
Table of Content

    28 June 2011, Issue 3
    Management and Administration
    Development Course of National Forest Certification and Its Trend in China
    TANG Xiaoping, WANG Hongchun, ZHAO Youxian
    2011,(3):  1-4. 
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    The paper briefly reviews the introduction of forest certification in China,i.e. from the concepts to concrete behaviors and to administration work,summarizes the activities of national forest certification,which includes building-up organizations,establishing the publications and network,formulating the relative standards and codes,developing international cooperation and exchange,making experiments on forest certification,and so on. In view of China's national conditions and forestry conditions,the paper analyses four characteristics of national forest certification in future development,i.e. supervising by government,co-existing and mutual acceptance of the multiple forest certification systems,classifying forest certification,and linking with other administration work.
    Study on Status and Countermeasures of the Pilot Project of Policy-based Forest Insurance in China
    SHI Yan, WANG Hongwei, FANG Huailong
    2011,(3):  5-10. 
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    The Chinese government has started a pilot project of forest insurance premium subsidies in the provinces of Jiangxi,Hunan,Fujian,Zhejiang,Yunnan and Liaoning since the beginning of 2009. This paper introduces the characteristics and financial subsidy status of pilot project of policy-based forest insurance,analyzes the existing problems,and then proposes countermeasures to improve the pilot project of policy-based forest insurance.
    Ideas for the Construction of Sand-dust Storm Disaster Assessment System
    WU Jianwei, SUN Tao, LI Feng
    2011,(3):  11-14. 
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    The assessment of disaster is an important link and the foundation of sand-dust storm disaster management. Based on the analysis of condition of sand-dust storm disaster assessment,the article puts forward scientific ideas for the construction of sand-dust storm disaster assessment system,including establishment of assessment organization and strengthening inter-agency cooperation,utilizing methods of disaster assessment synthetically,building perfect disaster assessment system and enhancing the staff quality.
    Discussions on Compensation Mechanism of Ecoforest Benefits in Guangdong Province
    PENG Yaoqiang, XUE Li, WANG Hanzhong, ZENG Fen
    2011,(3):  15-19. 
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    In order to establish a rational and effective compensation mechanism,problems which existed in ecoforest compensation mechanism were analyzed and the eco-compensation ways were put forward with respect to legislation, compensation modes and implementation by step so as to realize the sustainable development of ecoforests.
    Study on Present Situation of Ecological Benefit Compensation for Yunnan Public Welfare Forests and Countermeasures
    DU Zongyi, LUO Mingcan, CHENG Qingqin
    2011,(3):  20-22. 
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    In this paper existing problems were summarized and analyzsed. The present situation of ecological benefit compensation for Yunnan public welfare forest was also analyzed and some sugestions and countermeasures were proposed to improve the current ecological benefit compensation mechanism.
    Overview on the Development of Sustainable Forest Management Evaluation System at Different Levels
    GUO Wei
    2011,(3):  23-27. 
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    In accordance with the development of economic society,forest become more and more emphasized by the government and the public. The key point of our research is whether the forest could develop in a sustainable way. The author makes focus description on SFM evaluation system at 3 levels including global,country,and sub-country,emphasizing the analysis of evaluation system study at state level,regional level and forest management unit level in China. In the end,the author points out future development direction of SFM evaluation system in 3 aspects,including building SFM evaluation systems in various levels,strengthening SFM certification,and establishing the mechanism consisting of government management,public participation and community co-management.
    Policy Evaluation on Performance of Collective Forest Tenure Reform in Fujian Province
    LIN Qinqin, WU Chengzhen, LIU Biao
    2011,(3):  28-32. 
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    Survey was conducted through questionnaires on performance of forest tenure reform in 10 counties of Fujian Province. Such contents were evaluated and analyzed as understanding of forest peasants on the reform and relevant policies, their involvement in the process, tax relief on the income of forest peasants, the process evaluation of the reform,the allocation of the collective forest land,the rate of the favor and satisfaction of the reform. The analysis showed that the vast majority of forest peasants are satisfied with the collective forest tenure reform,but there exist some issues such as lack of ideology and legal awareness, good mediation of disputes and clear boundary demarcation.
