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    28 August 2009, Issue 4
    Management and Administration
    Study on Mediation Evidence and Legal Effect of Forest Tenure disputes
    WANG Jufang
    2009,(4):  6-10. 
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    For a long time, forest tenure disputes have led to an impact on the social stability in forest areas. After collective forest tenure system reform, the governments and forestry departments at all levels have stepped up their mediation efforts. But in specific cases the application of evidence has encountered many difficult issues.Based on the summary of the mediation and settlement of forest tenure disputes in some provinces, this paper present an analysis on evidence application and legal effect in settlement of forest tenure dispntes, which is helpful to the similar cases in other parts of the country.
    Research on Strategies for Integrated Development of Mountainous Forestry
    ZHANG Jian
    2009,(4):  11-15. 
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    Based on the analysis on the current state of comprehensive development of mountainous areas in China, this paper presents a detailed description about the ideas and measures for implementing the strategies for integrated forestry development in mountainous areas. In the course of the strategic implementation, forestry development shall be taken as the key link, economic forest development as a breakthrough, the market as a direction and commercial production as a central point. Focusing on natural characteristics of the mountainous areas, their economic development, level of their productivity, existing problems and their development layout, this paper puts forward the major strategies for integrated forestry development in the mountainous areas.
    On Improving the Supporting Systems in Reform of Collective Forestland Property Right System
    PENG Yu, ZHOU Xunfang
    2009,(4):  16-19. 
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    The reform of collective forestland property right system will gradually be completed. Perfecting the supporting system reform has become an urgent task. In order to improve the supporting systems, the government should reconstruct the collective forestland property right system, improve the administrative expropriation compensation system and social security system, and construct stakeholder management system. Through improving the supporting systems, the achievements of collective forestland reform should be consolidated, and the sustainable development of forestry should be promoted.
    On Major Problems and Corresponding Strategies of Forest Parks' Development in China
    SHENG Li, LIU Yuan
    2009,(4):  20-25. 
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    The article gives a brief account of the development of the forest parks in China. And it points out some major problems that exist in management of the forest parks, such as low legal status, low efficient management system, backward infrastructure and low-level master plans. The paper puts forward some corresponding strategies and suggestions, such as improving the legal system, bettering technical norms, deepening system reform, establishing the management system for separating the functions of enterprises from government management and featuring clearly specified powers.
    Thoughts on Development of Key Forest Fire Hazard Zones in China
    CHEN Junzhi
    2009,(4):  26-29. 
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    The present situation and the main problems of the development of forest fire hazard zones in China were analyzed. From the perspectives of perfecting the forest fire prevention, obstruction and monitor system and enhancing the professional team and equipment, some suggestions of how to improve forest fire protection system of forest fire hazard zones in China were put forward.
    Science and Technology
    Research on the Two-element Tree Volume Models For Masson Pine Plantation in Guizhou
    XIA Zhongsheng, ZHU Song, ZHANG Jiangping, LUO Hongzhang
    2009,(4):  30-34. 
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    Masson pine (Pinus Massoniana Lamb.) in Guizhou Province, according to its distribution, is divided into two categories to design rationally the modeling sample structure. One is the central area and the other is the general area. For the research we collected respective data on felled wood for different modeling modules, fit Binary Tree Volume Yamamoto-type basic model and the variable parameter model, analyzed the statistical indexes and tested the adaptivity of the models,and finally concluded the Yamamoto variable parameter model is the best model which can be used successfully in the modeling unit.
    Volume Table of Fraxinus mandshurica and Juglans mandshurica in Second Growth in Western Slope of Changbai Mountains, Jilin, China
    BAI Guangxin
    2009,(4):  35-40. 
