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    28 April 2011, Issue 2
    Management and Administration
    Forest Management under New Situation—Expansion of Practice Contents
    LUO Mingcan, JIN Aixian
    2011,(2):  1-4. 
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    After the collective forest ownership system reform,some new issues for forest management are raised.Based on the analysis of research contents for forest management,this paper proposes to add leisure forestry management in forest management and to strengthen forest management planning in the new socialist rural development program. Additionally it also discusses the contents about practice expansion in forest management.
    Effects of Forests on Freshwater and Wetlands——A case study of Fujian Province
    GAO Zhaowei
    2011,(2):  5-7. 
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    In accordance with the functions and roles of the forest ecological system,this paper analyses the strong relationship among forests in Fujian mountain areas,freshwater in the watersheds and wetland water quality.It proposes to take good care of forest resources,freshwater and wetlands and to prevent degradation and destruction of forests,destruction and pollution of freshwater and wetlands.
    Investigation and Analysis on Forest Ecological Benefit Compensation in the Yangtze River Watershed
    MENG Meng, YIN Feng, CHEN Wenhui
    2011,(2):  8-14. 
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    The provinces of Sichuan,Qinghai,Guizhou and Yunnan are selected as study areas,watershed forest ecological benefit compensation as survey content,and residents (including farmers),non-government organizations and government agencies as survey samples to investigate,and 279 samples are obtained.This paper systemically analyses the cognition and opinions of the relevant stakeholders about watershed forest ecological benefits compensation conditions and summarizes the consensus and differences of stakeholders based on the survey questionnaires.Lastly,it pointes out some policy measures including using diversified compensation methods,allowing the stakeholders to participate in the policy development process,seeking more input of the central government and so on.
    Analysis on the Desire of the Peasant Households for Forest Land Management Right Circulation after Collective Forest Ownership System Reform—Take 409 peasant households in Liaoning Province as an example
    RAN Lurong, LU Jie
    2011,(2):  15-20. 
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    This article uses the sampling data of 409 forest farmer households in 12 counties (cities) of Liaoning Province after the collective forests ownership reform,utilizes Two Classification Logistic Regression Model for the peasant household forest land management right circulation desire,establishes the respective model of peasant household inflow,outflow and synthestic circulation and quantitatively analyses the major influencing factors and level of the occurrence of peasant household forest land circulation management ritghe desire.The result indicates that householder’s age and forest age both have remarkable impacts on the aspiration of peasant household forest land inflow and outflow desire.The types of forest,degree of difficulty in forest land circulation and whether to know the forest land circulation service center have the remarkable influence on the inflow aspiration of the peasant households;the years of householder’s education,number of laborers of the household,whether to have the forestry income,degree of difficulty in fund obtaining,non-farming and forestry income and the land transfer deadline have remarkable influence on the outflow aspiration of the peasant households.And the degree of such influences are also analyzed.
    Study on the Tourism Development of Suburban Forests from the Perspective of Experience Economy——A Case Study of the City of Shenyang
    YU Dongxuan, LIU Xingshuang
    2011,(2):  21-26. 
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    From the perspective of experience economy,this paper analyses the strength of the development of forest tourism in suburban areas,expounds the concept of the tourism development of suburban forests.Taking the forest tourism in Shenyang suburban as an example,this paper puts forward ideas of the tourism development from the perspective of experience economy.
    The Crisis and Countermeasures in Major Transitional Zone of the Nature Reserve—Based on investigation of the agreement protection mechanism of Mashan village in Li County of Aba Autonomous Prefecture,Sichuan Province
    TAN Jing, FENG Jie, WANG Ming
    2011,(2):  27-31. 
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    Based on crisis management for the important transition zones of nature reserves,the protection agreement mechanism is introduced to solve management deficiencies for the important transition zones of nature reserves. The results indicate that the agreement protection mechanism will be handed over to the community and farmers,which will encourage the communities and social organizations to participate in conservation.The protection mechanism can effectively alleviate the transition zone biodiversity crisis,maintain ecosystem integrity and security of the core area and the experimental area and address such the main problems as the absence of nature reserve management system and management deficiency.
    Analysis on Forest Distribution and Structure in Beijing
    CHEN Haiyan, LI Wei
    2011,(2):  32-35. 