    Science and Technology
    Natural Forest Stand Growth Models for Daxing’anling Mountains
    LU Jun, ZHANG Huiru, LI Fengri
    2011,(3):  33-36. 
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    The Stand Density Index (SDI) was introduced as a measure of stand density for the natural forest to reflect the competition level between trees in natural forest area. The Site Class Index (SCI) was used for replacing site index to reflect the site quality of natural forest. The Schumacher growth function was selected as base model for developing stand growth and yield model for natural forests including basal area growth model,stand volume model,canopy density model and mortality volume model. From the fitting and validation,the models performed well.
    Research Trend of Forest Resources Stock and Rational Harvest in China
    ZHI Changgui, ZHENG Dongmei
    2011,(3):  37-42. 
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    On the basis of the data of the 7th National Forest Inventory,and according to the Code of Forest Harvesting and so on,the area and age class structures of 18 dominant tree species are adjusted through the Mathematical model. According to the results,Logistic growth model has high regression precision of volume and year factors,Adjusted R Square(R2) is 0.985,and Richard growth model has high regression precision of normal harvesting and year factors,Adjusted R Square(R2) is 0.985 . After adjustment,Accumulation of forest is 300 million m3,reasonable harvesting is about 7.5 billion m3in China.
    Study on Forestry Division Method Based on Integrated Modeling for Shangrila County
    ZHANG Chao, YUE Cairong, XU Hui, XU Tianshu, YUAN Hua
    2011,(3):  43-46. 
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    Based on the research in Shangrila County, Yunnan province of China,the major factors of forestry division in Shangrila were extracted,and the indicator system of Shangrila forestry division was established. The indicators were extracted with the spatial analysis,and the forestry division method of integrated modeling was processed. The method was taken through Principal Components Analysis,building the integrated model,Discriminate Analysis,seeking the ideal number of divisions and eliminating the scrappy polygons. The outcome showed that the method can reflect the present situation of the forestry development. The relative dominant subdivisions were distinguished reasonably,and a specific direction in forestry development was given. According to the statistics of the subdivisions,the relative dominant subdivisions were showed obviously.
    Carbon Emission from Huzhong Forest Fire in Daxing'anling
    LIU Bin, TIAN Xiaorui
    2011,(3):  47-51. 
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    Forest fire not only destroys the forest ecosystem,but also emits a great deal of green - house gases,and affect the carbon cycle. Estimating fire emissions can help us to further understand the fire effects on the carbon cycle. This paper analyzed the differences of the vegetation index after fire,based on satellite remote sensing image of Huzhong in Daxing'anling in June 2010,Fire intensity was classified by the changes of vegetation index after the fire. The consumed fuel loading and fire emissions were estimated for the burned areas with different fire intensity and vegetation types. The results show that the total burned area of Huzhong fire is 5812.4 hm2,total fuel consumption is 76742.51 t,carbon emission 34534.13 t,the carbon emissions of the Larch forest and the mixed broadleaf-conifer forest were 14934.16 and 19599.97 t respectively.
    Community Characteristics and Species Diversity of Rhodoleia championii Community in Dongguan Yinpingshan Forest Park,Guangdong
    DAI Jianyue, CHEN Lin, LIN Ruifen, ZHANG Shangkun, XING Fuwu
    2011,(3):  52-58. 
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    On the basis of field investigation of a 1 600m2 plot,We analyzed physiognomy,structure,the floristic composition and species diversity of a Rhodoleia championii community in Donguan Yinpingshan Forest Park,Guangdong. There were 153 vascular species,belonging to 116 genera and 73 families. Trop. & Subtrop. elements were the dominant. The community was mainly dominated by Rhodoleia championii. The vertical structure of the community was composed of Tree layer,shrub layer,herb layer and rich interstater plants,and dominated by evergreen plants in Microphanerophytes. According to the Raunkiaer Frequency Law,species in 1-20% occurrence frequency dominated the community,accounting for 67.97% of the total species. Because of the human interference,the number of the Saplings and young Rhodoleia championii trees was less,which indicates the population was on the declining trend. The different diversity indices showed different trend among layers in the community except that the shrub layer had the highest diversity.
    Study on Regeneration and Effect of Bashania Bamboo Forest after Strip Thinning in Foping Nature Reserve,China
    HE Xiangbo, ZHENG Xiaoyan, LIU Xuehua, CAI Xiaoli
    2011,(3):  59-64. 