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    Relationship between diameter-at-foot (D0.0), diameter at breast high without bark(D), bark percentage (P), tree height (H) and DBH (D) of Fraxinus mandshurica and Juglans mandshurica in second growth in western slope of Changbai Mountains were studied. The standing volume models, diameter-at-foot standing volume models, and bark volume models were constructed. The ratios of D to D0.0, D to D of Fraxinus mandshurica and Juglans mandshurica were 0.7299 and 0.7658, 0.9789 and 0.9750, respectively. The bark-percentage models and high models of Fraxinus mandshurica and Juglans mandshurica were P=129.1956D-0.6129 and P=275.4582D-0.819, and H=36.007-693.244(D+19.687)-1 and H=29.255-318.636(D+8.972)-1, respectively. The one-variable volume models, two-variable volume models, and diameter-at-foot standing volume models of Fraxinus mandshurica and Juglans mandshurica were V=0.0002D2.31 and V=0.0004D2.1232, V=0.000048D2.01077H0.870343 and V=0.000042D1.772558H1.174785, and V=0.0001D0.02.4347 and V=0.0004D0.02.0698, respectively. The one-variable bark volume models and two-variable bark volume models of Fraxinus mandshurica and Juglans mandshurica were V=0.0002D1.8668 and V=0.0003D1.7812, and V=0.000019D1.452649H1.14834 and V=0.000062D1.556608H0.714036, respectively.
    Structure and Spatial Patterns of Main Woody Plant Populations in A Natural Pinus tabulaeformis Forest in Taiyue Mountain,Shanxi Province
    HUANG Sanxiang, ZHAO Xiuhai
    2009,(4):  41-47. 
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    Pinus tabulaeformis is not only one of representative tree species in warm temperate zone, but also an important afforestation tree species in northern China. The population structure and spatial patterns of main woody plant species were studied. The results showed that the population structure of P. tabulaeformis was a reverse pyramid type. The age structure of the population was declining due to lack of seedlings and saplings. The population structure of other 5 broadleaved populations, such as Quercus liaotungensis, Acer tegmentosum and etc, was a spindle type and the age structure of these populations was ascending. As to the distribution pattern, the P. tabulaeformis, Q. liaotungensis, Prunus armniaca, Populus davidiana and Crateagus pinnatifida population were clump in all research scales. Betula platyphylla and Acer ginnala population patterns were the same, clump for small scales, random for middle and large scales. The spatial pattern of Acer tegmentosum population was random for middle scales, but clump for small and large scales. As to Acer mono population, the spatial distribution pattern was random in all scales. Varied with scales, the spatial patterns of Alnus japonica changed from clump to regular. The spatial patterns of the woody plant population in upper and lower layers were also analyzed. The result showed that the spatial patterns of upper layer's and lower layer's tree species were all clump tendency, whereas the latter varied from clump to random. The population spatial pattern was decided mainly by long-term interactions among the biological, ecological characteristics and its environmental conditions, which showed the survival strategy and adaptive mechanism in certain degree.
    The Population Structure and Spatial Pattern of Abies georgei
    LU Jie, PAN Gang, LUO Daqing, LUO Jian, ZHENG Weilie, QIN Yuanli
    2009,(4):  48-53. 
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    In the paper, the research object was Abies georgei var.smithii that distributes in Sejila mountain of Tibet. For the research,fifteen 30m×30m plots were set up and the contiguous grid quadrats applied to sampling for field data. The population characteristics were analyzed including height structure, basal diameter structure, age structure and spatial pattern. The results indicated that three structures of A. georgei population manifested as the anti-"J" type, the correlation was obvious, the relationship of basal diameter and age was y=13.5640x0.7078 (R2=0.9144), seedlings backup reserved particularly large, the death rate was high, but the supplemental rate was higher than the death rate and the population was steady. Under different scales, the spatial patterns of different age-class (developmental stage) plant were different. With the sampling scale increasing, the spatial patterns of different age-class plants were clumped distribution pattern, but tended to be uniform distribution pattern, the degrees of intensity were decreasing from high to low, the same sampling scale, the greater the age class, the weaker the intensity. The research results provided the theoretical basis for management and sustainable utilization of A. georgei.
    Characteristics and Diversity of Litsea monopetala community in Ilha Verde Hill, Macao
    LIANG Guanxin, ZHENG Xilong, WANG Faguo, XING Fuwu, ZHANG Sumei, PAN Yonghua
    2009,(4):  54-60. 
