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    28 August 2011, Issue 4
    Management and Administration
    New Approach of Forest Zoning in China
    LI Nanqian, CHEN Jianwei
    2011,(4):  1-5. 
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    In the past,the forest zoning in China was mainly conducted from the perspectives of forest regions and administration. This paper discusses a new approach,namely to divide forest zones in line with forest ecosystems,and proposes to zone China’s forests based on the base band zone theory within the framework of climatic zones with focus on maintaining the integrity of forest ecosystem,including the vegetation type,vegetation formation group and wild plants and animals,from being separated by administrative divisions. A new scheme was proposed,based on which the forests in China are divided into seven zones. Such zoning scheme is not only a new exploration to the forest zoning in China,but also a significant guidance to the development and management of the nature reserves of forest ecosystem type in China.
    Approach and Technology of Developing Forest Cutting Quota for the 12th Five-year Plan Period
    ZHAO Chen, XU Mingze, LIU Zhenying, TENG Yiyan
    2011,(4):  6-8. 
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    Forest harvesting is a key measure for readjusting forest structures,improving forest quality,increasing forest resources quantity and enhancing forest functions. Implementation of forest cutting quota management is an important legal system specified in the Forest Law. This paper presents an introduction to the principle,approach and technology for formulating the forest cutting quota for the 12th five-year plan period so as to improve forest harvesting and management.
    Thinking about the Legalization of Wetlands’ Concept in China
    TIAN Xinqiao, WU Jiajia
    2011,(4):  9-15. 
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    The legalization of wetlands’ concept is the basis of legal issues with researching wetlands’ law.,the delegalization of wetlands’ concept has been a sticking point of the various contradictions in legal practice of our wetland conservation. The legalization of wetlands’ concept in western developed countries,its strict pattern,combining leniency with rigidity patterns and loose pattern of definition are analysed. The evolution of the legalization of wetlands’ concept in China is analyzed with a reference to foreign patterns of the legalization of wetlands’ concept. Based on the analysis on legal concept of wetland of our country from the present types of wetland,efforts are to be made to propel the evolution of the legalization of wetlands’ concept in China.
    Current Progress and Development Trend of Woody Oil-plant Derived Biodiesel Production in China
    YANG Wenbo, LIU Weijia, SHI Lei, ZHENG Wenming
    2011,(4):  16-19. 
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    The woody oil-plants derived biodiesel production is suitable for China’s bio-diesel development strategy. Although China is rich in woody oil-plant resources,the implementation of its development and industrialization is facing many problems. This paper systematically analyzed current status of the industry,described the issues and countermeasures in resource survey,production management,policies and regulations,summarized the trend of biodiesel production in China by using woody oil plants under the current background of global focus on the development of ‘green energy’.
    Farmer’s Willingness of Maintaining the Results of the Grain-for-green Project—Based on the investigation of 248 farmer households of Wuqi county in Shaanxi province
    LI Rongyao
    2011,(4):  20-25. 
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    Farmer’s willingness of maintaining the results of the grain-for-green project has significant influence on the sustainable development of the project. The importance of farmers’ willingness has gradually become obvious,which is for consolidating distemperedness achievements and ensuring the further implementation of the project.This paper has presented an analysis on the important factors influencing farmers’ willingness in the new stage and tried to seek relevant measures to readjust their thinking and behaviors aiming at improving the effectiveness of the project. Besides,this paper put forward some suggestions and countermeasures.
    Present State and Development Countermeasure of the Protection and Utilization of the Coastal Backbone Forest in Fujian
    XIAO Jun
    2011,(4):  26-29. 
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    The coastal backbone forest is the first barrier and ecological protection line for natural disasters. It is also the most basic and primary forest belt for coast protection forest. This paper introduces the current situation,effects and existing problems of the protection and utilization for the coastal backbone forest in Fujian. The countermeasures and suggestions are raised for protection and management of backbone forest under the new situation.
    Science and Technology
    Analysis on Carbon Content Factors of Different Organs of Larch in Northeastern China
    DANG Yongfeng, ZENG Weisheng, WANG Xuejun
    2011,(4):  30-34. 
