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    28 October 2009, Issue 5
    Management and Administration
    Study on Forest Harvesting Management after the Reform of the Collective Forest Tenure System in Yong'an
    WANG Qingling
    2009,(5):  1-4. 
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    In order to improve the mechanism of forest cutting quota management after the reform of the collective forest tenure system,an experiment was conducted in Yong'an on harvesting of timber forest according to the area. This paper mainly deals with the issues that counteract the development of the new mechanism and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions on improvement of the forest harvesting management system.
    Analysis on the Legal Concept of Forestry and Effect Factors
    ZHANG Zhiping
    2009,(5):  5-9. 
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    The legal concept of forestry is an important component part in forestry laws and regulations and the premise to determine the rights,obligations and responsibilities. Accurately grasping the meaning of the concept can affect directly the forestry law enforcement and practice. This paper analyzes the composition characteristics of the legal concept of forestry as well as the connotation and extension of the legal concept of forestry for forestry technical terms,the government ecological policies and unified forestry laws.
    Analysis on the Factors Affecting the Forestry Taxation and Fee Collection Reform performance in China ——Based on the Perspective of Farmers' Interests
    ZHENG Yu
    2009,(5):  10-14. 
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    Referring to the reform goals such as the increased income of forestry operators,the sustainable use and expanded reproduction of forest resources,this paper summed up the performance of forestry taxation and fee collection reform. Meanwhile,based on the farmers' interests,the paper discussed impact factors on the reform performance from multi-angles and the response mechanism between the performance of forestry taxation and fee collection reform and the major impact factors. The author believes that several reform measures become key issues for consolidating and deepening the results of taxation and fee collection reform,which include broadening the felling control aimed at peasants,improving the public expenditure system,relaxing and deregulating the unnecessary governmental regulations and sectoral control,stabilizing the existing preferential tax policies aimed at timber processing enterprises and promoting scale operation,etc.
    Investigation and Study on Forest Tenure Mortgage ——A case study on Chongyi County,Jiangxi Province
    JIANG Lin, ZENG Huafeng
    2009,(5):  15-20. 
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    As a new financial loan business,forest tenure mortgage provides funds for the operation and sustainable development of forestry. Based on the on-the-spot investigation in Chongyi county,the paper analyses the situation of forest tenure mortgage and the existing problems and puts forward relevant solutions so as to provide reference for carrying out forest tenure mortgage in an overall way.
    Analysis on Achievements and Quality of Biological Energy Forest Plantation Base Development in Inner Mongolia
    WANG Lin, SUN Yundong, WANG Yao, YU Xiaoguang
    2009,(5):  21-23. 
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    Based on the check results of the basic construction of the Xanthoceras sorbifolia bioenergy forest plantation,this paper expounds the present development situation and analyzes the existent issues. To improve and consummate the construction of bioenergy forest plantation base,it also puts forward some suggestions.
    Science and Technology
    Multi-monitoring Platforms Integration Oriented Design on the Information System of Forest Fire Monitoring
    HUANG Shuisheng, TANG Xiaoming, ZHANG Yuxing, HAN Aihui, XIE Yangsheng
    2009,(5):  24-28. 
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    With the rapid development and wide application of monitoring platforms such as satellite monitoring,aircraft patrol,station observations and ground patrol for forest fire monitoring,the requirement of establishing the comprehensive forest fire monitoring system that integrates all kinds of platforms tends to be more and more urgent. As an important part of the comprehensive system of forest fire monitoring,the ability of the information system of forest fire monitoring to integrate multi-monitoring platforms is demanded. Based on the requirement of forest fire monitoring,the frame of the information system of forest fire monitoring and all components of the information system aimed to integrate multi-monitoring platforms is analyzed in detail. As a result,the method that integrates platforms and information system based on middleware and component of application service is feasible,which can combine the work of all monitoring platforms and server for forest fire monitoring together.
    Technical Realization and Application of Data Standardization for Forest Resources
    GAO Jinping, GAO Xianlian
    2009,(5):  29-33. 
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    To solve the problems in forest data exchange among provinces in the project of building a national forest Resources database. This thesis puts forward the data standardization technical line and develops a data standardization software. The databases of 12 pilot provinces have been improved,which establishes the basis for data exchange and provides an effective experience and technical method for other provinces to build their forest databases.
    Theory,Conceptual Framework and Model for Adaptive Management of Forest Ecological System
    ZHAO Qingjian, WEN Zuomin
    2009,(5):  34-38. 
