, ZHI Chuanggui
    2009,(2):  100-105. 
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    Using the results of TM image interpretation and field sampling investigation of “Three Total” inspection in 2007 in Heli ForestryBureau, the paper analyses NDVI changes of TM data in forest cutting-area and analyses the changes relationship between different cutting modes and different cutting intensities based on TM data of the same year or different years, which provides a useful study on the application of remote sense images in “Three Total” inspection.
    Large-scale Forest Resources Monitoring by Means of Spatial Sampling of Hi-resolution Remote Sensing Images
    LI Chungan, CHEN Qi, TAN Bizeng
    2009,(2):  106-110. 
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    In order to monitor forest resources dynamic changes at the regionlevel, such as a province, spatial sampling was used in GIS environment for hi-resolution remote sensing images of SPOT5 and ALOS, while historical surveying data and other data were used as ancillary data.The attributes of sampling spotsincluded land use/cover types and species groups and others were determined byvisual interpretation, thus areas of forest types and their conversion matrix wereattainable. Furthermore, timber volumes were estimated with the areas of forest types and volume per-hectare derived from the analysis of historical surveyingdata.The application indicated that if hi-resolution images and historical surveying data were available, the present method has advantage in dynamic analysis, and is efficient and has high accuracy. It is also suitable to monitor forestresources at local level, such as a county.
    Study on Extraction of Forest Parameters by High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing
    LIU Xiaoshuang, HUANG Jianwen, JU Hongbo
    2009,(2):  111-117. 
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    Study and application of forest parameters extractionby high spatial resolution remote sensing was introduced in this article, combined with achievements in this field made by researchers all over the world.Extraction of such different forest parameters was described respectively as single tree crown contour, diameter at breast height, biomass, identification and classification of species, LAI, canopy density, wood structure and property.Finally, the problems of forest parameters extraction by high spatial resolution remote sensing were discussed, and the prospect of forest parameters extraction by high spatial resolution remote sensing was expected.
    Study on TS/PDA-based Monitoring of Forest Plant Diversity
    WANG ZHijie, MEI Shenglong, LI Meiqin, LU Xiaozhen
    2009,(2):  118-122. 
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    Population explosion and overuse of natural resourceshave resulted in abnormal change of global climate and deterioration of ecological environment. At the same time, the plant diversity is lost at an unprecedented speed and the species of plants are decreasing rapidly or some even die out, which has affected human existence. As a result, it is urgent to protect plant diversity. According to the requirements of protecting forest plant diversity, research work focuses on layout of monitoring plots, single tree monitoring techniqe, and use of spatial information technique and plant survey technique for laying out of sampling plots and areas for plant diversity monitoring.
    Application of GIS Technology for the Rationality of Building Bamboo Forest Roads
    CHEN Sheng, XIE Zhegen, CHEN Gaojie, ZHAO Weiming
    2009,(2):  123-127. 
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    With the area of bamboo forest benefited from forest roads as an indicator, GIS technology has been used for analysing the rationalityof laying out roads in bamboo forest, which aims at providing support for decision making and planning of forest road construction.