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    The function of forests for fixing carbon and releasing oxygen gives full scope to relieve the global climate warming,thus forest carbon monitoring is more important,and carbon content factor (CCF)is a key index. Based on the data of larch (Larix spp)in northeastern China,the CCF’s of different organs were analyzed systematically using hypothesis test and regression analysis. The results showed:(i)the CCF’s of different organs are almost significantly different,and the order by CCF from the largest to the smallest is stem bark,branch,foliage,root,and stem wood; (ii)the CCF of upper stem wood is significantly larger than those of middle and lower stem woods,whereas the CCF’s of middle and lower stem woods are not significantly different; (iii)the CCF’s of roots with different sizes are not significantly different,and the CCF’s of root and aboveground biomass are also not significantly different; (iv)the CCF’s of different organs are relatively stable,and are not related significantly with the tree diameter and height,but the CCF of whole tree,especially the CCF of root,is related significantly with the tree origin.
    Quantitative Analysis of Water Conservation of 3 Types of Forest in Mountainous Area of North Hebei Province
    YAO Weixing, ZHANG Rusong, ZHANG Wei, YANG Xinbing, CHEN Bo, YAO Weihong, ZHANG Rugui
    2011,(4):  35-39. 
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    This article studied the hydrological,ecological effects of of the forest ecosystem through three layers of forest canopy,litter and soil. The water conservation function of 3 main types of mixed forest of Larix and Betula,Populus and Betula,Pinus and Mongolica in Mountainous area of north Hebei Province was evaluated by the method of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)combined with the software MATLAB. The forest types were listed as follows:the mixed forest of Larix and Betula (0.348 4)>the mixed forest of Pinus and Mongolica(0.334 1)>the mixed forest of Populus and Betula (0.317 5). It is proved that AHP is an effective quantitative analysis method for evaluating forest function in water conservation.
    Study on Monitoring Method of Forest Biomass Based on MODIS
    HAN Aihui, ZHI Changgui, WANG Xuejun, XIA Chaozong
    2011,(4):  40-47. 
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    In this paper,3 northeast provinces are used as the trial area. Multiple Linear Regression method is used to build the forest biomass RS estimation model. In the model building process,some plots’ data of national forest inventory are used as the basic data,and time-serial NDVI of MODIS data and Annual Average Precipitation,Annual Average Evapotranspiration,Annual Average Wettability,Annual Average accumulated temperature,longitude and latitude are also used as independent variables. Test result shows that the accuracy of the model estimation is relatively high,the difference between average biomass per hectare of test plots and the estimated value based on MODIS is 1.30%; but the average difference by positioning test analyzing is 21.87%. So this forest biomass model is suitable for forest biomass macro monitoring.
    Successional Dynamics of Cunninghamia lanceolata Forest Community in Dajing Reservoir’s Catchment,Hunan Province
    XU Yongfu, YU Xunlin, WANG Liqing, XING Jinlong
    2011,(4):  48-52. 
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    This article studies the Cunninghamia lanceolata community’s successive process of the population composition and the change of the community structure in different periods by investigating the representative forest of Cunninghamia lanceolata in the Dajing reservoir’s catchment,and offering scientific base for their rational management. Four characteristics of succession about Cunninghamia lanceolata forest in the Dajing reservoir can be concluded:(1)The evergreen forest is preserved near the artificial forest in Daing reservoir,so the succession of Cunninghamia lanceolata forest has enough seed sources; (2)The evergreen broad-leaved trees intruding into the ground of Cunninghamia lanceolata forest firstly are Elaeocarpus japonicas,Adinandra millettii,Cyclobalanopsis glauca and so on; (3)The intrusion of successive trees usually starts from the gap and ledge of Cunninghamia lanceolata forest; (4)Cunninghamia lanceolata forest,community succession through three stages,namely cunninghamia lanceolata forest,cunninghamia lanceolata and and broad-leaved mixed forest and evergreen broad-leaved forest and the community species diversity increases in turn.
    Study on the Phenotype Diversity of Woody Energy Plant Pistacia chinensis Bunge
    WU Zhizhuang, LI Yueqiao, WANG Zejun, WANG Xueyong, ZHANG Zhixiang
    2011,(4):  53-58. 