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    Based on the research of the forest ecological system,an analysis of the characteristics of forest ecological system adaptive management was given. The basic theory and conceptual framework of adaptive management for fragile forest ecosystem were proposed. Through uniting of the multi-agent theory and forest ecological system,a general construction of ecological system adaptive management was set up,and the corresponding methods of analysis and calculation were initially described.
    The Ideas and Technical System of National Integrated Monitoring for Forest Resources and Ecological Conditions ——A test pilot in Guangdong Province in 2007
    YE Jinsheng, LIN Shouming, LI Maoshen, ZENG Weisheng, WANG Qiulai
    2009,(5):  39-43. 
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    The ideas and technology system of integrated monitoring for forest resources and ecological conditions in Guangdong pilot in 2007 were described for supplying reference to provincial and national integrated monitoring. In the pilot,a monitoring system based on the continuous forest inventory (CFI) plots was set up,integrating with forest vegetation,forest soil and species diversity. A set of indicators was also established for the monitoring system,which contained forest resources,wetland resources,rocky desertification land resources,and other ecological indicators such as forest health,forest land,forest landscape,carbon sink capacity of forest,soil and water conservation and species diversity conservation. And many technical methods were applied in the pilot,including ground survey,remote sensing interpretation,experimental measurement,mathematical modeling,index analysis,and comprehensive evaluation.
    Analysis and Consolidation Strategies of the Results of the “Returning Farmland to Forest” Project in Beijing
    LU Jinsheng
    2009,(5):  44-49. 
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    The article introduces the profile of the “Returning Farmland to Forest” project in Beijing. It focuses on comparative analysis of the results of the “Returning Farmland to Forest”project and propounds the consolidation strategy for the results of returning farmland to forest from the general idea,layout,and supporting measures.
    A Technical Method of Dynamic Forest Resources Monitoring at the County Level Based on the Permanent Sample Plots
    JI Biyong, ZHANG Guojiang, ZHAO Guoping, LAI Jiang
    2009,(5):  50-53. 
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    Based on the permanent sample plots,monitoring of forest resources and ecological conditions was carried out in Hangzhou in 2008 to update the subcompartment data of counties (cities,districts) under the jurisdiction of Hangzhou. With Jiande as an example,we put forward a technical method of dynamic forest resources monitoring at a county level by archive updating,supplementary investigations,re-measured investigations and model projection methods,and analyzed the technical approach for developing the subcompartment stocking volume data updating model.
    Assessment of the Benefits from Improvement of Low-yielding Asian White Birch Forest
    HAO Yushan, ZHOU ShengLi, CHEN Yazhou
    2009,(5):  54-57. 
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    Six sample plots (0.04hm2),including three sample plots of Dahurian Larch (Larix gmelini) (stand improvement) and Asian White Birch (Betula platyphylla) (control),were set up in Dahurian Larch plantation generated in 1991-1992 and the reserved Asian White Birch forest separately in Jiaodaomu Forest Farm of Genhe Forestry Bureau. The Dahurian Larch plantation was established in the strip clear-cutting White Birch forest. Based on the survey of primary stand description factors and the results of analytical woods (one plant per plot),assessment was done on the efficiency of low-yielding Asian White Birch forest improvement in quality,outrun,economics and ecology. It was shown that mean diameter at breast height,mean height and standing crop in the 30-year stand after improvement by regeneration were four times,equal approximately to and eleven times as much as that in the unimproved stand,respectively. Therefore,the timber's quality,economic and ecological benefits were enhanced obviously in the improved stand.
    Above-ground Carbon Storage Allocations of Main Tree Species in Broad-leaved Natural Secondary Forest of Changbai Mountains
    JIANG Huiquan, ZHANG Huiru, KANG Xingang
    2009,(5):  58-63. 
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    Based on the investigation data of 8 sampleplots of Jingouling station of Changbai mountains in 2007,the paper analyzed above-ground standing carbon storage of main tree species(DBH ≥4cm)and their distribution according to DBH(diameter at breast height) classes and layer height classes. The results are showed as following: (1) The amount of above-ground standing carbon storage of main tree species is in this sequence: Betula spp(20 675.902kg/hm2)>Acer mono Maxim.(7 065.584kg/hm2)>Tilia amurensis Rupr.(4 740.284kg/hm2)>Populus davidiana (3 777.076 kg/ hm2)>Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr.(3 440.810kg/hm2)>Picea asperata Mast. and Abies nephro- lepis (2 430.327kg/hm2)>Pinus koraiensis Sieb.(1 625.146kg/ hm2). (2) The carbon-storage curve of Pinus koraiensis Sieb.,Picea asperata Mast. and Abies nephrolepis were stabler than broadleaved tree species 's. (3) Carbon storage' distribution according to layer height class increased remarkably with height increasing,after that carbon storage decreased with height increasing in the tree level. Stem' carbon-storage percentage of above-ground carbon storage in broad leaved tree species deceased as the tree height classes increased,but Pinus koraiensis Sieb,,Picea asperata Mast. and Abies nephrolepis were on the contrary.