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    The characteristics and species diversity of the Litsea monopetala community in Ilha Verde Hill of Macao were studied. Based on data from 1100 m2 plot. 47 species in 42 genera and 27 families of vascular plants were found. The floral composition of the community was divided into 9 areal types, and tropical elements predominated. The appearance of community was characterized by everygreen phanerophytes plants with mesophyll,entire and single leaf. The diameter classes of dominant populations implicated that the community dominated by Litsea monopetala may remain constant, while the amount of Terospermum heterophyllum and Sterculia lanceolata may increase. The horizontal spatial patterns of 3 dominance populations conform to aggregated distribution. The species diversity of the community is relatively poor with Magarlef index at 4.9072, Shannon-Wiener index at 0.8742, Simpson index at 1.1641 and Pielou index at 0.3024. Species diversity comparison with 3 communities of adjacent regions indicated that the value of arbor-shrub layer species Shannon-Wiener index was lower than that of Endospermum chinense community in Hong Kong, Cryptocarya chinensis community in Dinghushan Natural Reserve and Schefflera heptaphylla community in Nanshan District Shenzhen City, owing to its insularity, dominant populations and invasive species. This situation suggested that some necessary measures should be taken to restore the diversity in Litsea monopetala community.
    Study on Biomass Distribution Characteristics of Natural Forest in Ergis River,Xinjiang
    WU Xiaocheng, ZHANG Qiuliang, LEI Qingzhe, BAI Zhiqiang
    2009,(4):  61-67. 
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    In order to reveal the distribution characteristics of community biomass along the horizontal environmental gradients or among the vertical layers of communities in Ergis river,this paper studied the biomass distribution characteristics of 6 forest stands,several analysis methords are used such as study plot,trunk analysis and experience model.The results showed that variation range of average organs biomass are in order trunk 59.485~100.697 t·hm-2,bark 7.649~19.434 t·hm-2,branch 6.366~40.208t·hm-2,leaf 1.834~5.694 t·hm-2,root 11.820~46.265 t·hm-2. All existent significant power correlation between each organs biomass of P.laurifolia, P.jrtyschensis, P.alba,S.alba and DBH,correlated equation is M=aDb(R2=0.884~0.984). Vertical distribution of community biomass in order tree layer>shrub layer>herb layer>litter layer showed inverted pyramid shape. Community biomass presented a unimodal form of increasing before decreasing with the distance increasing from the river channel.
    Study on Evolvement and Functions of Woodland Landscape in Zhanjiang
    WU Xuebiao, CHEN Shiyin, ZHOU Fei
    2009,(4):  68-73. 
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    Changes of woodtland landscape in Zhangjing City are analyzed and the influences on ecosystem service functions are evaluated by means of RS and GIS techniques. The results show that in 1996-2007 the total area of the woodland increased dramatically and the woodland landscape became geometrically more complex, and ecologically more fragmented.The landscape spatial pattern has been increasingly disturbed by human activities and there was a close correlation between the changes of ecosystem service functions and landscape spatial pattern. Finally, the basic protection strategy and suggestion of woodland in Zhangjiang City were proposed according to the analysis.
    Study on Dynamic Changes of Land Types of Futian Mangrove Reserve
    LIANG Sujuan, SHI Xiuhua, ZHANG Xinwen
    2009,(4):  74-78. 
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    The four years' land classification and use status of Futian is gained through the analysis of the Landsat-5 satellite remote sensing data of 80's of the last century to 2008. It is indicated by comparion of dynamic changes over each period that the mangrove area increases by 49.70hm2, dynamic degree reaches 4.24; the beach area decreases by 42.22hm2, dynamic degree reaches -1.62,the land vegetation and building and bare land increases by 25.82hm2 and 11.46hm2 respectively and dynamic degree reaches 9.23,10.67. The suggestion on scientific and reasonable protection, restoration and development of protected areas is put forward for dynamic changes in the protected areas.
    Study on Vegetation Reducing Wind-sand Disaster around the Artificial Oasis
    LIU Fang, HAO Yuguang, NA Rentuoya, DONG Zhi, XIN Zhiming, ZHAGN Jingbo
    2009,(4):  79-84. 