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    Based on investigation and analysis of 11 natural pupulations of Pistacia chinensis Bunge in China,morphological variation and diversity of pupulations were studied. Variation of all 18 characteristics are significantly different among and within populations. CV among phenotypic characteristics is markably different,varying from 4.249% to 27.31%. CV of fruit traits is minimum,which is controlled mostly by genetic factors. Average phenotypic differentiation coefficient (Vst)is 22.27%,indicating that the genetic variation within population is the main sources of genetic diversity. The 11 populations are classified,according to cluster analysis,into 4 groups. Besides 100 fruit weight,1000 grains weight and seed length,there was no significant relationship between phenotypic characteristics with geographic and ecological factors,but as longitude and latitude increase,the most fruits,seeds,leaves traits increase.
    Study on the Relationship between Structure and Functions of Water Conservation Forests in Mountainous Area of Beijing
    DU Yan, WANG Wei, ZHENG Xiaoxian
    2011,(4):  59-65. 
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    In order to grasp the characteristics and the relationship between the structure and function of water conservation forest in mountainous area of Beijing,this paper firstly takes the main forest types of water conservation as the research object. Based on the analysis of the structure of the stand,it studies the relationship between the stand structure and water conservation function by the method of multi-factor analysis. The results show that the stand level,the forest species,age,canopy density,origin,level,biological volume and structure of soil are the main seven factors which impact the functions of water conservation. The results may provide a scientific basis for the management of the water conservation forest in mountainous area of Beijing.
    Niche Characteristics of Dominant Populations in Cotinus coggygria var. pubescens Communities,Shanxi
    LUO Yantao, MIAO Mengmeng, LIU Xiaoxia, MENG Yuyan, SONG Jiaojiao, ZHANG Feng
    2011,(4):  66-70. 
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    The niche breadth and niche overlapping of 24 dominant species in Cotinus coggygria var. pubescens communities in Zhongtiao Mountains,Shanxi were studied by using Shannon-Wiener’s index and Pianka’s index. The results indicated that the niche breadths of C. coggygria var. pubescens and Rosa xanthina were the biggest,which directly reflected their dominant positions as constructives in C. coggygria var. pubescens communities. The overlapping of C. coggygria var. pubescens and R. xanthina was the biggest among all of species,and the reason was that they were both in the first subshell of the shrub layer and they shared resources in the similar way which approved their occupation on sufficient natural resources. Moreover,the specific overlapping between C. coggygria var. pubescens and Artemisia branyliba was bigger than that on other pair-species because they occupied different sub-layer in the communities and were sun plants that resulted in competition for light resource. The overlapping among species in the shrub layers were more than that in the herb layer,it resulted from that there were more different ecological characteristics among the herbs.
    Ecological Effects of Different Models of Conversion of Farmland to Forest in Hilly Loess Plateau in Qinghai Province
    DONG Xu
    2011,(4):  71-75. 
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    Based on field investigation and experimental data,the effects of soil and water conservation from different models of conversion of farmland to forest,were as follows:mixture of picea crassifolia and birch>birch>mixture of picea crassifolia and hippophae rhamnoides>picea crassifolia >hippophae rhamnoides>farmland,in hilly loess plateau in Qinghai province. The effects of biodiversity were as follows: mixture of picea crassifolia and birch >hippophae rhamnoides>birch>picea crassifolia >mixture of picea crassifolia and hippophae rhamnoides>farmland. The effects of microclimate were as follows:mixture of picea crassifolia and birch>birch>mixture of picea crassifolia and hippophae rhamnoides>hippophae rhamnoides>picea crassifolia>farmland. The study also showed the ecological effects were increasingly better as forest age increased.
    Study on Landscape Changes of Chaobai River Watershed
    XIA Bing, LU Shaowei, WANG Yuhua, CHEN Fengjuan, LIU Tao
    2011,(4):  76-81. 
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    Based on RS and GIS techniques and using remote sensing images of 1972-2008 period as a source,the landscape dynamic characteristics data of Chaobai river watershed during the 1972-2008 period were collected and analyzed by ARCGIS. The development and transforming of landscape types of Chaobai river watershed were identified to reveal the rule for land use spatial-time variation.