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    Based on the difference analysis and statistical comparison with number,basal diameter and height of Bashania bamboo shoots and bamboo stems between the 1st and 2nd year(s) after strip thinning in Bashania Fargesi forest, it is shown that strip thinning can change the internal structure of B. Fargesi forest and increase the number of bamboo shoots and stems,and make bamboo regeneration occurr first. The effects of strip thinning will decrease with time. The effects on the basal diameter and height of both bamboo shoots and stems occurr in the second year after strip thinning. It is obvious,to some extend,that strip thinning can ease bamboo aging and quality deterioration,and finally attain rejuvenation.
    Study on the Species Diversity of Undergrowth Plant of Cunninghamia lanceolata Pure Forest and Mixed Forest with Broadleaved Trees in Northern Fujian
    ZHOU Xiuying
    2011,(3):  65-68. 
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    In this paper,the undergrowth plant diversity of Cunninghamia lanceolata pure forest,and its three types of mixed forest with 3 species of broadleaved trees in Jian’ou,Fujian province were studied. The results showed that the abundance and Shannon-wienner indexes in all three types of mixed forests were described as shrub layer >herbaceous layer. Except that of Cunninghamia lanceolata×Liriodendron chinense,the Simpson indexes of the 2 other types of mixed forest were greater in the herbaceous layers than that of the shrub layers,Pielou indexes were greater in the shrub layers than the herb layers. The undergrowth plant species of mixed forest was smaller,the dominant species were obvious,and the distribution was uneven. The distinction of four kinds of diversity indexes measured in the different mixed forests was not obvious. Compared with the mixed forest,the difference of all indexes in the pure forest were not significant. The results would help to improve the cultivation and management of Cunninghamia lanceolata and its mixed forest in northern Fujian province,and eventually realize the sustainable management of the Cunninghamia lanceolata forest.
    The Model of Diameter Distribution for Eucalyptus Plantations in Hainan Province
    XIANG Yangzhou, XU Daping, YANG Zengjiang, ZHANG Ningnan, GUO Junyu
    2011,(3):  69-71. 
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    Eucalyptus is the dominant species in term of plantation area in south China. The study on the characters of diameter distribution for eucalyptus plantations contributes to realizing its sustainable management. The diameter distribution of eucalyptus plantations in Wenchang,Qiongzhong,Changjiang and Ledong,Hainan province was simulated by Normal distribution function,Logistic distribution function,Weibull distribution function,and Gamma distribution function models. All fitting results were tested through the chi-square test. The results show that Normal distribution function and Weibull distribution function models are more suitable for the diameter distribution of Wenchang eucalyptus plantation,and Weibull is the best simulation for Qiongzhong,Changjiang and Ledong.
    Study on Formulation of Age-group Division and its Application
    WANG Hongchun
    2011,(3):  72-75. 
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    The paper analyzes the working-process of age-group division,formulates each age-group and derives the proportion formulae of age-group structure,calculation formula of ideal harvesting area,calculation method of area structure and volume structure of ideal age-groups in timber forest. The formulation of age-group division will be of great sighificance in optimizing age-groups in sustainable forest management.
    Analysis on Dynamic Changes of Forest Landscape in Different Zones of Dinghu Mountain Nature Reserve
    PENG Yue, ZHOU Kai, HE Binghui, WANG Jianli, WEI Hong
    2011,(3):  76-81. 
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    Base on the four period RS images,the forest landscape dynamic changes of different zones of Dinghu Mountain Nature Reserve were analyzed by means of GIS and RS technology. The result showed that 1) From 1979 to 2007,the dominance of the forest landscape was evident,the landscape heterogeneity and stability had a declining tendency; 2) Pine forest and shrublands had transferred into even green broadleaf forest and mixed floret; The Pine forest was transferred into no-forest types and indicated it suffered the strong impact; 3) Core zone had a weak disturbance level,and the buffer zone had the strongest level of disturbance,it conforms to the basic aim of function zone partition of nature reserve; 4) The main driving force of forest change in core zone is the succession of nature,high “AGR” ratio area focuses in the west of core zone; the disturbance was the main force to change the forest in buffer zone and transition area,the high “AGR” ratio area is in the east part.