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    Research on the functions of vegetation for reducing wind-sand disaster through field test was conducted. The results indicate that plants can obviously increase the surface roughness of different dunes, which provides mechanism of wind-preventing and sand-controlling. With the vegetation coverage increasing, the sand transporting amount and sand erosion (accumulation) and dust drops amount significantly reduced. Based on the analysis on sand transport rate of the different dunes, we can see that the rate separately drops 93.6% in fixed dune and 59.8% in semi-fixed dune. Comparing with the newly cultivated sandy land the wind-erosion status only has 32.6% in fixed dune and 73.4% in semi-fixed dune in the month of highest wind-erosion status. There is a common regularity. The dust amount concentrates in April, May and June, and biggest in April, accounting for 1/4~1/2 of the total; the dust amount changes significantly on horizontal or vertical gradient in each month.
    Study on Benefits of Two Kinds of Poplars and Distance of Farmland Protective Forest in the Hetao Area
    SUN Xu, GAO Gang, LIU Jing, GAO Yong
    2009,(4):  85-91. 
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    The study on the protective effect of farmland protective forest was conducted. The result shows that with the condition of 100m and 200m's distance space of sheltbelts,the distinction about two kinds of distance space of sheltbelts on P. alba var.pyramidalis temperature and water effect is not notably different, but it is notably different in windbreak effect aspect;the distinction about two kinds of distance space of sheltbelts on P. Popularis' protective effect is not notably different;on the condition of 200m distance space of sheltbelts, P. Popularis' sheleter forest protective effect is superior to P. alba var.pyramidalis sheleter forest.Based on the analytic hierarchy process, the result of comprehensive benefit evaluation indicates that P. Popularis' sheleter forest is superior to P. alba var.pyramidalis sheleter forest and 200m's distance space of sheltbelts is superior to100m's.
    Study on A Method of Comprehensive Fuzzy Evaluation of Leptocybe invasa's Disaster Risk
    PENG Wei, ZHANG Xu, YU Xinwen, LIU Yan
    2009,(4):  92-97. 
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    Aiming at risk assessment of Leptocybe invasa disaster and producing quantitative conclusion in DSS for Fast-growing plantation of eucalypt project, a system of comprehensive evaluation is built which is based on the study of biological characters and diffusion rules, and a method of comprehensive fuzzy evaluation is proposed. The conclusions meet facts well when using the method for risk assessment and analysis for effect of different measures of preventing pest disaster to a new project in Huangmian Forest Farm. It indicates that the method is effective for risk assessment of Leptocybe invasa disaster.
    Eucalyptus urophylla×Eucalyptus camaldulensis Clone DH201-2 Cuttage Reproduction Research
    HU Tangchun, LIU Dechao
    2009,(4):  98-100. 
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    Comparative experiments were conducted on different types of root taking promoters and their individual effects on the survival rate of Eucalyptus urophylla×Eucalyptus camaldulensis clone DH201-2 cuttings. Analysis was done on the effects of the cuttings with different lignification degrees and cuttage media on the cutting survival rate of Eucalyptus urophylla×Eucalyptus camaldulensis clone DH201-2. The results indicated that ABT-1# 600 mg/kg is best for root taking and the survival rate and number of roots are high. Half lignification's green branches +70% red subsoil and 30% fine river sand make the cuttage matrix effect best, the average survival rate reaches 90.8%, averages number of roots 18.3 and the average root length 16.7cm.
    Preliminary Study on Ex-situ Conservation of Endangered Plant Species in Jiugong Mountain National Nature Reserve, Hubei Province
    XIONG Dengyu, WANG Jian
    2009,(4):  101-104. 
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    There are two methods, mixed cultivation and simulated cultivation, for ex-situ conservation of rare and endangered plants in Jiugong Mountain National Nature Reserve, Hubei Province. We chose 16 different endangered species to investigate which method would be more suitable for the growth of the plants. The results showed that the cultivation of simulated community is more suitable for ex-situ conservation of rare and endangered plants in Jiugong Mountain National Nature Reserve. The cultivation of simulated community by optimizing community structure might apply for artificial restoration of rare and endangered plants community.