    Classification and Ordination of Plant Communities in Yundingshan Nature Reserve,Shanxi
    LIU Mingguang, LIU Ying, ZHANG Feng, LIANG Xiaoming
    2011,(4):  82-88. 
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    Based on the datasets from the field,58 quadrats in the plant communities of Yundingshan Nature Reserve,Shanxi were classified into 13 associations by TWINSPAN,including Ass. Larix principis-rupprechtii+ Betula platyphylla- Lonicera maakii- Carex lanceloata,Ass. Picea meyeri+ Larix principis-rupprechtii- Spiraea pubescens+ Lonicera chrysantha- Carex lanceloata+ Dendranthema chanetii,Ass. Betula platyphylla- Spiraea pubescens- Iris ruthenica,Ass. Betula platyphylla- Rosa bella+ Lonicera chrysantha- Dendranthema chanetii,Ass. Pinus tabulaeformis+ Quercus liaotungensis- Lonicera chrysantha+ Rosa xanthina- Carex lanceloata+ Dendranthema chanetii,et al.The ordination results of the communities from DCA were as following:The first axis of the DCA ordination indicated the tendency of slope change was from the sunless side to the sunlit side. The second axis reflected the change of altitude. Moreover,the ordinations of the 68 dominant species and 58 quadrats showed they shared some similarities.
    Study on Structural Characteristics of Shrub Community in Typical Natural Secondary Forest in Hebei Province
    HE Yu, DING Guodong, LIANG Wenjun, GAO Guanglei, AN Yun, Wei Bao, BAO Yanfeng, ZHANG Linlin
    2011,(4):  89-93. 
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    Based on the vegetation investigation of a 2 hm2 plot in the typical natural secondary forest in Forest Bureau of Mulan-Weichang,Hebei Province,this paper analyzes structural characteristics of shrub community. The results indicate:(1)A total number of 29 shrub species of 15 families,22 genera are found in this survey,including 12 878 clusters,20 861 individuals,Corylus mandshurica,Acer mono seedlings and Weigela florida are three dominant species in this shrub community; (2)The diameter of about 80% shrubs is more than 1cm,especially Picea wilsonii and Larix principis-rupprechtii seedings; (3)Shrubs can be divided into two layers by a height of 2 m boundary and the upper shrubs are superior to the lower ones in terms of diameter and crown; (4)From the perspective of spatial distribution,shrubs show some spatial heterogeneity in frequency,relative saliency and relative abundance,etc.
    Species Diversity of Gaps in Castanopsis eyrei Stands in Zhawan Naturel Reserve of Anhui Province,China
    JIANG Guohua, WU Zemin
    2011,(4):  94-101. 
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    By using a line sampling a total of 36 gaps were measured in the coumunity of Castanopsis eyrei in the nature reserve area of Zhawan located in south Anhui Province. The gaps were classified into three types based on it area,large gap with area of 300m2~400m2,middle 100m2~200m2 and small <100m2. 5 samples of (4×4m2) were set for each type of gaps and under canope,and results of sample investigation showed that there were 18 tree species in large gap,11 in middle and 13 in small one; for understory species there are 28 in big gap,21 in both middle and small one respectively. Based on species of important value,Alnus trabeculosa was listed at first in both big gap and middle one,but Meliosma veitchiorum and Castanopsis eyrei were at top in small gap; young seedling of Cyclobalanopsis myrsinaefolia and herb species Woodwardia japonica are dominant in understory in the 3 gaps of different size. This indicated that Cyclobalanopsis myrsinaefolia could grow up into canopy layer and will be dominant species in future.Both of the number of tree species and richness in gaps was higher than that in non-gap,but ecological evenness in gap was lower compared to that in non-gap,Its similar to shrub herb species. Species diversity of tree species was the highest in gaps of 300~400m2 and the lowest in that of 100~200m2. SW diversity index and evenness index for different gaps could be list in order as the follows:big gap > middle gap > small gap,for ecological dominance:middle gap > big gap > small gap. The species richness of the shrub tree and herb species was listed at top in gaps of 300~400m2,and in the smaller gap area the richness could be lower. The species diversity for both shrub herb species was at top in big gap,and ecological dominance index was the lowest in small gaps,but the highest in middle gaps.