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    This paper analyzes the distribution and structure of forest resources in Beijing objectively including uneven distribution,more pure forest,unreasonable structure,simple biodiversity,large proportion of middle-aged and young trees. It also makes suggestions for adjusting and optimizing forest structure.
    Science and Technology
    The Forest Regeneration and Fuel Load on the Burned Areas of Beijing Xishan Forest Farm
    LIU Xiaodong, ZHANG Yanlei, JIN Lin, ZHANG Ziquan, LIU Xiaoshuang, QIU Linfang
    2011,(2):  36-41. 
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    Based on the field investigation data,the post-fire forest regeneration and fuel load in Platycladus orientalis forest、Pinus tablaeformisforest forest、Robinia pseudoacacia forest and Fraxinus chinensis forest were studied in Beijing Xianshan Forest Farm.In which,the first two forests was burned in 2003 and the other two stands burned in 2006,also,the artificial regeneration mode was used in the first forest and the natural regeneration mode was used in other three stands,and the potential combustibility of regeneration forests was discussed.The results showed that the post-fire biodiversity index decreased,but the total fuel load increased in the Platycladus orientalis forest compared with the unburned site;on the contrary,the biodiversity index increased,and the total fuel load decreased in the other three forest types compared with the unburned sites.The accumulation of post-fire fuel load indicated the positive relation with the regeneration time;also,the flammable fuel load increased after burning,thus the potential combustibility is increased in the post-fire forest.
    Niche Characteristics of Dominant Species in Juglans mandshurica Communities in Lishan Nature Reserve,Shanxi
    GAO Kun, ZHANG Feng
    2011,(2):  42-47. 
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    As an endemic to China,Juglans mandshurica is one of the rare and endangered plants under protection in Shanxi Province.The individuals of species is shrinking due to serious impacts by human activities,so it is important to study the relationship between J.mandshurica and its habitats for scientific protection.Based on niche theory,niche width and niche overlap of 26 dominant species in J.mandshurica communities in Lishan Nature Reserve of Shanxi were analyzed.The results demonstrated that the constructive species and dominant species,such as J.mandshurica,Forsythia suspense,and Carex lanceolata had a broad niche,because they were widely distributed with more individuals,and had stronger competition for resources.Other species such as Toxicodendron vernicifluum and Rhamnus parvifolia had narrow niche width.The results of general overlap showed that 26 dominant species were not of completely general overlap.The species with wider niche width had wider niche specific overlapping with the other species,such as J.mandshurica,Forsythia suspense,Syringa pekinensis with other species.But some species pairs with wider niche width had narrow niche specific overlap,such as J.mandshurica and Ajuga ciliate,Syringa pekinensis and Artemisia subdigitata etc.The species with narrower niche width are likely to have higher niche specific overlap such as Ostryopsis davidiana and Crataegus pinnatifida.
    Fuel Types and Characteristics in Main Coniferous Forest in Yunnan Province
    WANG Qiuhua, SHU Lifu, LI Shiyou
    2011,(2):  48-53. 
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    The altitude of most forest fires in Yunnan province is between 1 600 and 3 000 meters,where conifers are dominant.About 85 percent of the total forest fires occured in these areas.Based on botanic community classification,surveying of 62 typical plots,forest fuel characters,natural condition,stand structure characteristics and main associated species,main conifers can be classified into 6 types,which include Pinus yunnanensis-with shrub,Pinus yunnanensis-with grasses,Pinus kesiya var.langbianensis with shrub,Pinus kesiya var.langbianensis -with grasses,Pinus armandii -with shrub,and Pinus armandii -with grasses.
    Community Structure and Natural Regeneration Characteristics of Vatica mangachapoi Forest in Shimei Bay
    LIU Shuju, HAO Qingyu
    2011,(2):  54-59. 