    Natural Regeneration Pattern and Grey Relevancy Analysis of Influencing Factors of Picea mongolica Forest in Inner Mongolia
    HUANG Sanxiang, LUO Juchun, ZHAO Xiuhai
    2009,(5):  64-68. 
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    In order to reveal the internal mechanism about the occurrence and development of Picea mongolica population,find and analyze the bottleneck factors of natural regeneration,the regeneration pattern and influencing factors of Picea mongolica forests in Baiyinaobao national nature reserve were researched qualitatively and quantitatively through spatial pattern and grey relevancy analysis method. The results showed that the regeneration seedlings and saplings took on a clumped distribution with a high mortality. The main factors that influence the natural regeneration were the litter layer thickness,coverage of shrubs and humus layer. The relevancy degree was 0.749,0.746 and 0.678 respectively. The altitude and slope degree had nearly no effect on the natural regeneration whose relevancy degree was only 0.615 and 0.621 respectively.
    Status Analysis of Rhododendron moulmainense Population of Xiaowutong Mountain in Shenzhen
    WU Zhi, LIU Nian, WANG Dingyue, LIU Yongjin
    2009,(5):  69-72. 
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    By analyzing the historical data of Rhododendron moulmainense community of Xiaowutong Mountain in Shenzhen Wutong Mountain National Park,the authors discover signs of Rhododendron moulmainense population's decay. With the research results of Rhododendron communities in some other scenic spots,the authors consider that this phenomenon is universal in some respects,and suggest that Rhododendron populations of such community should be managed in a classified way and,nurtured moderately and some study be done regularly in the same places.
    Restoration Technique of the Degraded Ecosystem of Swamp in Xiaoxing'an Mountains
    ZHANG Yangwu, ZHAO Tianli, CAI Tijiu, MA Yane
    2009,(5):  73-78. 
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    Based on the research of vegetation restoration and construction for swamps of different degree of interference,the results showed that the effects of natural vegetation restoration on shrub and herbaceous marshes under burning and grazing intermediate disturbance were good. According to the growth indexes,it only needed 2 or 3 years for degraded ecosystem to recover to the un-disturbance status by the herbaceous plant restoration measures,but it took longer time with the shrub plant restoration measures. According to the comparative analysis of 5 artificial species,the preserving rate of Hippophae rhamnoides,Caragana microphylia and Hemerocallis citrine was 100%,88.23% and 62.15% respectively in their own patterns. But the preserving rate of Amorpha fruticosa and Medicago sativa were zero after years of artificial vegetation restoration. The order of different patterns of artificial species disposition model as follows: the mix disposition model of Hippophae rhamnoides and Caragana microphylia>Hippophae rhamnoides and Hemerocallis citrine>Caragana microphylia and Hemerocallis citrine. In order to use the results of these kinds of artificial species disposition models and techniques for degraded ecosystem vegetation engineering restoration,these models and techniques should be tested under different degraded ecosystem of marsh and different scenario conditions.
    Study on the Niche of Dominant Species in Natural Restoration Vegetation of Beijing Shouyun Iron Mine Area
    ZHAO Fangying, LIANG Lizhuang, SUN Jianxin, CHENG Xiaoqin
    2009,(5):  79-83. 
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    By using the niche breadth,niche overlap,TWINSPAN and DCA,the gradual change of the dominant species's niche of natural restoration vegetation and the relationship of communities have been studied. Based on the investigation of natural restoration community of mining wasteland in Beijing Shouyun Iron Mine,9 main populations were screened out for analysis of niche. The result showed that among the main populations the niche breadth of Vitex negundo was greater than that of other species. The results of niche overlapping showed that the species with big niche breadth will have niche overlapping with other species in the great opportunities. The result of DCA and TWINSPAN reflected the niche grade of the dominant species,the structure grade of and the environmental grade of community.
    Study on Vegetation Regeneration of Skidding Road in Liushuhe Forest Farm of Jinlin Province
    ZHOU Ning, ZHENG Xiaoxian
    2009,(5):  84-89. 