    Analysis System of Forest Resource Dynamics Based on ArcGIS and Forest Management Survey Data
    ZHANG Huiru, HE Peng, JIN Aixian
    2011,(4):  102-108. 
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    This study takes Beijing Yanqing county as an example. The analysis system of forest resource dynamics with forestry characteristics was built based on the 1999 and 2004 forest management survey (class 2 survey)data and ArcGIS Engine development platform. The system not only has functions of generic operation,inquiry and statistics,but also the functions of forest resources statistics analysis,forest landscape pattern index calculation and analysis,forest ecological benefit calculation and analysis. The system is easy to operate and has high efficiency. So it provides practical means and tools for statistical analysis of of forest resources dynamic change,and also a foundation for future researchon on building forest resources comprehensive evaluation system.
    Analysis of Landscape Spatial Structure in Saihanba Area Based on Mapinfo Technology
    CHANG Weiqiang, ZHANG Yan, LONG Shuanghong, SONG Yanwen
    2011,(4):  109-116. 
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    According to the principle of landscape ecology,and with the help of technology of Mapinfor,the patch density,marginal density,landscape dominance index were analyzed. Meanwhile the stand type of forest landscape,origin and distribution were discussed. The results showed that the three indexes (patch density,marginal density,landscape dominance index)in hillside was higher than sand land and Mandian area,but the landscape diversity in hillside was lower than sand land and Mandian area. The forest land had the relative dominance.Deciduous coniferous forest landscapes had the largest area,38306.7hm2,followed by broad-leaved forest and evergreen coniferous forest,16470.5hm2,9455.5hm2,shrub and mixed forests were the smallest ones. The Mandian area,deciduous coniferous forest landscape had the highest advantage,and the better part was pure larch stands. The forest structure was simple. Hillside area,coniferous and broad-leaf deciduous forest landscape dominance index was higher,which is mostly natural secondary broad-leaved forest. The main part was Populus and the rest was birch trees. In sand land,deciduous forest and evergreen coniferous forest coniferous dominance is higher,and most evergreen coniferous forest is artificial pine forest in sand land.
    Review of Methods for Forest Parameter Estimation with LiDAR
    DUAN Zhugeng, XIAO Huashun
    2011,(4):  117-121. 
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    This paper summarizes the application of forest parameter estimation with the airborne laser radar,such as tree height,canopy density,growing stock,biomass and so on. Accuracy of forest parameters estimated and its influencing factors is summarized and analyzed. The key technologies are summarized about forest parameters estimated based on airborne laser radar data,such as methods of filtering points cloud based on geometric characteristics of LiDAR data,methods for forest parameters estimated based on the intensity information,methods of processing the full-wave form LiDAR data and fusion technique between LiDAR data and multi-spectral imaging. The paper described their status,scopes of their application and problems.
    Monitoring of Harvest and Reforestation Dynamics with HJ-1 Imagery in Beibu Gulf Region
    DAI Yuli
    2011,(4):  122-126. 
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    This paper describes the monitoring results of harvest and reforestation dynamics between 2008 and 2009 with HJ-1 CCD imagery in Beibu Gulf region. Major results show:1)HJ-1 CCD imagery has good internal geometric consistency. The registration accuracy between two-period imageries can be less than 0.5 pixel,which is suitable for dynamic monitoring. 2)Monitoring the harvest and reforestation by NDVI detection has a high consistency with ocular interpretation,and can reach a high monitoring accuracy. 3)Monitoring results indicate that area of Eucalyptus is expanding,which increased by 13.4% comparing to that of 2008. Among that more than 50% is reforested on harvested conifer woodlands.
    Research and Application of the Calculation Method of Carbon Sequestration of Chinese Fir Stand
    LIU Diqin, DAI Jingsheng, XI Limin, FAN Guiliang
    2011,(4):  127-130. 
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    To meet the requirements of forest management and carbon sequeseration trade development,the data of forest management inventory in Taojiang county were used for calculating the amount,value and dynamics of carbon sequestration in the subcompartments of Chinese fir. The results show that the calculation is simple and of practical use. By using this method,the area of subcompartments and stand density,the dynamics of carbon sequestration of the stands in the subcompartments can be predicted for a certain period of time in future.