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    The Vatica mangachapoi forest in Shimei Bay has an important role of natural model in rehabilitation and reconstruction of coastal shelterbelt.The characteristics of community structure and natural regeneration in Shimei Bay Vatica mangachapoi forest were investigated and analyzed by using plot survey method and the results showed:overcut forest and secondary forest have obvious different features,in which the basal area and average DBH of the Vatica mangachapoi in the overcut forest were 53.98% and 19.43% higher than those in the secondary forest,but the density of the Vatica mangachapoi in the secondary forest was 17.47% higher than that in the overcut forest.The Vatica mangachapoi was the predominant species in the two kinds of forest stands,with over 95% of Vatica mangachapoi composition (basal area) and over 0.8 of the importance value.The diameter structure of Vatica mangachapoi was mainly distributed among 5~20cm diameter classes,in which most of trees are in 5~10cm diameter classes,with 74.6% and 66.1% of the total numbers separately in secondary forest and overcut forest.The natural regeneration numbers of the Vatica mangachapoi saplings in the two kinds of stands were adequate,but the numbers of seedlings in the overcut forest were inadequate,with only 1550 trees per hectare.The regeneration seedlings and saplings fit aggregated distribution,with a very high degree of aggregation.
    Forest Biomass at Forest Farm Level in Miyaluo Forest Region of West Sichuan Province
    CAI Xueqi, SUN Yu, LIU Xiaodong
    2011,(2):  60-64. 
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    Based on the forest resource inventory data,according to the relationship model between sub-compartment volume and forest biomass,the forest biomass of 301 Forest Farm in Miyaluo forest region of west Sichun province was estimated.The forest biomass under each age class was analyzed,as well as the biomass of different forest type.The results indicated that the total biomass of the studied area was 3 041 229t,the average biomass was 87.13t/hm2,which is less than the average value of biomass both in national and Sichuan provincial level. This is mainly caused by poor quality of the site in which the main dominant species(Picea balfouriana and Abies squamata) are located,and caused by the low biomass value. The age structure of main forest type is irrational and the biomass from mature and over mature forest accounts for 69%.Among different forest types,the soil and water conservation forest occupied 80% of the total biomass.This study provided scientific basis for the forest resources management in the studied area.
    Investigation and Analysis on Garden Plants and Their Salt Tolerance in Southeast Shandong Coastal Area
    WANG Kai, LI Wei, MU Zhigang, MA Haiyan, CHEN Weifeng
    2011,(2):  65-71. 
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    On the basis of field survey combined with documents investigation,analysis and investigation were conducted on the resources of wild ornamental plants and the salinity and alkali tolerance of these plants in Southeast Shandong coastal area. The author of this paper works out the lists of the wild plants and classification of their salinity and alkali tolerance according to their growth and site conditions.Meanwhile landscaping plants in Southeast Shandong coastal area are selected.The results show that there are 174 species plants belonging to 61 families in Southeast Shandong coastal area,and 83species plants belonging to 37 families has been used in the landscape.There are 8 gymnosperm species belonging to 3 families,75 angiosperm species belonging to 34 families and 91 wild plant species belonging to 31 families,including 47 landscaping plants species which can be popularized.While there are 5 kinds of wild plants used in the landscape,and 4 kinds of plants used for landscaping but rarely used in Southeast Shandong coastal area.There are 2 invasive species and 1 endangered specie.
    Daxing′anling Larix Regeneration of Pinus korariensis Forest Gap
    ZHANG Zuizui, TIE Niu, ZHANG Qiuliang, XI Qinghu, LIU Wenjun
    2011,(2):  72-77. 
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    This paper studies the regeneration density of different types of forest gaps,the number and causes of the edge of wood.The results showed that gaps are generally formed by 11 to 24 larch and birch trees with an average number of 16.94 trees, which includes standing dead trees, broken trees and uprooted trees. Of those trees, 11.8% are broken trees, 353% dead standing trees and 41.2% uprooted trees. Gap where the slope was lower in 58.9% and slope position,41.1% were in the upper slope.Ledum leaves in the forest,grass and moss larch forest regeneration density by the limiting factors are different.In the larch forest Ledum gap regeneration is mainly affected by the impact of slope,grass leaf pines,mainly by the length of the gap regeneration of the axis ratio,moss larch forest gap edges of wood mainly by the number of edge trees.
    Evaluation of Land Ecosystem Adaptability Based on GIS in Linze County
    WANG Cuiping, LIU Baojun, SUN Jingmei, HAN Xiaohong, SHEN Jianjun
    2011,(2):  78-82. 