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    Based on the investigation and analysis of natural vegetation regeneration of main skidding road and skidding trail,the results indicate: 1) light demanders such as Populus koreana Rehder ,willow and birch are main regeneration tree species on main skidding road,and Populus koreana Rehder is the earliest regeneration tree; Juglans mandshurica and Fraxinus mandshurica are main regeneration tree species on skidding trails. 2) Based on the number of regeneration trees,the average age and the average height of main regeneration tree and average cover degree,the conditions of regeneration on west slope of skidding trail are the best,and the conditions of regeneration on main skidding road better than that of east slope of skidding trail.
    Sustainable Development of the Desert Plant Diversity around Ulan Buh Desert Region
    LIU Fang, HAO Yuguang, CHEN Binghao, LIU Minghu, CHI Yuechun
    2009,(5):  90-93. 
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    Ulan Buh Desert is situated at the transition zone between wilderness area and the prairie area in Asia. There is an important phytogeography boundary. Study on the desert plant diversity was carried out around Ulan Buh Desert region. Preliminary results are as follows: there are 312 native plant species and the abundance of their diversity is richer than that in other desert regions in Northwest China. The plant geographical compositions are mainly composed of the species of the ancient Mediterranean,the Middle Asia and Mongolia Gobi ect. The shrub and half-shrub species of xerophyte,halophyte and arenicolous plant take the superiority and they have 11 life types of flora diversity. The correlation between the local and neighboring flora areas is close and extensive. Based on the analysis on the reasons of the loss of the desert plant diversity,this article proposed ecologyical countermeasure of promoting the sustainable development of and conservation of desert plant diversity in the pastoral area and oasis.
    A Study on the Correlation between Photosynthetic Rate and Leaf Water Potential of Natural Populus Euphratica Forest in Ejina Oasis
    SA Rula, ZHANG Qiuliang, LIU Yang
    2009,(5):  94-98. 
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    A typical type of natural Populus Euphratica forest was selected for the study in Ejina Oasis. Fixed sample trees with different ages and sizes were used for simnltaneous measurement of their photosynthetic rate and leaf water potential and their basic law and correlation were analysed.
    Evaluation on Forest Park Landscape Resources Based on AHP-LCJ
    CHEN Chuwen, BAO Qinxing, FENG Juhao
    2009,(5):  99-104. 
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    The AHP-LCJ method was used to recognize both the public and the professionals as the main appraisal body. A multi-level appraisal was conducted for the quality of the forest park scenery resources in Wuxie country forest park. The results show that in the whole forest park and scenic appraisal,the public has obtained the high consistency with the professionals. As for scenic spot appraisal,there is a high similarity but with a considerable difference. According to the analysis on the main reason of the difference,forest park's scenery resource appraisal should use the AHP-LCJ and at the same time,consider the public's tourism demand.
    Study on Updating Techniques of Forest Resources Data Based on Mathematical Morphology
    WU Fayun, SUN Tao, WANG Xiaokun
    2009,(5):  105-108. 
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    Data updating of forest resources is to ensure the data reflect the status quo of forest resources timely and accurately. Vectorization of changed sub-compartments is basic to updated forest resources data. The current vector tracking algorithms and software cannot operate the automatic sub-compartment vectorization through contour lines,as a result of huge intersecting between changing sub-compartments and contour lines during field inspection. Consequently,the workload of vectorization becomes heavier,and its accuracy and efficiency get lower as well. The vectorization proposed in this paper is based on mathematical morphology. It can make the automatic vectorization of sub-compartments through cross points come true and greatly improve the accuracy and efficiency of updating data collected.
    Development of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Application in Forest Species Identification
    ZENG Qingwei, WU Honggan
    2009,(5):  109-114. 
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    This paper describes the methods of forest species identification in hyperspectral remote sensing and discusses the application of hyperspectral data in forest species identification at home and abroad. In the end,the status quo and problems of hyperspectral remote sensing in forest species identification are discussed and some suggestions about its development trend are made.
    New Developments in Other Countries
    Inspiration from the Forest Fire Incident Command System of the United States
    LIU Chenglin
    2009,(5):  115-121. 
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    Forest fire fighting is a complex systematic engineering. It is extremely important to develop a scientific,standard and efficient command system. Based on the brief introduction of the forest fire incident command system of the United States,this paper presents an analysis on its safe and efficient running mechanism in terms of structural theory and system characteristics. It is considered that learning from advanced idea and experience of the incident command system of the United States can improve speedily the forest fire fighting command system of China and raise scientific command level.