    Grey Forecast for the Development of Eco-tourism's Main Indexes in Fujian Province
    CHEN Baibi, QIU Xiaowen
    2009,(4):  105-108. 
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    This paper forecasts Fujian eco-tourism's main indexes by applying the theory and methods of Grey System to establish the grey Forecasting Model of GM (1,1) on the 2001-2006 data of Fujian eco-tourism operation. The results show that the forecast accuracy and the reliability of the method are high and the forecast results can be used in Fujian eco-tourism.
    Purification Efficiencies of Different Wetland Plants for Domestic Sewage in Beijing
    CUI Lijuan, SHANG Xiaojing, WANG Yifei, LI Wei, ZHANG Manyin
    2009,(4):  109-115. 
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    This study aimed to investigate the purification efficiencies for domestic sewage in wetland plant ponds using five wetland plant species,Phragmites australis,Typha orientalis,Oenanthe javanica,Menyanthes trifoliate and Salix viminalis.Experiment with six plant dispositions was conducted in Yanqing County of Beijing from June to November 2008.After six months monitoring on pH,chemical oxygen demand(COD),total nitrogen(TN)and total phosphorus(TP),the results indicated that wetland plants were capable of removing pollutants from wastewater,and the purification efficiencies increased with increasing temperature and plant growth before September,but this increasing tends slow down or the purification efficiencies decreased from September.Purification efficiencies for pollutants were different among the five wetland plant species and six wetland dispositions.For the five wetland plant species,Typha orientalis,Menyanthes trifoliate,Phragmites australis and Salix viminalis got the best purification efficiencies for pH,COD,TN and TP,respectively.The purification efficiencies of Typha orientalis and Salix viminalis were the greatest for all these four pollutants.Compared plant disposition with the single plant,plant dispositions were more efficient for pH and TN removing,but less efficient for COD and TP than single plants.Phragmites australis and Menyanthes trifoliate were suitable for plant dispositions with other species in pollutants removing,while the purification efficiencies of single Typha orientalis,Salix viminalis and Oenanthe javanica performed better compared to plant dispositions.
    Research on Evaluation of Forest Fire Lookout Tower Visibility in Yichang, Hubei
    WU Xiaoqun, YANG Xiaoling, GAO Junfeng
    2009,(4):  116-119. 
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    visibility evaluation, as one of the important components of GIS visibility, is applied to forest fire,constructional layout,landscape study etc. In the paper, 14 typical forest fire lookout towers were researched by virtue of the visibility analysis. The results showed: (1) visibility analysis was limited by the tower height,visible distance and terrain. Its precision depends on the accuracy of spatial and attributes data and was related with interpolated methods; (2) According to the visible distance of lookout towers (10Km), visible area was 12.1% in the whole city. If the visible distance of lookout towers was perfect, visible area was 68.32% in the city. (3) Visibility analysis provided references of the lookout tower layout and could realized the advanced visibility.
    Research on Measurement of Urban Landscape Plants' Biomass in Beijing City
    WANG Disheng
    2009,(4):  120-125. 
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    Using the method of average standard wood, for the first time,the research was carried out on the average biomass of main types and species of landscape plants in Beijing City by full-cut weighing up fresh weight and dry weight. In view of the specificity and complexity of classifying the plants' species and types in landscape survey, this article measures the total existing biomass of landscape plants in Beijing city using of landscape survey data. The total existing biomass is 181.8642 million tons in Beijing, and 1,291,200 tons in Beijing city (including 8 districts). The research on biomass provides a basic gist for the research on landscape plants' ecological functions and correlative ecological environment evaluation etc.
    The Analysis and Design of SFA Website Maintenance System Based on the Workflow Technology
    WEN Xuexiang
    2009,(4):  126-130. 
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    This paper describes the current Website maintenance mode in the State Forestry Administration and proposes introduction of workflow technology in the process of Website maintenance. A workflow-based Form System of the Website Maintenance of the State Forestry Administration is analysed and designed.