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    Taking Linze county as a study area,using GIS technology,based on the administrative division, the natural and geographical conditions,this paper plots out the evaluation unit of land in Linze county,filtrates the evaluating index by applying Delphi method,establishes the evaluation index system and determines the weight value. Then we calculate comprehensive assessment value with SAW method and set up the grade standard of suitability about land ecosystem. On the basis of the grade standard determination,we divide the sub-areas of adaptability of land ecosystem in Linze county,identify the usage of each sub-area,finally sets up the proper mode to adapt to eco-development. This provides scientific basis for development of ecological security barrier in the county.
    Design and Realization of the Dynamic Data Driven System of Forest Fire Simulation——the Case Study of Beijing Forest Fire Prevention System
    YANG Guangbin, LIU Pengju, TANG Xiaoming, LI Yiqiu
    2011,(2):  83-89. 
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    Based on geographical simulation system theory and taking dynamic data driven application systems as technological paradigm,this paper brought forward a new fire simulation technology framework and network system,solved the key technology in the simulation system building process such as model base construction and management,model suitability selection,model adaptive correction,real-time simulation validation,forest fire space spreading simulation,and so on.Automation and intelligent selecting precision of the forest fire model reached more than 75%.Model error correction simulation reached a more satisfactory result.With the further improvement of system construction,the system will integrate with the operational system,and improve the forest fire fighting decision-making.
    Study on Ortho-rectification of Spot5 Remote Sensing Image by Using GDEM
    MO Qijing, LUO Weisheng
    2011,(2):  90-92. 
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    SPOT5 remote sensing image of low mountains,hills,karst landform was selected as the experimental images.Based on GEOIMAGE software,Aster GDEM was used to ortho-rectify spot5 remote sensing images.The accuracy and quality of Ortho-rectification results was assessed.The results show that the accuracy of the ortho-rectified Spot5 remote sensing images can meet the application standards of forestry.
    The Chinese Fagaceae Resources— A Treasury Imperative for Development
    ZHOU Wei, XIA Nianhe
    2011,(2):  93-96. 
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    Fagaceae forests (oak woods) take the first place of the whole forests in China,both in terms of the area and the volume.Trees in Fagaceae are not only woody grain plant but also energy plant and economic plant.As the energy plant,species in Fagaceae have obvious advantage.A detailed survey about Fagaceae of all provinces in China is done for the first time.Problems exist in the present development of Fagaceae are analyzed and some strategies are put forward,which will help to develop the resources in depth and effectively.
    Forest Landscape Reconstruction of Mining Area in Laoshan of Nanjing
    ZHU Zunling, HE Wei
    2011,(2):  97-100. 
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    The present situation of mining wasteland was investigated and analyzed systematicly in Laoshan of Nanjing. Based on the engineering and technical measures,the selection of plants for ecological restoration and the community allocation model were proposed for creating diverse forest landscapes.
    New Developments in Other Countries
    Characteristics of Forest Resources and Forest Product Trade in Brazil and Their Implications to China
    ZHOU Fuhua, LI Jianquan
    2011,(2):  101-106. 
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    The general situation of Brazilian forestry was introduced in three aspects,which were the position of Brazilian forestry,Brazilian forest resources survey and forest product trade.On the basis of analyzing characteristics of Brazilian forest product trade,the paper concluded that some implications are drawn to Chinese forestry,as to broaden domestic and foreign markets,promote transformation of economic growth mode,cultivate dominant export product brand,consummate the national foreign trade regulations and improve management and technology level.Brazil is one of the countries abundant with biological resources and forest resources in the world.It is significant to summarize the features of Brazilian forest product trade and use them as reference for promoting and facilitating the development of Chinese forest product trade and forestry industry.
    The Wetlands Compensation System in USA and Its Inspiration
    SHAO Chenxia
    2011,(2):  107-112. 
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    There are three distinct mechanisms to compensate unavoidable wetland impacts in USA to satisfy the requirements of rules in order to reach the government’s wetlands “no net loss” goal.Permittee-responsible mitigation,mitigation banking and in-lieu fee mitigation are the three mechanisms.Federal regulations in USA establish a flexible preference for using credits from a mitigation bank over the other compensation mechanisms,which are growing fast in the past 30 years.The wetlands compensation system in USA can give our country great reference for wetland protection,which includes the idea of compensation,using market instrument for protection of wetlands and effective government management mechanism.