    Study on Wetland Landscape Pattern Change in Liaohe Estuary —A Case Study of Panjin City
    HUANG Guilin, HE Ping
    2011,(3):  82-89. 
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    With multi-temporal remote sensing data and landscape pattern research approach,which is based on GIS,we analyzed the change of landscape in Liaohe estuary wetland during the last 30 years, figured out the landscape patterns of four periods (1976,1989,1998,2004) in the study area and computed the area of major landscape types,patch amount,the landscape indexes and landscape type transfer matrix of 4 periods. The results showed that Landscape types in Liaohe estuary did not change during the last 30 years,but Change of landscape pattern was found mainly in the spatial transition of landscape types,and usually with rapid rate and big degree in the transiton,and it was highly correlated with the impact of human activity and disturbance, especially, the agriculture development, oil production,and urbanization.
    Cooperative Information Techniques for Subcompartment Division of Forest and Greening of Metropolitan
    HUANG Shuisheng, XIE Yangsheng, TANG Xiaoming, LIU Pengju
    2011,(3):  90-95. 
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    With the number of metropolises increased and the scale of them expanded,biological environment problems are becoming increasingly conspicuous in China in recent decades. As important natural infrastructure to preserve the ecological environment to metropolis,the cooperative monitoring of forest and greening resources becomes more and more urgent. As an important part of forest and greening resources monitoring,the cooperative management of subcompartment division of forests and greening is the important foundation. Considering the reality of conflict between forest subdivision and greening subdivision,the paper analyzes the relationship of forest subdivision and greening subdivision,cooperative information mechanism and techniques is proposed,and the implementation method is given. It provides some references for its advanced research.
    Study on Application of Remote Sensing Images in Inspection of Forestland Requisition and Occupation
    YU Shiyong, WANG Lin, YU Xiaoguang
    2011,(3):  96-99. 
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    Remote sensing images were used for inspecting the requisition and occupation of forestland in Nanmu Forest Bureau,Linxi County and Hangjin County in Inner Mongolia. The relationship between RS image change and forestland change was analyzed. It was also discussed how to improve accuracy of inspection of forestland by means of remote sensing images.
    Research and Application of Service-Oriented Information Service for Integrated Monitoring of Forest Resources
    ZENG Ming, ZHANG Huaiqing, JU Hongbo
    2011,(3):  100-104. 
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    Syntax and semantics of the heterogeneous problems exist in information service for integrated monitoring of forest resources currently. To resolve the problems, a service-oriented integrated monitoring of forest resources information service architecture is proposed. Then the syntax and semantic heterogeneity of forestry spatial information services are analyzed theoretically. Finally,two services are achieved including the network and visualization of integrated monitoring of forest resources.
    Design and Development of Forest Fire Risk Assessment and Forest Fire protection Resource Allocation System
    DAI Shoulian, XU Aijun
    2011,(3):  105-110. 
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    Based on the ArcGIS software platform,C # language was used for design and development of the forest fire risk assessment and forest fire protection resource allocation System. Functions of the system were designed. The main modules of the system and the data flow were analyzed in detail and the system space data and attribute data and interface were also developed.
    Design and Implementation of Forest Tenure Reform Information Service System Based on WebGIS
    ZHANG Jialong, ZHANG Gaofeng
    2011,(3):  111-114. 
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    This paper presents a description on the research of forest tenure reform information service system based on WebGIS. The implemention of data web publishing has been realized, including the client's GIS basic functions, attribute information inquiry,land parcels information statistics and spatial analysis functions. The operation of the system can facilitate view, query and management of data so as to improve government work efficiency.
    New Developments in Other Countries
    On the Evolution and Enlightenment of Forestry Management System and Forest Resources Protection Policies in the United States
    ZHAO Tiezhen, KE Shuifa, HAN Fei
    2011,(3):  115-120. 
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    The United States is one of the developed countries in forestry in the world. The experiences of forest development could be learned by other countries. Based on the literature material,the forestry management system and forest resources protection policies were systematically analyzed. Finally,some conclusions and enlightenment were summarized. Research results have shown that the experience in two aspects could be learned from the America’s forestry development,i.e. the high-efficiency service-oriented forestry management system,the tradition of protection,and management of forests according to law.